Evangelical Stuff Featured

Kyle J. Howard Films Himself Crying and Then Shares it Because of Attention

Though he promised to step away from social media several days ago, Kyle J. Howard stuck around just long enough to subject himself to fresh rounds of trauma porn and self-flagellation, compliments of the guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial.

The news caused Howard, who was last seen squalling at the brightening moon because it was causing “erasure” of the night, to share with the world how overcome he was. He took some selfies of his teary, scrunched up and teary face and posted them online, an act effectively no different than white girls taking pictures of their avocado toast and sharing it on Instagram – likely done with the same motivation.

Howard needs some attention, and how better than some good old-fashioned virtue-twerking?

We can only hope that now that he’s got it out of his system, that he stays offline for a while, free to continually promulgate race-baiting invectives within the confines and privacy of his own imagination. [Editor’s note: …instead of inflicting it on ours…]

Critical Race Theory Featured Social Justice Wars

Russell Moore Makes Derek Chauvin’s Guilty Verdict About Race

Russell Moore, the head of the Ethics and Religious and Liberty Commission (ERLC) who recently took a personal hit when he was torched by the SBC’s Executive Committee for the way he runs his organization, summarized by the phrase, “The direction of the ERLC is a significant source of division and creates a very real challenge to reversing CP [Cooperative Program] decline,” continued his trend of sowing discord and division with a tweet about the Derek Chauvin guilty verdict.

Because Moore is a progressive and a Democrat he can’t help but bring race into it, even though the trial itself did not touch on it or make that a factor in the death of George Floyd.

In fact, by all accounts, there was absolutely nothing racist about the entire encounter, which would not stop him from noting in a later post that Floyd is a “symbol of the quest for racial justice in this country,” and that because Chauvin was found guilty, we can “work together for a new era of racial justice.” And yet we ask: what was racial about this justice?

We haven’t forgotten about this statement Moore and the who’s-who of SBC leaders signed back in 2020:

Furthermore, don’t believe Moore will make it a habit of celebrating our judicial system as ERLC head or supporting various jury decisions. He only celebrates certain kinds of decisions. He would never dare being caught speaking on cases like the Michael Brown or George Zimmerman case and declaring that “justice was rendered.”

You think the cowardly Moore, author of the laughably ironic The Courage to Stand would say that justice was rendered if Chauvin’s conviction is overturned on appeal – an act that ought to happen based on his lack of fair trial?

Not a chance.

Critical Race Theory Featured SBC

SBC Prez Brags about His Church’s Affirmative Action Program ‘Two-Thirds of Them are Either Women or POC’

President of the Southern Baptist convention J.D. Greear publicly boasted during a 2019 speech at the Just Gospel conference that he was practicing affirmative action in his SBC committee appointments, explaining that nearly 70% of the people he appoints are either women or persons of color, in order so they can “shape the institutions and providing leadership and accountability.”

Furthermore, he says the SBC needs the specific wisdom that being black or brown brings, as predominantly white wisdom will not do.

At the Summit Church, we have explored, for example, what are ways that she can lead in the church that do not carry pastoral authority or violate the spirit of 1st Timothy 2. We have gone literally through our entire staff directory, through a couple of hundred different positions on staff, and just asked, “Where have we just traditionally assigned this to a man when it really could be done in a way that a woman could lead it, where somebody who’s not an elder could lead that?”

It’s led to a redefinition of dozens of jobs in our church, where we know that women that are very capable as leaders and capable as administrators and capable of vast ministry vision and wisdom can lead in those areas in ways that don’t necessarily carry elder-like authority…By the way, I know not everybody here is Southern Baptist, but that’s a question that those of you that are Southern Baptists, we’ve got to ask in the convention at large. …

So in the role that I have as president of the SBC, another one of my main tasks appoint people on committees who will then appoint trustees who end up shaping the institutions and providing leadership and accountability. I’ll just tell you, of all the appointments that I’ve made, two-thirds of them are either women or they are people of color. I really do that for two reasons: one, that really is the future. …

Through an unbelievable act of generosity, already, right now, today, 20% of Southern Baptist membership is people of color, which is something, honestly, knowing our history, I do not understand. It is an act of extraordinary generosity. But already even with things the way they are, the membership is already 20% people of color. Sixty-three percent of all the churches that Southern Baptists planted last year were led by people of color. So it is the present, it is the very quickly coming future. That’s the first reason.

