
Stacey Abrams Butchers Bible at Church Service, “As for Me and My House, I Plan to Vote”

Speaking at Atlanta’s Elizabeth Baptist Church, where Bishop Craig L. Oliver, Sr. introduced her by gushing: “God has raised her in the capacity of an Esther in today’s time. For such a time as this, God has exalted her.” Abrams goes on to explain why the right to abortion is so important, much to the uproarious cheering and clapping of the lost goats and goatlings in the crowd, then butchers the famous “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” by replacing it with her true God.

I come from a tradition of faith. And I believe that I have the right to control my body and control my future, and that that belongs to me alone. (Cheering and clapping from congregation) And I don’t want to make the choice for anybody else, but I don’t want some man who’s never met me in my doctor’s office with me. (More clapping and cheering)

In the tradition of Esther, and Deborah and Ruth, of Mary and Marth; it took men to break this place, it’s gonna take a woman to put it right.

She continues:

“I was recently reading the book of Lamentations. And it’s an interesting five books when you read the five chapters, it’s about being under siege. It’s about Judah being under siege and being told there isn’t enough for everyone so you are going to have to starve. Starve of food, starve of opportunity, starve of freedom.

But the book of Lamentations is about reminding us that even in siege, we have an opportunity to see the future. That we have the chance to rise up and have more. And voting is how we do that in a democracy. Over the next 23 days, we can decide who we intend to be. Do we want to serve each other, or do we want to serve those who would keep us subservient?

For me in my house, I plan to vote.”

h/t WokepreacherTV


Pope Francis Appoints Rabid Pro-Choicer to Pro-Life Organization

Pope Francis has named several members to the Pontifical Academy for Life, a Roman Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to “study, information and formation on the principal problems of biomedicine and of law, relative to the promotion and defense of life.” While most are run of the mill scholars, one name stands out: economist Mariana Mazzucato.

Mazzucato is rabidly pro-choice, having spent the better part of the last six months tweeting out against the overturning of Roe v. Wade and her support for abortion. According to Catholic Culture:

  • On June 23, the eve of the decision, she retweeted a tweet by Robert Reich: “So states can decide you must carry a fetus but not whether you can carry a concealed gun?”
  • On June 24, the day of the decision, she retweeted a tweet by Nicola Sturgeon: “One of the darkest days for women’s rights in my lifetime. Obviously the immediate consequences will be suffered by women in the US—but this will embolden anti-abortion & anti-women forces in other countries too. Solidarity doesn’t feel enough right now—but it is necessary.”
  • On June 24, she retweeted a tweet by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: “Safe #abortion is health care. It saves lives. Restricting it drives women and girls towards unsafe abortions, resulting in complications, even death. The evidence is irrefutable.”
  • On June 25, she tweeted, “So good!” in commenting on an anti-Christian harangue about abortion.
  • On June 25, she tweeted, “Excellent @ewarren” in reaction to comments about abortion made by pro-abortion Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
  • On July 2, she retweeted a tweet by Bloomberg Quicktake: “‘Safe abortion is health care. It saves lives.’ Earlier this week, WHO’s @DrTedros blasted the Supreme Court’s decision to end the constitutional right to an abortion as a ‘setback’ for the decades-long trend toward safer access.”
  • On July 3, she retweeted a tweet by Robert Reich: “Call me a radical lefty, but I think it should be easier to get a life-saving abortion than an assault rifle.”
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They further explain that “According to the Pontifical Academy for Life’s revised statutes, promulgated by Pope Francis in 2016, ordinary members “are appointed for a term of five years by the Holy Father, after hearing the opinion of the Governing Council and on the basis of their academic qualifications, proven professional integrity, professional expertise and faithful service in the defence and promotion of the right to life of every human person” 

And yet this is who Francis has personally appointed to the team? This does not surprise us in the least.

This is stuff for the aging commie, who has been busy appointing a notorious pro-LBGTQ priest to a major role, affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, instituting ‘vaccine ‘passports’ at Vatican City, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.


