Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

North American Mission Board’s Pres. Kevin Ezell Responds to ‘Woman Pastor’ Controversy

The president of the North American Mission Board, the church planting arm of the Southern Baptist Convention has responded to widespread ballyhoo regarding their recent Florida church plant 1Name Church having a woman as the lead pastor, urging members to keep things private and stop calling people out on it.

The woman at the center of it, Jamie Farver is aggressively and prominently marketed all throughout the church website and social media as a “pastor” and “lead pastor” even though that is strictly prohibited by the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, the official position document of the SBC.

With the ruckus raised to the appropriate level, Kevin Ezell, the man overseeing NAMB has responded writing:

Someone perhaps needs to tell them that, because I don’t think they got the memo, or that they “wholeheartedly agree.” Rather, it’s evident they wholeheartedly disagree, leading one to wonder why they directed resources to this plant rather than others who actually would agree. In fact, who is the sending Church? These things don’t happen ex nihilo. Are we supposed to believe that the sending SBC church faithfully ascribes to the BF&M 2000 when they unleashed that upon the world? Hardly. He continues:

Unfortunately, because NAMB is not a transparent organization where the grassroot churches have easy access to information and to have their voices heard, this sort of slow-moving behemoth only responds to vocal negative attention and pots-and-pans-banging brouhaha, particularly when it threatens their bottom line. Michael Miller on Twitter points out:

Excuse me, but this is occurring PUBLICLY under your watch. It should be addressed publicly. If this church is under your responsibility, where is the oversight? How does that “shared theology” you reference look to the watching world when we don’t actually follow it?

Lastly, Ezell reiterates:

Uhhhh, that ship has already sailed. It’s not a matter of them carelessly calling her a “pastor” by accident, or in some way being loose and imprecise with her title: it’s all over their brand. She’s routinely called the “Lead Pastor.”

In their “About Us” section it reads, “She has over 10 years of full-time ministry experience and has a bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry from Trinity International University. Because of her experience, Jamie is well acquainted with both the joys and struggles of pioneering a local church.”

You’re not going to get that cat back in the bag unless you tranquilize it and stuff it back in there. The odds of them scrubbing their website and all media chyrons of any mention of her being a pastor, and then releasing a statement to the church that she is not a pastor, being not biblically qualified, and should never have called herself one, is next to zero.

We’ll check in a few months to see where they land, but we’re not optimistic. If this is the quality of churches that the SBC is helping plant, that people’s cooperative program dollars are going to, they need to think long and hard about whether they want to keep on giving until the SBC smartens up.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Scandal

NAMB’s New Church Plant’s Lead Pastor is a Woman

A new Church plant from the Southern Baptists Convention’s North American Misson Board (NAMB – the church planting arm of the SBC) has tongues wagglin’ and liberals defendin’ after it was revealed that one of their lead pastors is a woman.

Jamie Farver, who co-leads 1Name Church with her co-pastor husband, is described on the church’s website under the “meet our pastors” section, as an “incredible wife, mother, and leader.”

Subsequent chyrons all across the website and in media reinforce this reality that she is a “lead pastor.”

Naturally, this is strictly prohibited by the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, which says “While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.”

Despite this clear violation, we don’t expect anyone in the SBC or NAMB leadership to care, which is why we routinely dog them for their disobedience to the scriptures. In fact, we rarely expect anyone to acknowledge it, given how frequently they flagrantly flout how wretched they are, revealing the corruption and lack of integrity buried deep within the denomination.

Part of it is that it’s most prominent leaders don’t even acknowledge a problem. SBC President-Elect Al Mohler, for example, is convinced that the SBC has no women pastors, despite visuals like the above. He recently said:

…That’s rather stunning when you consider the fact that out of the almost 40,000 churches associated with the Southern Baptist Convention, not one of them has a woman as pastor…The problem with that is not one of those churches has a woman as pastor…We’re talking about 40,000 churches. And at the moment, I don’t believe that a single one of them has a woman as pastor…Again, the math, 40,000 roughly, and the other column zero. That’s not a close call…Again, 40,000 in one column, zero in the other…If Southern Baptists want Southern Baptist churches to have pastors who are women, they can do it, but they don’t do it.