Secondly, we need their wisdom. It’s not like this act of grace of, “Oh, from up here, I just want to graciously share the stage because it’s,” no, I NEED the wisdom in a changing culture. There are things that God has put in this part of the body that I would be a much poorer Christian, a much poorer leader. And there are blind spots I will never see until God has filled his church with a variety of people and the kinds of people that make up the diversity of the church.

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the video and transcript

Coronavirus Cursed Headlines Featured Unrighteous Compliance

Churches Revolt as UK Mulls Requiring ‘Vaccine Passports’ In Order to Attend Church

Church leaders are in revolt across the United Kingdom, with several petitions and “open letters” being sent to Prime Minister Boris Johnson in light of the news that his government is considering a proposal that would institute “vaccine passports” and “COVID-status certificates” across the country and make it mandatory to attend certain events and venues, including church services.

CARE UK (Christian Action Research & Education) has been very vocal throughout the whole affair, having written to the Prime Minister and explaining that:

The imposition of vaccine certificates on churches would be most unwelcome and would represent a fundamental undermining of basic freedoms. The idea that access to a church should require some special certification is antithetical to the very nature of the church as a place of refuge for the most vulnerable in our society.

Likewise, 1250 pastors signed on to this one, which bluntly reads:

As Christian leaders, we wish to state that we envisage no circumstances in which we could close our doors to those who do not have a vaccine passport, negative test certificate, or any other “proof of health”.

For the Church of Jesus Christ to shut out those deemed by the state to be social undesirables would be anathema to us and a denial of the truth of the Gospel. The message we preach is given by God for all people and consists in nothing other than the free gift of grace offered in Christ Jesus, with the universal call to repentance and faith in him.

To deny people entry to hear this life-giving message and to receive this life-giving ministry would be a fundamental betrayal of Christ and the Gospel. Sincere Christian churches and organizations could not do this, and as Christian leaders, we would be compelled to resist any such Act of Parliament vigorously.

The letter, written by a collection of church leaders across multiple denominations, also calls it a “scheme” that:

“has the potential to bring about the end of liberal democracy as we know it and to create a surveillance state in which the government uses technology to control certain aspects of citizens’ lives.”

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Televangelist Pat Robertson Hopes Derek Chauvin Dies in Prison

Televangelist Pat Robertson, 91, the living embodiment of the expression “creeping decrepitude has finally crept up on me,” took to the airwaves to criticize Kim Porter in the accidental shooting death of Duante Wright. Using some props, he demonstrated on air the difference between a plastic gun and a taser, while at the same time offering critical comments for the Law Enforcement and asserting that the officer involved in the George Floyd death ought to be “buried under the prison.”

Robertson is no stranger to self-contradiction and absurdity. He’s been deceiving millions of people for literally decades, telling supporters that it’s ok for a husband to divorce a wife with Alzheimer’s, that Christians who believe in creationism are stupid, blaming wives for their husbands cheating on them, and a host of other nonsensical things.

Pulling out a plastic gun and a taser during his program, Robertson had co-host Terry Meeuwsen feel the difference between the two as he explained that there’s no comparison and he can’t believe the officer would make such a mistake.

There’s just no comparison between a taser and a gun. Now how she (Officer Kim Porter) made the difference when she shot that poor guy to death, (was saying) ‘this is what I thought…was my taser.’

And if you can’t tell the difference in the feel of those things, it’s crazy. You know, I am pro-police folks. I think we need the police. We need their service, and they do a good job, but if they don’t stop this onslaught, they cannot do this.

Robertson then turns to Chauvin and the unrest in Minneapolis, using a colloquialism that refers to a person either killed in prison, or more charitably, to spending so much time incarcerated that he perishes in prison, his body being interred on prison property.

Derek Chauvin, I mean, they oughta put him under the jail. He has caused so much trouble by kneeling on the [neck] of George Floyd…it’s just terrible what’s happening. And the police, why don’t they open their eyes to what the public relations are? We’ve got to stop this stuff.

Later on Robertson would opine, “We don’t have the finest in the police department…you cannot have a bunch of clowns running around who are underpaid and who really are not the best and brightest.”

