
Video+ Transcript: Crosspolitic Guest Claims Baptists Are the Reason for the Transgender Crisis

Crosspolitic guest Jason Farley engaged in some good-old-fashioned, needlessly-provoking Baptist-bashing on a recent episode, claiming that Baptists and other credobaptists are the cause of the transgender crisis. To achieve this end, he explains that the notion of choosing when to be baptized encourages people to have an individualistic mindset that translates to them choosing when to be a boy or girl. He says this is not something pedobaptists and Presbyterians have to contend with, as they baptize their children when they are young and give them no choice in the matter, engendering that mindset and absolving them from any responsibility for the increase in its social acceptance. 

When asked whether the church in its current state can deal with the problems of transgenderism, Farley was adamant they can’t.

“This is just the modern individualistic Christianity that says, ‘Let kids grow up a little bit, and then they’ll choose their identity.‘ This is just that in a materialistic setting, this is our understanding of children taken to its extreme and a materialist setting.

Most of the American church says to their kids; ‘you get to choose your identity once you hit a particular age of accountability’, and we end up debating about the age of accountability, of when they can come forward and get baptized, rather than saying to them ‘Hey, let me tell you who you are. Let me tell you who God says you are. Let me tell you who Jesus says you are. You don’t get to pick your identity, you can act against it, but you don’t get to choose it.’

He continues:

“Think of the definition that you’ve heard of baptism most of your life, right? ‘It’s an outward sign of an inward truth. It’s a way that I stand up and say to the world, I’m a Christian now’, right?

That is a new modernist understanding of our selfhood that we’re coming into the world and the world said, ‘hey, I can run with that definition of selfhood’ and they’ve been running down this road a long ways. And now, because of the paganism getting to the point where you need a phallic symbol to latch onto, you know, for your identity, right? This is what we run into. But the reality is, this is just American Baptist theology secularized.

These assertions didn’t sit well with David Shannon, AKA Chocolate Knox, who earlier protested, “I believe male female, I don’t believe in transhumanism. I’m not trans in any way. I’m discipling my kids in the way- I don’t see what the problem is here,” and its pursued further in the aftershow.

Here, Gabriel Rench tried to do a bit of damage control over the comments, but Farley wasn’t having any of it, doubling down:

Rench: “Jason, I was wanting to ask you on the show but didn’t get the chance. You know, let’s say I’m ‘BaptistRench’ and you just said what you said…you came out and said that my view of waiting till my child is ready to confess faith in our Lord and then baptize them, is related to the identity crisis found in transgenderism?”

Farley: “Yeah, and I didn’t say ‘related to,’ I said, is the CAUSE OF.”

Rench: “Connect that.. you know, someone whose got good intentions, raising his family, loving Jesus, you know, all that stuff. And, and then you throw that bomb in their lap, and you’re like, ‘you’re the cause of the transgendered problem.‘”

Farley: “Yeah, well, their pastor is, but yeah.”

Elaborating, he says that unlike Baptists, when Presbyterians baptize their kids, they’re “putting the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit on the child through baptism, because God has claimed them as his own.” For this reason, “God is the one…who gets to define who our kids are. They don’t get to define themselves.” Knox chimes in, saying what we’re all thinking:

“I turn on the show, and I’m trying to figure out how in the world we’re going to fix the transgender problem. And you guys bark at me because I’m a Baptist who believes the Bible, because I don’t want to baptize my kids because they haven’t made a profession of faith, and you’re trying to throw the whole thing on me. Forget all y’all. Because ain’t just because I decided to baptize my kids, don’t mean transgenderism is going to then fall.

…You guys have made this huge jump. And all we’re trying to do is stop people from mutilating themselves, and you’re gonna say, ‘oh, because I don’t baptize my babies.’ That just doesn’t correlate whatsoever.”

Longshore submits: “there is a covenant or relationship. Like, it’s not totally up to you about your citizenship and the nation. It’s not totally up to you about your family membership. You were just born into your family, you were born into your state, and you’re born into the church, as a Christian, that is a covenantal kind of thing,” and says that a failure to understand this “extra layer” is what Baptists do.