Last year we did a big expose on this, when we discovered that 10% of the biggest churches in the Southern Baptist Convention have women pastors on staff, and another 15% have women functioning in the role of pastor, just without the title.  47 of them based on 466 churches. Add another 35,000 churches to the list, and it doesn’t take much to know we have a problem.

It is a fact. It has been a fact for years. It has been a fact for years that you can throw a rock into any random Baptist potluck and hit a pastrixes right in her Beth Moore Study Bible for the amount of them there are scurrying around unrebuked and un-kicked-out-of-convention.

Here’s some of what those churches look like.

FBC Alexandria,
Journey Church » Our Leadership
Bon Air Baptist Church | Staff
Crossland Community Church
First Hot Springs
The Connection Church
Westside Baptist Church
Grace Midtown Church
The Woodlands First
Skyway Church
Mt. Pleasant Baptist
Our Team – Passion Community Church
Staff at Lakeside Baptist Church
Columbia Baptist Church: Our Staff
Our Team — Clovis Hills Community Church
About | Daybreak Church
Church in San Antonio, TX – Ministries, Sermons | Grace Point Church
Our Pastors – Antioch Long Beach
Staff | First Denton
Staff | Jacob’s Well Church
» NLCC Staff
Staff — Fellowship of the Rockies
Church Staff | NorthWood Church
AboutStaff | Bay Life Church
Discover – Casas Church
Staff — Woodcrest
Staff Members | NorthPointe Community Church
Our Staff | Abba’s House
Our Leadership | Word Tabernacle Church
Our Staff – Bethlehem Church
Our Pastors | New Faith
About – Lifepoint Church
Higher Dimension Church
Staff – The Heights Church
Our Staff & Elders | Beltway Park Church
Meet Our Team | BT.CHURCH
Our Staff | The Crossing Church
Pastoral Staff — Hillvue Heights Church
Pellissippi – Faith Promise Church
The Fountain of Praise: Home
Grace Point Church – Our Staff
Leadership / Staff

The fact that a new NAMB church plant is operating in direct violation is only news because it lists Jamie as a “Lead Pastor” whereas most SBC churches give their pastrixes titles like “Worship Pastor” or “Spiritual Formations Pastor.” As a result, the only way corrupt organizations respond and act is by threats to their existence in the form of defunding.

If NAMB is going to actively plant churches with women pastors on staff, NAMB should be immediately defunded by the SBC and local churches ought to loudly and vocally cease contributing to the Cooperative Program, shouting out exactly why every step of the way.

abortion Church Featured News

Abortion Abolitionists Gearing Up For Abolition Now Conference and Abolition Day Rally

In what is fast becoming one of the most serious, culture-changing conferences in America, abortion abolitionists from Oklahoma are gearing up for Abolition Now – a two-day conference of teaching centered around engaging legislators and communities with the message of Biblical abolitionism.

The conference kicks off on Monday February 8 with a full day of presentations from abolitionist leaders including Russell Hunter, Bradley Pierce, Dusty Deevers, Senator Joseph Silk, and others. Day one will focus on preparing attendees to engage their elected officials as well as their communities. On Day 2, attendees along with thousands of other Oklahomans will put what they learned to use at the Abolition Day Rally at the Oklahoma State Capitol.

Then ralliers will head inside the Capitol to engage their legislators for a few hours, before the conference will conclude with a night of presentations on why Christians must move beyond pro-life incrementalism and abortion regulations to embrace consistent Biblical abolitionism. Hunter, Pierce, Jeff Durbin, and Brett Baggett will be teaching.

