
Victory: California Can’t Force Churches to Cover Abortion in Insurance Plans, Court Rules

(Christian Headlines) A group of California churches won a major religious liberty victory Thursday when a federal court ruled that the state of California cannot force them to cover abortion in their insurance plans.

At issue was a rule by the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) that requires companies to offer insurance plans that cover abortion. Three California churches – Foothill Church, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and Shepherd of the Hills Church – subsequently sued the state after being denied insurance that did not include abortion coverage.

On Thursday, U.S. District Chief Judge Kimberly Mueller, an Obama nominee, sided with the churches, ruling that the state had violated the churches’ rights under the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution’s First Amendment. That clause says Congress shall make no law “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion.

The state’s action, Mueller wrote, imposes a “substantial burden” on their religious liberty. Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented the churches, applauded the decision.

“The government can’t force a church or any other religious employer to violate their faith and conscience by participating in funding abortion,” said…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Michael Foust and published at Christian Headlines.


Beth Moore’s Ministry Partner and Bible-Study Writer Defends Sex-Changes for Children?

Pastor Gabe Hughes of When We Understand the Text (WWUTT) has released a short video outlining several major theological red flags with Melissa Moore, ministry partner and daughter of former Southern Baptist teacher and current Anglican preacher Beth Moore.

In the short clip Hughes points out that Moore, who co-writes and publishes Bible studies and books with Moore’s Living Proof Ministries, prayed that the patriarchy burns to the ground, celebrated unreservedly the nomination of the wicked Kamala Harris to the Vice Presidency, and shared a post decrying Texas as “absolutely horrific” for trying to outlaw child abuse in the form of bizarre and baseless gender conversions.

In response to the videos, the Moores have swiftly blocked Hughes.

Bonus. Lulz from 2019.


Paul Washer Released From Hospital After Major Health Scare +Cancels Conference Appearance

In March 2017, Brother Paul Washer suffered a massive heart attack in his Virginia home and was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Undergoing emergency surgery, he ultimately spent nearly a week in the hospital, witnessing to everyone he encountered, even the chaplains. 

It was exceptionally frightening, given that Washer’s father died of a heart attack when he was younger. While in recovery, he joked to those concerned for him, “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t go to the third heaven. There won’t be any books.”

Scheduled as a speaker at the 2022 Old School Conference in Brazil, Washer, who is perhaps best known for his “Shocking Youth Message” he delivered to over 4500 teens at a Baptist conference in 2002 (“I don’t you’re clapping, I’m talking about you was to join Josh Buice, Paulo Junior, Justin Peters, Steven Lawson, and Hernandes Dias Lopes, “to present to the present generation the rich, sufficient, and inerrant content of the Holy Bible, which is the only sure foundation for Christian faith.”

Unfortunately, Brother Washer started to experience chest pains and was no longer attend, with Dr. Lawson updating:

Thankfully, he has recovered and has been released from the hospital, with his social media account informing he’s at home resting.

Continue to pray fervently for him and his family.


Apologia Church Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Editor of Check My Church Website

(Ministry Watch) Sarah Young’s Check My Church website seeks to “check every church in the country” and  “expose corruption, abuse, legalism, materialism, and wolves” in sheep’s clothing. But the watchdog ministry’s articles about “red flags” at Apologia Church have generated angry denials from lead pastor Jeff Durbin, who claims that Young is a cult member.

On Monday, the church’s attorney sent Young a cease and desist letter, claiming she has defamed the church and its members by either knowingly or recklessly spreading falsehoods. 

The letter demanded Young remove her latest article on the church, which is now unavailable on the site, but other articles on Apologia remain. The article in question, “Apologia Church Members Abused Their Adopted Child | What Does the Church Know?” can be found in the exhibits to the attorney’s letter, which is available here.

The article claims the church encourages members to adopt babies and bring them to faith in Christ. Young claims the church provided counseling and cover to members Michael and Tiffany Hendrickson, who allegedly repeatedly abused the child they adopted.

On Saturday Aug. 13, Young emailed Durbin asking him to comment on…to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Steve Rabey and published at Ministry Watch

News Op-Ed

OP-ED: IVF is Mass Murder and an Abomination Before God

With the news that troubled Christian musician Israel Houghton and his wife recently became parents with a son through the use of a surrogate, which involved multiple rounds of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF,) we wanted to discuss something that should be uncontroversial: IVF is almost always mass murder and the wholescale slaughter of pre-born children.

