
Let’s Play a Game: Name that False Teacher Based on this Facebook Post

A well-known charismatic figure recently made the Facebook post, following a pattern of posting bible sounding words of the Lord that don’t mean anything. It’s all buzzwords. This individual is saying something, but at the same time isn’t saying anything at all. Instead, he/ she is stringing together a series of continuationists marxisms, which sound spiritual, but are really not. Unfortunately, this is seen as wisdom of the ages and therefore was repeatedly shared and commented on ‘amen’ and ‘yes Lord!’ and ‘100 fold harvest, I expect it and I receive it!’

“I have had a reoccurring open vision several times over the last several years of ripe seeds on the ground. In the vision these prophetic seeds would open, sprout and grow quickly as the latter rains came down from heaven. The Lord nudged me that these seeds were the “seeds of prophetic promise” and this was a time of accelerated prophetic fulfillment.

These seeds also represented the planting in our lives like the 30, 60 and 100 fold measurements and these ripe seeds represent The coming harvest in our lives and that has yet to fully produce.

Recently the Holy Spirit spoke to me again about receiving the 100 fold measure of harvest. It felt like a fresh prophetic promise of walking in a new 100 fold season in 2022. That this year would be a year of reaping our previous labors and seeds.

…The number 100 in the Bible means promise, specifically the promised son who came from one, Abraham, who was as good as dead. So, 100 also has the idea of life from death, or resurrection. When we receive Jesus, the word of God, in our hearts, we become sons of God, children of the promise. We go from life to death. We are resurrected. Are we ready for the latter rain (Fall harvest rain) to come and we see our unfulfilled visions, dreams and prophetic promises fulfilled? The bible makes reference to the latter and former rains in the book of Joel. The former rain is the rain that comes in the season of planting and the latter rain is the rain that comes for the harvesting. I know the Lord is speaking to me about a new season of reaping the 100 fold blessing, answered prayer on past and present seeds that have been sown. Are we ready to see the 100 fold? “

…The bible commands that for every seed that has been planted and down it will return to us. My question is what about all the unfulfilled seeds of promise, vision, labor and dreams. In these reoccurring visions I keep seeing a harvest of all things sown in your past season and a supernatural ingathering of all of of our past works we will see the 100 fold return in the barren places, as we pass from death to life. We must expect a new season and understand that will require a new identity. Many will embrace the new and finally let go of the old.

Feel free to guess in the comments who said it. Hint, he or she also likes to talk a lot about ‘soaking in the glory.’


Andy Stanley in Pure CRT Mode: ‘It’s Not Enough to Be ‘Not Racist.’ You Must be ‘Anti-Racist’+ You’re all Racists

Andy Stanely, doing his very best Angla Davis/ Ibram X Kendi impression, demonstrated in a newly unearthed sermon that in his words, it’s not enough to be not a fan of Andy Stanley, but rather you must be Anti-Stanley.

Speaking to his congregation during June of 2020 as part of his This Human Race series, the Northpoint Church pastor revealed his belief that white people fear black people. Later in the sermon, he went on a tear against white folk for harboring unexamined racism towards black folk, explaining that people need to stop claiming that they ‘love everybody’ and rather must specifically love people of color.

Furthermore, in the purest form of Critical Race Theory imaginable, Stanley argues there is no middle ground on the subject: being non-racist is in fact, a form of racism, where unless you are active, practicing ‘non-racist,’ then you’re worst than a racist, because you’re a racist in denial.

Stanley explains:

So what does the Jesus brand of love look like in our current context? How should it shape how people who don’t look like you experience you? How should it shape how people who don’t look like us experience us? First, and this is certainly not original with me:

It is not enough. It is not enough NOT to be a racist. It is not enough NOT to be a racist. ‘Non-racist’ is not the goal. Being non-racist does nothing to address racism. Practically speaking, it amounts to indifference toward racism.

