
The Gospel Coalition Says Suffering Adults Need ‘Ministry of Children’s Books’ To Cope

The Gospel Coalition has a creative new solution for how Christian adults should process suffering and pain in light of their faith: read more children’s books, as they offer immense therapeutic and spiritual value.

In the article titled Why Suffering Adults Need Children’s Books, author Quina Aragon describes how she turns to children’s books and picture books in her darkest moments, explaining that “it’s suffering adults who especially need the ministry of children’s books.”

She explains that “When trauma occurs or when we’re acutely stressed, we curl up in a fetal position,” and that in order to climb out of that state of fetal vulnerability, we don’t need “pious stoicism” like being told that God is sovereign, or other theological tomes. Rather, “in our pain, we need a break from the philosophizing of Job’s friends. Instead, we need literature that will fertilize what tends to erode over time—our childlike imaginations.”

Whether in picture books or novels, children’s literature reminds us of spiritual realities we’ve studied and debated but not paused to enjoy. Their simplified poetry or prose help our emotionally fatigued hearts to slow down and revel in God’s willingness to condescend to our ash heap of dashed dreams with fresh ones.

She argues that books about simple things like bugs and flowers “fertilizes our imagination” and makes us marvel at God’s creation, while also helping us acknowledge that we’re all afraid of the proverbial dark. Children’s books help us see the monsters for what they are and appeal to the child in us, a simple remedy given because Christ already views us as “little children.”

When we fear the night-cloaked unknown, or when we’re in the dark night of the soul, we need children’s literature to teach us emotional honesty again, to suggest we’re not alone in our struggles, and to remind us of promises we know from God’s Word—“a lamp to [our] feet and a light to [our] path” (Ps. 119:105).

She concludes that if you want to alleviate your suffering and heal, the ministry of children’s books is a must.

Though she doesn’t name which books are the best, we imagine best-sellers like Peppa Pig, Green Eggs and Ham, Winnie the Pooh, Barbie’s Big Day, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Corduroy, Barney’s Magical Picnic, Are You my Mother? Hop on Pop, The Giving Tree, Where’s Waldo, Goodnight Moon, and whatever else the kids are reading nowadays, would be way up there as the primary tools to help us cope with our suffering and crippling loss.

[Editor’s note: Or you could forget all that blather and read the Psalms themselves.]


Professing ‘Christian’ Steve Harvey Says ‘There’s No One Way to Heaven’

Family Feud host and self-professed Christian Steve Harvey stunned his fans after appearing in a video on his YouTube page where he denies that Jesus is the only way to heaven and engaged in all sorts of syncretistic, pluralistic theobabble.

The 4-minute clip titled “How Steve Harvey Prays” (subtitled ‘There’s many ways to serve GOD and keep your faith) shows him visiting the Grand Mosque in the United Arab Emirates where he proceeded to say:

There’s no one way to Heaven, no one way to paradise. It’s like television, now there’s over 800 channels on cable, and they’re all pretty entertaining. So I’m pretty sure that to get to Heaven, there’s got to be more than one route. Because somebody watching another channel or taking another channel than you, they’re still getting entertained, and they probably still getting to Heaven.

This nonsense would be a far cry from the biblical text, where Jesus reveals in the book of John, “Unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins” and “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.”

These are primary, foundational beliefs, and denying them is tantamount to denying the nature and the person of Christ.

Translation: Steve Harvey is not a real Christian believer.

Pray for his conversion, that God would save him, and reveal the truth to him.

cancel culture Evangelical Stuff News

Twitter Suspends Lifesite News for ‘Misgendering’ Transgendered Politician

Twitter has continued its trend of science-denying activism by suspending two of Lifesite News’ accounts for the sin of calling President Biden’s Assistant Secretary of Health a “man.”

Both their main account and their “We Can Defend Marriage” account received the banhammer for tweeting about transgendered politician Rachel Levine, who is most definitely a man but believes he’s a woman.

Biden names transgender ‘woman’ as Assistant Secretary of Health. ‘Rachel’ Levine is a father of two who divorced his wife in 2013 after 30 years of marriage.

Certainly provocative in our day and age, and also 100 percent true.