This is because life begins at conception, and IVF conceives and then kills MILLIONS of babies. Not just by pagan women who have no regard for human life, but IVF is a scourge that has infiltrated Christendom too, with Christian couples bathing their hands in blood. 

According to the American Pregnancy Association, there are five steps involved in IVF:

  1. Doctors stimulate the development of eggs in a woman’s ovaries by injecting her with hormones and fertility drugs.
  2. The eggs are extracted from the woman’s uterus through an invasive surgical procedure.
  3. A male donor produces and donates sperm.
  4. A scientist mixes together the eggs and sperm in a petri-dish. Sometimes, the scientist will puncture the eggs and inject them with sperm (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection). The eggs are then monitored until they are fertilized and become embryos.
  5. About 3-5 days later, the scientist places the embryos into the woman’s uterus with a tube (catheter). Implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall or womb is hoped to occur about 6-10 days later.

But IVF is costly, costing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Because of the expense and the low probability of success upon the first implantation, especially when women are over the age of 35, doctors won’t just create, cultivate and implant a single embryo but rather frequently will extract 20-40 eggs at a time, which are fertilized with the man’s sperm.

Because of the high costs, it is extremely rare for a doctor to cultivate, combine, and implant a single embryo. Instead, they will get a few dozen going and then run genetic health tests and sift through them to find the “healthiest” embryos to implant, usually 2-5 at once, hoping that at least one “takes.” Doctors will monitor, and if “too many babies” are conceived, doctors will use the process of “fetal reduction” or “selective reduction” to eliminate the excess offspring.

What happens to the rest of the unused embryos? The other 25 or so they created and won’t have to use because the woman became pregnant on the third round after blowing through 10 other babies? They are treated as property. They are either destroyed or frozen for years until they are ultimately discarded because the couple gets tired of paying $1000 a year to keep them alive.

Only between 7-15% of all embryos artificially created ever come to term. The rest are all ultimately killed. Most estimates put the number of babies left in a perpetual frozen state until their demise to be between 400,000- 920,000, with millions murdered since the technology emerged.

Any Christian couple considering it or going through with it ought to be instantly put under church discipline, no different than if they plotted to have an abortion or stick knife in the neck of their six year old.

Abortion Abolitionist Jelaine Fondren summarizes the process of IVF and elaborates on its sinfulness.

The process of IVF creates many human beings (in the embryonic state) to then choose a few of the best ones to implant in a uterus. If more than one implant successfully, the mother is then offered to abort any extras. The leftover embryos are frozen for later use in case the first attempt is unsuccessful or the person wants to have more children. These extra embryos are treated like property, with the owners (parents) paying rent for storage space in the freezer. Most are abandoned to death via the thawing process or scientific experimentation.

The other reason it is sin is the selfishness involved. God opens and closes the womb for His purposes. Christians are called to care for orphans and widows. When we are so intent on having our own biological children at the cost of thousands of dollars and tens of extra babies abandoned to death instead of opening our hearts to orphans, we have indeed become lovers of self instead of lovers of God and our neighbors.

Abolitionist Toby Harmon adds:

In Vitro Fertilization is sinful for many compounding reasons. First is that we have a great need for parents to adopt already existing orphans. IVF says “I will go out of my way to ignore these orphans in order to unnaturally have my own flesh and blood children.” So, the IVF industry actually discourages the adoption of already born orphans in the world.

Second, IVF unnecessarily endangers human beings. They are created in a petri dish, and the “leftovers” that survive or are not weeded out, are frozen in liquid nitrogen to -196 degrees. If they were frozen prior to the newer freezing method called “vitrification” (a flash freeze process) they could have as low as a 50% chance thaw survival rate. With vitrification it is claimed there is as high as a 90% survival rate. But, needless to say, freezing humans you have unnecessarily created, with a good chance of death is inhumane and unethical.

The IVF industry also dehumanizes these preborn children by treating them like disposable commodities. They create large numbers of embryos, knowing that most of them will not survive (either through intentional discarding or unintentional death through freezing or miscarriage). When the parents and Doctors learn that one embryo implanted but the other 1 or 2 dies, they celebrate because that is all they really expected and were hoping for.

If parents have any kind of history of genetic or health defects themselves, they can opt to to PGD and/or PGS testing which tests the embryo (by taking a portion of it which can result in it’s death) and testing it for recessive genes that may result in that embryo being born with whatever disease the parent has. If the embryo tests positive, they are simply destroyed and “better grade” embryos are chosen for transfer and/or freezing.”


Famous Worship Leader’s Wife Gives Birth Through a Surrogate, But Is this Wicked?