Microsoft Releases New PRIDE Flag Ft. 40 LGBTQIA+ ‘Communities’,inc: Aceflux, Graysexual, Maverique and Trigender

Microsoft has proudly designed a new flag, and it’s about as gaudy and garish as they come. Created by the LGBTQIA+ people at Microsoft and released as an open source image, the flag represents “40 different individual LGBTQIA+ communities with one powerful graphic that reflects a message of unity, solidarity and intersectionality.”

In a message from the Microsoft design team, they explain that the flag was created to “advance LGBTQIA+ visibility and representation” and continually expand, adding new segments to the flag as new groups emerge.

This flag combines 40 different flags from LGBTQIA+ communities around the world, including: Abrosexual, Aceflux, Agender, Ambiamorous, Androgynous, Aroace, Aroflux, Aromantic, Asexual, Bigender, Bisexual, Demifluid, Demigender, Demigirl, Demiromantic, Demisexual, Gay/MLM/Vinician, Genderfluid, Genderflux, Genderqueer, Gender questioning, Graysexual, Intersex, Lesbian, Maverique, Neutrois, Nonbinary, Omnisexual, Pangender, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Polysexual, Transgender, Trigender, Two Spirit, Progress Pride, Queer, Unlabeled.

Genderfandom helps explain some of the more curious additions:

Aceflux is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum. It is defined as someone whose sexual orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the asexual spectrum

Graysexuality describes people who are largely asexual but still occasionally have sex. Within the subculture, there exists a gynesexual gray-biromantic person: someone usually sexually attracted to women or feminine-presenting people; rarely experience romantic attraction towards more than one gender.

Maverique is a term to describe those whose gender exists outside of binary completely. It exists on its own plane of gender, separate from all others. It is a gender characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of self that is entirely independent. However, maveriques can be multigender with their other genders being related to maleness, femaleness, or neutrality.

Trigender is a gender identity which can be literally translated as ‘three genders’ or ‘triple gender’. Trigender people experience exactly three gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between them. These three gender identities can be malefemale and/or any non-binary identities

It’s all theater and rebellion against God’s created order, and it’s only getting worse.

Bonus: Never forget this list of extra made-up genders


Leighton Flowers Says Southern Baptists Were Wrong to Exclude Open Theists

Open theism is a false teaching that attempts to explain God’s foreknowledge in relation to man’s free will. Open theism essentially teaches that God can’t actually know everything, for if He did, then man couldn’t truly be free.

Open theism denies the essential attributes of God, namely his omniscience, but also denies his sovereignty and Lordship over all Creation. It denies the power of God by implying that God could create a world and deny Himself the ability to know the final outcome of His creation, particularly as it comes to those who He would save. One cannot read the Word of God and come away with such a conclusion, though, and open theism is nothing more than an attempt to get around God’s sovereignty over salvation.

The crux of the false teaching here is the denial of God’s attributes clearly taught in the Scriptures, and this is why it has been rejected as such by the Church.

Yet, Leighton Flowers, in his never-ending quest to….to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was published at The Dissenter


Jesus Quotes ‘Book of Mormon’ In The Chosen Season 3

A recently released trailer from season 3 of The Chosen reveals that the show has gone full Mormon. In the clip published on the show’s Facebook page, Jonathan Roumie, the actor who portrays Jesus in the series, makes the statement, “I am the law of Moses.” Contrary to this misquotation, Jesus never claimed to be the law of Moses, but rather claimed to “fulfill the law” in Matthew 5:17. 