If you’re a Jesus follower, you must be, we must be anti-racism. Just like you’re anti-child abuse. Think about it. You, you wouldn’t walk by somebody abusing a child and think to yourself, ‘I’m not a child abuser.’ You wouldnt walk by and think to yourself, ‘I’m not a child abuser’ and say nothing or do nothing. We must be anti-racist, like we’re anti-bullying, like we’re anti-voter fraud, like we’re anti-whatever it is that gets you worked up.

I mean, think about it this way, if you’re a parent, as a parent, I wasn’t content to simply be non-liar. I was anti-lie. I did not put up with it in my children in our family, right? I wasn’t content with being non-disrespectful to Sandra, I was anti-disrespect to Sandra. There was zero tolerance for disrespecting Sandra in our household.

When you are anti-something, you address it when you see it. You speak up when you hear it, and to carry somebody’s burdens is to get up underneath the weight of their burden. And when we decide to carry the burden of anyone who has been discriminated against for any reason, we won’t be silent. Because now it’s our burden.

But I gotta warn you, speaking from personal experience, I’ll own this, whether you’re white or brown or black. When you shift from non-racist to anti-racist, you may discover something disturbing about you.

You may discover a racist in the mirror. You may discover subtle versions of racism that have been hiding, even masquerading as virtues, buried in the recesses of your heart. Racism, racism, you were completely unaware of until you decided to say something, correct something, or apologize for something.

For some of us, the truth is, when it comes to our hearts, racism will never be routed out until we are willing to speak out. And honestly, there’s probably a little bit of racism in all of us. And who knows, perhaps it will never be completely erased from our hearts, but it must certainly be erased from how people experience us.

There’s a lot to unpack there, but suffice to say Stanley conflates several different categories. He first supposes that someone who is “not racist” but is also not an ‘anti-racist would not directly intervene when blatant and discriminatory racism is presented, when that is simply not true. Furthermore, other than asserting earlier in the sermon that “white people fear black people” he doesn’t give us examples of racist behavior that non-racists would let slide but ‘anti-racists’ wouldn’t. He concludes:

Would you, regardless of the color of your skin, decide not to be content with merely being a non-racist? Will you decide to make the shift to anti-racism, anti-discrimination? Will you stop?

And I’m sorry to push so hard, but would you please stop with all the ‘but I love everybody’ and would you go out and love somebody who doesn’t look like you? Who doesn’t experience the world the way that you do? In other words, will you follow Jesus?

bad theology

The Reasons the New Ultra-Progressive Methodist Demonomination is Failing are Hilarious

We are a people of faith committed to living into and out of the wisdom and compassion of the historical Jesus – a brown man of undetermined sexual orientation who arose from a people bowed down under Empire. His prophetic witness calls us to a risky engagement with powers and principalities and compels us to overturn tables of systemic oppression….In our quest for justice, we consciously avoid theological litmus tests and external creeds. We are a people led by God’s Spirit in a way that welcomes a dynamic evolution of our beliefs, our practices, and our systems….Our vision is founded on the prophetic leadership and active participation of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual + (LGBTQIA+) people, and people with disabilities. These collectives live at the intersection of direct social action and theological reflection. (LMX Statement of Values, Vision and Mission)

Two years ago, the super progressives within the United Methodist Church were upset that their hellbound denomination wasn’t liberal enough. Consequently, many of the pagans within the UMC that were given the freedom to let their leaven fizz and ferment for decades announced the creation of their own denomination, called The Liberation Methodist Connexion (LMX), which went live in late 2020/ early 2021.

Since then, the last year has not been kind to them, already suffering massive defections, going from 40 churches to just 20. In a post on their website recapping the year, they recount their few victories:

“Since (we’ve launched), the LMX has put together several online events that have given many people a glimpse of a what a liberative spiritual experience could look like, combining the message that what we are all beloved children of God with tough conversations on how our churches enable racism, homophobia, misogyny, ableism, and other forms of oppression”

We have had two roundtables; one a conversation on race and how we can work towards eliminating racism, the other a conversation around queering Easter and how the resurrection story speaks to resisting oppression.

and now the bad news:

“Immediately after the launch, the LMX attempted to handle unexpected, complex challenges in ways that distracted from our primary purpose for weeks, exhausting us and leading to some internal distrust.”

