
The Gospel Coalition Uses the Book of Ruth to Defend Same-Sex Civil Unions

(The Dissenter) In a recent article at The Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter, a co-pastor at David Platt’s McLean Bible Church and a former employee of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission attempts to argue from the Book of Ruth in favor of same-sex civil unions.

Carter starts out the article titled Simple Solution to Same-Sex Civil ‘Marriage’ by attempting to persuade the reader that David French, a far-left political and social activist, is actually a “conservative evangelical.” It is from French’s commentary on same-sex civil unions that Carter begins his expostulation in favor of some sort of “civil union” that not only homosexuals can enjoy marriage-like benefits from, but other “de-sexualized” relationships as well.

He starts by quoting French, who states:

“I emphasize the word civil because my view on the religious nature of marriage has not changed,” says French. “It is a lifelong covenant between a man and a woman, sealed before God, and breakable only on the limited conditions God has outlined in his Word.”

Carter then goes on to lament that French’s article was so heavily criticized by people who actually believe the Bible, hold to a traditional biblical sexual ethic, and believe that this ethic is actually best for society. Carter complains that “some have said he’s not even a Christian.” That’s not far-fetched considering French’s proclivity toward pleasing man and appeasing the Pagan society rather than pleasing….to continue reading, click here

This article was originally published at The Dissenter


TGC contributor Gavin Ortlund Says Mary is the ‘Ark of the Covenant’

“Mary, in whom the Lord himself has just made his dwelling, is the daughter of Zion in person, the Ark of the covenant, the place where the glory of the Lord dwells. She is “the dwelling of God . . . with men.”  (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2676).

Months after TGC contributor Gavin Ortlund got into a fracas after arguing that pro-LGBTQ ‘Christians’ and Universalists are still in the faith, he shared some ‘surprising theological views’ he holds, including that Jesus’ mother Mary is the new Ark of the Covenant.

Fr. Thomas Esposito, writing for the Catholic Register, explains why they believe this to be the case:

Immediately after accepting her vocation as the mother of Jesus, Mary “sets out in haste into the hill country” (Luke 1:39). She eagerly speeds her steps to visit her relative Elizabeth, herself pregnant despite her advanced age. As soon as Elizabeth hears Mary’s greeting, little John the Baptist leaps in her womb, rejoicing in the presence of his Lord. Just as the Ark was the portable sanctuary accompanying Israel through the desert, so Mary travels with the new presence of God in her womb. And John the Baptist’s womb-jumping imitates David, who danced with abandon before the Ark as it entered Jerusalem for the first time (2 Samuel 6:14-15). In referring to Mary as “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:43), Elizabeth confirms this bold interpretation of Mary’s womb as the Ark of the new covenant – the name, “Lord,” after all, is the divine name God reveals to Moses in Exodus 3:14-15.

As part of their idolatry, Roman Catholics believe that Mary never sinned, was eternally a virgin, never tasted death, and assumed bodily into heaven like Jesus himself. They think she also acts as an intermediary between men and Jesus, with many insisting that she is a co-mediator with Christ. Because they are committed to this narrative, they twist the scriptures to find any way to elevate her and abase the Lord of Glory, and this lofty title and shallow comparison. In discussion with Roman Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid, Dr. James White addresses some of these claims, writing:

The greatest effort in typological interpretation by Mr. Madrid comes in his attempt to parallel the Ark of the Covenant and Mary. The first parallel he draws has to do with the fact that God took such great pains to make sure the Ark was properly constructed. He says,

God wanted the ark to be as perfect and unblemished as humanly possible so it would be worthy of the honor of bearing the written Word of God. How much more so would God want Mary, the ark of the new covenant, to be perfect and unblemished since she would carry within her womb the Word of God in flesh.

Does this kind of interpretation bear the weight of investigation? While we admit the force such things carry with those who already accept these doctrine, we point out that there is no way to test the interpretation. We can easily point out absurdities to which the parallel can be pushed–for example, must Mary have been stolen by God’s enemies for a time, so that she could be brought back to the people of God with great rejoicing? Who was Mary’s Uzzah (2 Samuel 6:3-8)?