The quotation “I am the Law of Moses” is actually derived from Nephi 15:9 in the book of Mormon:

I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live

Though disappointing to Christian fans of The Chosen, this development in the series should not surprise viewers, as director Dallas Jenkins previously defended his Mormon friends, saying, “LDS are Christians” in a series of videos that defended Mormonism. The first video in the series began with the claim that God answered the prayers of director Dallas Jenkins, through the LDS church, allowing Jenkins to film season two of The Chosen in its Jerusalem set in Goshen, Utah. Apparently, Jenkins’ use of LDS resources and his friendship with Mormons have opened the door to heresy and compromise in the production of the series. As the series has gained popularity, its producers and actors have embraced ecumenism, with Jonathan Roumie and Dallas Jenkins visiting the Vatican to promote the series by meeting Pope Francis. The Pontiff asked Jenkins if he played Judas, which isn’t a stretch, considering his recent betrayal of the words of Christ.


Is Rob Schneider and ‘Movie Night Ministry’ Helping the Church Grow?

Comedian Rob Schneider is known for his antics as a foul-mouthed actor, playing such characters as a male prostitute in his raunchy comedy Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo. Schneider has recently been in the news for his libertarian political positions and comments about cancel culture, which allegedly landed Schneider on Hollywood’s conservative actor blacklist. In an effort to continue producing movies, Schneider has teamed up with Movie Night Ministries to produce Daddy Daughter Trip, a family-friendly movie.

Normally the production of a family-friendly “Christian” movie would be considered a non-story, and normally it would be considered encouraging to see a movie star who specializes in raunchy humor decide to change his tune and produce something wholesome and kid-friendly. The seeker-friendly strategy of Movie Night Ministries, however, is to take the attractional power of a movie star with a reputation for producing a certain form of entertainment, add it to an otherwise average family-friendly movie, and then top the whole thing off with just enough Christianese or “Christ-centered undertones” to reel people into the seeker-sensitive church permanently. 

Details on Movie Night Ministry’s actual evangelism strategy are virtually non-existent in their promotional material, but the program claims to have the ability to attract, convert, and retain unchurched visitors who venture through the doors of the church. 

Movie Night Ministry touts its conversion formula for moving a visitor from a movie-goer to a permanent movie-goer. Establish trust with a free movie. Offer a new film that is only available at church as an exclusive opportunity frequently (this step takes the place of the urgency created by knowing that you will spend eternity in hell if you don’t have saving faith in Jesus). Create credibility by using “credible talent” in films (because the ministry doesn’t believe in the credible witness of the scriptures). Finally, win the lost soul over with “value.” The poor lost soul “is not offended by any cost” and “feels safe to attend.” It’s almost as if Movie Night Ministry believes that Jesus never said anything about counting the cost of discipleship (Luke 14:25-33).

Of course, the Movie Night Ministries’ model doesn’t need scripture, Gospel preaching, or Jesus to win the lost because it utilizes the key secret seeker-sensitive ingredient, an unregenerate foul-mouthed Pagan celebrity who needs the Gospel just as much as every unchurched attendee of a Movie Night Ministry event. At the same time that the Daddy Daughter Trip movie trailer was making the rounds, Schneider was taking the Lord’s name in vain and dropping F-bombs on Bill Maher’s Club Random Podcast, which should come as no surprise because Pagan’s gonna Pag. According to Movie Night Ministries, this method is now the “#1 method in attracting non-churchgoers to local congregations” and the “first to deploy ‘A-list’ talent to grow local congregations.” 

Unsurprisingly, Movie Night Ministries touts the endorsement of Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, which pretty much sums up the ministry’s lack of true Gospel presentation in a nutshell.

To be fair, while Movie Night Ministries is the first ministry to produce its own seeker-sensitive films, LifeChurch has been pushing this attractional model for several years with their At the Movies-themed worship services that present a seeker-sensitive message through the lens of a Blockbuster film. 


Meet the Coalition of Leftist Theological Misfits Trying to Kill ‘Christian Nationalism’

As arguments over the much-maligned and inadequately defined concept of “Christian Nationalism” rage in the bowels of social media, a wonky inclusive coalition of leftist theological misfits from several organizations has taken upon themselves the task of defeating Christian nationalism and foisting religious pluralism upon all those Christians in America who believe that their convictions should influence life beyond their church or personal prayer closet. This coalition includes the Baptist Joint Committee, Faith Voices, Know Your Neighbor, National Coalition For Public Education, Christians Against Christian Nationalism, and Shoulder to Shoulder.