“Since February, some working group meetings struggled with attendance as common ground in conversations on foundational documents was not reached. No new collaborators were introduced, seemingly due to a lack of agreement about how to best integrate new people. Other sticky points for us have been concerns about whether our BIPOC collaborators are being treated well, whether we are prioritizing dismantling white culture in the LMX over creating space for queer people, whether the LMX should be a traditional Christian denomination or other,

As we stepped back and took a wider view of where we were having the most trouble, one unforeseen issue is that we were mostly unprepared for what it looks like practically to build something new; particularly as a volunteer group without the resources of our old denominations. Common ground was easier to find when we were focused on critiquing old institutions. It has been much harder to find as we all bring ideas about what can be. We realized that we made many assumptions about the goals of our fellow collaborators.

Hahahahahahaha. You mean a bunch of woke pagans with Christian ideations can’t agree on how badly they hate the bible and the correct way to butcher it, resulting in no money and no people?



Prominent Critic of SBC’s Leftward Drift Takes Church and Leaves the Convention

Josh Buice, the pastor of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church, President of G3 Ministries, initial signer and framer of the Dallas Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel, and a prominent critic of the Southern Baptist Convention’s leftward drift has led his church out of the Southern Baptist Convention, departing from the embattled and lost denomination, writing:

“Over the last few years, there has been a great deal of transition and change within the Southern Baptist Convention. That’s a nice way of describing the devious deconstruction plan that has been at work for many years behind the scenes. Along the way, we have witnessed scandals, controversies, and division. It is not my desire in this article to add fuel to the fire, however, as a lifelong SBC member and pastor I believe it’s necessary to provide a reason for our church’s decision to officially separate from the SBC effective on January 1st, 2022.”

The article is well-worth the read in its entirety. Buice cites the SBC’s acceptance and toleration of CRT, the infamous Resolution 9, the acceptance of the social justice agenda, the SBC’s leadership’s rejection of the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel, toleration for women in the pulpit, all sorts of other assorted compromises and downgrade, and the final straw being the Ed Litton plagiarism scandal, which was defended by SBC elites.

The present downgrade that has encompassed the SBC is one of both methodological and theological error. When the SBC is willing to cancel Walt Disney but unwilling to cancel Derrick Bell or Kimberlé Crenshaw, we have serious problems. To be clear, the social justice movement is not purely Marxist, but it has roots in a postmodern attempt at deconstruction, and such a dialectic will be catastrophic if not corrected.

…For that reason, our church which is 180 years old and predates the SBC by three years, has determined by a 100% congregational vote led by the elders who voted in a 100% eldership vote to lead the church away from the SBC due to such compromise. The SBC has failed. The leaders have compromised. The SBC must know that local churches do not need the SBC, but the SBC does need local churches—both large and small.


David Platt’s Church Teaches Jesus Can Relate to Trans Folk Because Christ also Had Body ‘Dysphoria’

If this isn’t the fruit of the Living Out/ Revoice movement, we don’t know what is.

Eric Saunders, the Campus Pastor at McLean Bible Church in Arlingnton, answered a question on their YouTube page “How do I love my Neighbor?”

What’s going on? My name is Eric Saunders and I’m a pastor here at McLean Bible. And my question today is this: how do I love my transgender neighbor?

See, Jesus is the ultimate hope. And in Jesus, our transgender neighbors find a friend closer than anyone else. You see, we have a God who has not left us alone, we have a savior, Jesus, who has experienced the ultimate feeling of not belonging in his body.

1 Peter 2:24 says this about Jesus. It says He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds, you have been healed.

I want you to think about this. Jesus, the sinless and Holy Son of God, perfect in all of his ways, He bore our sins in his body. And in doing this- listen- Jesus experienced something completely foreign to his understanding of who he is. What did he experienced? The Holy Son of God experience sin in that moment.

