
Patriarchy! Atlanta AME Pastor Says “Men Are Not Voting As We Should For Stacey Abrams”

(Woke Preacher TV) Rev. Dr. William D. Watley of Atlanta’s St. Phillip AME Church began his worship service Sunday, October 2, 2022 with open politicking for Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and incumbent Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock.

Watley invokes his authority as pastor to demand his congregants vote a particular way, and he invokes the men in the church’s position as heads of their households as the reason why they should declare their support for Abrams:

Would all men stand. All men stand. Thank you for your presence. And I must asking you to stand because, as has already been announced, voting matters and this is a very critical election.

And the stats so far are showing that we as men are not voting as we should for Stacey Abrams. We’re the head. And we’re for the head of our houses and our families. We cannot lead from behind.

On her worst day, her absolutely worst day, she’s ten times better than Brian Kemp. [Applause] And so I’m asking you, brethren, that wherever you go, wherever you touch, that you inform the rest of us that it is critical that we do our part and get a governor who we know will support us.

We have had to make a couple of calls, because present governor wanted to yank some of our vaccine from this church and DeKalb County, to send it to other parts in the state that were white and Republican. This governor has been a kiss-up to the demonic 45th president, even after he turned on him. He still was loyal to a demon who’s been openly hostile to all minorities. This governor is governor because he stole the last election. And she got back the right way, helped turn the state blue for both the presidential election and the senatorial election.

And so I’m asking all of us, that this is not the time to be chauvinistic and lazy. You’re going to be the man and be the head. We need to be the head and in charge, in terms of the leadership of our community, in terms of voting. And what I say to my brethren, I say to the sisters, but they’re the ones that’s been carrying it anyway.

But we need to do our part to make sure that Stacey Abrams is elected governor and Raphael Warnock is elected senator. [Applause] We do not need a lying scalawag who has already sold his soul to a white, anti-black establishment representing us in Washington, D.C.

And so, this is William Watley talking, and as your pastor, I ask that you listen to me. And many of you who are more astute than I am, and you know I’m telling the truth. God bless you and God keep you. Amen.

Editor’s Note. This is copied from WokePreacherTV’s YT channel, with permission.


Google Bans Christian Anti-Porn Accountability Apps for THIS Reason

The Christian anti-porn accountability sites Covenant Eyes and Accountable2You have been banned from the Google Play Store because they work too well.

In an article posted to their website, Accountable2You reveals that the whole brouhaha began after WIRED published a piece titled The Ungodly Surveillance of Anti-Porn ‘Shameware’ Apps, which focused on “individuals who view accountability apps as surveillance software for policing sinful behavior,” including their own. 

Their programs received complaints after some users “felt forced to share their device activity with leadership in their church.” WIRED then reached out to Google with their “‘findings and the Tech Giant subsequently removed their app from the Playstore, along with Covenant Eyes, another company working in the same space. Accountable2You elaborates:

According to the official email we received, Google suspended the Accountable2You app for a violation of the Play Store’s malware policy. The email is unclear about how our app violated this policy, but it seems most likely that the section on “Stalkerware” in Google’s malware policy is where they chose to take issue with our app.

Stalkerware, also known as spouseware, is when a third party uses an app to monitor a user’s data, usually without their knowledge or consent. Basically, the user of the device is forced to share their data with a third party. If you’re thinking of spyware, then you’re correct!

Accountable2You does not support, endorse, or allow this use of our service as defined in our terms and conditions.

Unlike stalkerware, an accountability app like Accountable2You is designed for a device user to willfully share—or not share—their usage data with a third party to help achieve the goals they have for their device.

Undeterred, Accountable2You stands firm in their mission, sharing that “we believe pornography is a grievous sin against a holy God and want to help people live in freedom from its destructive power” and that “lasting freedom is possible in Christ.” CEO Ben Lawrence concludes by asserting:

Despite this attack, we will continue to build software that makes transparency easy for the device owner. We will continue to call out sin and promote educational resources that will edify the body of Christ.