A few hundred will attend the conference and a few thousand will be at the rally. Compared to previous abolitionist conferences, this one is unique for the involvement of Oklahoma churches. Numerous pastors from inside the state will be teaching alongside the long-time movement leaders like Hunter and Pierce.

In the early years of the Abolitionist Movement, it largely lacked local church and pastoral involvement, as the message was seen as too radical by many Christian leaders. But enormous progress has been made in recent years with both the Oklahoma Baptists and Oklahoma State Association of Free Will Baptists passing resolutions in 2019 calling for the total abolition of abortion without compromise.

At the center of the event is a newly filed piece of legislation: Senate Bill 495, the successor to SB13. The bill was filed by Senator Warren Hamilton, an outspoken abortion abolitionist who won his seat after primarying and ousting the incumbent senator Larry Boggs for refusing to support actual legislation that sought to save the preborn. Boggs was in power for 8 years, and his defeat was a sign by many that the people of Oklahoma were willing to choose Warren’s abolition over his regulation when given an opportunity.

Unlike all of the incremental, toothless, nibble-around-the-edges pro-life bills passed by Republicans in the country over the last 40 years, SB495 is unique in that it is designed to have Oklahoma completely and decisively abolish abortion regardless of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the practice.

Under the proposed legislation, Oklahoma would ignore that court ruling and defy the Supreme Court if and when they invariably interfered.

Consequently, the Abolition Day Rally and the Abolition Now Conference have grown from small grassroots events to a major totem and force to be reckoned with in Oklahoma politics, gathering steam and supporters daily. The conference educates people to convert them into full-throated abolitionists and the rally demonstrates the sheer size of the movement in the state.

Part of this is achieved by exposing the insanity and hypocrisy of Oklahoma’s pro-life political culture.

Oklahoma is widely considered the most pro-life state in the U.S. Republicans have a supermajority in both the House and Senate in Oklahoma. Of the 48 seats in the State Senate, 39 are held by Republicans and 9 by Democrats, meaning that over 80% of the senators are Republicans.  In the House, the GOP clobbers the Democrats 77 to 24.

Furthermore, Oklahoma has a professing Republican pro-life Governor, a Republican pro-life Lieutenant Governor, a Republican pro-life President Pro Tem of the Senate, and a Republican pro-life majority floor leader. 

Despite this, hardly anyone in the government is actually interested in abolishing abortion in the state, with the issue being tossed around like a political football in order to score political points and accrue fundraising dollars. Last year, pro-life politicians refused to give SB13 a vote, and it died in committee.

For this reason, it’s not progressives and Democrat politicians who stand in the way – they have absolutely no power to stop it. Rather, bills like SB13, and now SB495 have for years been opposed by pro-life politicians and even pro-life organizations such as National Right to Life and religious leaders like Southern Baptist Convention JD Greear, who has publicly opposed the legislation.

Yet discontent is growing in the midst of the people who refuse to be mollified by pro-life politicians any longer, and Abolition Day helps shift that culture. In 2018, Dan Fisher ran for Governor of Oklahoma, receiving 35,818 votes, or nearly 8% of the total, an astounding achievement for a candidate running with only a fraction of the funding of his opponents on a platform that many previously viewed as radical.

SB495 is expected to engender the same support from key allies that its predecessor did, who contrary to SBC leadership, are unwavering and uncompromising in their desire to see it passed, including 100 Southern Baptist pastors from around the State who signed and delivered petitions calling for a fair hearing of SB13.  That number is expected to grow this year.

With mainstream pro-life events like Rose Day, March for Life, and many other going all virtual, Abolition Day is expected to be the only game in town. Despite uncertainty around COVID 19, organizers are hoping to increase participation from last year, where they had over 2000 attendees for the rally.

The rally on the 9th is free for anyone to attend.

For those interested in the conference portion on the 8th, including those from out of state, please check out this link and register here.

Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Church Facing $10 Million in Fines for Opening During Shutdown Holds Another Service

A Church in Canada facing a $10,000,000 fine for holding in-person services in the middle of a province-wide lockdown held service again on January 24, in defiance of a court order compelling them to comply with the shutdown regulation. The regulation prohibits churches from having 10 people for services, irrespective of how large the church building is.

Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario held services again yesterday, after having a drive-in service the previous week. Police have previously charged the entire elder board of 6 on two separate occasions for violating Section 10.1 of the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA), and now they are facing fresh charges and a third count of violating the lockdown rules. If convicted the minimum fine for each charge is $10,000 and the maximum $100,000 fine. Because the Church is considered a corporation, they face $10,000,000.

The Waterloo Police Department said in a statement that “We are working together with @ROWPublicHealth and @RegionWaterloo by-law officials to ensure appropriate action is taken” and noted that there are already heaps and heaps of charges facing this church.

Pastor Jacob Reaume explained in a press release why they were opening again despite such crushing and debilitating monetary threats.

“We have now been under some type of government restrictions for ten months.  Christ’s public earthly ministry lasted roughly three years.  We have been impeded by our government from fully discharging our duties for ten months now, almost one-third of the time Christ spent publicly ministering to the crowds and to His disciples.   I contend that that is far too long.  I further contend that our government’s timeline and our government’s objectives in this effort can no longer be trusted.  They regularly change deadlines of lockdowns ending even as they regularly change goals….

We have, since our founding, provided an essential service to our members and to our community.  We intend to continue to proclaim in word and deed the mercy of our Saviour, the forgiveness of sins by the cross, and the hope of eternal life in Christ to a broken world.  Please come.  Please be welcomed.  Please have hope.  Please know that you are loved.”

Independent MP Randy Hillier, one of the only members of parliament who has been critical of lockdown rules instituted by the Conservative Party, took a photo from inside the Church, where he was attending.

Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: JD Critiques Al Mohler’s Wayward Professor, Jen Hatmaker, and Says Voddie Baucham is Wrong About Something

On this episode of Polemics Report for Jan 23, 2020, JD discusses Jen Hatmaker’s compliment to Mrs. Biden’s pants and her apology for reading a liturgical prayer that says God gave us America’s land. JD points out parallel’s to Israel’s Manifest Destiny that God gave them of the Canaanite’s property and draws parallels. Then, he discusses one of Albert Mohler’s staff, Dr. Haykin, who praised Biden for reinstating the Paris Climate Accords (which promote abortion). Finally, JD points out the one and only time Voddie Baucham has been wrong. JD has to correct him on a point of the Bible.

You can watch the free version (below) or click here to subscribe for only $5.95 and get access to the entire episode.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies News

Pastor John MacArthur Calls Out Ravi Zacharias and Carl Lentz as ‘Phoneys’

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, called out deceased and disgraced renown apologist Ravi Zacharias and disgraced ex-Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz during a January 17th sermon.

Commenting that he loves the clarity that has arisen in these new times of polarization, he expresses gratitude that creative cultural Christianity is going and has gone by the wayside, saying:

And as well as I look at this I, as I mentioned earlier, I love the clarity that has arisen. You know, we had for decades people find a creative cultural Christianity that could appeal to non-believers. It was accepting of immorality, accepting of homosexuality, accepting of racial hatred. There was a kind of superficial, shallow Christianity that watered down the gospel, didn’t talk about sin, tried to have a positive message. It was very successful.

Now, I think there’s a sifting and a shifting. First of all, phoneys are going to have a hard time hiding with the internet.

We’re seeing one after another after another after another dead ones and alive ones, this dead apologist had a deviant sex life. This cool dude, rock and roll pastor, was immoral with multiple women for years and years.

I look at all that, and my thoughts were, I don’t know…I don’t think if it weren’t for Jesus Christ, that I could sell anybody on Christianity. We preach Christ, right? And you’re attracted to him, right? But if there are people out in the world that just look at Christianity it has to be not only uninviting but maybe even repulsive…if it weren’t for Jesus Christ, Christianity would have no appeal.