Grammy award-winning Christian music recording artist, composer, and worship leader, Israel Houghton, perhaps best known for his band ‘Israel & New Breed,’ and repeatedly cheating on his first wife and having babies outside of wedlock, announced on Instagram that his new wife Adrienne Bailon has given birth to a son by using a surrogate.

Houghton was formally married to Meleasa Houghton for more than 20 years until she divorced him after he committed adultery. Following the revelation, he was terminated from being the worship leader at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood church, where he was employed for over five years.

Marrying his new wife in 2016, mere months after the divorce was finalized, the couple was trying to get pregnant soon after the wedding, yet to no avail. She writes, “If you have followed our love story… you know that our journey to baby has been very challenging – But God is true to His word and His promises.”
After years of disappointments and five years of trying, they revealed:

We have quietly prayed while sitting on this most magnificent secret for the last 9 months. He is worth every tear, every disappointment, every delayed prayer, every IVF cycle, every miscarriage. Everything. All we feel is joy and overwhelming love & gratitude. Grateful to God, to our angel surrogate and to all of our friends and family who have stood with us for over 5 years on this journey. He’s here and we have never been happier to lose sleep!

While we are glad that the child is alive, it’s also true that since the couple used In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to get pregnant, it’s almost a certainty that they are guilty of mass murder. If we truly believe that life begins at conception, then IVF conceives and then murders MILLIONS of babies, and the end result of a healthy child can never be a justification for that.

To read more on why IVF is a wicked sin, click here.


Down $11,000,000, New HILLSONG Annual Report Shows the Megachurch is Losing Money and Members

Hillsong Australia has released their 2021 annual report and it’s bad. It’s not as stinging as the 2022 worldwide report will be, as the current missive does not include the fiscal realties stemming from the termination of Global Hillsong Pastor Brian Houston, the loss of most of their North American churches, and several other scandals they’ve been embroiled in, along with a possible conviction from Houston of covering up child sex abuse expected later in November 2022, but it’s bad nonetheless.

Hillsong Australia has 30 locations within 5 different states, and they were collectively down around $11,000,000 in giving, representing a 12.3% drop from the previous year, which was already down from the year before. For some context, their total revenue for these years were:

2016: $130,978,056
2017: $109,599,176
2018: $103,429,295
2019: $93,907,504
2020: $87,751,315
2021: $76,924,646

In the last six years, they’re down nearly $55 Million dollars. In the last year, their cash surplus went from $4.7 Million in 2020 to $540,318 in 2021, down 85%. General Manager George Aghajanian notes that it’ll take “several years to rebuild from the effects of the current season.”

Furthermore, live views of their online church services have dropped substantially, from 444,127 in 2020 for their weekend services, to a combined in-person and online attendance of just 21,219 in 2019, when lockdowns and movement restrictions were still very much a thing in that country.


Mennonites Go Gay, Passing Resolutions Affirming Same-Sex Marriage

The largest Mennonite denomination in the United States has gone gay, passing a resolution in June, with 55.7% of delegates committing itself to full LGBTQ inclusion in the church, and in a separate vote, 82.8% of members repealed previous prohibitions from pastors officiating same sex weddings, declaring in part:

Current policies of Mennonite Church USA do violence to LGBTQIA people by failing to
affirm their full, God-given identities and by restricting their full participation in the life,
ministries and rituals of the broader church. The rejection of LGBTQIA people by MC USA has
silenced and denied ministry callings, torn apart families, forced parents to choose between their
church and their child, and caused many LGBTQIA people to leave the church. In some cases,
rejection by their faith community is a factor in LGBTQIA people self-harming or even dying by

…Excluding LGBTQIA people from the church is a rejection of God’s joyous delight in the diversity of creation and a denial of the Divine image and breath animating all humankind… It is a denial of the work of the Holy Spirit who empowers LGBTQIA Christians to give and receive every gift in the body of Christ.

In the last 25 years, the denomination, which can trace its roots back to 16th century Anabaptists, has been dying, going from 135,000 members in 1998, to 62,000 in 2021. This will surely exacerbate the situation, with many conservative churches likely to leave on account of it.

According to MC USA Executive Director Glen Guyton. “This weekend, we did the demanding work of struggling together as the body of Christ. We will continue to live into our Renewed Commitments of following Jesus, witnessing to God’s peace and helping those we encounter to experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.”

h/t The Dissenter


How Doug Wilson and Co. Are Wailin’ on the Culture War

There is a growing concern over The Federal Vision (FV) again in North American Reformed Churches, here is why and here’s how to stop it:

1. Very few (at least initially) are attracted to its theological positions. Most people aren’t interested in Baptismal Regeneration, Padeocommunion, and a questionable view of Justification. They aren’t being drawn by the Romanizing Tendency of FV. It’s something else.