Madrid draws a further parallel between the three months the ark was with Obededom and the three months Mary was with Elizabeth. What, then, is the parallel with David’s action of sacrificing a bull and a fattened calf when those who were carrying the ark had taken six steps (2 Samuel 6:13)? See, Mr. Madrid feels free to pick and choose what aspects of Mary’s life he wishes to parallel in the ark, and which he does not–there are no rules in this kind of interpretation, and it can lead to just about any conclusion. 


Prestonwood Baptist Church Defends Viral ‘Drummer-Angels’ Flying Through Sanctuary: “Jesus Deserves Our Absolute Best”

Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX, the 40,000-member megachurch led by Dr Jack Graham, has defended itself against criticism following the release of a video showing a Christmas rehearsal with musicians flying through the air.

The video was a rehearsal for their ‘Gift of Christmas’ spectacle, which they run yearly. They advertise it as a “visually stunning multimedia event complete with special effects, a nearly 1,000-member cast and choir, live orchestra, flying angels and much more!” with tickets ranging from 19$ up to $59 for premium seating. Last year they featured those same flying drummers, along with a flying Santa and real camels brought onstage.

Defending the original clip, which received thousands of (frequently negative) comments, a Prestonwood Spokesperson offered:

For more than a quarter of a century, Prestonwood Baptist Church has pulled out all the stops in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ during the Christmas season…We are grateful to have the opportunity to share this grand celebration of our Savior with as many as 75,000 people each year through ‘The Gift of Christmas.’

“At Prestonwood, we believe Jesus deserves our absolute best, especially at Christmas. It’s unfortunate that the perennial American tradition of the church Christmas program now draws hateful ire from some. We pray that they, too, may come to know the joy of Christmas and the love of our Savior.”

Bonus. Hillsong still holds the crown for the worst Christmas shows.

There was the insane one, the satanic Buddhist dance, the one depicting Jesus born in a riotous bar, (since deleted), Hillsong’s sensuality Christmas show with fleshly dancers, the Hillsong show with women writhing in nothing but towels, their infamous ‘Silent Night Sleazy Night’ Christmas special from several years ago (also since deleted), the immodest, irrelevant Tina Turner cover and then the new one with more displays of the flesh.


An Open Letter to the Members of Hiland Park Baptist Church: You Should be Ashamed

To the Members of Hiland Park Baptist Church,

(Pulpit & Pen) It has come to my attention that a group of four pastors, including your own pastor, Steven Kyle, has declared that Johnny Marshall Hunt is “restored” and is once again fit for vocational Christian ministry.  To that end, they produced a 14-minute video explaining their decision.  Being familiar with the details of Hunt’s situation and having seen this video, I must frankly say to you:

You should be ashamed.

A pastor should, according to scripture, be above reproach, be a “one woman man”, be a good manager of his household, and have a good reputation with outsiders.  Let me ask you this: Do you think a married pastor who invited himself over to a woman’s condo when she was all alone and then went to second base with her is above reproach?  Do you think that a pastor who told that same woman, another man’s wife, that he would have sex with her “three times a day” is fit to be a leader in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ?  I sure don’t.  I further believe that a God who can raise up rocks to cry out and worship him if people refuse to do so can raise up new leaders for His church if its old ones disqualify themselves.  Why in the world did your pastor find it necessary to restore Johnny Hunt?  Why do you allow the name of your church and, ultimately, the name of Christ to be besmirched by the deliberations of a kangaroo court of Johnny Hunt’s friends who have, without biblical warrant or authority, declared Johnny Hunt “restored”.

Johnny Hunt was the pastor of First Baptist Church of Woodstock for over a quarter century.  He was the “pastor emeritus” and still a member there when news of his trip to second base on another’s man’s wife came out; why do you think he wasn’t restored there?  I have to think it was because the supposedly repentant Hunt didn’t inform the church at large of his disqualifying sin when he first committed it.  Where other pastoral staff were fired from Woodstock for similar behavior, Hunt was merely counseled by his staff subordinate Roy Blankenship (who has since left the faith and entered into a homosexual “marriage” with another man) and given a sabbatical.  Hunt kept his six-figure salary where other men would have been fired.  Hunt got a rest period where other men would have been looking for new employment.  What does God’s word say about such partiality in the church?  The people of FBC Woodstock were told that Hunt needed a sabbatical because he was exhausted (ostensibly from doing the Lord’s work of leading his church and the Southern Baptist Convention).  But was this the truth? 

