
Disgraced and Defiant Pastor Tullian Tchividjian Headlining Men’s Conference

Disgraced pastor Tullian Tchividjian will be the keynote speaker at the Man Up conference this weekend, demonstrating what it looks like when undiscerning, naïve, and foolish-minded churches are willing to set aside all Biblical standards in order to host an evangelical celebrity, damaged as he may be.

Hosted by Casey Stone of Stone Ministries, the promo material marvels at his pedigree, explaining they’ve brought him to speak about his testimony of “building back” his life after it imploded.

By way of background, Tullian Tchividjian is the grandson of Billy Graham and a one-time replacement for the honorable D. James Kennedy at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. A former blogger at TGC before they kicked him out in 2014, theologically astute believers noticed Tchividjian’s slide into antinomianism – a dangerous teaching that makes light of God’s laws, morality, and piety – several years before his eventual dismissal from the ministry on account of seeping with a woman not his wife.

After many lies and much deceit, it was revealed that Tchividjian was involved in multiple clergy sexual misconduct cases (not “affairs”). Tchividjian threw his wife under the bus, got divorced, then married a strange woman and began to rebrand himself as a minister “to the broken”

Without any sign of observable repentance, Tchividjian waited a few years, then jumped back in the pulpit and planted a new church, keeping busy by turning his ministry disqualifications into a cottage industry. Attacking the Christian church as “elitists” and “judgmental,” the fallen minister capitalized on ungodliness to attract unsanctified followers.

Even now, Tchividjian frequently references his “restoration” on podcasts, social media, and small church venues, as this conference he’ll be leading. However, as an organization of churchmen, we have to ask the question; who restored Tullian Tchividjian?

Certainly, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church has not restored Tchividjian. His former pastor, Kevin Labby, has not restored Tchividjian. GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) has not restored Tchividjian. The Presbyterian Church of America has not restored Tchividjian. The PCA’s South Florida Presbytery has not restored Tchividjian. So how on Earth did Tchividjian get restored?

No one. You can’t “restore” yourself. Podcasts, blogs, and phony random churches with no moral standards can’t restore Tullian. The only ones who can restore Tchividjian are those who revoked his credentials and removed him from ministry for his sins and subsequent lack of repentance.

They have indicated no intention of ever doing so.

bad theology Breaking Church News SBC

Kevin Ezell Issues Non-Apology for NAMB Partnering With False Gospel

Just when you thought the SBC was as wayward and corrupt as it could get, enter Kevin Ezell.

In response to massive pushback from the pews, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mision Board (NAMB) issued an “apology” letter for lending the rapidly-waning credibility of the nation’s largest church planting network to the He Gets Us campaign – a deep-funded advertising campaign promoting a false gospel and an unbiblical, woke Jesus.

He Gets Us is a radically affirming campaign promoting a Jesus that is a social justice warrior completely disinterested in sin, repentance, or the exclusivity of the Gospel of the actual Jesus. The campaign and its church connection chat will gladly point “seekers” to a gay-affirming church:

Showing his worldly pragmatism has no bounds, Kevin Ezell wrote that it’s apparently totally okay to get on board with the woke Jesus train if it might lead people to “connect more people to our churches” because “these ads will be seen by millions of people.”

With no concept of the gravity of his error nor apparently any plans for truly apologizing, Ezell described the campaign as “too broad,” which is apparently the evangelical newspeak way to redefine false gospel. He finishes off his face plant by stating that they will pray that “the conversations begun by this campaign will lead to gospel-centered conservations (sic) and cause many to seek to learn more about Jesus.”

That’s right – the president of NAMB is praying that the false Jesus-promoting He Gets Us campaign will teach about Jesus. Apparently, Ezell is unconcerned with which Jesus they’re going to get. God help us.

Here’s the letter:


Prominent Charismatics Battered After Hurricane Ian’s Destruction Proves They Didn’t Hear From God

Prominent charismatic teacher Lance Wallnau has been thoroughly discredited as a false prophet. A key player in the New Apostolic Reformation, he is a driving force behind the Seven Mountain Mandate that seeks to take “dominion” over seven designated areas of culture, including, religion, family, education, government, media, arts & entertainment, and business.