Woke Leader of Christian Org. Wants to Abolish Criminal Punishment, Even For Cannibals and Rapists

Sam Heath is manager of the Evangelical Network at Equal Justice USA, a woke organization bent on reforming the criminal justice system in light of their interpretation of biblical social justice. Founding members of the EJUSA include Jonathan Merritt, Lisa Sharon Harper, Eugene Cho, Shane Claiborne, Brian McLaren, and Tony Campolo.

Heath appeared on Jemar Tisby’s “Footnotes” podcast and argued that there if someone commits a violent crime, whether it be murder, terrorism, rape or apparently even cannibalism, that the offender should not be executed or even put in prison, but rather restored to society after a temporary “season of separation” and after paying reparations.

Our current criminal legal system believes that when harm happens, the scales of justice are imbalanced. I believe that too. Absolutely. But what I believe brings back that balance isn’t conviction, isn’t execution, isn’t life without parole.

Now there may need to be a season…of separation without harm for an individual. Someone may need to be removed from a situation, a person or from society. But the goal of that is ultimately to have that person reintegrated back into community.

And we already believe this as Christians, right? If we did church discipline in the right way, that’s exactly what it is. Right? We approach someone, if that’s rebuff, we approach with a group, we bring it before the church and then that person is removed. Excommunication is never meant to be this permanent, lasting punishment. It is meant to be this thing that is done for the safety of the community, because harm is always communal, in its effect, and it is done with an invitation to return. It is done always with a handout of welcome, of return, to this healing is offered to you. But if you can’t pursue that, in order to protect this community, we might need to remove someone for a season. But that removal itself isn’t actually the punishment.

Heath continues:

We all have trauma, or most of us have trauma within our backgrounds. And yet, we also, as we engage that- engage other people and can move towards healing- it doesn’t disqualify us from that. And when we do that work of engaging that trauma, either ours or somebody else’s, it’s hard. It’s actually being really tough on crime, to force someone- or not force, but to bring someone into a situation where they are allowed to confront them.

You talk with people who’ve done especially violent crime against individuals who are willing to go through like a restorative justice process and sit down with that person and talk. And they will say it is the hardest thing that they have ever done.

Tisby: “yeah.”

So if we actually want to call people who have done harm to others, and to be tough on crime, it’s having those individuals confront what they’ve done. It’s having those individuals be held accountable. You talked about that word earlier. But accountability is a word that we often use as being synonymous with punishment. But when I say that, that’s not what I mean.

To really hold someone accountable for harm that they’ve done requires that person to acknowledge what they’ve done, to acknowledge the effect it had on someone, to do some physical act of repair that’s most often dictated by that person who did the harm, and then the change is something needs to change in that person’s life or their surrounding institution at the systemic level so that thing can’t happen again.

Tisby chimes in and asks:

This is an allusion to a conversation I had on Pastor Mike with one of the staffers at the Witness BBC, Bria Perry. And we were talking about ‘what does justice look like when harm and violence has has been done?’ So in the case of, let’s say, convicting the police officers who kill an unarmed black person, is that justice? Is that accountability? Is it something else? How do you sort of parse through that?

Health concludes:

It’s so weighty. Just yesterday, we heard about an individual who had been convicted, my wife and I did, and she goes, ‘Oh, good’. And I said, ‘good?’ She says’ that’s right, wait, we don’t believe in prisons and what they’re doing.” I’m like ‘right’

…Ultimately, we’re talking about justice not being punishment, but justice being safety, healing, and accountability….what I want is when harm happens, for someone’s knee jerk reaction not to be ‘what was the crime and who should be punished’, but ‘who was harmed, and who is it that needs healing? And who do I need to bring into my community to help that healing be pursued?’

If we did that, and we pursue the answers to those questions, we would be building that system. What exactly is it going to look like? Nobody knows. And the most honest people in the movement will say ‘we’re not fully sure because some of that depends on what does my community need?’