2. The major draw is what they are saying in the areas of gender roles, politics, culture, and issues within the church. Doug Wilson is addressing these issues at a rapid pace. He responds to issues in real time.

3. Wilson and Co. are saying common sense things which no one else is willing to say in respectable Reformed churches (so called). I am talking about gender roles and modesty here. I don’t always agree with what they say, but they are willing to talk about it, sometimes too bluntly but that is better than can be gotten out of many other quarters of the Reformed church.

4. They are building and preparing. Western Society is in a precarious situation and Wilson sees this. He offers decent advice on educating children and building strong churches in the midst of a radical and revolutionary society. They are encouraging people to build instead of just react to the chaos around them.

5. They do it like men. They are logical, masculine, and they fight. They are blunt and don’t back down. They don’t obsess with nuance or caveats. They say what they think and mean what they say.

6. They are anti-woke. They see Wokeness as dangerous and laughable. They treat Wokeness with scorn and offer it no quarter. This resonates with young men particularly.

7. They are anti-feministic. They are willing to speak about feminism and areas where feminism has encroached on the church. Again this has a huge appeal to both young men and women, who feel confused and struggle with lack of teaching on gender roles in the church broadly.

8. They use the Bible. Yes, they have errors. But they use the Bible to advance their cause on common sense/social issues far more cogently than weak kneed right wing politicians and pastors. They aren’t afraid of what the Bible says about social issues.

9. They are willing to resist. Whether you like it not Wilson’s followers were arrested at an anti-lockdown Psalm sing. Wilson has also been monitored by the FBI for his religious/ political activities. They are willing to fight for what they believe and aren’t easily scared off. This is more than I can say for much of the evangelical church in the West.

If the church wants to stop FV from again becoming a voice it needs to deal with the appeal of Wilson and others in these areas. Basically Pastors have to quit looking at in house debates, quit being hyper academic navel gazers and realize the house that is Western Civilization is on fire. It’s actually engulfed.
We need to treat the survivors we have build out and prepare to build something to weather the approaching storm.

Until the church does this FV will have an appeal because of the common sense issues it proponents address more thoughtfully than much of the Reformed church in North America.

Note. This post is a Facebook Post from Zach Dotson- adapted for this page.


New Revelations About Tavner Smith/ Venue Church Bankruptcy + Documents

This is an expanded Twitter thread. See notes at bottom for more details.

The Venue Church in Chattanooga (under Pastor Tavner Smith) filed for bankruptcy yesterday, roughly 9 months after the pastor’s alleged affair received national attention.

Here’s what stood out to me in the megachurch’s filings.

But first, we have to link to some background reading for “y’all readers” just catching up. 

A week before Christmas last year, nearly all staff at the megachurch quit after confronting Smith about the alleged affair he was having with a staff member (Smith was married at the time). The mass exodus of staff and controversy (which played out in local, national and international media) caused a huge drop in the number of people attending the church.

We’re talking a drop from hundreds of people a week to a few dozen. The church closed its satellite campus. 

Just take a look at the revenue cliff shown in the bankruptcy filing.

And here is the listing of the cash or cash equivalents owned by the church at the time of declaring bankruptcy. Venue was a church known for its lavish services and big gifts/events. They have $440 left.

The bankruptcy filing required the megachurch to list its 20 largest creditors with unsecured claims.

You can see the amounts for yourself.

(Editor’s Note. The total amount owing just with these creditors is $129,159.42). These filings also confirm the church was largely operating without a board of directors to oversee operations. The Times Free Press had reported that much of the board quit during the controversy.

The Chattanooga newspaper also reported when Ron Phillips Sr. of Abba’s House resigned from the board (it occurred in February 2022, not January as the filing suggests).

Someone with sources should really talk to Ron Carpenter, Steven Furtick and Benny Perez about this. But anyways. Another aside: The filings list the vehicles owned by the church, including a 2017 Ford F150 and a 2018 Chevy Suburban, but it also appears the F150 was acquired this year after the church traded in a 2021 Chevy Tahoe.

Also, the megachurch sold a LED screen to Abba’s House (another Chattanooga megachurch) in June for $40k.

That’s all the Chattanooga/megachurch news for today.

Editor’s Note. This post was a collated Twitter stream by Wyatt Massey. Slight editing done for formatting purposes. You can see his orginal thread here .