You could say in that moment, that he experienced a kind of ‘dysphoria’. He did that for what? For us.

h/t Reformation Charlotte for the Video


SBC Seminary (SEBTS) Demands All Faculty Receive Vaccinated or Wear Mask+ Get Regular Testing

Under threat of termination, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS), presided over by Danny Akin, has released a new policy making receiving the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory, with any faculty who fails to comply forced to wear a mask and undergo regular testing. This is in order to be compliant with the highly unconstitutional OSHA mandate.

In an email sent out by Ryan Hutchinson, the Executive Vice President at Southeastern, on Monday, Hutchinson explained:

If fully vaccinated (see policy for definition), you will complete a form communicating your vaccination information. You will receive a separate email requesting this information.

If not fully vaccinated, starting January 9th, you will be required to wear a properly fitting face covering when inside. Starting February 9th, you will begin to report your weekly testing information through a link to a form that we will provide to you closer to that time. Please note that people that have had COVID-19 in the last 90 days will not need to do weekly testing but will need to complete the weekly form attesting to their status.

Tellingly, SEBTS has done nothing to help their employees. This is in sharp contrast to SBTS, where seminary president Albert Mohler, to his credit, has done some good, filing a lawsuit against the Biden Administration. Instead of joining the lawsuit in solidarity, Akin has chosen instead to comply with this hideously unconstitutional policy.

We wouldn’t have expected anything less.

h/t to Reformation Charlotte


Andy Stanley: “Here’s an Uncomfortable Fact. White People Fear Black Men”

North Point Community Church ‘impastor’ Andy Stanley continued his wretched job of smarmily assessing what’s wrong with Christendom and then explaining why he and his church are nailing it 24/7- this time as it pertains to issues of race and racial reconciliation. Usually one famous for pushing the seeker-sensitive model, Stanley has asserted that all white men have what is known as the “fearful gaze”- meaning they fear black men, whether consciously or unconsciously.

For a brief reminder of the various theological controversies surrounding Stanley, he made waves for encouraging Christians to essentially throw out the Old Testament, arguing that believers should “unhitch” themselves from portions of Old Testament Scripture. This is essentially a spin-off of the heresy of Marcionism. He went on the warpath against doctrine in general, claiming that “unity is more important than theology.” Stanley argued that Jesus’ birth doesn’t really matter, thus casting doubt upon his supernatural birth and the events surrounding the nativity and also tacitly denounced Biblical inerrancy, at least in the eyes of many.

Stanely has been on a roll since the pandemic hit, telling members that the “Foundation of our Faith is not the Whole Bible,” that the Lord does not require them to meet for church, that George Floyd was “This Generation’s Samson,” and to “Sleep late and skip church” during Father’s Day.

From his July 8, 2020 sermon on the Human Race, Stanley explains:

The truth is rarely found in the extremes. You know that. It’s found where the circles overlap in the middle, the messy middle. Dr. King told us that as well. In fact, he modeled that. He died in part because of that. The messy, messy, messy, middle, that’s where the brutal, uncomfortable facts all come together.

But it’s also where problems can be solved. But it is so uncomfortable. It’s so much easier to retreat to the echo chamber of extremes where everybody agrees, but nothing is ever accomplished. In the messy middle, we’re confronted with uncomfortable facts.

And by the way, facts aren’t fair. But facts don’t care. Here’s an uncomfortable fact. White people fear black men. That’s not fair. But it’s true.

What makes this even more unfair is that in the vast majority of cases, our fear of black men is in no way connected to our personal experience. And if that wasn’t unfair enough, study after study has shown- you know this- that fear of black men doesn’t even spring primarily from racism. It’s deeper than that. And that’s not fair to black people or white people.

Most black men have experienced what some people refer to as ‘the fearful gaze’, the fearful gaze of white men and women.