Lifesite’s YouTube channel also received a 2-week ban a few days ago for one of their videos on vaccines, which the media giant says violated its’ “community guidelines.”

It is not the first time Lifesite have been axed for going against Twitter’s rules on junk science. They recently spent almost a year locked out of their feed for tweeting out an article that was negative towards transgender activist “wax-my-private-area-or-I’ll-sue-you ‘Jessica’ Yaniv.”

Lifesite has no plans to relent and take down their post.

[Editor’s note: Lifesite should follow the appeals process, and if Twitter won’t give up its’ moronic stance, then it should be pursued legally.]

Church Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty Five

The forty-fifth album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

abortion Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff LGBTQQIP2SAA

Beth Moore is up to Some No Good, Very Bad, LGBT-Affirming Pastrixy Stuff

Beth Moore has been following the debate on the dailies in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) over whether or not a woman can be called “Pastor” after news broke that the SBC’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) helped plant a church with a lead pastrix who intended to lead as that very thing. This led Moore to weigh in with her usually couched and vague language about the roles and titles that ladies can and should assume within her denomination.

Moore is an egalitarian who alternates between sneaky and veiled advocacy for women preachers all the while publicly claiming the squishiest form soft-complementarianism possible, an example which can be found here.

In fact, recently she lauded another pastrix as a woman of faith who is the insightful and brilliant bee’s knees, none other than LGBT-affirming, openly pro-choice, Episcopalian priestess Ally Henny, who is also Vice President of Jemar Tisby’s Witness BBC.

Henny, who makes sure her pronouns (she/her) are known in her bio, was recently featured in a sermon by @wokepreachertv that abused the scriptures so much, we had to file a proverbial police report after listening to it.

Moore’s point is clear though. If you’re a woman, don’t wait for men to tell you that you can’t be a preacher or pastor. Follow Jesus, call yourself whatever you’d like, and “you do you.”

Breaking Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Video! Police Fine 47 Congregants $880 EACH for Attending Church Service

Police in the small town of Aylmer, Ontario have been going door-to-door out in the cover of night and handing out fines for $880 to any congregants who attended an in-person church service last week, an act deemed illegal by the conservative government.

In all, 47 fines were given out, totalling $41,360.

Footage from the ticketing was uploaded by Herbert Hildebrandt, the son of the Aylmer Church of God Pastor Henry Hildebrandt, the church at the center of the controversy.

We featured this church back in May 2020, where at the time the government was refusing to let them gather for a drive-in service, where all the windows would be rolled up and the sermon would be piped through their FM station.

On their Facebook Page, Aylmer police say that the fines were given not only to those inside the church but outside the church as well, possibly in their vehicles.

In Ontario, the tyrannical Premier Doug Ford who was elected on a populist, man-of-the-people, the right-wing conservative platform has made it illegal to gather in groups of more than 10 people for “non-essential” activities like Church.

The province of 15 million people has been on lockdown for nearly a month and has had 6072 COVID deaths in the last 11 months. Of those, all but 230 occurred in those ages 60 and up, and those almost all exclusively in long-term care homes.

Featured Heresies Scandal

Hillsong Church Hit With $20,000,000 Lawsuit for ‘Immoral Acts’ +Damages

Hillsong Church is gearing up to meet their financial maker, becoming the defendants in a series of lawsuits over breaches of contract and damages, according to a series of recently filed suits against the scandal-ridden Australian megachurch.

On this side of the pond, Hillsong’s Connecticut plant is being sued by The Wall Street Theater Company. Hillsong rented the theater from them for their weekly Sunday church service at a cost of nearly $6000 a month. They signed a fresh lease a few months before the pandemic hit, and then when the world went sideways, sought to take advantage of the agreement’s 120-day termination clause.

The theater agreed, but the clause to exit the lease was $100,899.25, which Hillsong refused to pay. Connecticut doesn’t have a pandemic-related moratorium on commercial rent payment that many states do, and so Hillsong would be liable for it. The suit alleges that Hillsong acted in an “immoral way” and also stole electronic equipment from them.

Hillsong Connecticut made the news a few months ago when their lead pastors Blaze Robertson and wife Desiree Noel Robertson jumped ship and slinked away to a new church, with no formal document being made to the congregation.