For more of Tisby:

Jemar Tisby Hired by Ibram X. Kendi to be His New ‘Assistant Director of Narrative and Advocacy’
Jemar Tisby Asserts Orgy-Loving, Jesus-Denying, Serial-Adulturer is a ‘Very Strong Christian’
Jemar Tisby’s VP says that Black Women Should Not Date or Marry White Men
Jemar Tisby’s Black Christian Collective Promotes Pro-Choice Ally Henny to Vice-President

h/t to WokePreacherTV


Joe Biden Compares Abortion to God and Banning Abortion to Satan

(Life News) Joe Biden invoked God’s name Sunday in a bizarre tweet promoting Democrats’ plans to expand the killing of unborn babies in abortions.

The president mentioned both “the Almighty” and “the alternative,” presumably Satan, in the message, but the wording was confusing.

“My dad used to say, ‘Joey, don’t compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative,’” Biden wrote. “And here’s the deal: Democrats want to codify Roe. Republicans want a national ban on abortion. The choice is clear.”

Many took that to mean that Biden was comparing himself and other pro-abortion Democrats to Satan. Indeed, most religious pro-lifers link pro-abortion advocacy to following Satan. The….to continue reading ,click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at LifeNews


Judge Dismisses Megachurch Pastor’s Defamation Lawsuit Against Former Church

A judge has dismissed a defamation lawsuit brought by megachurch pastors Stovall and Kerri Weems against their former church, after the church which they founded and led for decades suspended them for being bad pastors and then published a report describing the Weemses in less-than-glowing terms:

The single word used most frequently to describe Stovall Weems was ‘narcissist.’ Nearly every witness we interviewed used that specific word….the Weemses…leadership is inconsistent and unbiblical (and) marked by rampant spiritual and emotional abuse, including manipulation, a profound sense of self-importance and selfishness, superiority and entitlement, overbearing and unreasonable demands on employees’ time, a lack of accountability or humility, and demands of absolute loyalty….Spiritually, the Weemses have acted with arrogance, pride, deception, manipulation, selfishness, dishonesty, greed, entitlement, conceit, and unrepentance. In short, the antithesis of biblical leadership as described in scripture. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION to CELEBRATION CHURCH OF JACKSONVILLE, INC. April 24, 2022

This prompted a lawsuit against Celebration Church:

In response, the defendants alleged that the court lacked the subject matter jurisdiction to consider the Plaintiffs claims because “such consideration would violate the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine, which
prohibits the secular courts from adjudicating religious disputes.”

The Judge ultimately agreed, concluding:

The Plaintiffs allege the Defendants sought to “prevent [the Plaintiffs] from continuing their
ministry anywhere else,” “destroy any opportunity for Pastor Weems to lead a ministry in the
future,” and have “unjustifiably ruined Plaintiffs’ ability to work in their chosen profession.”

…The consideration of these issues would require: this Court to impermissibly entangle itself within matters of church governance and pastor qualifications.

Because the Plaintiffs’ claims on their face as currently written require this Court’s involvement in ecclesiastical, doctrinal matters, neutral principles of law cannot be used to consider the issues at hand. As such, this Court DISMISSES WITHOUT PREJUDICE the Plaintiffs’ complaint.


Veggie Tales Creator Phil Vischer Comes out as Pro-Choice

Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer, the man who swears he’s not progressive despite knocking creationists as a bunch of dummiescrediting his white privilege for the success of his show, claiming he didn’t know there were such things black Christians until he was an adult, thumbing his nose at “Cracker Barrel Christians,” and most recently getting upset at Christians for opposing LGBTQ.

