
A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 17

The seventeenth album in this year’s series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click pictures to enlarge.

Album #1Album #2 Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13 Album #14 Album #15 Album #16


Report: Same-Sex Couple Households in U.S. Exceed 1 Million

(Breitbart)Same-sex households in the U.S. exceeded one million in 2021 for the first time ever, according to data touted by the U.S. Census.

Data from the American Community Survey, released by the U.S. Census Bureau, found that there were 1.2 million same-sex couple households in 2021. The trend has remained relatively steadily on the rise over the past 10+ years, as there were less than 600,000 same-sex couple households recorded in 2008. Over ten years later, in 2019, that figure hovered below one million.

Of the 1.2 million same-sex households recorded in 2021, 710,000 were married, and 500,000 unmarried. 

According to the Census Bureau data, South Dakota reported the lowest percentage of same-sex households, with less than half of a percentage point, or 0.4 percent. 

Washington, D.C., had “the highest percentage of same-sex couple households of any state or state equivalent,” at 2.5 percent, per the data. Other areas that… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Hannah Bleau and published at Breitbart.


Pope Francis Asks Pagans to Send Him ‘Good Vibes’ Rather than Prayers

In a message sent to the French organization Leaders Pour la Paix (Leaders for Peace), Pope Francis asked non-believers to send him “good vibes” in lieu of prayers, eschewing sound doctrine for woo-woo new-age jargon.

This unbiblical worldview is typical stuff for the aging commie, who has been busy affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, and the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.

To close out his letter, in which he condemned war and praised peacekeeping, the Pope told the secular organization:

I invoke upon you all and upon your work the abundant graces of God and I ask you not to forget to pray for me. And if one or the other does not pray, because he does not know or cannot, at least send me “good vibes”: I need them for this work. Thanks.


Episcopal Church Releases 2021 Membership and Attendance Numbers. It’s Catastrophic

With a median congregational age of 69 and a commitment to social justice caramels, the Episcopal Church is dying, both figuratively and literally. 

According to their newly-released 2021 Parochial Report, average Sunday attendance is down 36% since last year, from 547,000 people in 2019, 483,000 in 2020 to just 312,000 in 2021. Given the denomination claims 1.6 million baptized members, only 19% of its claimed members are attending services regularly.

According to the denomination’s own projections, attendance will decline by 98% by 2041. Episcopal priestess Rev. Dwight Zscheile has lamented the losses noting, “At this rate, there will be no one in worship by around 2050 in the entire denomination.”

The apostate denomination took an enormous hit in 2020, losing nearly 12% of its congregation members in just one year. According to reports by the Office of the General Convention, they’ve dropped 20% since 2016 and 25% since 2012.

That particular report revealed more startling information, such as 10% of their congregations have 20 people or less, 5% have 10 people or less, and the average congregation is around 50 people, the overwhelming number of them senior citizens. One diocese for example, the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan, only has 385 members spread across 21 churches, and it just disappeared.

Unsurprisingly, Episcopalian giving was up 3% from the year before. This is because Episcopalians have historically been an affluent denomination, being funded by the hordes of men and women who die and then leave the church in their will as a beneficiary to their estate. They are being kept running by the deaths of their deceived denizens, but not much longer. 


Union Seminary Offers Course on how to “Think and Feel with Other Species, with the Trees, with the Soil”

Union Theological Seminary, a repository for every sort of half-baked pagan prerogative where no true Christian has stepped foot on campus since 1927, has announced that they have a Masters of Arts program where students can paint with all the colors of the wind and “think and feel with other species, with the trees, with the soil, with the rivers.”

The course is taught by Professor Claudio Carvalhaes, who describes himself as an “earth thinker” and “theologian” and is an ordained pastor within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It’s part of a Masters of Arts in Social Justice, where students in the program will be “equipped to think critically, intersectionally, and creatively about human and planetary flourishing and the ongoing pursuit of a more just society and equitable world.”

This is not unexpected by Union by any means. This is the same seminary that “confessed to plants” in their chapel service in 2019.

h/t The Dissenter


National Association of Evangelicals Lobbied Senators to Support Pro-LBGTQ “Respect for Marriage Act”

In The National Association of Evangelicals Fiddles While Healthy Breasts Burn, we previously explained how the group has become increasingly entrenched in their recalcitrance and pitiful in their irrelevancy. 

Led by Walter Kim and having Ed Stetzer on their Executive Committee, the lobbying group that represents tens of thousands of churches from over 40 denominations recently demonstrated their lack of representation by supporting a legislative initiative called Fairness for All, which sought to codify sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes, adding them to federal nondiscrimination laws. This is in addition to a thousand other progressive cuts and hot takes perfectly by their newly released blockbuster report Loving the Least of These.