Meanwhile, back in Australia, owners of a 300-apartment complex are suing the Church for shoddy construction work done when building their homes, alleging that the apartments which were purchased for up to a million dollars are structurally unsound, making them near impossible to sell in the future.

Lest you wonder what that has to do with Hillsong, the apartments were built by Sydney Christian Life Centre, who is the developer and part of Hillsong’s property arm. (Think of Hillsong as a multinational corporation. They have their hand in many cookie jars.)

A 2019 report deemed that the windows and balconies to the units were structurally unsound, but the Sydney Christian Life Centre (aka Hillsong) are saying that the real culprit is Icon Construction Australia, who they subcontracted to do the work, and who they filed a lawsuit against, deeming them to be the real culprits.


Get Banned Content via ‘The Insurgency’

A reminder that the Gideon Knox group offers access to interesting and important content often banned, throttled, or hidden by Big Tech and our social media Overlords.

These are today’s links provided via The Insurgency. To have this daily The Insurgency update sent directly to your email inbox for free, click here.

Black man who painted “Jesus is black” on Cathedral shoots and kills white cop

Judge won’t let lawyers tell jury about George Floyd’s prior arrests

U.S. government says China company’s offer to give COVID tests was plot to collect our DNA

Woman who was fired for attending Jan 6 Capitol protests sues boss for 10 million

Youtube pulls videos of doctors giving testimonies about alternative COVID treatments

Mexican TV host goes to FL to get vaccine ahead of Americans

ICE ordered by Biden to stop using term “illegal alien”

Biden AGAIN comes across as senile old man at executive order-signing

Hosptial invites “VIP donors” to front of the line to get vaccine

Gov. Cuomo killed twice as many nursing home patients than originally reported

Chicago teacher says opening up schools is plot by white parents to kill black people

Google blocks ads opposing Supreme Court stacking

Christian scholar booted from Facebook for “incitement” after opposing Biden’s “transgender” military policy

WI police chief bans “Thin Blue Line” flags because they’re “racist”

Biden raises refugee cap by tens of thousands

Lewandowski: Trump to make a major political comeback

MSNBC: Republicans “willing to kill” those who disagree with them

GA Bar Association tells Lin Wood to get psych evaluation or lose creds

Public school official says Trump voters are “scum and plague over the Earth”

Army chaplain “under investigation” for disliking Biden’s tranny policies

Fauci promises world American tax dollars to kill babies

Man who FABCRICATED Russia Gate documents given PROBATION!

Mike Lee: AOC should be censored for claiming Republican colleagues want to murder her

China carried out simulated attack on USS Roosevelt

Facebook to limit access to political news

COVID vaccine only 50% effective against “mutant strains”

China donations to U. Penn tripled after “Biden Center” formed

Adam Schiff: Republicans are a “dangerous cult”

Nope. Nope. Nope: China is using “anal swabs” to test for COVID

Billionaires 40% richer since COVID began

Twitter blocks ‘Focus on the Family’

Where’s the media? Antifa rioted at ICE facility last night, complete with BOMBS

Health care worker takes COVID vaccine, drops dead

Pelosi says Republican colleagues are “enemy within”

VOX suggests mental health therapy is needed to recover from “Trump-related trauma”

American Journal of Medicine admits hydroxychloroquine is effective COVID treatment

Capitol police want permanent border wall at U.S. Capitol

NBC doctor says Americans should wear FOUR facemasks

Netflix’ “anti-racist” Ibram Kendi lobbies for totalitarian government

Only 13% in WY would vote to reelect Liz Cheney

Tad Late: Judge rules VA mail-in voter policy change was illegal

Bed, Bath, and Beyond loses 34% stock value after firing Mike Lindell

Southern Baptist leader says women who get abortion deserve “quality care”

Church Conspiracy Featured News Op-Ed

SBC Credentials Committee Is Botching A Sex-Abuse Case Right Before our Eyes

As the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) grapples with sex-abuse scandals and pledges to do more, the SBC Credentials Committee is in the process of botching a high-profile case right before our eyes, behaving in a scandalously uncaring way, outright lying, obfuscating, and making further victims of the people they are supposed to be investigating.


