Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics News

Two More High-Profile Hillsong ‘Pastors’ Resign Amidst Scandals

As Hillsong continues their investigation into the dysfunctional culture at their New York City branch where disgraced pastor Carl Lentz once held sway, a pair of high profile pastors have resigned their post, citing concerns for the need to stay mentally healthy and remain healthy amid fluctuating public sentiment and international turmoil.

Pastor Reed Bogard, who also helped found Hillsong NYC and Hillsong LA and was up until this point the senior “pastor” at Hillsong Dallas, released a short, curt, prerecorded message during the January 3 service announcing that he and his “pastrix” wife Jess were resigning, explaining:

Hey church. Hope you’re doing well. Just wanted to take a second on behalf of Jess and I to share some news with you.

As many of you know, Jess and I have been part of our church for 15 years. We met at college, went to Hillsong college, worked on staff in different roles there, and then transitioned back to America where over the last 10 years we’ve been able to be a part of three church plants and have the opportunity specifically here to be the lead pastors. And it has been an incredible ride thus far, we’ve had some crazy days, great days, seeing God do many, many miracles, and we’re so grateful for that.

With that said, the last 10 years of being in church planting mode has really taken a bit of a toll on Jess and I and our family. We just really feel like it’s time to transition off of our staff and take some time to remain healthy, get healthy, and really see what this next season holds for us.

Bogard takes a few more seconds to heap effusive praise on Global Senior Pastors Brian and Bobbie Houston and then signs off, effectively ending his tenure at Hillsong.

Brian Houston continued with the video, explaining that though the announcement might surprise some members, they would care for the congregation and would take their time finding them a new pastor. (With their Church model, a senior pastor is “assigned” to the congregation by upper Hillsong management.)

Reed’s announcement to you right now, not sure if that comes as a shock. Reed and Jess have given their heart and soul to the pioneering of Hillsong Dallas Love the last couple of years, and we’re grateful for that, and the great work they’ve done.

Reed and I have been talking now over a period of time and we both agreed it would be a perfect time for them to come to a new season in their life, which means a new season also for Hillsong Dallas.

I do believe in the future of Hillsong Dallas. In the meantime, we will make sure week by week that the church is being cared for. We have a great team over in America and around the world. Even though we are restricted in what we can and can’t do right now in terms of travel, you are not going to be forsaken.

The video can be seen here.

abortion Church Conspiracy Critical Race Theory Featured

Jackie Hill Perry: White People Only Care about Black Folk in the Womb – Then Comes the Hatred!

Jackie Hill Perry, fresh from saying that all white people are Racists, and that the police should be defunded, took to Twitter again to voice her perception of white folk in light of the Democrats winning the Senate and light-skinned evangelicals bemoaning what this means for the unborn.

Perry, pleased with the victory to give the party of baby-death unfettered access to the syringes and scalpels needed to make their infanticidal dreams a reality, says that while she and other black people appreciate how passionate whities are about saving the unborn, it’s also true that that’s where their passion ends, as they systematically brutalize and mistreat those black babies as soon as they leave the womb, right into adulthood.

As one might expect from the resident gaytheist endorsed by the theological malcontents at the Gospel Coalition, her progressive race-baiting comments drip of CRT and give every indication of the worldview she possesses.

She writes:

After a raft of feedback, Perry conceded that the post was perhaps needlessly pithy and lacked nuance, but doubled down on the point of her post, explaining:

What it does mean is:

1: What I value (love) about many white evangelicals is there unabated commitment to the lives of the unborn. That is the heart of God, so to that, I say ‘Yes!’ And ‘Amen!’ Continue to speak up for those that can’t speak up for themselves. Please.

2: What I am grieved by and will not allow is the hatred, mistreatment, and dishonoring (systemically & interpersonally) of black people outside of the womb. And the way America is set up, our lives here don’t seem to matter as much once we’re born.

There you have it.

A plea to white folk, on behalf of all black folk, to stop hating them after they’re born, and to stop mistreating and dishonoring them on account of their skin.

If you’re a white person, please stop doing what comes naturally to you in a country that is set up to propagate this systematic racial injustice.

Church Featured Scandal

Ravi Zacharias’ Former Business Partner Recounts Misconduct; Stations Drop Apologist’s Broadcasts

(Christian Post) New details have emerged related to the now-acknowledged sexual misconduct of the late Ravi Zacharias as recordings of a former business partner have surfaced describing Zacharias’ misdeeds.  