Coronavirus Featured Roman Catholic Stuff

Vatican Invites Clinton, Faucci, Aerosmith Guitarist and Deepak Chopra to Speak on ‘Health’ and ‘Soul’

The Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture has invited a series of pro-choice guests to speak at their May conference, an event that features “the world’s leading physicians, scientists, leaders of faith, ethicists, patient advocates, policymakers, philanthropists, and influences” who will “engage in powerful conversations on the latest breakthroughs in medicine, health care delivery, and prevention.”

They say the event will be “moderated by renowned journalists, who will explore the role of religion, faith and spirituality, and the interplay of the mind, body, and soul – and ultimately, search for areas of convergence between the humanities and the natural sciences.”

Who better to speak on the health and the soul of humanity than a bunch of pro-choice atheists? [Editor’s note: Lord, have mercy on us all…we have to read all the garbage they will produce…]

The conference, which will close with a message for the participants from Pope Francis, has a speaker list that skews heavily with medical and technology experts. Not only does it feature CEOs of several major pharmaceutical companies like Stéphane Bancel of Moderna or Francis Collins, the director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, it also includes characters such as Chelsea Clinton, Anthony Fauci, Deepak Chopra, supermodel Cindy Crawford, Muslim scholar Shaykh Asim Yusuf, anthropologist Jane Goodall, and Aerosmith Guitarist Joe Perry, among others.

Some of the topics listed are Sustainable Health Care: Protecting Our Environment, Religious Dietary Practices and Health, A New Generation of Vaccines; Religion, Spirituality, and Health: The Importance of Dialogue; The Neuroscience of Empathy and Compassion; Building A More Equitable Health System for All; and How Do You Define the Soul?


Lesbian Hairdresser who Received Excommunication Letter From Church Makes International News

Acting as if they have no idea what Christians believe and have practiced for thousands of years, the story of a Georgia hairdresser who received an excommunication letter from her elders after divorcing her husband and starting to date a woman has gone viral and has made international news after she posted it to social media.

Congregant Krystal Cox had been attending the Woodstock Church of Christ for 5 years when she made a series of life choices, ending her marriage to her husband and starting to publicly date another woman. Upon hearing the news, the elders of the church sent her a letter requesting to meet with her, to which she never responded.

In light of your apparent lack of desire to hear our concerns, apparent lack of willingness to repent, and the public display of your homosexual lifestyle, we have no alternative but to withdraw our fellowship with you and must no longer treat you as a sister in Christ.

Cox was told that if they don’t hear from her by April 30, they will publicly announce her excommunication to the church and instruct fellow congregants to have nothing to do with her or interact with her except to encourage her to repentant and seek forgiveness.

In response to the letter, which she posted publicly on Instagram, she told CBS local news that she was surprised and upset by the letter.

Well when I opened it, I was kind of enraged. Like, why am I getting picked on and getting called out when everyone has sin? The fact that they’re going to point it out and release my personal business to the entire congregation of the church and tell them that I can no longer come there – I just don’t feel like that’s right.

I look at my relationship and how much love I have with her and think, how can people think this is so wrong?”

I just really don’t want anything bad to come out of this. Like I want it to be good. I don’t want people to be saying ugly things to them and sending them ugly stuff. I just don’t want that, that was not my intent,

In light of the story being picked up across the world and the barrage of negative feedback sent their way, the church has shuttered its Facebook page and closed down its website, refusing to give any comments to the media.

Cox states that she has no intention of responding to the letter or heading back to church, saying she loves her lesbian partner and wrote on social media, “I can’t wait for my denouncement ceremony.”


Planned Parenthood Cancels Racist Founder Margaret Sanger in NYT Op-ed – But Not Really

The president and chief executive of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Alexis McGill Johnson, has called out founder Margaret Sanger’s association with white supremecist groups and eugenic ideology in a new Op-ed for the New York Times, explaining that it’s no longer acceptable to excuse her monstrous views as a product of her time, but rather a real reckoning must be had of her many unacceptable motivations.

Johnson goes on to explain, “Sanger spoke to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan at a rally in New Jersey to generate support for birth control,” and “she endorsed the Supreme Court’s 1927 decision in Buck v. Bell, which allowed states to sterilize people deemed ‘unfit’ without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge.” This along with her involvement in the first human trials of the birth control pill, which involved giving women the drug without explaining that it was experimental and had dangerous side effects is another strike against her.

In the name of political expedience, she chose to engage white supremacists to further her cause. In doing that, she devalued and dehumanized people of color.