In 1998, a 17-year-old teenager named Jules Woodson was sexually abused by 22-year-old Andy Savage, the former youth pastor of Woodlands Parkway Baptist Church, now known as StoneBridge Church. This occurred after building up a relationship with her and grooming her to be receptive to his sexual advances. (Longer story here)

After the incident, she reported it to the Associate Pastor Larry Cotton. He tried to gauge how ‘complicit’ she was in the abuse, suggesting she may have been a willing participant in it, but ultimately chose to tell Senior Pastor Steve Bradley, about it and that the church would handle it.

They never did.

No further action was taken by the Church. Bradley did not go to the police, seeking to handle it “in house” and did not report it, as was his legal and fiduciary duty. Because of this, Andy Savage remained on staff and still lead Youth group for months after that.

Seeing that nothing was being done and no further actions were being taken, Woodson told her story to her female discipleship group, at this point emotionally distraught and hurting badly. With the information now out, it resulted in Savage leaving, with rumors swirling that perhaps he kissed a girl, but that it wasn’t that big of a deal and many were upset that he was going.

Woodson explains, “The church, however, never came out with an official statement addressing what had happened and/or what was being done about it. Instead, they held a going-away reception for Andy at the church in which he was allowed to simply say that he had made a poor decision and that it was time for him to move on from our church.”

In fact, years later the pastors and the deacons at the church, including Steve Bradley, contacted Woodson’s parents and asked if they would be ok to bring Andy Savage back on staff – a request the parents patently refused.

Lest anyone doubt the veracity of the story, the associate Pastor Larry Cotton eventually moved on to a new church. After allegations of his involvement in mishandling the case, the church took the allegations seriously and put him on leave. He resigned from the pastorate shortly thereafter, releasing a statement, confirming that the events happened as described, and expressing regret at how it was handled and that he should have gone to the police.

Facing his own pressure, Savage was forced to address the sex crime from the pulpit at the new church he moved on to, Highpoint Church, where he minimized his actions, exaggerated his response, and kept on framing it as “an incident that happened 20-plus years ago.” Because of the statute of limitations, he cannot be charged. Facing sustained pressure, he later resigned from the church, eventually acknowledging that his actions in the non-consensual sexual encounter were an “abuse of power.”


Now comes the time of reckoning for Senior Pastor Steve Bradley, still the pastor of Stonebridge Church decades later.

Woodson has reached out multiple times to Bradley, who has steadfastly refused to respond to her or even acknowledge her.

The only public statement Bradley has ever made is a comment in the Houston Chronicle, saying that the Church was “heartbroken 20 years ago when this happened and we remain heartbroken,” but was clear that it is “simply not accurate” to say “that I or anyone else on the staff at StoneBridge Church participated in a conspiracy to cover-up this sexual misconduct.”

So heartbroken that he has refused to talk to her or contact her in any way, shape, or form, despite her reaching out to him multiple times across multiple channels?

Again, he did not report it to the police, did not tell the congregation the nature of it, sought to keep him on, and sought to bring him back after he acts were exposed.

In 2019 she sent this letter to Bradley, which he has not responded to or acknowledged (please click the link to read in full), where she details the hurt she’s experienced that he’s never once contacted her or responded to her, despite the story going national. She says:

Your lack of compassion towards me as I have tried to seek closure and healing for the physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse I suffered as a member of your congregation has been reprehensible. This was my church and you, Larry, and Andy were my pastors and spiritual leaders…I trusted you all. You have no idea the despair, isolation, and self-devastation I’ve experienced because I was thrown under the bus, not just for Andy’s sake, but for your sake, and the reputation of the church.”

She asks him some questions that she has been struggling with for for a long time:

  • Why did you not immediately call the police when you learned of my abuse?
  • Were you/are you aware that in the state of Texas, clergy are mandated reporters of child sexual abuse?
  • Why did you not immediately pull Andy from his position on staff when I first reported my abuse?
  • Why did you allow Andy to resign instead of firing him?
  • Why were you not transparent and honest with the congregation that Andy had sexually abused a minor in the youth group?
  • Why did you, nor anyone on staff, ever reach out to me after I reported the abuse to offer support, help, or to ask me what I wanted and needed?
  • Why did you allow and/or think it was appropriate to throw Andy a going away party at the church?