A couple of years ago, he released a video “finger shooting” Hurricane Irma, demanding that the ‘millibars’ rise’ and repeatedly commanding the hurricane to “peesh” (whatever that means, but we advise against Googling it) and wobble off into the ocean, all to no avail.

That wasn’t his last entanglement with inclement weather. Last month, a day after Hurricane Ian rocked the coast of Florida, Wallnau and conference partner Mario Murillo released a message to their supporters, insisting that their event scheduled for October 24-25, the Fire and Glory Tour would still be taking place later that month. They were emphatic that they heard from God, and that they were in Gods’ perfect timing’.

So the answer is very clear. We are not canceling. And not only are we going ahead with our plans, but we also believe the hurricane has added a great urgency to the event.

More than ever, I know why God chose Estero. And now it is crystal clear that we are in God’s perfect timing.

God knew this storm was coming and He knew what would be going on in the hearts of the people after the storm

A week and half later, despite clearly hearing the Lord’s ’emphatic voice” they cancelled the event without acknowledging their previous declarations.

h/t The Friendly Atheist.


NAR False Prophet Chuck Pierce ‘Interprets’ a ‘Prophetic Dance’

Chuck Pierce is a man who should thank the Lord he was not born 3000-year ago, lest he get chased through the desert by roving Benjamites, only to be cornered and stoned for his bevvy of false prophecies and fake ‘words from the Lord’ he routinely utters.

A major player in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and highly endorsed by Dr Michael Brown, we last wrote about Pierce after he burned a Counterfeit $20 on Stage to Rebuke the ‘Sneaky Quid Spirit’ that Led to George Floyd’s Death” and in celebration of the ‘Charismatic Day of Infamy” for which he had a part. Speaking at Glory of Zion’s Head of the Year Conference on 9/18/2020, he explains:

Let me prophesy one thing. When Danielle was up here with the- come do it Danielle- with the rainbow circular flags; come do it for us and then let me prophesy.

Now let’s prophesy into this. See, you don’t have movement. Movement is like tongues, you just don’t dance to dance. If somebody’s going to dance like that it needs to be interpreted, just like Shantee speaking in tongues, it has to come forth by revelation. So when Danielle did that, here’s what the Lord was saying as Chad was prophesying.

If you will begin to twirl and praise me, as I drop the plumb line into your being, I will realign you in such a way that all the promises around you that’s been swirling, that you’ve been unable to step into, you will be aligned in such a way that the promises will realign around you.’

Now I want you to put your hand on somebody and decree over them, ‘their promises are being realized.’

It’s all nonsense and stupidity, but that’s sort of the point. For more on Pierce’s false teaching, click here


‘Christian Drag Clowns’ Compare Jesus’ Death and Persecution to Coming Out

Spiritual DragCon 2022 has come and gone, and man was it ever strange. In what is likely a world’s first, a group of progressive Christians (In reality, a collective of pagans and self-deceived God-haters) threw a “first-of-its-kind gathering at the intersection of drag and spirituality” where attendees could “join drag performers and faith leaders from around the globe in Chicago this October for a stunning and sacred three-day festival.”

One of the panel featured ‘drag clowns’ where the speakers had these incredible bios.

Christopher Belmont (it/he/she) is a clown-inspired kingthing from chicago, IL. it believes and lives a life of freedom from gender expectations and norms, to live however you choose to live as your truest and wholest self. this ethos in drag has brought him joy, safety, and a newfound love for himself and the world around her.

King Julez (they/them) is a Masters of Divinity student, board chair for Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble, and future ordinand within The United Church of Canada. Their long-term goal is to be a drag clown minister, and help to bridge the gap between faith communities and the 2S-LGBTQIA+ community through education and the healing of trauma.

Fyrestorm is a ‘a new Drag King on the scene from Columbus, Ohio. …My tason performing range from in-depth character cosplays, to rock undead demon; to boy and realness’

King Julez, one of the panelists who we have featured before, explains why the Easter story is analogous to queer folk suffering and then being resurrected to new identities.

In my church world, I’m a part of the United Church of Canada, and doing my drag there has brought me a lot of hope because, you know, I did a drag show this year for Easter, and we called it ‘Jesus Coming Out’, you know it’s about this whole story of Easter in a Christian context is, you know, Jesus kind of comes into and says, Yes, it’s me, I’m the Messiah. Faces persecution with his friends, Judas (unintelligible) One of- Judas turns him in, he gets killed, and the story is living into this purpose of, of resurrection.