Notable endorsers of the Christians Against Christian Nationalism statement include Sister Simone Campbell of the network lobby for Catholic Social Justice, Red Letter Christian Founders Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo, and Sojourner’s founder Jim Wallis. Members of Christians Against Christian Nationalism and its affiliated sister organizations are unapologetically dedicated to promoting religious pluralism. They believe that attempts by Christians to exercise power in the public square are fundamentally unchristian. For example, the Baptist Joint Committee filed a legal brief against Jack Phillips, the Masterpiece Cake Shop Owner who refused to make a Gay Wedding Cake.

The National Coalition for Public Education, a coalition member, uses its political influence and clout to push an agenda of opposing private school vouchers and promoting increased funding for the woke public school indoctrination system. Supporting members of the NCPE include secular leftist organizations, such as Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, People for the American Way, and the National PTA. The accusation against private Christian schools is that they are discriminatory and support the teaching of religion. Never mind that these secular leftist organizations promote an overt LGBTQ-promoting agenda that sexualizes children at a young age through graphic sex ed programs and diversity initiatives that normalize sexual deviancy.

The Baptist Joint Committee of the coalition isn’t afraid to join hands with anyone who advocates pluralism. The group openly accepts non-Christians who promote the cause of religious pluralism. Faith doesn’t matter to the BJC as long as you agree with their stance on religious pluralism and the first amendment and “find common ground that allows all of us to make a greater impact,” whatever that means.

Members of these coalition groups appear to be more concerned with creating a religiously diverse nation than preaching the Gospel to a lost and dying world. According to Christians Against Christian Nationalism signer Paula Dempsey, “all are beloved as God’s children,” and Christians should “promote a pluralistic society grounded in the First Amendment’s free establishment clauses.” 

Interestingly, the leftist coalition of theological misfits who oppose the ever-nebulous boogeyman of Christian nationalism seems to be the same misfits who have advocated for “separation of church and state” for the past 50 years. Their argumentation isn’t rooted in scripture but rather in a pluralistic interpretation of the constitution and a religiously secular conceptualization of the founding documents. The secular state isn’t neutral, and its practices will never be neutral. If the coalition of leftists against Christian Nationalism were honest, they would say that they prefer drag queen story hour over public Christmas nativities, abortion on demand over public funding for faith-based crisis pregnancy centers, graphic sex tutorials for elementary-school students over teaching a Biblically-based sexual ethic, and most notably an emphasis on religious pluralism over the exclusivity of Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 


Brian and Bobbie Houston Announce Ministry Comeback Event!

Seven months ago Brian Houston was ousted from his role as the Global Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church, after facing allegations of sexual impropriety and an addiction to alcohol.

Five months ago he released an apology to everyone that he hurt, interweaving multiple instances promising he will continue to be active in the ministry in some way, repeatedly stressing that the best is yet to come, the final chapters of his life haven’t been written and that God isn’t finished with him yet.

Two months ago, he preached a ‘comeback’ sermon at the multicampus Christian Faith Church in Seattle, WA, repeatedly stressing that God’s plan is to give everyone an amazing legacy, and no matter how many mistakes you make, it’s never too late to choose to have a legacy for your future.

Now, Houston and his wife have announced a special event on November 9th, 2022 that will be streamed across the world.

Billed as An Evening with Bobbie and Brian, the event will be an “evening of connection, fellowship, and enjoying community” where the Houston’s will “preach, and they pray people will be blessed and God will be Glorified” while noting specifically that “Great things start with small beginnings!

In short, they’re back!

With many within Hillsong convinced that Houston got a raw deal and he and his wife Bobbie making multiple comments on social media decrying the shabby way they were treated, promising that they would soon tell their side of the story, the prospect of the Houston’s starting up a new church ministry is not a matter of ‘if but ‘when.’

