
2022 Wasn’t the First Time!? 2019 Video Shows Infamous Pastor Rubbing Snot and Spit on Congregant’s Face

In another absolutely gag-worthy, don’t-listen-or-you’ll-throw-up illustration, a newly unearthed video from a 2019 sermons series shows Pastor Michael Todd repeatedly hocking phlegm strings of snot and spit into his hand in order to mix it with dirt and in order to rub it on a congregant’s face.

Transformation Church’s Lead Pastor is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last two years he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 away in “reparations” and purchased a real estate complex for over $20,000,000, and then another for $35,000,000.

He also frequently wears outfits worth more than most people’s mortgages, wearing shoes, shorts, and costs that can cost several thousand dollars each.

From this January 21, 2019 sermon “What if it’s Messy“, Todd talks about Jesus healing the blind man, and does a precursor to his most recent controversy. Waxing eloquent on “Don’t let the method of release keep you from the miracle of release” he explains that though this spitshow is gross, dirty and messy, it was the means to achieving a miracle for a blind man, and another gross and messy processes may be instrumental in you attaining your blessing and prosperity.

h/t to @Kdubtru for the story.


Pastor Apologizes for Wiping Snot and Spit on Congregants’ Face for Sermon Illustration

‘Pastor Michael Todd of Transformation Church in Tulsa, OK, has apologized for spitting phlegm and saliva into his hands and then rubbing on a congregants face (a man who later turned out to be his brother) is some obscene, freaky-deaky sermon illustration, writing on social media it was “never my intention to distract others from God’s Word and the message of Jesus… even with illustrations!” and “I apologize for my example being too extreme and disgusting!”

He explains in the video

I just want to acknowledge what happened yesterday when the ‘spit’ hit the fan. I watched it back and it was disgusting. Like, that was gross. I want to validate everybody’s feelings. That was a distraction to what I was really trying to do. I was really trying to make the word come alive and for people to see the story.

But yesterday, it got too live. And I own that
. And I just want to make sure people know that we want to help people. We want people to see Jesus, we want people to feel loved. We want people who are desperate to be able to find hope. And I’m passionate about that, so much so that I tried to do extreme things to help people get it, and yesterday crossed the line.

So I love you guys. I appreciate everybody that’s been praying for us and sending us messages. And to anybody who just saw that three-minute clip, I really encourage you to go back and watch the whole message. There’s some truth and some life in there that could potentially change your whole life.

When Jesus spit on that man, he was blind and then he could see. From my brother who I love and honor so much, I just called him; he was bald before I spit on him and he’s still bald today. So no miracle here. And so next time I’ll rethink and do something differently….

Todd is best known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last two years he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 away in “reparations” and purchased a real estate complex for over $20,000,000, and then another for $35,000,000.

He also preaches and sounds just like Steven Furtick, and has a penchant for wearing very, very expensive clothing and shoes.

bad theology

Disgusting! Megachurch Pastor Mike Todd Rubs Spit in Man’s Face for ‘Sermon Illustration’

Transformation Church’s Lead Pastor Michael Todd is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last two years he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 away in “reparations” and purchased a real estate complex for over $20,000,000, and then another for $35,000,000.

Now, you can add winner of the most disgusting, bible-twisting sermon illustration ever.

During a January 16, 2022 sermon illustration, Todd hocked a loogie into his hands multiple times and rubbed the contents into a man’s face on stage, in order to satisfy some sick sermon illustration in a perverse imitation of Jesus healing the blind man in John 9:6. Todd asserts the revulsion people were experiencing at seeing him do it, is the same revulsion people will have with them as they pursue their dream, as sometimes receiving a vision from God means things sometimes get ‘nasty.”

The disgusting display included all sorts of scripture twisting, least of which is that Jesus spit on the ground and rubbed in some dirt to make a paste, not rub in a loogie full of mucus and smear it repeatedly over his face. Todd explains:

This is where most people would not face Jesus anymore. What most people would do is turn away. What I’m telling you is just as he’s physically standing here, knowing what’s coming, God saying ‘can you physically and spiritually and emotionally be able to stand when getting the vision or receiving it, might get nasty.’

I’m gonna say it in a point just like that. Receiving vision from God might get nasty. You mean ‘God I just bought, in crazy faith, I just bought my dream car. And now you’re going to ask me to sell it back and ride in the (hoopty?) again?’

Yeah, because the vision I’m about to give you, it might get nasty. Do you hear and see the responses of the people? What I’m telling you is how you just reacted, is how the people in your life will react when God is doing what it takes for the miracle. What are you saying? This man was blind and what (Jesus) was trying to do with this man is give him his DNA”