And then she makes one final plea:

Though you have refused to respond to other people’s attempts to dialogue with you regarding the ways you have mishandled my abuse, my prayer is that by reaching out to you personally, you will finally choose to handle things differently. I have been deeply wounded by your words and actions from 20 years ago and continuing to this day. I sincerely request that you respond to my inquiries not only with honesty but with empathy as well.

Bradley never answered.


In 2019, the Southern Baptist Convention put on the Caring Well conference. This was done with the stated goal of responding to and hearing from sexual abuse survivors, along with announcing the formation of a new branch of the Credentials Committee (CC) dedicated to dealing with allegations of sexual abuse. JD Greear wept tears from the stage, his voice shaky, promising to do better.

They told survivors they wanted to hear their stories, and that they could trust the SBC would respond accordingly, with the ERLC’s Russell Moore saying, “We think this is going to be a hugely beneficial move in terms of empowering Southern Baptists to act with accountability and transparency on these matters.”

Despite Jules Woodson being arguably the most well-known face of abuse in the evangelical church and in the SBC, she was not invited to speak.

Instead, in keeping with the SBC’s 11th Commandment, all the women brought on stage did not report their abuser and did not name them. One wasn’t even a member of the SBC, but rather the OPC. In short, they didn’t invite anyone who reported their Baptist abuser.

After the announcement of the new committee, Woodson submitted her case, being one of the most visible SBC victims. After all, two pastors had to resign over what happened to her, with one of them acknowledging his complicity in the cover-up. For this reason, she was sure they would look into it. She got an email back saying that they had received her email, and inquired if she had further questions.

Upon hearing that the CC was investigating 16 Churches, Jules Woodson asked if Stonebridge and Steve Bradley were on that list. She received a response back from Christy Peters, telling her that the CC isn’t designed to “investigate” but rather “inquire,” and that the status of an ‘investigation’ was private, even to those reporting. It ended with Peters inviting her to submit any churches she feels she must. Which she had already done.

This revelation confirms that the Credentials Committee is a bureaucratic nightmare, with the one submitting not even being told if they plan to do anything with his/her information, or to what degree they have or will follow up. Furthermore, they are essentially toothless when it comes to what power they wield and what change they can bring about, due to the constraints of their purpose. In an article on the ERLC website:  A guide to understanding the Credentials Committee proposal, this is made plain.

A year passes.


She does not hear from them and no one contacts her about it.

Woodson assumes that nothing came out of it, with no much time passing and no follow-up. It wouldn’t take a whole year to ascertain the truth here, would it, with so much ink being spilled about it?


On November 16, a year after her submission, 2020, Jules Woodson received the following letter from Mike Lawson, chair of the Credentials Committee.

Parts bolded by us.

Dear Ms. Woodson,

The Credentials Committee desires to reach out to you personally and inform you of our decision regarding Stonebridge Church. As we have not been able to connect via phone or Zoom, please receive this letter in the spirit from which it was drafted: to sincerely thank you and inform you. Thank you for your patience as we have worked and prayed our way through this process.

First, we wish to thank you. Thank you for being willing to share your story and for drawing attention to the need for churches to make an intentional effort to prevent abuse and to care well for victims of sexual abuse. Thank you for the effort it took to provide us with all the information regarding your abuse. It helped provide an understanding of what you experienced and continue to face as a result. We want you to know that we read and grieved over the information available to us including: your blog, articles, and your interview with the New York Times that we watched in its entirety. We prayed for you and all the victims, and, more recently, for you and your mother as you care for her in these difficult days. Thank you, for your boldness and courage in coming forward with your story. We believe that you and others like you are making a difference in how churches respond to reports of sexual abuse and helping them create intentional policies and practices that will help prevent such things in the future.

Your story has been a particular force in transformative change at Stonebridge Church. In recent years, they have taken significant and extensive steps to improve policies, practices, and procedures to better serve their people. These steps are set up to offer increased protections and improved responses to reports.