According to Anurag Sharma, a man who co-owned two spas with the late apologist, Zacharias repeatedly engaged in exposing himself to massage therapists and masturbating in front of them over the course of several years. In recently recorded audio footage that was shared exclusively with The Roys Report Monday, the website of independent investigative journalist Julie Roys, Sharma told investigators that he confronted Zacharias about his actions, which he discovered sometime between 2007 and 2010. Sharma also maintained that Zacharias told him to erase all information about his appointments at the spa from the company computer system.
It was around this time when the two men owned Jivan Wellness, which reportedly offered massage therapy as well as a form of ancient Indian medicine rooted in Hinduism, among other wellness services.

“It started actually, the lady therapist who had come and who talked about that he’d been misbehaving—exactly the pattern that was there…,”

Sharma told an attorney hired by the Christian Missionary Alliance denomination, the denomination that had ordained Zacharias, in December 2020. 

“And this was exactly the pattern, which was, I saw it plenty of…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Brandon Showalter and published at the Christian post.

Church Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics News

Hillsong’s Bobbie Houston Recommends Plastic Surgery, Not Feeling like a ‘R******’ For Better Sex Life

Bobbie Houston, wife of supreme Hillsong overlord Brian Houston, has some interesting advice to women wanting to have a better marriage, and it’s getting her a lot of flak.

In some recently unearthed audio from a 2003 series called Kingdom Women Love Sex, a title that was later toned down since to Kingdom Women Love and Value their Sexuality, Houston speaks about staying fit, exercising to boost your sexual prowess, even geting surgery if need be, but it was one particular comment that has people raising their eyebrows. Actually, make it two.

Though most of it is run of the mill sex advice, it was her candid descriptions on the effects of weight gain in the marital bed that irked critics, who accused her of using one particular word as a slur and pejorative.

If I carry weight I feel like a retard, how are you going to do anything to surprise your man when you need a hydraulic crane just to turn over in bed?

Shockingly, she goes on to recommend plastic surgery “down there” to enhance the sex, as well as recommends kegels.

Have plastic surgery if it makes you feel better and it is for the right reasons, and girls, pelvic floor exercise – can you believe I am saying this? You know, I have heard that orgasm is not as strong if you are really sloppy in that area…

Back pain. Plumbing bits. OK, get them fixed, get healed, or go to a doctor, I’m not joking.

Houston says not to worry about “Kama Sutra position 5004,” saying, “just don’t even go there. It won’t work,” riffing, “because how many would agree your men have trouble assembling a swing set on Christmas morning?

She says that women should also get their teeth done, get a facelift if needed to keeps things sagging and employ an extensive anti-aging beauty regiment to keep one looking good.

We need to be good at sex ourselves so that if the world happens to come knocking we can tell the story of God in our lives. We can say, ‘I have a great marriage and a great sex life.’ Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Hillsong is currently embroiled in a scandal in its’ NYC church plant, after a culture of sexual perversion and power struggle has been unearthed in the aftermath of the firing of disgraced adulterous pastor Carl Lentz.

Church Coronavirus Featured Heresies

Karen Swallow Prior: Christians Responsible for ‘Culture of Death’ by Not Wearing Masks, Are not Pro-Life

We’ve written for you before about Karen Swallow Prior, how we continually find ourselves vexed and mystified that she’s viewed so favorably and regarded as conservative within Christian circles, despite the plethora of problems with her. The list is extensive and has been enumerated at the end of this post.

Unsurprisingly, she has continued to show herself to be an enemy of the church, this time by saying that Christians are responsible for bringing the culture of death to the world by being resistant to wearing masks and for gathering for in-person church services against the wishes of the government, suggesting that those who do have failed to be “pro-life.”

She writes:

When questioned and asked to elaborate, Swallow says that the “church has failed to lead,” pointing to a series of Tweets by @rungirlPs91 which explains how.

In short, it wasn’t the mismanagement of the California government that led to its bed shortage, which has the 3rd-lowest ratio of hospital-bed-to-resident in the country, that is the problem, nor is it the tyrannical flex of the governor which targeted churches for closure and engendered mistrust and assumption of evil intent. Rather, it’s the Christians who are at fault!

Christians are responsible for “bringing the culture of death” because we did not campaign for mask-wearing, refused to engage in social distancing when it made being part of a church body impossible, did not engage in mitigating measures like not singing during worship, and did not close our churches down for going on 10 months now.

Consequently, the church has failed to be “pro-life” in this regard, and instead contributed to a pro-death ethos.

We would expect nothing less of the “Notorious KSP.”