Referencing Pilgrims Progress, Longshore offers that there is a latent Gnosticism in the notion of “this world is not my home. I’m just passing through” and that if we don’t understand that “God is actually bringing forth His kingdom right here” then “you’re gonna get swept up in this in this mess that we’re talking.” To which Farley says:

Yeah, and you’re gonna lose justification by faith alone, too. And you don’t want to do that.”

Knox pushes back and Farley concludes:

Because if justification is dependent on my choice, rather than on the promises of God, it ceases to be about faith and becomes about works. But if it’s God coming to us and dropping his name, putting his name on to us, and all we do is trust that God has been the one who did everything, like little children, like little babies receiving, then we’re justified by faith and not by our decision or our works. Infant baptism is justification by faith in sacramental form.


SBC Church that Expelled Hundreds Involved in Secretive Land Deal

(Capstone Report) First Baptist Church of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida at center of a new dispute over sale of small lot valued at over $1 million as the church’s faces dwindling cash reserves and court mandated arbitration with hundreds of members church leaders expelled.

A Southern Baptist Convention church that excommunicated over 200 members in one email is now involved in a secretive land deal involving real estate worth over $1 million in downtown Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. First Baptist Church of Ft. Lauderdale sold a small portion of its land holdings following a business meeting but declined to reveal who bought the land and for how much before the congregation approved it.

The Florida Bulldog was the first to report the latest development swirling around the once thriving SBC church. According to the Bulldog, “The First Baptist congregation voted at a July 31 business meeting to sell property at 501 NE 2nd St., a 0.179-acre lot with a tear-down, two-story building, according to documents and multiple accounts. Church officials did not reveal the sales price or the buyer’s identity.

Dissident members—many of the several hundred expelled from the church for causing a division—questioned the land sale and the manner in which the church conducted the sale.

Brian Keno, a spokesman for the dissident members, said the sale highlights many complaints against the church administr- to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Church Encourages Children to bring 5$ Bills to ‘Tip’ Drag Queens Following Sunday Drag Performance

A church in Alberta is encouraging children to bring with them a 5$ bill to church, so they can tip the drag queens who will be reading to them in a drag queen story hour directly following the service.

Led by Re.v Trish Schmermund, the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC)- basically the Canadian version of the ELCA. It has long been regarded as one of the most progressive in the country. According to the church website:

Holy Spirit Lutheran Church is a diverse and growing parish community….We seek to be an affirming place for all including LGBTQ2SIA+, life-long Christians and newcomers to the faith (please see our Welcome Statement.)

….This church does not silence people, in fact, encourages us to be loud and proud. Holy Spirit is welcoming and really welcomes all! The washrooms are amazing, non-gendered, and nice and warm in the winter. If you’re looking for conversation, both pastors have ears to listen and wisdom to share.”

Fun fact. As a personal note, this writer attended there for a month or so, almost 20 years ago, as a newer believer. After they announced a same-sex wedding occurring in the church later that weekend I ghosted them

H/t The Dissenter.


Famous Charismatic Prophetess Tokes the Holy Ghost + Michael Brown Cameo

New Apostolic Reformation royalty Patricia King continues to show the abject debauchery and excesses of the charismatic movement, being a living avatar for all the kookiness this theology naturally excretes.

Like our favorite pink-haired princess Kat Kerr, Patricia King routinely makes trips into heaven and makes war in the heavenlies’ by rebuking this demon or the other one, and then emerging with fresh revelation from God. She’s been endorsed and promoted by Dr. Michael Brown, and the two have appeared together at probably dozens of conferences by now. While Brown would ultimately repudiate this behavior in the middle of 2010 from certain gauche personalities, he never addressed King getting high on her own supply. 