Still, Johnson explains that while she may be canceled, she will never be erased, which is why she pulls her punches by explaining, “Whether our founder was a racist is not a simple yes or no question.”

For Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby-killing world, Sanger’s reputation is tarnished but not negated. Johnson notes, “We will no longer make excuses or apologize for Margaret Sanger’s actions, but we can’t simply call her racist, scrub her from our history, and move on.”

The fact that the abortion giant repeatedly refuses to call her a racist is a telling one, in light of their propensity to call everything else racist for much milder sins. Just this year they decried Derek Chauvin, the man who subdued George Floyd as he died, of being a racist, despite there being no evidence of this whatsoever. Yet Sanger, the author of this and other verified quotes (she gets a lot of false things ascribed to her) does not get labeled with such an ugly word.

Birth Control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” 1923 New York Times article. [Editor’s note: Sounds ACTUALLY racist to me…]

This is all just posturing and virtue-twerking, further demonstrating what an awful and evil organization it is. It’s a performance piece designed to ally critics while winking at the true believers, and no one should be fooled by it. [Editor’s note: anyone who is fooled is an ACTUAL racist – and moron.]


Op-Ed: It is NOT HARD Being a Pastor Now

Don’t let your preacher tell you how hard it is to be a leader right now, in terms of navigating current regulations, lockdowns, or mandates while yet remaining faithful to the Lord.

It is not difficult. It is not complicated. It is not nuanced.

The lines have never been clearer. The path has never been so obvious. The case has never been this cut-and-dry.

Caesar is not head of the church. Take your stupid masks off. Remove the social distancing signs. Send a note to the health board telling them to pound sand, and continue with the Lord’s work as usual.

The issue is only “complicated” when you desire to equally please both God and tyrant.

In twenty-one years a pastor, I have never had such clarity in regards to the mission and direction of the church. Obey Jesus. Ignore tyrants. Rinse. Repeat.

It’s not that complicated.

Jordan Hall
Pastor and Publisher

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Hillsong’s Brian Houston Outs the Sexual Assault of Former Congregant, Deletes Tweet

In an ironic turn of events, Hillsong’s Global Pastor Brian Houston has apologized for publicly outing the sexual assault of a former congregant after responding to an unfavorable article about his empire and the way they poorly handle sexual abuse victims.

Several weeks ago The Christian Post detailed student Anna Crenshaw’s experiences and aftermath of being sexually assaulted by Hillsong worship leader Jason Mays during her 4 years at Hillsong College and Hillsong Church in Australia.

Jason grabbed me, putting his hand between my legs and his head on my stomach and began kissing my stomach. I felt his arms and hands wrapped around my legs making contact with my inner thigh, butt and crotch…

Mays would later plead guilty to “assault with an act of indecency” in 2019. The sentenced carried two years of probation and mandatory counseling by the courts. Hillsong suspended Mays from ministry for one year but eventually welcomed him back, putting him in an administrative role in 2020 and having him sing on stage as a backup vocalist for church events.

His return to his old job, plus a dissatisfaction with the way Hillsong handled the abuse prompted Crenshaw to quit this past September.

I’m not interested in supporting an organization that’s willing to treat abuse the way I’ve seen them treat abuse. What happened with my relationship with Hillsong is once I did report to church, that’s when things started going downhill. That’s when I saw how they dealt with abuse, and it’s something I’m not willing to overlook in my relationship with the church.

Following the story, Brian Houston responded on Twitter, calling the story ‘factually wrong’ and publicly revealing that Crenshaw was also sexually abused as a child at her father’s congregation, explaining that this made the abuse at his church all the more “sadder.”

A number of things in the article are factually wrong, but abuse is NEVER OK. My understanding is Anna was originally abused in her father’s church in Pennsylvania. That makes it sadder. Whether abuse happens in Pennsylvania or Australia, it’s tragic.

Hearing that Houston outted her, Crenshaw told the Daily Mail, “This is an incredibly victimizing and heartbreaking response to receive from someone I held as my dear pastor for so many years…”

After widespread criticism for exposing the past sexual assault history of one of the victims who was also sexually molested at his own Church, Houston deleted the Tweet and issued an apology, explaining that “I foolishly included information that was wrong for me to share.”

Hillsong is currently experiencing a “come-to-Jesus-moment” as the stench of their rotting false theology corpse continues to catch up to them and be exposed more and more, resulting in repeated public scandals for the embattled organization.