After100 tweets and replies later, Phil’s true position has seemingly emerged. He considers himself ‘pro-life’, yet would allow and support exceptions for rape and incest. He argues that this position is completely acceptable for a Christian to hold, getting prickly and indignant when challenged. The conversations in no particular order:

Never forget that last year, Phil questioned the point of overturning Roe v. Wade well before the Supreme Court leak, agreeing with his co- host that it wouldn’t really bring down the abortion rate, and that trying to get it overturned is ‘almost irrelevant at this point’

It’s categorically false that most pro-life organizations support exceptions for rape and incest. Then again, Phil and his podcast co-host Skye Jethani have frequently argued that liberals and Democrats are the real pro-lifers who have been reducing abortion, not the conservatives. Phil’s said that if people *actually* care about bringing down the abortion rate, they’d vote for the Democrats and not for Republican candidate, showing how broken and compromised his thinking is about this issue. 

‘Pro-life’ with exceptions for rape and incest is functionally pro-choice. It is ageist and dehumanizing, and it’s good that Phil has finally exposed his treacherous thinking for the world to see.



ONLY NOW!!? Pastor Mike Todd and Transformation Church Have First Live Service in OVER 900 DAYS!

Pastor Michael Todd leads Transformation Church (TC.) He is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last two years, he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 in “reparations,” and purchased $66,000,000 in real estate.

Preview in new tab

He’s also known for preaching some good old-fashioned Modalism, giving the world perhaps the grossest illustration in church after he snorted and then hocked a loogie full of spit and snot into his hand and rubbed it in another man’s face and claiming his church had 75k salvations in the last 18 months even though practically none of them stuck around.

Unbelievably, he also just had his first live service that was open to the public in over 900 days-two and a half years- having been closed since March 2020. He writes on Instagram:

H.O.T (Humble, Open, And Transparent) Moment

Tomorrow will be the first time in 3 years that I will be preaching at @wearetransformation with people in the building since the pandemic…

The man I was the last time I took that platform is not the man I am today..💯

God took me through a process of discipline that has #TRANSFORMED me spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Transformation isn’t just a logo, it’s a LIFESTYLE.

With all that God is continuing to do in me, I have a burden to help you do the same in every area of your life. tC will be a place of great healing, help, and wholeness for so many


Prior to this, only staff members and church volunteers were allowed in the building while the rest of the flock watched the service online. The church has not stated why they have chosen this route, and the last COVID-19 on their website is from May 2020.

We reached out to the church to ask why on earth they were closed for so long, but did not receive a reply at the time of this article.

According to videos posted on the church’s Facebook page, people were lined up since 4:30am to attend, with many more arriving hours before the doors opened.

They needn’t have bothered, as this is not a church anyone should be attending.


David French Argues Millions of ‘Bible-Believing’ Black Protestants are the ‘Foundation’ of Democrat Party

The state’s fool David French appeared on the Holy Post Podcast with woke Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer and Roe v. wade Skeptic Skye Jethani, where French explains that like it or not, the Democratic party is populated by “Bible-believing black Christians.”

French: “If you’re saying that we want Christian influence in the United States, I have good news for you. The biggest, one of the most important voting blocks in all of America, on both the Democratic and Republican side, are Bible-believing Christians. So you have, the white evangelical voting bloc- goes to church more than the average American, says they believe in the Bible- they’re the foundation of the Republican Party.

Democrats try winning without black Protestants. Like, the Democratic party is nowhere without its core base of Black American, Protestant Christians who are Bible-believing. And so that’s one of these things that- imagine sort of the arrogance of saying that a vote for a Republican is faithful and a vote for a Democrat is unfaithful.”

Jethani: “Was that Al Mohler?”

Vischer. “Yeah, he just said that last week.”

French: “And that’s an extraordinary statement when you’re talking about millions of Bible believing Americans who are the foundation of both Democratic parties and the Republican…”

This is ignorant on several levels, the least of which is that the overwhelming majority of mainline denominations who vote Democrats are lost pagans who’d just as soon slap Christ in the face as submit to him. United Methodist Church, Church of Christ, Episcopalians, tons of Anglicans, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Presbyterian Church USA, African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), plus throw in any Oneness Pentecostals for good measure. They need to all be removed from the mix.

