Yea and Amen! Rosaria Butterfield Repents of Using Personal Pronouns

Rosaria Butterfield is the author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, and The Gospel Comes With a House Key. She’s one of the prominent Christian held up as an example of the power of the gospel on account of being a lesbian Women’s Studies professor who was saved and sanctified. She ultimately married a man, had a family, and turned aside from her wayward ways- being a shining success story in an ocean littered with failures.
We’ve scrapped with her over the years primarily because of ancillary perspectives on homosexual habits, including the use of personal pronounces relating to “Christian hospitality.” Thankfully, over the last few years, she’s buttoned up some of her more wanton errors that we’ve previously criticized, publicly confessing them as sins.
Last year, she repented for being anti-reparative therapy, calling it ‘the most misguided words I have written.’ then later, she blasted tribalistic ‘gay christians’ and ‘Side B’ revoicers.
Now, in a move that we are very grateful for and which shows integrity that is admirable and to be emulated, she wrote an article titled Why I no longer use Transgender Pronouns—and Why You shouldn’t, either, where she writes:
In 1998, I became one of the first crop of so-called “tenured radicals” in American universities, proudly touting my lesbian street cred. In 1999, Christ called me to repentance and belief, and I became a despised defector of the LGBTQ+ movement. But progressive sanctification came slowly, and I have failed many times during these past decades.
After I have learned lessons, I have earnestly tried to course-correct.
And that’s the problem.
My use of transgendered pronouns was not a mistake; it was a sin.
Public sin requires public repentance, not course correction.
I have publicly sinned on the issue of transgender pronouns, which I have carelessly used in books and articles.
I have publicly sinned by advocating for the use of transgender pronouns in interviews and public Q&As.
Amen and amen!
The entire article is a great read, where she explains how and why she was wrong, divulging her thought process, why she came to her previous conclusions, and what now she’s come to believe.
It is also a little bit of vindication for us. While the whole world was lifting Butterfield up for her theological acumen and winsome words regarding personal pronouns and reparative therapy, we criticized her as early as 2018 for the exact two prominent positions she has now repudiated, which earned us no shortage of cruel worlds and caustic remarks.
What Butterfield has done is set a stellar example of humility and sanctification. We’re proud of her.
Thank God for giving individuals like Butterfield the courage and strength to publicly rebuke unbiblical sin in today’s woke world. I can’t imagine how much pushback she must be receiving.
Rosaria’s repentance was so sincere and thorough. What a lovely gift and testimony.
This article (and the other Protestia one linked within it) however reads like this: “We’re so proud of you for finally repenting of what we criticized you for. Now you’re sanctified just like us.”
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude…
I agree, but if the clueless sheep constantly caught in the middle of all of this wouldn’t always attack those bringing a godly rebuke, then Protestia wouldn’t have to add its little I told you so’s.
It’s a warning to maybe think first next time. And there’s really no good way to say that without coming across as petty.
Protestia correctly called out her error. She has repented. Good
I hope she is prepared for the angry storm that is headed her way. 🙏