Recently, Kim wrote to Senators Tammy Baldwin and Susan Collins seeking to squeeze them into supporting the Respect for Marriage Act, a brutish misnomer of a name if there ever was one.

According to the Hill, the bill would “require the federal government to recognize a marriage if it was valid in the state where it was performed and guarantee that valid marriages are given full faith and credit in other states.” while also protecting religious groups from being forced to accommodate them (even though it won’t do the latter at all.)

Kim called the legislation “important, commonsense provisions” and thanked the politicians for “diligently working to ensure the inclusion of important religious freedom protections” in the act.

Noted Christian scholar Robert Gagnon expressed his disbelief at NAE’s actions, calling for the Resignation of Kim for supporting “the worst legislation in my lifetime, which pulls the rug out from any reasonable definition of marriage.

When NAE pushed back, offering that “NAE supported the religious liberty protections in the Respect for Marriage Act, but did not endorse the bill as a whole,” Gagnon doubled down, writing:

“This response by the NAE to my calling for Kim’s resignation is a prime example of doublespeak. Kim falsely extolled the bill as a whole for “advancing religious freedom for all.” Last year he lamented a Christian “winner-take-all” approach & supported “gay rights” legislation.”

Twitter user Tyler points out the real issue here with the NAE and other groups like them, a resignation to playing the defense rather than an aggressive insistence on going on the offensive.

That the NAE would such forethought and clarity of purpose.


Pro-Choice Protesters Crash Crisis Pregnancy Center’s Banquet Screaming “Blood on Your Hands”

A Crisis Pregnancy Center that vandals previously attacked was targeted again by protesters this week, this time by activists who attempted to disrupt their banquet. The unruly couple got up and screamed, “blood on your hands,” “shame on you”, and other inanities before being escorted out of the building in the latest demonstration of the left’s intolerance towards the goodness and dignity of human life.

During the summer, several clinics were attacked after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, including Capitol Hill Crisis Pregnancy Center, who had red paint splashed all over the door and saw spray painted “Jane Says Revenge” on the side of the building.

Jane’s Revenge is a militant terror group formed immediately following the May 2022 SCOTUS leak and has claimed responsibility for a host of firebombing and acts of violence across the country, mainly targeting crisis pregnancy centers. The name is believed to come from the Jane Collective, an underground movement providing illegal abortions to women in Chicago in the 1970s before abortion was legalized. Several radical pro-choice groups have adopted the phrasing and ideology, as they continue their mission to protect child sacrifice for prosperity (CSP)


Jemar Tisby Cuts a Promo Video For Abortion-Loving ‘Christians’

Prior to the 2022 midterms, Jemar Tisby cut a video for Critical race Theorist Ibram X Kendi’s “Emancipator” news outlet, promoting Raphael Warnock and William Barber as positive examples of faith-based politics, despite both men enthusiastically affirming child sacrifice for prosperity (CSP) and queer syncretism.

You’ll recall Kendi previously hired Tisby to be his new ‘Assistant Director of Narrative and Advocacy’ at the Center for Antiracist Research, and the two have been conspiring together ever since. Tibsy is the author of The Color of Compromise and How to Fight Racism who has an openly pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ woman leading his Christian organization and who has praised and platformed a Universalist Anti-Christ pastrix. He explains in the video:

While the white Christian nationalist crusade threatens the future of our democracy, it’s not the only way people of faith have engaged in politics. For example, the black Christian tradition represents a very different way people of faith have engaged with politics, a way that historically has led to more democratic participation and an expansion of civil rights and inclusion. No faith community is perfect, and the black Christian tradition doesn’t always get it right. But it serves as a valuable reminder that the white Christian nationalist crusade isn’t the only witness to faith in politics.

That there is a tradition of working toward a multiracial, inclusive democracy fueled by a very different understanding of Christianity. We can look at people like William J. Barber, who helped revive the Poor People’s Campaign, Latosha Brown, leader of Black Voters Matter. And Chris Jones, physicist and ordained minister, who’s running for governor of Arkansas. All of them are vocal about the role of faith in their activism, and working to break the old molds of whose voices and whose votes count in this country. White Christian nationalism is a dangerous and urgent threatened United States. We should know about it. We should understand it so we can resist this anti-democratic crusade.

That Tisby believes most of these people are Christians is pathetic.

Pastor Raphael Warnock’s pagan liberalism and heresy are well-established, as you don’t get endorsed by Planned Parenthood without being a bit of a heretic. Chris Jones is a pro-pro LBGTQ minister who was least seen preaching at a Unitarian Universalist church. And Barber?