This classic clip from May 1, 2008, shows King at the Toronto Airport Church, the charismatic mecca where pastor Paul Arnott created the Holy Laughter Movement and revitalized being “drunk on the glory; the inspiration for Todd Bentley in Lakeland years later. Acting like she needs to be thrown into a drunk tank, King explains she’s been ‘tokin’ the ghost’ and mainlining the blood of Jesus. This Prayer-of-Jabezian fad of ‘tokin’ the ghost’ was brought to the mainstream of charismatic consciousness by John Crowder, Benjamin Dunn, and the folk over at Red Letter Ministries (Warning, that website is a trip) a year earlier.

Known as “getting high on the most High” these ne’er-do-wells would smoke weed, or smoke literal pages from the bible, or just straight up do shrooms and then film themselves getting ‘drunk in the spirit as they attempt to have bible studies or hear and God through their consumption of the old ‘electric lettuce’, trying to marry drugs with the divine. 

It’s messy, stupid stuff, but King is all in. Take a watch.

h/t Salt and Light, who we also stole the cover thumbnail from.


Canada’s Deaths by Euthanasia Soar More Than 33% Since Last Year as Gov’t Seeks to Loosen Laws

Canada is one of only seven countries in the world where euthanasia is permitted, and in just a few short years, it has become arguably the most permissive of all. Legalized in 2016, the number of death from euthanasia has increased year over year, growing between 30-36% each time.

In 2021, 10,064 people were euthanized. This is compared to 2020, which had 7383 deaths, and 2019, which saw 5424. Currently, the 10,064 number represents 3.3% of all deaths in Canada or 1/3050 people. Nearly as many people were euthanized as died from COVID-19 in the country last year, and in 2022, far more people will have died from taking their own life than by the novel coronavirus.

Unlike some countries, which only allow for cases of unbearable, debilitating suffering, Canada is much laxer. A recent AP story on it explains:

(IN 2016, Canada) legalized both euthanasia and assisted suicide for people aged 18 and over provided they met certain conditions: They had to have a serious condition, disease or disability that was in an advanced, irreversible state of decline and enduring “unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be relieved under conditions that patients consider acceptable.” Their death also had to be “reasonably foreseeable,” and the request for euthanasia had to be approved by at least two physicians.

The law was later amended to allow people who are not terminally ill to choose death, significantly broadening the number of eligible people. Critics say that change removed a key safeguard aimed at protecting people with potentially years or decades of life left.

Today, any adult with a serious illness, disease or disability can seek help in dying.

They go on to offer some more frightening facts:

-Canada is the only country that allows nurse practitioners, not just doctors, to end patients’ lives. Medical authorities in its two largest provinces, Ontario and Quebec, explicitly instruct doctors not to indicate on death certificates if people died from euthanasia.

Canadian patients are not required to have exhausted all treatment alternatives before seeking euthanasia, as is the case in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Next year, the country is set to allow people to be killed exclusively for mental health reasons.

They’re also considering extending euthanasia to “mature” minors — children under 18 who meet the same requirements as adults.

At this pace, it’s only going to get worse.


Revoice Conference is Bringing Back the Roman Catholic Lesbian Who Praised X-Rated Gay BDSM Film

Eve Tushnet has once again been invited to speak at Revoice this year, heading off to the conference in just a few short months to teach on her struggles as a member of the LGBTQ community. She is not the type of speaker you’d expect to see at an event that has its roots in the conservative Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), however, on account that the author of the book Gay and Catholic is not just a facetious run-of-the-mill “small-c” Catholic, but a full-throated devotee to the blasphemous occupying-the-seat-of-the-antichrist Pope Francis. She’s been a dedicated Roman Catholic for over 15 years, which would make her categorically NOT SAVED and NOT a BELIEVER.

When she’s not glorying her life as a lesbian papist, the self-described “sleaze connoisseuses” is singing the praises of the 1980s film ‘Cruising” directed by William Friedkin. The movie is about a police detective investigating a string of murders within the “gay community” where he goes deep undercover in gay S&M and leather bars to catch a killer, an environment we see in graphic detail.