Our committee has considered the information available to us regarding StoneBridge Church’s relationship with the Southern Baptist Convention. Our committee’s assignment as outlined in SBC Bylaw 8[1], is to consider the current relationship between a church and the Convention. Neither our committee nor the Southern Baptist Convention has any authority over another Baptist body as stated in Article IV [2] of the SBC Constitution. This committee’s role is to determine if a church is in friendly cooperation with the Convention and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee when we determine a church is not currently in friendly cooperation with the Convention as described in Article III [3] of the SBC Constitution.  At this time, we do not have any information that causes us to conclude that the church does not have a faith and practice which closely identifies with the Convention’s adopted statement of faith, and we have determined that StoneBridge Church be removed from inquiry.

While the nine of us on this committee have a very limited and specific task, we care about you and other survivors. We requested and have been granted access to trauma-informed counselors. If you think they might be of any help to you as you continue your healing journey, we will gladly connect you to them. We know that receiving this information may be difficult, and we are sorry for any pain it may cause.

The SBC Credentials Committee

We here at Protestia see a few things worthy of mention. The CC claimed to have “tried” to contact Jules Woodson via phone and Zoom, yet Jules has NO record of any such attempt. No one called her. No one questioned her further. No one called to get more details or information. Nothing.

Furthermore, the committee had her email address from when she submitted her grievance and corresponded with Christy Peters, and yet Woodson received no emails. That they would not speak to her about this at all is unconscionable.

The Committee further stated that they read her blog, yet she has no blog.

They affirm that Stonebridge has been “transformed” due to her story, and yet the Pastor has refused to talk to her or acknowledge it and the SBC’s most famous victim. All this while protesting they did not cover up the sexual abuse, despite that being both demonstrably and factually false. How is refusing to speak to or acknowledge victims evidence of “transformation”?

Why should anyone believe Stonebridge would handle new sex-abuse claims in a serious manner, rather than just cover them up, if to this day the Senior Pastor insisted that they did nothing wrong 20 years ago? He was legally obligated to report it to the police and he buried it instead.

Ultimately the Credential Committee is saying that one can be in “cooperation with the SBC” despite having a proven track record of permitting and covering up sexual abuse, so long as they affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. At this point it seems clear that there is no sexual abuse case that could be reported to the Committee that would result in a church being declared not in friendly co-operation with the convention.


Jules Woodson shared this on Twitter last week., about her ongoing issues with the Credentials Committee.

I am so livid at the SBC Credentials Committee right now I could scream!!!

Yesterday, a fellow advocate and friend, @writer_dee, spoke with Mike Lawson and Stacey Bramlett via a Zoom meeting on my behalf.  One of the purposes for the meeting was to address their massive failures regarding my submission…Specifically their lack of communication and failure to speak with me. 

Stacey made a point to say that their decision is final…that it’s too late to go back and change anything.  I find this to be extremely disturbing considering they really don’t seem to know what they are doing. Remember, they never once made an effort to speak with me regarding my submission even though they claimed to have done so!!! 

What training and/or guidance do they have in evaluating abuse in the church and cover-up, and how it relates to a church being in good standing with the SBC, as well as communicating/listening to survivors? 

They then proceeded to tell Dee Ann that the reason they had such difficulty in making a decision regarding Stonebridge was because they never received an actual submission from me, it came from someone else so their hands were tied, so to speak.

This is completely false as well.  I personally sent a submission by mail and received an email a short time later that confirmed they received my submission. [Editor’s Note. See included picture.]

After the call Mike sends a short email to Dee Ann stating…’Thank you for your time. I spoke in error. It was in fact Jules who submitted to the Credentials Committee. My apologies.’

Is this a joke?!?! They had just spent all this time explaining to Dee Ann about how they were put in an ‘awkward position’ regarding Stonebridge yet their entire statement was based on erroneous information as it WAS me who presented the request.

They further admitted to basing their decision on the information they received after speaking with the church, yet they never once made an effort to speak with me!!  Are you kidding??? They trust the church and pastor that covered up my abuse when I originally reported and who continues to deny wrongdoing or respond to my questions to this day???

Even after the Associate Pastor has admitted it was abuse – that it should have been reported to the police, and has since stepped down from any position of authority in his current church? 

In summary, the SBC Credentials Committee is a total sham. They are NOT a safe resource for ANY survivor!!!  They have lied on multiple occasions. They don’t know their head from their ass and certainly can’t keep their stories straight. They have ZERO training in how to do their jobs in any capacity and perhaps don’t even know what their job is. SBC YOU MUST DO BETTER!!! 