Barber is the campaign chair at the Poor People’s Campaign and the progressive pastor of Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. His church is part of the apostate Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination, a 250,000-member maligner of God’s word, characterized by a rejection of the Christian creeds, the freedom to deny essential doctrines like the Trinity or Atonement, and full acceptance or LGBTQ+ and abortion rights. The denomination has only one belief- you must believe Jesus is God, but other than that, how that is expressed and everything else is up to you. Barber has adopted that with enthusiasm, having previously teamed up with Planned Parenthood for pro-choice rallies and recently having preached this bender:

That he would lift up these men as positive examples of Christian witness shows how compromised and hopelessly lost he he truly is.

h/t to @wokepreacertv.


Leaders for the General Missionary Baptist Convention Of Georgia (GMBC) Preemptively Declare Victory for Raphael Warnock

The General Missionary Baptist Convention Of Georgia is a dumpster fire of compromise and effete men, seen strikingly in their declarations and decrees that God has secured victory for Senator Raphael Warnock at the denomination’s annual session.

For reference, Warnock (D-GA) is a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ senior ‘pastor’ of the thoroughly apostate Ebenezer Baptist Church (historically known for Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership) who denies the resurrection of Jesus and tweets out things like this:

During the session, GMBC president Anthony Corbett introduces him in glowing terms, reinforcing the notion that the denomination is all about Warnock and voting him in.

“We’re grateful to have our Senator with us today. I said OUR senator, in the person of Senator Reverend Dr Raphael Warnock, amen. And I’ll say more about the voting, but we want to pause for a few minutes to allow him to come before us and speak to our convention. We are grateful to be represented in all 159 counties but the time has come not to just represent, we got to be about it, amen? And I’ll say more about it, but Senator Warnock, we got you back. We got you back. I’m talking to GMBC.”

After a speech, where Warnock tells them “your adversary sees your power and so you’ve got to exercise it, pastors preach the gospel of voting rights” he is publicly prayed for:

We come now Master praying for this our brother, Pastor Warnock. We know that you have called him and anointed him for such a time as this. And God, we ask now that you would throw your hedge of protection around him. Protect him from all of the arrows and the darts of Satan. God, we know he has faith, because he preaches about you day in and day out, not only with his lips but with his life.

…we know Master that he’s being led by you, and as long as you’re leading, we know that everything will be all right. God we pray now for the citizens of Georgia, that we take it not for granted and that we will get up and go and vote in this runoff election. We just counted a victory already, and we’re going to praise you now for the answer that is already on its way. But God, even though we know that the victory is there, we’re going to put feet and hands to the victory. God we’re going to encourage others to go out and do the right thing.”

h/t Woke Preacher TV


Matt Chandler To Return to the Pulpit this Sunday After 3 Month Suspension

Months after the elder board of The Village Church temporarily suspended lead pastor Matt Chandler over engaging in an inappropriate, overly familiar conversation with a woman, the church has announced that Chandler has completed his restoration process and is returning to the pulpit on December 4th, the 20th anniversary of the church’s first service. They explain:

“Matt has been diligently working through a development plan that we laid out for him…We asked a lot of Matt, including time spent in study and prayer, personal reflection, and multiple intensives with trusted outside experts. Matt has completed everything asked of him with submissiveness, steadfastness, and humility, and we have received positive feedback from all involved. We have been encouraged by his posture throughout, and we remain so.”

Previously, the Village Church announced that Chandler would be taking an indefinite leave of absence from preaching and teaching after Chandler was accused of engaging in an inappropriate texting conversation with a woman, not his wife. The church said that while it was not romantic or sexual, it was “overly familiar” and involved “coarse and foolish jesting.” Furthermore, the church hired a law firm to conduct an investigation into Chandler’s behavior, and said that the suspension was based on their findings.

According to his friend Preston Sprinkle, the church’s language surrounding the incident suggested a far more severe offence than occurred. He alleges that the “coarse joking” was not sexual at all but involved joking about alcohol. 

Furthermore, he explained that the woman Chandler was DMing was not offended by their banter, did not consider herself a victim, and urged Matt not to apologize. Preston alleged that the woman who confronted Chandler followed a stringent interpretation of the Billy Graham rule that precluded these conversations- an interpretation neither Chandler nor his messaging partner held.

Lastly, Sprinkle claimed that the investigation results by the lawyers into his phone and tablet came back clean, with no porn, sexual messaging, or otherwise inappropriate conversations found anywhere on Chandler’s computers or electronic devices.