Promised enumerations below:

Charismatic Nonsense Church Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Judah Smith and Churchome Bring on Trinity-Denier T.D Jakes as Board Member

Pastors Judah and Chelsea Smith of Churchome, a hip-to-be-cool, celebrity-endorsed 10,000 member megachurch, further cemented their theological obliviousness by bringing on Trinity-denying Modalist T. D. Jakes as a Board Member of their congregation, effective January 1, 2021.

The Seattle-based church, spread across its five locations in Washington State and California, joins other celebrity preachers like now-disgraced Carl Lentz and Elevation Church’s Steven Futick in having very close ties with the “Jesus is a manifestion of God” Pentecostal Bishop. They made the announcement on their website, writing:

Bishop TD Jakes has been in church leadership for more than 40 years, and is the founder and senior pastor of The Potter’s House Church. He has been in relationship with Churchome since 2006. 

One of the world’s most revered faith leaders, his passion to bring people together is evident over his decades of ministry. He is an inspiration in matters of reconciliation and racial diversity. The wisdom of his collective experience leading people to Jesus, and instinct to serve others in areas beyond the church brings invaluable leadership to the Churchome board.

It is not a supremely surprising move, given that both men have had close ties for years, speaking at conferences together and even at each other’s churches.

By way of a brief profile, the Smiths are about as seeker-sensitive and biblically compromised as they come. They live in a multi-million dollar home and have a penchant for Gucci luxury clothes, where a single outfit can cost upwards of $ 5000$. They count Justin Bieber as one of their members and let him occasionally lead worship, with theoerotic songs like Reckless Love being a mainstay.

He frequently tweets stupid, unbiblical things like this, clearly having no knowledge of Acts 10:38, 2 Corinthians 5:10, John 5:22, 27, and other scriptures.

He is, by all accounts, emblematic of the skinny-jeans-wearing soyboy pastors that breed effemininity and are a blight on the church today.

As for where the couple stands on abortion and LGBT issues, more unbiblical, cagey, waffling garbage abounds. In a long-form article in Marie Claire that is worth the read, writer Jennifer Swann quickly zeroes in on the ethos of the couple.

Regarding his 2005 comments on abortion, (where he preached against it) Judah says (through his publicist), ‘We have grown significantly in the past 15 years. I wouldn’t agree with my approach when I was a young pastor on many issues and understand that no life decision is easy. We hope to be a loving home for humanity, no matter what someone has experienced.’

When I ask Chelsea what she would say to a member of her congregation considering an abortion, she is quick to clarify that, unlike a priest, a pastor—at least at Churchome—isn’t meant to provide counsel. ‘We know what we’re good at, which is the Bible and Jesus and telling His story. And we know what we’re not good at. There are amazing trained professional psychologists and counselors [for that].’

That’s why, on the Churchome Global app, the Smiths titled a section of videos ‘Question and Response’ rather than ‘Question and Answer.’

Throughout the two days we spend together, Chelsea has few answers for me. So I call her up a few weeks later to ask more questions: What is Churchome’s position on LGBTQ members, for example? ‘Every individual is entitled to their own persuasion, and it’s not our job to persuade. It’s just our job to proclaim. They feel just as loved and welcome and a part of our community,’ Chelsea says.

Have Judah’s views on homosexuality changed since 2005? ‘We are a church who love and welcome people regardless of their beliefs or background,’ he says. Would Churchome be open to having a gay pastor? After a long pause, Chelsea says, ‘We are very much in the category of “We love everybody. God is for everybody. And God’s heart is for people.” So our hearts are for people, and that is where we land, absolutely.’

Having TD Jakes on their church board, as bad as that is, is clearly the least of their problems.

Breaking Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Former SBTS Prof: Al Mohler is a ‘Double Agent’

UPDATE: SBTS leadership was aware of problematic dissertation

(Capstone Report) A former member of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) faculty alleged that the SBTS Administration was aware of Nate Collins’s “destructive views” while Collins was a student writing that “Virgin” was a “Secondary Gender Identity” and later while Collins taught at Al Mohler’s SBTS.

According to noted Hebrew scholar Russell Fuller:

“Nate Collins was vocal about his views on gender and homosexuality when he was a student and later an adjunct faculty member at Southern Seminary. The Administration at Southern Seminary knew of Collins’s destructive views but still allowed him to teach. Tom Schreiner was a member of the administration as an associate Dean of the School of Theology when Collins was writing his problematic dissertation at Southern under Tom.”

Collins’s views launched the controversial Revoice Conference—a conference condemned by conservative Christians.

Further, Al Mohler and the seminary are “soft” on homosexuality and LGBTQ+ issues, according to Dr. Fuller.