This is a terrible injustice. The Credentials Committee has botched and mishandled this case for over a year now, and they are continuing to drop the ball. Not only dropping it, but punting it clear out of sight. We pray it’s out of incompetence and not out of maliciousness, but at the rate it’s going, we can’t be sure.

What we do know, is if this is how they are going to handle things they CANNOT be trusted with other victims and other churches and ought to be thoroughly and publicly repudiated.

We ask that you retweet this article and tag all these individuals, as well as anyone else you can think of, and keep on doing it until they listen.

@drmoore, @jdgreear @SummitRDU, @erlc, @FBCsherman, @SBCExecComm with @albertmohler, @edlitton, @pastormikestone #sbccrentialscomittee, and #sbc2021

Featured News

Lifeway to Sell $100,000,000 Headquarters 3 Years After Moving in

Lifeway Christian Resources, the retail and sales arm of the Southern Baptist Convention and the bane of biblical Christians everywhere, is selling their corporate headquarters less than three years after moving in.

“We dedicate this building to God-for His glory and for His gospel” said then Lifeway President Thom Rainer in 2017 during the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new building. “May everything that comes from this place be used in such a way that lives will be transformed, not only here on earth but into eternity.”

Lifeway began looking for a buyer for the hundred million dollar, 277,000sqft building less than two years later.

In a statement about the sale, current Lifeway President and CEO Ben Mandrell said:

“Lifeway is moving forward, building fresh vision, and getting prepared for a new season of ministry to churches. This has led us to think strategically about selling our large building downtown, fully embracing remote work as the norm, and moving into a new era of creative and collaborative work.”

Mandrell continues:

One of the first questions I asked when I took this role was, ‘What should we do with this building?’ A study completed last year showed we were using the building at only 60% occupancy on a daily basis.

We’re definitely moving to a new work environment. Our new space will be designed specifically around a healthy blend of strategic meetings and team collaboration, as well as the flexibility of working from home. Like other companies are doing as a result of COVID, we’re re-imagining the corporate office for the future of work.

We are moving away from the idea of a ‘headquarters’ to a fully mobile and agile workforce that intentionally gathers to build strong relationships, celebrate what God is doing and share ideas.”

In short. It’s about the money

Five years ago, Lifeway was employing nearly 5000 staff and had 500 million in annual sales. Now, the years have not been kind to the organization who has repeatedly been caught selling spiritual garbage and unorthodox books from their shelves. They’ve had to sell their famous Ridgecrest Conference Center, close 170 retail stores, have slashed jobs, seen sales plummet, let loose rounds of layoffs, and are operating in multi-million dollar deficits.

We’re not happy Lifeway staff members are losing their job of course – that’s unfortunate and hard on families. But we consider any cut to Lifeway’s bloated corpse to be one worth celebrating. We’re thankful for every hardship they endure, every calamity they suffer through, and every misery they abide. Harsh? Hardly. How else should we feel about the largest retailer of heresy in the world?

Far from being concerned about equipping Southern Baptists with an exquisite selection of the best books that Christendom has to offer, Lifeway’s primary driving factor is the pursuit of the almighty dollar, routinely taking little sidequests along the highways and byways of the Baptist experience, on a mission to attain some of that sweet, sweet filthy lucre.

How else can you explain their propensity to stock every sort of soft-covered spiritual strychnine they can put on their shelves in any space not currently occupied by a Beth Moore bible study?

We have one prayer for Lifeway: that they utterly and completely implode into a smoldering crater for all the gangrenous blasphemy they’ve been peddling for decades. Our feelings run to the point where if the Lord tarries a thousand years, old Southern Baptist men and women will look back with solemn eyes, wistful words, and speak with deep regret and shame that they ever allowed the theological abortion known as Lifeway to be even passingly associated with their denomination.

Alternately, we pray that Lifeway steps back from the black mass they’re currently engulfed in, rend their proverbial garments, and repent for the great sins they’ve engaged in by giving Southern Baptists the knife to slit their own throats on account of all the poisonous content they’ve been providing over the years. If they do that and bear fruit in keeping with repentance, then we will pray for their success.

Until then, let it burn.