Then on the other side of the equation, is this the majority of African Americans in our country, they don’t trust the criminal justice system, do you? I mean, you fear the police. That’s not fair. Facts don’t care.

and later:

“So white people fear black men. The majority of black people don’t trust the police. Most police handle themselves professionally. And then there’s this, whereas our fear of black men is rarely if ever connected to personal experience. If you’re an African American, you know this, your mistrust of the criminal justice system is connected to personal experience. Us white folks, we fear what might happen. You fear what has happened.

h/t to WokepreacherTV


Relevant Magazine Contributor ‘If You Don’t Wear a COVID-19 Mask, You’re Not a Christian’

Professional opiner of all things progressive, John Pavlovitz, has come out with a novel new kind of Galatian heresy, positing that anyone who refuses to wear a mask in a ‘pandemic’ is not a Christian.

This is a new heresy for Pavlovitz to be espousing, but not the only one he holds to, as a quick perusal of his social media shows that he is pro-LGBT, pro-choice, and most tellingly, a Unitarian Universalist. If his denial of Jesus as the author of scriptures and the second person of the Trinity isn’t enough to know that this man is no believer, this new notion should make it abundantly clear that he’s about as far away from Christian orthodoxy as one can imagine.

No longer a passive rebel to God’s law, he is an active participant and planner of theological terrorism, with each article he writes tossing in bits of unbiblical ball bearings to sustain the maximal amount of casualties with his sophistry bombs.

And, no surprise, he writes for Relevant Magazine, that liberal rag slurped up by seeker-sensitive 20-somethings that populate megachurch corner offices, along with Emerging Church ex-pats wanting to relive the glory days.

The magazine will claim they’re not “that progressive” and push back on claims that they are outside the bounds of the Christian faith or have descended into a vat of crippling heresy, while at the same time platforming and promoting the theological musings from, and I repeat, a Unitarian Universalist.


Pastor with a $329,000 Watch? $12,100 Jacket? $700 Pen? Round up of Prophets N Watches

Much like our recent article about pastors wearing pricey shoes and clothes, we wanted separate posts to showcase pastors wearing very expensive watches, showing the world how celebrity pastors tend to enjoy the finer things in life.  Not because it is a sin, perse, but rather to get a better idea of who these people are. In this case, in the form of a roundup from the Instagram page ‘Prophets N Watches’

First off we have Bill Johnson of Bethel Church, anointing some soil in a $15,499 Rolex.

Next is Prophet Passion Java, one of Africa’s richest and well-known prosperity preachers. This devil, along with having horrendous teaching, is worth between 50 and 80 million dollars and makes it a habit of posting videos showing his new purchases, like diamond rings, Lamborghinis, Jaguars and Bugatti cars, arguing that because he was born poor, the Lord told him to show off his wealth.

Rev. Robert Jeffress, the pastor at the SBC Megachurch First Baptist Dallas, with a nearly $12k rolex.

Pastor Ed Young Jr, senior pastor of Fellowship Church, a 30,000 Member multisite megachurch spread across Texas and Florida, and founder of C3. Earlier in the year, he blindsided his church plant by selling the building and abandoning the congregation without warning, with the pastors announcing at the end of the service – ‘today is last service ever’ and telling them they need to figure out what to do next on their own. He has a $700 pen.

And lastly, London prosperity ‘pastor’ Tobi Adegboyega. This guy is a trip. His church purposefully meets in high-end locations and he’s been accused of using extreme coercion to get his congregants, the majority which are under the age of 30, to donate to his ministry, including donating blood and taking out loans against their houses to give to his ministry, openly telling his congregants “I don’t care what you guys have to do to raise your seed – you’re going to raise it.” He has suggested that giving over $1000 a month per person should be the norm. In this case, he’s wearing a $329,000 Richard Mille watch and his jacket is Louis Vutton, which retails for $12,100.


Babylon Bee asks Elon Musk to Accept Jesus as his Savior in Wide-ranging Interview

Several days ago, the Babylon Bee, Christendom’s premiere satire website, managed to snag a two-hour interview with Elon Musk, the billionaire founder and CEO of Tesla, Space-X. Musk is well-known for his love of memes and has occasionally retweeted the Bee.

At the end of the show, after guests are invited to give rapid-fire answers to 10 questions, one of the hosts asks Musk to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Here is his answer*:

Bee: “To make this church, we’re wondering if you could do us a quick solid and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.”