The film has a storied and controversial history. The uncut film was banned in several countries, and in others, it received the “X rating.” It originally received an ‘X’ rating in the United States for copious amounts of graphic sexual imagery, with the director claiming he took the film before the MPAA board “50 times” at the cost of $50,000 and deleted 40 minutes of footage from the original cut before he secured an R rating” according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Now rated R or 18+, it contains endless sex, nudity, orgy scenes, unending kissing and making out scenes, fellatio scenes, and one infamous scene where one gay man sticks his hand…where he ought not to. There are also, seemingly and allegedly, gay porn scenes intercut within the movie- a few frames inserted during the first murder that cannot be seen unless the film is freeze-framed, which she refers to at the end of the post.

For this Revoice speaker, however, this perverse and sexually twisted film is ‘perfect.” She writes on her website:

And in another Twitter thread about it:

Why should anyone take Revoice seriously if this is the type of speakers they’re going to have?


Round-up of Fun Christian Memes We Like

This is all just mere ribbing and having fun, with new compilations every Friday If we made them, we tag them accordingly. Also something is wrong with one of them: tell us what in the combox.


Paula White Joins Forces with Demonic ‘Moonies Cult’

New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) queen Paula White demonstrated a further lack of biblical discernment and an increasing glut of demonic hand-holding when she got up on stage and gave a keynote address at the World Christian Leadership Conference which took place August 11-15, 2022.

The conference was founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the widow of the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation and the World Unification Church. She is a billionaire and regarded by many as the “Messiah” and the “True Parent to all mankind,” whose goal is to unite all faiths in world peace and harmony.

I.e., they’re Moonies.

She and her husband founded the Moonies cult and the rally is a means to spread further the moonies’ message of anti-biblical, Christ-hating syncretic ecumenism.

While we don’t have audio yet from the conference, two years ago she gave a 6 minutes message, praising Mother Moon’s efforts to unite all faiths together, describing her efforts as an “encouragement to the body of Christ.”

Is that any way to be talking about a cult leader? One who makes Walter Martin’s Kingdom of the Cults due to it being dangerous, damnable, and directly antithetical to the gospel of Christ? A movement of nearly 2 million people openly denies that Jesus is God and was born of a virgin, yet wants to reunify Christians with other world religions?

For White who has been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades now and absorbing and parroting back tall tales, vision from God, prophetic utterance, and every wacky theology to come down the pike and from the mumbled mind of charismatic misfits, the fact that she cannot discern the difference between the orthodoxy of moonies and biblical Christianity should not surprise us at all.


Saddleback Pastor Apologizes for Mark Driscoll Interview, But is He Sincere?

Newly minted Saddleback pastor Andy Wood apologized last week for interviewing Mark Driscoll at last year’s Echo Conference, saying that he regrets the “pain, confusion & distraction this caused.”

His apology has not assuaged his critics, however, and it’s no wonder. Wood is both coy and disingenuous in describing the purpose of the interview. In a previous comment, he said that Driscoll wasn’t being given a platform and that the conversation was intended to help other leaders avoid the same mistakes he made and was a sincere attempt to help people lead with love.” In his tweet, he said the talk was about “helping pastors learn from his (Driscoll’s) mistakes.”

It was nothing of the sort. Jason Adams-Brown, the former Planting and Missions Pastor of Echo Church, dismissed this as spin and damage control, writing on Twitter:

“I know of no one on Echo’s staff who was supportive of Wood bringing Driscoll to the leadership conference. Local leaders even asked him not to. The evidence was already clear on Driscoll before the podcast. He knew.

In a staff meeting his wife, Stacie Wood, said all the stuff that happened with Driscoll in Seattle was due to spiritual warfare because Seattle was a dark place. This was said because many were concerned about bringing Driscoll.”