Lentz was terminated from Hillsong after it was revealed he had multiple affairs, and Ravi’s own organization revealed he engaged in years of sexual sins and molestations of his staff.

For video and commentary of the message, see below:

Evangelical Stuff Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Teen Star JoJo Siwa Comes Out as Lesbian on Social Media

Teen Star JoJo Siwa has come out as proudly gay in a series of viral posts posted to her social media.

The 17-year-old singer, actor, dancer, and YouTube personality is known for her clean and upbeat music, anti-bullying message, and dancing routines that are all popular with tween and young teen audiences.

She’s been alluding to her newfound lesbianism these past few days, dancing in a TikTok video to “Born This Way,” the Lady Gaga LGBTQ anthem that has amassed 4.8 million likes and 27 million views, by far becoming Siwa’s most popular video on TikTok.


♬ Born This Way Lady Gaga – johanna

The particular snipped she sang from contained the lyrics:

Rejoice and love yourself today
‘Cause baby you were born this way
No matter gay, straight, or bi,
Lesbian, transgendered life,
I’m on the right track baby,
I was born to survive.
No matter black, white or beige
Chola or orient made,
I’m on the right track baby,
I was born to be brave.

Then she released picture on Instagram of herself wearing an LGBTQ rainbow-colored tracksuit, and finally for her finale, posted a photo on Twitter, tweeting a picture of herself with the caption “My cousin got me a new shirt.” The shirt in question? A graphic T-shirt emblazoned with large blue letters that say, “Best. Gay. Cousin. Ever.”

Siwa is the most well-known and prominent celebrity teenager to come out.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Jen Hatmaker Tearfully Repents of Saying ‘God Gave us This Land’ + Erasing Natives in Virtual Prayer

Jen Hatmaker, popular mommy-blogger, podcaster, and pseudo-Christian pagan who continues to wield her platform to promote theologically perverse doctrines while climbing the ranks from “Gadfly False Teacher” to “Arch-Heretic,” has continued to out herself as a vessel of inhabitation for shifty-eyed swine who’d rather not go off a cliff.

When she’s not crying her eyes out and mourning the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsberg as a “Good and faithful servant,” she’s been advocating for all manner of LGBTQisms, recently saying that the “center of the Church” has failed to be black, gay, and transgendered.

Now, Hatmaker has issued a public apology for a prayer she gave at a January 21 Inaugural Interfaith Prayer Service, which was hosted virtually by the Washington National Cathedral, saying she did not mean to cause offense to Native Americans when she said:

Almighty God, you have given us this good land as our heritage.

Writing on Facebook, she says that as a result of the sentence, “My stomach has been hurting all day” and that “I am filled with regret that I offered yet another hazy, exceptional rendition of the origin story of colonization.”

I have one regret and thus apology. The very first sentence thanked God for giving us this land as our heritage. He didn’t. He didn’t give us this land. We took this land by force and trauma. It wasn’t an innocent divine transaction in which God bestowed an empty continent to colonizers. This is a shiny version of our actual history.

Hatmaker says that if she could go back in time and change it, she would say, “God, may we continue to be a people who reckon with our violent history, repent from the unjust systems we built, denounce white supremacy in all its forms past and present, and continue to work together to form a more perfect union.”

abortion Featured Roman Catholic Stuff

Nancy Pelosi says Pro-lifers Sold ‘the Whole Democracy Down the River’- Gets Slammed by Her Bishop

Nancy Pelosi’s Bishop slammed her for a series of recent comments against pro-life Christians and advocating for abortion, but stopped short of excommunicating her or promising to withhold communion, a move which betrays how fundamentally unserious the Roman Catholic Church is about policing their own.

Pelosi was a guest on Hillary Clinton’s “You and Me Both” podcast and the discussion naturally turned to Trump and the storming of Capitol Hill. Pelosi pointed out that even though 70 percent of people held Trump responsible for it, tens of millions of people still don’t support removing him from office.