Musk: “I mean, let’s just say like, I agree with the principles that Jesus advocated. There’s great wisdom in the teachings of Jesus. And I agree with those teachings. And things like turn the other cheek, are very important because, as opposed to an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye leads everyone blind. So forgiveness, you know, it’s important and treating people as you would wish to be treated. Love thy neighbour as thyself. Very important.”

Bee: “So that’s like a 60 70% ‘yes’?”

Musk: “I would say I believe in the God of Spinoza. (Editor’s Note. Baruch Spinoza was a famous Philosopher during the 17th century who basically argued that God and nature were one, and ferociously rejected the God of the bible. So hey, if Jesus is saving people, I mean, I wouldn’t stand in his way. You know, like, “sure I’ll be saved, why not?”

Bee, clapping with crosstalk: “Sweet. We did it!. I think he just said yes. We got him! Do you want to get baptized or anything real quick?”

Musk: “I was baptized. Yeah, they dunked me in the water when I was just a baby. I even had, like, you know, whatever, the blood and water of Christ. That was kind of weird, you know? As a little kid, let’s give him some weird-tasing wine You know like ‘what the hell is this?’ I’m like ‘isn’t this kind of weird?”

Bee, looking at camera: “just cut it off when he said ‘yes.'”

Musk: “Is this kind of like, some weird metaphor for cannibalism or something. I don’t get it. Like what the hell? I remember thinking that was just crazy when I was a kid. And like ‘whoa’ you know? Even as a metaphor it’s kind of odd, you know? So it’s like, should we giving alcohol to minors?”

Bee: “We do grape juice, we’re Baptists. But I think it’s unusual to even be thinking about that as a kid. As a kid you just go through the motions, and it’s later on that you think, ‘wait a minute, what does this actually represent? What am I doing?”

Musk: “No, when I was a kid, I was like, ‘is this actually the blood and body? What? I’m not for eating somebody…this is just pretty odd’. You know, I remember thinking that even at age five. So I was definitely in Sunday school, when they were telling me all the stories and I was like, asking questions and like, they really were upset that I was asking questions. I was like ‘how did Jesus feed the crowd with five loaves of bread and three fish, like, how big was the crowd? And like, where did the fish and bread come from? From his cloak or something?

Because I was reading books, and I was like, did they materialize? Where do they come from, you know? Would you take a bite of the bread and the bread would just come back to being a full bread? They left out the details”

Bee: “Where did the universe come from?”

Musk: “Well, I’m not saying I know all the answers here. It’s just, Jesus was obviously very pro-alcohol, you know? Because one of his miracles was turning water into wine. Yeah, that was like they were having a party. They ran out of wine, and they’re like “let’s keep this bender going” Who can solve this problem? Friggin stores closed. Jesus like “I got you: water, now wine.” And they’re like “party on!” So pro-partying with alcohol was literally one of the miracles. So it’s definitely- you’re the savior, you keep the party going with lots of wine. That’s great. “

We’re grateful the Bee broached the subject, but ultimately, the whole thing was awkward given that they assumed that Musk knew the gospel or anything about Christianity, which he did not.

It would have been far more profitable to say something like “because we’re a bunch of Christians here, we’d regret it if we didn’t at the very least explain to you what the gospel is that we believe, because it’s one of those things that frequently gets twisted and lost and misrepresented” and give him a clear presentation, rather than making a joke out of it an having the whole thing be a non-starter.

To be blunt, if anything, the attitude and tone they took about it could very well be viewed as blasphemous. It was not good at all and came across as if they really didn’t care that he be given a serious, biblical view of the gospel- because whatever that was, it wasn’t the gospel. Joking is all well and good, but this is not something you joke about.

It’s a missed opportunity, but we hope they get another chance at it one day.

*Editor’s Note. Because Musk has a bit of a speech impediment and an occasionally jilted way of talking, we lightly edited the interview for clarity.

Editor’s Note 2. Our initial article didn’t go into our displeasure with the presentation, and we added a few lines to highlight the problems. Original post can be seen here.