And we draw parallels you know, queer folks, we come out, we embrace who we are, often we face persecution, but once we face that, we realize we’re living our truth, and we live what we’re meant to be. And I’ve seen two or three other churches now holding drag shows as well, two or three United Churches. And are asking me for advice or connections to performers or things like that and it’s really beautiful and it gives me a lot of hope for my church.


Blast From The Past: Prophet Has God’s Literal Phone Number and Takes ‘Phone Call from Heaven’ During Service

In 2017, ‘Pastor’ Paul Sanyangore’ of Victory World International Ministries in Zimbabwe made the news after a video was released showing him talking to “God” and “heaven” on a cellphone during a church service. It is bizarre behavior, but Sanyangore is up there with the wackiest of charismatics, with a history littered with the supposed raising of the dead and angels dripping oil.

Known by his parishioners as “Pastor Talent’, this paragon of pure hucksterism is seen answering the phone and responding “Hello’ is this heaven? I have a woman here. What do you have to say about her?’” He proceeds to ask her questions on behalf of God, enjoying a bit of back and forth while the congregants go wild.

Defending his actions and his miraculous prowess, he told H-Metro.

I have a direct channel, actually I have His number and I can call Him when need arises. It is possible to talk to God; why would you doubt that I got a call from Him? I actually have a direct line which I can call Him on and get instructions on how to proceed. I got this when I was praying and I heard a voice telling me to call direct,

In another video, it’s claimed that people can receive deliverance and healing if they dunk themselves in the water that Pastor Sanyangore walked on that one time which totally did not involve clear acrylic platforms in the water.

More rotten fruit of the charismatic movement.


Boston Children’s Hospital Suggested Unborn Babies Know they are ‘Transgender’ in Now-Deleted Video

(LifeSiteNews) — In a since-deleted video, Harvard-affiliated Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) suggested that some children know they’re “transgender” even before they’re born.

The video, which surfaced in August and has subsequently been scrubbed from the institution’s website and YouTube channel, has once again made headlines as prominent conservatives like Daily Wire commentator Matt Walsh shine a spotlight on major hospitals that perform mutilating surgeries and prescribe sterilizing drugs for minors.

The video features BCH Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS) psychologist Dr. Kerry McGregor, PsyD, who explained that “most of the patients that we have in the GeMS clinic actually know their gender usually around the age of puberty.”

“But, a good portion of children do know as early as seemingly from the womb,” McGregor added, going on to claim that the GeMS patients “usually express their gender identity as very young children, some as soon as they can talk.”

Twitter users and conservative commentators were quick to point out the irony that BCH would imply that preborn babies in the womb are people, given that the same left-wing political party that promotes transgender ideology also vehemently supports abortion.

McGregor went on to argue that children who “say phrases such as, ‘I’m a girl,’ or ‘I’m a boy,’ or ‘I’m going to be a woman,’ or ‘I’m going to be a mom,’” may be signaling that they are transgender.

“Kids know very, very early,” she said.

McGregor also explained that BCH employees in the GeMS clinic “see a variety of young children all the way down to ages two and three, and usually up to the ages of nine.”

Children brought…to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ashley Sadler and published at Life Site News


Is “Do Not Conform To This World” A Pro-Drag Queen Verse?

(Woke Preacher TV) Romans 12:2 (“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”) is now about drag queens, apparently.

Isaac Simmons, aka “Penny Cost,” joined Allendale United Methodist Church in St. Petersburg, Florida for worship on October 2, 2022, and early in the service, senior pastor Andy Oliver asked all children in attendance to come up to the stage, where he asked Simmons several questions about himself and his aspirations to ministry.

Oliver concluded their time with the children by saying Romans 12:2 “means that what I think today may have to change tomorrow.”

Simmons has previously said he just wants to take power and hijack Christianity for his own purposes in a slam poem titled “The Bible Is Nothing.” Its conclusion read: “The Bible is nothing God must be nothing Religion must be nothing It is all nothing, until Until we wield it into something”

This article and text is adapted from WPC’s YouTube video


Max Lucado Appears with Mormon Glenn Beck and Affirms the Holy Spirit Inside Him

We last wrote about Lucado, who pastors Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, after he argued ‘Faithful People May Disagree About What The Bible Says About Homosexuality and revealed he started speaking in tongues at the age of 64, just a few years ago.