Why? One issue: abortion. And that is enough. When you take the greed of those who want their tax cut — that’s probably a small number, but nonetheless a number — and then you take the abortion issue. And many of these people are very good people; that’s just their point of view. But they were willing to sell the whole democracy down the river for that one issue.

Pelosi continued that Christian voters continuing to make abortion an issue is an element that she has been “talking about for a long time that gives me grief as a Catholic.”

I think that Donald Trump is president because of the issue of a woman’s right to choose. When he signed that paper saying, ‘These are the judges that I will appoint,’ that was the dog whistle to the evangelicals, to the Catholics and all the rest. A woman will not have the right to choose [abortion]…

People need to see a place for themselves in the future. Many of these people don’t see that place. [President Joe Biden] should show them that there is a place for them — that it’s not a zero-sum game. Women and minorities and LGBTQ people can thrive, not at their expense. When we’re addressing the climate crisis, it isn’t at the expense of their job.

In response to these comments, the Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco said in a statement:

And on the question of the equal dignity of human life in the womb, she also speaks in direct contradiction to a fundamental human right that Catholic teaching has consistently championed for 2,000 years. “Christians have always understood that the commandment, ‘Thou shall not kill,’ applies to all life, including life in the womb.

Despite her comments and lifelong commitment to baby butchery, Pelosi by and large has not received any pushback from the Roman Catholic Church for which she claims membership, even when she signed a letter a few years ago requesting a Bishop not attend March for Life events.

If they had any guts they would have excommunicated her and publicly shamed her and every pro-choice catholic politician decades ago, refusing them communion and kicking them out of Church. But with the Pope himself recently given Biden communion, these sort of statements are just that – words on the page and mean nothing unless it is accompanied by action. [Editor’s note: Or in the word of Shakespeare, “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”]

Coronavirus Featured News

Govt Urged to Suspend Need for Consent Before Withdrawing Life Support For COVID Patients

The government of Ontario is being asked by their main advisory board to temporarily suspend the law requiring doctors to get patient or family consent before withdrawing life support or ventilator support from people facing a grim prognosis, in the instance that COVID-19 cases begin to overwhelm hospitals.

Though a 2013 Supreme Court ruling made it clear that a hospital couldn’t withdraw life-support without a family’s consent, the government is being urged to use an Executive Order to suspend the province’s Health Care Consent Act for withdrawal of treatment in the ICU. This would take the power away from the family to decide if their loved ones should be removed from ventilators and putting the power in the hands of the hospital where they are being hosted, in order to make room for those better able to survive their COVID-19 diagnosis.

The group making the recommendation is not small group of crackpots, however. Rather, The Bioethics Table “is an advisory body that provides ethics input and guidance to support decision-making at the Ministry of
Health COVID-19 Command Table, Ontario Health COVID-19 Oversight Table, and other Tables as appropriate. They comprise the best of the best in terms of Canadian “bioethics experts from health institutions, universities, and non-governmental organizations.”

James Downer, head of the division of palliative care at the University of Ottawa and a member of the Bioethics Table said:

Nobody likes the idea of ever withdrawing life-support on somebody without their permission, without their consent. But in a triage scenario, we’re talking about a scenario where the focus is no longer on the individual himself, but now on our population as a whole, and trying to maximize the number of people who will survive an overwhelming surge.

Peter Goldberg agrees. He’s the head of critical care at Montreal’s McGill University Health Centre and explains that it’s not practical to get the patient’s and their families’ input when it comes to pulling the plug, because most will just opt-out. This is why it should be in the hands of the doctors, not the families to decide:

We are going to say, ‘by the way, we are taking your family member off the ventilator in lieu of another patient who we feel has a better prognosis, given this pandemic condition. Do you agree?’ I think that if we did that we would not get consent. Nobody is going to give us consent.

Ontario has a population of nearly 15 million people, and has had 5,632 deaths so far from COVID-19.