Single Adult Pastor Bill Kelly – fired. Senior Adult Pastor Ken Smith – fired. Youth Pastor Eric Fuller – fired. Johnny Hunt – Sabbatical. Seems fair.

After comfortably retiring from Woodstock years later, Hunt went on to take another six-figure job with the North American Mission Board.  He was, of course, forced to resign from that job when news of his adulterous actions came to light.  

So what are the consequences for Johnny Hunt?  He leaves his church of three decades to be restored in his favorite vacation spot, Panama City.  Boy, I bet that was hard on him.  If any of you think this “restoration” business has anything to do with grace and forgiveness, you’re dreaming.  It’s about money.  Johnny Hunt has been a ministry gold mine over the years for his friends and family.  Entire publishing companies and travel companies have been built around his ministry activities.  His cabal of megapastor friends are, of course, all too ready to restore him and get him back on the preaching circuit.  There are men’s conference speaking fees for them to share.

And it’s the reputation of your church which suffers for it.

Rarely do I agree with top Southern Baptist leadership and rarely does top Southern Baptist leadership speak out against millionaire celebrity pastors like Johnny Hunt.  However, today I find myself in agreement with these words from SBC President Bart Barber:

“I would permanently “defrock” Johnny Hunt if I had the authority to do so. In a fellowship of autonomous churches, I do not have the authority to do so. Yet it must be said that neither do these four pastors have the authority to declare Johnny Hunt to be “restored.” They do not speak for the Southern Baptist Convention. Indeed, it is not clear that they even speak for their own churches. For those Southern Baptist churches who practice ordination to ministry, the authority to ordain is generally considered to arise from the congregation, but no indication has been given that any of these four congregations have consented to or given their authority to this process.”

Bart Barber

I’ve never considered Bart Barber to be a particularly intelligent man but even he isn’t fooled by the crocodile tears and twisting of the story of Good Samaritan that Johnny Hunt’s big-time friends put in this video.

Here’s the truth about Johnny Hunt. He’s made a career out of “restoring” disqualified pastors (Google Ergun Caner) to the ministry.  He called it “City of Refuge”.  These men were restored on the back of Hunt’s sterling reputation, one hindsight tells us he never deserved.  So, not only has Johnny Hunt endorsed other men who needed only to find Christ’s forgiveness and secular jobs back into the pastorate, he has used a you-scratch-my-back-I’ll-scratch-yours culture to “restore” himself.  

God isn’t fooled.  Are you?

All the Best,

Seth Dunn

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Seth Dunn and published at Pulpit & Pen


Pulpit & Pen Has Been Resurrected: Here’s Who’s Running it and The Changes They’re Making

A few days ago, readers at Protestia noticed that we linked to a post from Pulpit & Pen, our old haunt prior to being deplatformed. Since transitioning the site has been dormant, serving as a library of resources on account of the thousands of articles written. After J.D. Hall left the ministry and exited polemics, we intended to leave it as is, having no wish to erase a decade of work by our dear friend and founder. It was a communal site, with four different people having access to it and all having a stake in it.

Then we had a scare where we almost lost the site, but were able to resurrect it and retain possession of it once more. This instilled a desire to ensure it lives on it a more meaningful way, and so long time contributor to Pulpit & Pen, Seth Dunn, has taken over and implemented some changes. We’ve moved it over to a new server to ensure it never goes down again. He’s in charge over there, and has already made some alterations to the site, as he explains in the new About Us section:

Pulpit & Pen is a Christian blog that seeks to restore its reputation as the “Rolex of Watchblogs” and preserve for posterity its extensive catalogue of the theological downgrade within the Southern Baptist Convention and greater American Evangelicalism. This website was founded by former Montana pastor Jordan Hall as a companion to his once-popular Pulpit & Pen podcast. For nearly a decade, Hall and an ever-revolving team of writers warned readers about charlatan preachers, false teachers, and denominational corruption. After a series of disqualifying events in the year 2022, Jordan Hall left vocational ministry. This website has been left the hands of its longest-tenured contributors. Although Pulpit and Pen is no longer formally associated with or owned by Jordan Hall, his written contributions to the site remain.”

Along with turning off almost all ads altogether, Seth has also removed curated posts and most posts having to do with politics, reinforcing its identity as polemical and not political. Furthermore, some of the original titles will be modified and some of the harsher, incendiary language has been removed.