While the audio has not been made publicly available and Echo Church has since purged the video from the website, RNS describes the scene this way:

“Driscoll was interviewed last year at a 2021 leadership conference run by Echo Church in San Jose. During a conversation with Wood — the soon-to-be lead pastor of SaddleBack Church — Driscoll described the troubles at his former church as a “board war” and blamed the devil, social media and secular culture for causing church conflict.

Church governance should be set up to protect a pastor’s power, he argued, adding that “you’re going to have people who are literally in your organization, sent there by Satan, to seek to steal, kill and destroy,” he said. “And they’ll call it love and accountability.”

After leaving Mars Hill, Driscoll moved to Arizona, where he now is pastor of Trinity Church in Scottsdale. He has also embraced charismatic and Pentecostal ideas about leadership. During his talk, he said modern-day apostles — whom he described as mostly suburban megachurch pastors — should rule over churches and other pastors, rather than those churches and pastors being overseen by a local church board or elders.

Driscoll’s idea met with enthusiastic approval from Wood, who described Driscoll as a mentor, someone who had helped shape his ministry and befriended him and his wife.

“We love you guys,” Wood told Driscoll.

This tracks. The only mistake Driscoll copped to in that interview is ever letting his elders hold him accountable, and it was a lesson he learned well as he jumped ship and started a new church. Is that the lesson Wood wanted the pastors to take away from the conversation?

Despite having hundreds and hundreds of people attending each week, Driscoll’s new church, The Trinity Church, has no elders. Instead, there are five other pastors, none of whom function in the office of an elder with the accountability and decision-making process that goes with it. Driscoll does have a small corporate board made up of a handful of people, some who don’t even go to his church and others who aren’t even pastors.

Whereas in years past, Driscoll defended a biblical understanding of the office of elders in his teaching and his books, he has since disavowed their importance, choosing to abstain from anything that may tinker with his power or do him dirty by daring to take him to task for his many acts of malfeasance.
This way, he has all power, and there are no limiting influences on the control he exerts. Armed with the keys to the kingdom, Mark finally gets to call the shots all on his own, unencumbered by biblical ecclesiology or any accountability.

Wood knew this, was told this, but chose to ignore it anyway. It’s for this reason we don’t buy the apology one bit.


Kansas Pastor Rips ‘Poor, Broke, Busted and Disgusted’ Congregation for Not Buying Him a Luxury Watch

Money-grubby ‘pastor’ Carlton Funderburke of Church at the Well in Kansas City, MO, has apologized after ripping his congregation for not buying him a luxury watch, saying “I’ve spoken to those I am accountable to and have received their correction and instruction.”

During his August 7th church service, ‘Prophet’ Funderburke derided his congregation as ‘poor, broke, busted and disgusted’ for not buying him a Movado watch, which range between $300-$3500 dollars, acting like an entitled baby who is upset because he can’t have the shiny things.

“This is how I know you’re still poor, broke, busted and disgusted, because of how you’ve been honoring me. I’m not worth your McDonald’s money? I’m not worth your Red Lobster money? I ain’t worth your St John Knits? (Luxury clothing brand for women) Ya’ll can’t afford it no-how. I ain’t worth ya’ll Louis Vutton? I ain’t worth your Prada? I’m not worth your Gucci? ….I’m saying this because I want you to understand just what God is saying…You can buy a Movado watch in Sam’s. And y’all know I asked for one last year. Here it is, the whole way in August and I still ain’t got it.”


Kansas City Pastor GOES OFF on congregation calling them "poor, broke busted and disgusted" because they didn't give him enough money to buy a new watch he's been wanting. It's pastors like these that give the church a bad name smh an also why a lot of our generation left the church. What y'all think? 🤔

♬ original sound – kcdefender

Coming under fire, Funderburke further stated in a video released to his church “though there is context to the content behind the clip, no context will suffice to explain the hurt and anguish caused by my words.” and that “I regret that your first impression of me is one of anger, hate and resentment. My actions and my words are inexcusable. I offer no justification or defense. That moment was mishandled and mismanaged. I deeply regret this moment and I solicit your prayers and your forgiveness as we grow forward.”