These denominations are pro-LGBTQ and pro-abortion or deny the Trinity, so how can they be Bible-believing? While the Republicans certainly have their issues, the Democrat platform is ripped straight out of the devil’s diary. They are the party of legalized baby murder, child grooming, and the unrestrained destruction of the family and gender roles while imposing fascistic anti-Christian zealotry on the country.

Perhaps a misguided, confused, newly converted babe in the faith could vote for the Democrats. But millions of “bible-believing Christians”? Not a chance.

h/t The Dissenter


Charismatic ‘Weather Warrior’ ‘Took Authority’ Over Hurricane Ian. It Didn’t Go Well

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven, sharing how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, claiming she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, she’s living out her calling as a “weather warrior” and “demanding that the storm subsides, with appalling results.

From her bunker in central Florida on September 28, 2022, before Hurricane Ian’s arrival, she released a video explaining that she was “taking authority” over the weather, which is the “right” of Christians to do. Declaring that we are “over the weather, not under it”, she reveals that “no storm has the right to bash or crush or harm anybody” because when God made the world, he set the bounds of the ocean, and the storm has no right to come up on the land.

As such, she commands the hosts of heaven to “get in that storm Ian and begin to shred the bands of the storm and cause it to dissipate” while also commanding the “pressure” to ease up because she and her fellow weather warriors are not “tolerating any death threats from hell or from the storm.”

She concludes by “tak(ing) authority over the winds” and demands that the winds do not increase in any way, nor the floodwaters rise, insisting that their prayers have created a wall on the east coast to prevent destruction and death.

Because all natural disasters are from God, as part of his sovereign plan and will, the hurricane raged on, and its death and destruction were enormous.

A few days later she was a bit more subdued. Still, last time she epically failed subduing a storm she was undeterred, and Kerr can still be seen on her Facebook wall commanding angels to shred and bash the storm while urging followers to consider donating to her ministry.


Charismatic Prophetess Reveals the 24 Elders in Heaven are Basically like Waiters or Hostesses at Heavenly Parties

And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. Revelation 4:4 KJV

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven, sharing how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, claiming she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, she’s recounting all the mysteries she’s learned during her thousands of trips to heaven.

Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on episode 96 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, she explains that the 24 elders in heaven give counsel to God when they’re not helping host parties and big events or trash-talking Lucifer

Shultz: Have you seen the 24 elders sitting on the throne? Do you know the elders? Like, their names? Have you ever talked to any of them?

Kerr: Um, I’ve seen a couple of them, they said something to me. I don’t generally go up there and walk around and talk to anybody really, I’m like taken to specific places to get revelation on it. If I’m present, I’ll hear things that are said.

But these 24 Elders are not the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel, they are not, and they’re not the disciples. (unintelligible) has to figure it out in their own head what they think God is doing. They’re 24 spiritual beings that have been with him, probably, if not forever, probably a very long time. It’s a council. They’re like a council, (God the Father) takes counsel with (them) about things.

But what they do right now in heaven, is they actually go around asking everybody, ‘is there something I can help you with’?

“Really?” Shultz asks, lapping up every word.

Kerr: Yeah. Because you know, it says to be the greatest of all will be what?

Shultz: A servant:

Kerr: Yes, they go around heaven to see who they can serve, and why would they need to serve them? People all over heaven are always creating events. You’re gonna have a big event and invite half of heaven, all of heaven. And because it’s a major thing like that, they want to know what can they do to help you. And that’s really what they’re doing most of the time, besides meeting with God in His boardroom or his council room.

(God the Father) likes to take counsel, even with some of the people come home to heaven. I’ve seen he has a boardroom, the Father does, and he’ll invite them in just to hear what his plans are… But these 24 Elders are not someone who lived on the earth at one time.

Kat concludes by saying that she was talking to some of them, and was struck by the fact that they were laughing and excited about justice coming to earth, making comments about Lucifer and his future.

They were laughing because the enemy’s going to lose so bad. He’s always lost, and they were talking about him being a loser, that Satan was a loser.