Prof Wants to Ditch the Term Pedophile, Replace w/ ‘Minor-Attracted Person’+ Revoice Take Note!

A professor in Virginia who has launched an effort to de-stigmatize the term ‘pedophile’ in favor the more nuanced ‘MAP- ‘Minor Attracted People’ has come under fire from both conservatives and the woke left for her perspective, with her university placing her on a leave of absence following her remarks.
Professor Allyn Walker, a transgendered non-binary ‘they’ (ie, a woman) who teaches sociology and criminal justice at Old Dominion University and is the author of the book A Long Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity, made the comments in an interview with the Protasia Foundation, who she writes for.
Protasia is an advocacy group based out of San Francisco that, among other things, promotes child sex doll usage for pedophiles as a ‘healthy’ outlet for them to unleash their dark imaginations on, in order to protect real children from their predations. She shares that rather than pedophiles being ostracized, they should be normalized, on account of them not being able to choose who they are attracted to.
The reason the woke left are outraged by this is the very reason we see the theoretical benefit because it shows the lie of the ‘LGBTQ*P*’ movement by arguing that in the same way that homosexuality is a sexual orientation that people are born with and cannot change, (and therefore is natural and normal and worthy of acceptance and social praise rather than disgust and that vomitous feeling that comes from seeing two men or women kissing), so too is a sexual attraction to children something that people are born with and cannot change, and therefore the parallel is deserved.
Homosexuals over the millennia have chosen to disregard society’s disapproval and have given in to their baser passions, to the point where once it was taboo, is now openly and widely celebrated. Yet just because you are born with an attraction, doesn’t mean it is normal, or that it must be acted upon.
She notes that we should address them using their preferred terminology- ‘maps’ rather than pedos, because “I think it’s important to use the terminology for groups that members of that group want others to use for them.”
Where have we seen this before?
‘A lot of people when they hear the word pedophile, they automatically assume that means sex offender. That isn’t true. And it leads to a lot of misconceptions about attractions toward minors.’…From my perspective, there is no morality or immorality attached to attraction to anyone because no one can control who they’re attracted to at all.
In other words, it’s not who we’re attracted to, that’s either okay or not, okay? It’s our behaviours and responding to that attraction that are either okay or not, okay. And I want to be extremely clear that child sexual abuse is never ever okay. But having an attraction to minors as long as it isn’t acted on, doesn’t mean that the person who has those attractions is doing something wrong.
I think we have a tendency to want to categorise people with these with these attractions as evil- excuse me- as as evil or morally corrupt. But when we’re talking about non- offending maps, these are people who have an attraction that they didn’t ask for. And one that is, frequently they would get anything to change, but they find that they’re unable to change those attractions.
Ie. ‘Minor Attracted People’ should not be seen as mere pedophiles, but rather pedosexuals who should have a place and voice in society.
Important in her discussion is like the group Virtuous Pedophiles (Virped), and unlike NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) she sees a clear, hard and fast delineation between pedophiles- those who are attracted to children but do not act on it, and child-molesters, those who do.
For this reason, they want to give them tools so they won’t offend. From the more benign therapy and letting family know for accountability purposes, to what Professor Walker and many of her ilk would allow for, such as the aforementioned child sex dolls, literature, virtual child pornography where either the movies and images are completely created using CGI, or adult actresses are digitally de-aged to appear prepubescent.
Where we have the theological acumen to put these ideas in their proper context, other groups like REVOICE would be left decimated. Revoice, led by Nate Collins, Preston Sprinkle, Tish Harrison Warren, among others, argue that it’s not the attraction that is a sin, but the act itself. It would not be a sin to be attracted to children, only if one acts out sexually with that wee one.
In fact, PCA Pastor Greg Johnson is on record as saying he would be open to hosting a Christian Pedophile Conference, designed to support, encourage and empower pedophile Christians – people who are attracted to children, sexually – so that they can ‘flourish while observing the historic Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality.’
It’s a wild, wild world.
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I remember not long ago, we said “what’s next, pedophilia?” – following their own “logic” to show their moral-relativist circular arguments were not only immoral but were irrational. But also because we know where things are headed, as prophesied – toward a restoration of the greco-roman empire, in which pedophilia was not only an accepted practice, but considered necessary.
They said, “how dare you compare us to pedophiles!!!” – and went on cancel campaigns, such as what was done to Phil Robertson.
Now look at what they’re doing. Trying to normalize it. Grooming children in schools. Etc.
Can’t say I’m shocked. We all saw it coming.
Hey Johnny, is this you? Love your glasses 😛
*insert tiny flags here denoting I am neither a godless sodomite not mentally ill*
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Please cite a reference for this: “Greg Johnson is on record as saying he would be open to hosting a Christian Pedophile Conference”
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