Christians are well within reason to be angry and upset about the many theological atrocities of the type criticized at Pulpit & Pen. Without fear of the “tone police,” Christians should be free to speak their minds and make harsh condemnations of heresy and heterodoxy. Pulpit & Pen does not desire to pull its punches. Nevertheless, a lot of the language used at Pulpit & Pen has been unnecessarily inflammatory. Sinful lifestyles and theological stupidity can de decried without the use of epithets. Let the focus be that the writers at Pulpit & Pen are over the right target, not on the terminology or tone employed. As they are noticed (there are hundreds of articles at this site), articles with unnecessarily inflammatory language will be removed or edited.

As for us, we love Pulpit & Pen, and will treat it as the highly useful and awesome resource that it is. Seth won’t be posting new content that frequently, but when he writes a good article, we will post it here. He also has our permission to freely repost our content over there, whenever he sees fit.

It’s his baby now, and we look forward to see what he does with it.


Johnny Hunt Disinvited from Conference Because ‘Not Enough Time Passed’ Since Sexual Abuse Accusation

In a clear demonstration that they just don’t get it, Great Commission Weekend conference organizer Timothy Pigg announced he has disinvited disgraced pastor Johnny Hunt from being a speaker at his conference, explaining that he did not “allow enough time to pass” from the time Hunt was thrust into the forefront of public scrutiny six months ago after a Guidepost report named him at the center of a sexual abuse scandal, until now.

Of course, this makes no sense because the event occurred a decade ago. So if we’re being technical here, a decade has passed since Hunt committed sexual impropriety or sexual abuse with a family friend. Yet the issue isn’t that not enough time has passed, but instead, he did it in the first place.

Hunt looks to have been added as a speaker between November 11 and November 28. While Pigg announced that Hunt would no longer be speaking the evening of November 30, 12 hours earlier, he was reiterating that Hunt would be a speaker.

Hunt may one day be restored to ministry of some sort, but he is done being a pastor, as per the biblical qualifications of an elder. Wilson Hines says it succinctly:


Kanye West Mixes Jesus with Jew-Hate, Gets Suspended from Twitter

We had high hopes for Kayne. When we first covered his supposed conversion in 2019, he was in good hands and was being taught and discipled by pastors who were theologically sound. Over the years, he showed some good fruit, such as Kanye West Talks Expository Preaching and Jesus on Joe Rogan Podcast and Kanye West Talks Faith In New GQ Interview, sayin things like:

One of my pastors, pastor Adam, the way he preaches is called expository. It’s like one-to-one by the Word. I like all different kind of preachers but there are some type of preachers they get up, they have the bible in their hand, and they close the bible and they just talk for two hours.

And some do have anointing, but expository preachers go line for line, and for me it’s like I come from entertainment. I got so much sauce, I don’t need no sauce on the word. I need the word to be solid food that I can understand exactly what God was saying to me through the King James version, through this, you know, this translation or the English Standard Version.”

He’s devolved rapidly over the last few years, frequently battling mental health issues, and this recent breakdown is a big one, mixing his ‘Jesus is King’ mantra with claims that he loves the Nazis and “especially Hitler”

Contrasted with this

The lesson in all this is that Jesus doesn’t need celebrities, and evangelicals need to stop lauding and praising every mildly popular person who makes a profession of faith or in some way references God or Jesus. They need to be treated as a seed that has fallen into a field, waiting to see if it will be into rich soil or by the wayside.


Vineyard Church Co-Founder Sues Pastor for $62M Alleging Fraud and Shenanigans

The wife of the late Vineyard leader, Carol Wimber-Wong, is suing the flagship church of the denomination for $62M dollars after the pastors suddenly up and left the denomination, taking millions in property and assets with them.

In 2018, Alan and Kathryn Scott became the lead pastors at Vineyard Church in Anaheim, the flagship church which began the Vineyard movement in 1977 under the leadership of John Wimber. Vineyard now boasts 2500 congregations worldwide.

The Scotts led the church until 2021, when the couple suddenly announced that the Holy Spirit told them to split from the denomination, taking with them over $7M in the bank and a $55M property that is debt-free and paid off.

The Scotts never told the denomination why they did what they did or offered a sufficient reason, giving them the silent treatment as they renamed the church Dwelling Place Anaheim and began making it in their own image.