“The truth is that Southern Seminary went soft on homosexuality years before Collins when Mohler himself accepted the secular idea of sexual orientation,” Dr. Fuller said. “In fact, Mohler ‘repented’ that he rejected the secular teaching of sexual orientation, the lynchpin doctrine of the LGBTQ community. Mohler’s statement of ‘repentance,’ of course, suggests that he was in sin for not accepting sexual orientation. This further suggests that Christians are in sin who do not accept sexual orientation, a blasphemous notion.”

And Dr. Fuller does not stop there. He points out that Mohler cannot answer when confronted…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report, a website which is required reading for anyone in the SBC. Title changed by Protestia

Church Featured News

Man Hiding Out In Church Disarms and Kills Pastor With Own Gun

(CBS News) A pastor was killed and two other people were hurt in a shooting at an East Texas church on Sunday, CBS Dallas/Fort Worth reports. Police identified the deceased victim as 62-year-old Mark McWilliams.

A suspect identified by law enforcement as Mytrez Deunte Woolen, 21, was taken into custody Sunday. Woolen is charged with one count of murder and two counts of aggravates assault. 

The Smith County Sheriff’s Office said they responded to a shooting at Starrville Methodist Church, about 15 miles northeast of Tyler, at around 9:20 a.m. local time. Arriving deputies found two people shot and a third injured in a fall.

According to the department, there were no services at the time of the shooting.

Smith County Sheriff Larry Smith said the suspected shooter had been involved in a pursuit on Saturday night that lasted about two hours with speeds in excess of 100 mph. According to police, Woolen abandoned the car on the property of Starrville Methodist after a crash and fled into the woods, where he was able to elude capture. Police recovered a shotgun from the vehicle.

According to Smith, the next morning, Woolen confronted McWilliams at the church.

The sheriff said the pastor was armed, but the Woolen was allegedly able to disarm him. McWilliams and another person were then shot before Woolen…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by a CBS Staff writer and published at CBS News, Title changed by Protestia.

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty One

The forty-first album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church Drive-In Church Evangelical Stuff In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Health Update on John MacArthur

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. (3 John 1:2)

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church (GCC) in Sun Valley, California, who is normally in the news for an on-going battle with Los Angeles County Health Officials to keep his church open amidst California Governor Gavin Newsom’s shutdown orders, has a few people saying his name for a different reason.

Speculation about MacArthur’s health comes in light of him missing preaching two weeks in a row, as well as people not understanding what sort of schedule he keeps.

Historically, John MacArthur takes 8 weeks off preaching duties in July and August, but those months were bumped up to the fall given the heat from COVID-19 and the government threatening to shut down the church. With GCC going to court and receiving a reprieve for several months, MacArthur took off most of October and November. He returned to the pulpit for three weeks, and now has been absent for two.

MacArthur was initially supposed to preach on Sunday, January 3rd and have Steve Lawson preach the evening service, but those plans were changed, and MacArthur was taken off the schedule and Lawson replaced him in the morning slot.

In a brief message from Pastor Tom Patton before the service, he explains:

…And we have the privilege this morning of having Dr. Steve Lawson with us in our pastor’s stead…This gives our pastor John a little more time to rest and prepare for Shepherds’ Conference. I know that seems kind of early (March 3-5, 2021), but Shepherds’ Conference is right around the corner, just so you know. It’s moving fast upon us as the days unfold, so please be in prayer for leaders all around the word…

Tim Hurd of The Bible Thumping Wingnut Network, who like us at Protestia is a huge fan of MacArthur and GCC – having been blessed for years by the man and ministry – has been graciously following along and updating his audience on how things are coming along in these dark times with this Church serving as a beacon in the darkness.

With Hurd being friends with several GCC members and having “insider access,” he explains he was informed that the reason MacArthur needs rest, apart from being 81 years old, is that he is sick with a bit of the stomach flu.

He does NOT have COVID-19.

Dr. Steve Lawson made a few comments during his own message, mentioning his esteem for pastor MacArthur. He describes GCC as having the greatest pastor on planet earth – how he has been raised up by God at this moment in history to be the leading voice of evangelicalism and the last man standing. He says:

There is one strong man, an atlas, who is upholding the faith once and for all delivered to the saints, and that’s the man who stands in this Pulpit. May God bless him. May God strengthen him. May God hold him up. May God give him another hundred years.

To that we say, “yea and amen.”

See the full video below, and subscribe to Tim’s channel and hit the notification bell for the edification of your soul.