Now appearing on Glenn Beck’s program to promote his new book, Lucado spends 15 minutes listening to the noted MORMON regale him with stories of the Holy Spirit working in his life over the last few decades and takes at face value these assertions.

For a brief overview of the Mormon views on Jesus and other things, they believe that Jesus was once a regular sinful man who became exalted and turned into a God after doing many good deeds. ‘God the Father’ himself was also once a man on another planet, but because he likewise was such a good Mormon, he was granted the right to become a God over this earth. They believe that they too can become capital ‘G’ Gods of their own planet one day, and in fact, hold that there are millions of Gods. For them, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all and individual separate Gods, and they all have human bodies of flesh- they are not Spirits.

Mormons categorically deny the idea of salvation by grace alone and believe Jesus and Lucifer are ‘spirit brothers.’ They believe the scriptures we have are all corrupted and that’s why they have the new revelation of Joseph Smith.

In the segment, Beck explains that “you will not survive what is coming without the constant companion of the Holy Spirit” and introduces Lucado, who offers “I’m always excited to see you. I admire you, hold you in the highest esteem, and deeply, deeply appreciate you. You’re such a crucial voice in our society…and I’m just happy to be here to see you and to discuss the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit.”

Affirming Beck’s contention that the Holy Spirit “verifies truth”, Lucado says that the two of them “align so closely” in their belief that there needs to be a season of societal renewal, which only comes as a result of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. He says Beck is “spot on” on his assertion that he can’t survive without the Holy Spirit and then further affirms:

In the conversation about the Holy Spirit, one of his assignments is it he takes our prayers and presents them before the tribunal of heaven. He takes our groans, our utterings. The apostle Paul said, ‘we do not know that for which we should pray.’ And we really don’t. I mean, do we pray for healing or for heaven? Do we pray for deliverance do we pray for even death if you’re a prisoner, you know? We don’t know exactly how to weather the storms. The power of the Holy Spirit is that he takes when Glenn or Max can’t even utter the right prayer. The Holy Spirit says ‘I take over and I take that prayer, and I take it and present it before the presence of God in heaven, which I find so encouraging, because that reminds me that the real power of prayer doesn’t depend upon the way I pray, or even I who pray, but upon the one who hears the prayer, and that’s what brings strengthen and help to people during tough times.’

Beck shares that “I pray differently than I think a lot of people pray” and that “I’m just talking to him. And, and, you know, it’s a very informal kind of prayer, but I see him as my buddy. Also my sovereign as well.” Lucado chimes in that “I’m so fascinated by your fascination with the Holy Spirit” and encourages him to tell him and the audience more about his experiences with the Holy Spirit working inside of him, because everyone else listening would love to hear it.

Of course, Glenn Beck is not saved at all, but is deceived. Mormons do not believe in the same God that Christians do, and any being living inside of him is not the Holy Spirit, but rather an unholy demon.

For more on Beck, see here:

Glenn Beck Pronounces Himself Saved at Ed Young’s Church, Crowd Riotously Applauds
Billy Graham Said Glenn Beck – a Mormon – Was a Fellow Christian
The Beck Lies: Mormon Leads Prayer to False God at Ted Cruz Campaign Office
Charismania Embraces Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck’s Mormonized Rant Against Christianity


Church Under Fire for Handing Out ‘I Love Hot Youth Pastors’ Stickers

A Southern Baptist church has come under fire after the youth pastor handed out “I love hot youth pastor’ stickers, prompting backlash from social media over his poor choice in passing these around.

Fairview Baptist Church Student pastor Cory Wall has been put on administrative leave, pending an investigation, after he made a “poor decision” to distribute these stickers to his youth group kids, which went small-time viral on Twitter. The stickers likely plays on the popular “I heart hot _______” trend that is occupying the mind of pop culture.

In response to the brouhaha, Wall sent out the message on the left, with pastor Scott Shipes sent out the one on the right.

Finally, the church responded publicly on Facebook, writing:

In response to the story, many of the commenters are in hysterics, demanding that the church and pastor should be investigated by the police.