In response, Wimber-Wong and eight former members have launched a lawsuit against the Scotts, accusing them of fraud for taking the lead pastor role all the while planning to spin it off to their own benefit once they gained control. They attest that if they knew the Scotts were going to take the money and run, they never would have hired them. According to the lawsuit:

…(the takeover) was planned and maneuvered for several years…they had no intention of applying for the vacant senior pastor position[s] until learning of the Anaheim Vineyard’s substantial assets and knew that keeping Anaheim Vineyard in the worldwide Vineyard Movement was a material term of being hired as the senior pastors…they misled the Anaheim Vineyard Search Committee and board of directors.”

The first hearing in scheduled for late April.


Charismatic Prophetess Says Angels have Pet Sharks and Dinosaurs in Heaven that Accompany them on Missions

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven, sharing how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, claiming she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, she’s letting in little secrets of what heaven is like, such as sharing how angels have pets in heaven that occasionally accompany them to earth.

Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 104 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, Shultz has his mind blown after he asks her whether or not angels have pets in heaven:

Kerr: Yes, actually, they do have pets, and that’s why we have pets. They were the first ones to have pets. Before (unintelliegable) little spirits the angels had pets. And sometimes they go with them on missions, sometimes they don’t go with them on missions…yes absolutely they have pets.

Shultz, after saying ‘Wow’ and ‘really?’ a half-dozen times. “Oh, I did not know that. This is very cool.”
All right.”

Kerr: There’s nothing new on the earth.

Shultz: I guess I’m learning more and more. I mean, it never occurred to me.

Kerr: They have different strange pets that we don’t have...They do have some creatures that might have two heads, eight eyes. No I’m not talking about Mars, people. I’m talking about the world called heaven where there are creatures, creatures Steve… Intelligent creatures that you would think was like maybe an animal or something, but they’re not. Especially these wouldn’t be ones probably from the earth. But they do still have, absolutely do have pets.

Later on she goes on to clarify that in heaven, people can have any kind of animal they want for a pet, such as dinosaurs, sharks, and manatees, which they can also ride underwater, and which would be same for the angels


Betrayal! Former SBC University President Votes To Nationalize Gay Marriage

Former Southwest Baptist University President and current lame-duck U.S. Senator from the state of Missouri, Senator Roy Blunt, has voted in favor of the deceptively-named Respect for Marriage Act. The pro-sodomite legislation is expected to become law with unanimous support from the morally-compromised Democrat party and a faction of support from a number of Rinos in the Republican party. Blunt’s support was the greatest surprise, as the Missouri Republican was perhaps the most conservative of the Senators who chose to support the legislation. 

Blunt, known for his relative conservatism, previously voted for the Marriage Protection Amendment, an amendment that would have legally defined marriage as between one man and one woman. The Marriage Protection Amendment was last defeated in 2006. 

Blunt, who remains a Southern Baptist, defied the Missouri Baptist Convention with his vote. In an open letter, the convention urged Blunt to use his power to keep the amendment from becoming law. The Respect For Marriage Act would require states to recognize marriages from all other states, effectively opening the door for every manner of perversion in the institution of marriage and immediately nationalizing gay mirage. If one state legalized marriage that involves polygamy, polyamory, or pedophilia, all states would be required to accept those marriages from that state as legal and binding if the bill becomes law. Additionally, the amendment does not contain adequate language to protect parachurch organizations, religious schools, and Christians who have a spine from government-sanctioned civil and criminal persecution for their refusal to bend their knee to sexual perversion.

Blunt joins a growing number of turncoats in the Evangelical world, who since the Obergefell Supreme Court decision, have “evolved” or “Frenched” on their position on gay mirage. While Blunt had a pro-marriage, pro-life, conservative voting record prior to voting for the amendment, the act of unapologetically joining hands with leftists to support the Sodomite cause will undoubtedly enshrine him in the hall great Southern Baptist leftists alongside Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Men like these use their associations to beguile Bible-believing Christians into voting for them before revealing their true selves. Blunt, whose family consists almost entirely of corporate lobbyists, doesn’t have a clear motive for changing his tune on marriage. Unlike other evangelicals who make the compromise when a family member is found to be sexually compromised, the lame-duck vote from Blunt seems to be a pragmatic end-of-career move designed to curry favor with Democrats for his wealthy lobbyist family members.