Given the popularity and loyalty he still enjoys within the flock, this new endeavor will certainly prove to be a smashing success.


SWBTS Trustees Offer Details on President Adam Greenway’s ‘Resignation’ and the Dysfunctionality of his Leadership

Last month, SWBTS President Adam Greenway was effectively canned for being terrible at his job. Marked by a desire to reshape the seminary’s ethos in his image, at least 45 faculty left under Greenways’ watch, either retiring, resigning, or plain out being fired, such as the canning of the much-loved top professors David Allen and Robert Lopez.

With morale at an all-time low, Greenway also dragged the seminary into massive debt, ensuring his vocational coil was swiftly snuffed out. The fact that he recently challenged the biblical definition of a pastor and claimed the Baptist Faith and Message 2000’s restriction of the pastorate to men likely applied only to the (biblically non-existent) office of “senior pastors” and not other ‘pastoral roles’ likely didn’t help matters either.

In a SWBTS new brief, chairman Danny Roberts recounted for trustees the circumstances that led to Greenway’s resignation:

“(Roberts spoke) candidly about the Sept. 22 Executive Committee meeting and the “difficult decisions” made by trustees. Noting his role in Greenway’s election as ninth president, Roberts said he is “convinced” God led the search committee and board to Greenway, who “accepted a very difficult assignment, which was further complicated” by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Over time, unfortunately, several patterns developed that board officers and the Executive Committee had a duty to address,” he said. “As those became known, they were addressed in an appropriate manner. Significant financial challenges compounded a growing sense of concern among our board leadership.”

Among “areas of concern,” Roberts said, “were dysfunctionality amongst senior leadership, budget mismanagement, overspending resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars of deficits per month, and attempts to pass the blame for these matters onto three different chief financial officers who were each removed. More recently, it became clear that action was required after evidence emerged of escalating morale problem in the institution, especially among the faculty, and a resistance to safeguards board leadership wanted to implement.”

By the end of the Executive Committee meeting, Greenway “offered his resignation and the trustees accepted that resignation.”

Regarding the questions of dysfunction, SWBTS senior advisor O.S. Hawkins shared on social media that as a result of the findings regarding the inner working of the deviltry inside the school, further audits will be done to ensure a “detailed review” of all raised concerns.


Witness BCC VP Suggests White People Enjoy Viral ‘It’s Corn!’ Video Because They’re Racist

While Jemar Tisby and his supporters go around complaining and raging that a college that he once spoke at repudiated one of his messages for being too progressive and having “divisive racial themes,’ the LGBTQ-affirming, openly pro-choice Vice President of his Black Christian Collective Organization is out slinging racial accusations again, this time suggesting that white folks only like memes with featuring black people because of their white racist impulses.

For context, this is the same woman who advised black women not to enter into interracial relationships with white people, then she said that she’s concerned about the number of black ‘coons’ running for political office, because white people are ‘weaponizing’ them. She also said that white children are racist after observing THIS normal playground behavior. Now, she’s getting more an more extreme, sharing her dark and accusatory thoughts towards white folk who appreciate the viral video and it’s ‘songified’ companion.

I just want to say that I love Tariq, aka the little boy known as ‘corn kid’. He is adorable. His discussion of corn is just so innocent and pure and there’s so many life lessons that you can take from it. So this is no shade on him at all whatsoever.

At the same time, I really struggle with black viral fame. I don’t want to be one of those people that keeps people from enjoying things because I’m looking at it way too deep. But part of me wonders if whenever black people go viral for something, if we’re all sharing it and laughing about it for the same reasons.

And if I’m honest, I don’t think that we’re finding the same thing humorous, especially along racial and cultural lines. And I know that people will jump in the comments about corn kid and be like, ‘Oh, but he’s so cute’ and this and that and the other, and that’s totally true.

But I can’t help but wonder if white people’s impulse to be entertained by black people is behind the virality of corn kid, or for that matter of the ‘Period Ahh Period Uhh; girl who is black fishing. Just some food for thought.