
James River Church Quietly Purges Infamous Anti-Mark Driscoll Sermon, But We’ve Kept a Copy

Last month we revealed that James River Church, led by John Lindell, was paying tithe money to promote their now infamous sermon rebuking Mark Driscoll for calling out the sword-swallower performer at the Stronger Men’s Conference. 

During the promoted message, Lindell accused Driscoll of spreading “demonic lies” about Alex Magala, the entertainer whom he describes as a married, church-going, born-again Christian whose act was the cause of much furor at the men’s event. 

Lindell also took Driscoll to task for spreading lies and falsehoods about James River Church and for seeking to sow division and behaving duplicitously towards him and his family, insisting “Mark has repeatedly engaged in sinful behavior…to sell books, get clicks.”

In short, it was a barn burner against Driscoll, publicly calling him to repent for his ungodly, immature, cowardly and unchristlike behavior to an audience of hundreds of thousands of people. (The sermon also contained many falsehoods about Magala’s Christian faith, demonstrably so)

Despite doubling and tripling down, the sermon, from April 17, 2024, has since been purged from the church’s YouTube channel and Facebook page without any reference to where it went or why it was removed. 

But things are never quite gone, are they? 

As part of our theological catalog, we have saved a copy of it for posterity and reference here and below:

Bethel Toes Miracle Update! We Have Verified ‘After’ Pictures of ‘Regrown Toes’ + You Will be Disappointed
Website ‘’ Launches After Woman Claims Amputated Toes Slowly Regrown During Bill Johnson Sermon
Pastor at Center of ‘Regrown Toes Miracle’ Announces He’s Stepping Down
Christian Men’s Conference Features Flames, Explosions, and Monster Truck Madness

For more stories about Mark Driscoll:

Mark Driscoll Featured in ‘Demon Slayer Exorcist’ Movie. That Tracks
Mark Driscoll Cries and Whines While He Strawmans Cessationists
Mark Driscoll Meets Up With Steven Furtick, Thanks Him for ‘Preaching Jesus’
Nearly 40 Former Mars Hill Elders Issue New Statement: Mark Driscoll is ‘Unfit’ and ‘Unrepentant’
Cultish Bullying! Mark Driscoll Hired 24/7 Surveillance on Congregant + More Abusive Behavior
Mark Driscoll asks for $850,000 in ‘Year End Push’ To Promote Church Influence
Mark Driscoll Lies About Where His Bible Came From
Jordan Peterson’s Daughter Promotes Mark Driscoll’s Church+ Driscoll Plays the Bully
Liar Liar? Mark Driscoll Claims Book Was Banned From Amazon, So Why Is It Still There?
Mark Driscoll’s New Promo Material for an Upcoming Sex Sermon Series is Something Else
Mark Driscoll Claims Mars Hills Elders Tried to Oust Him From Church Using False Allegations of Adultery

h.t Grant Olson


Pope Francis Says There is Too Much “F*ggotry” In Roman Catholic Seminaries

Catholic Newspapers are reporting that Pope Francis has dropped the queer equivalent of the n-bomb during a discussion with Italian Bishops over whether or gay men should not be allowed to become priests. 

While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, appointing a notorious pro-LGBTQ priest to a major post, releasing an outrageously blasphemous statement, and insisting that “people are fundamentally good” and that “the heart itself is good.” 

Discussion at the meeting revolved around the content of the document ‘Ratio Formationis Sacerdotalis,’ which regulates entrance and admittance standards into Roman Catholic seminaries. The Italian Bishops conference was debating what standards would be imposed on celibate homosexual applicants, and Francis, surprisingly, reportedly took a strong stance against all of it, using the noted slang. According to Reuters:

“Pope Francis used a highly derogatory term towards the LGBT community as he reiterated in a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops that gay people should not be allowed to become priests, Italian media reported on Monday.

La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera, Italy’s largest circulation dailies, both quoted the pope as saying seminaries, or priesthood colleges, are already too full of “frociaggine”, a vulgar Italian term roughly translating as “faggottness.”

American Magazine further reveals that “Francis made the remarks during a 90-minute, closed-door meeting in the Vatican’s old synod hall with the more than 200 members of the Italian bishops’ conference last Monday, May 20” and that “various sources here say the pope’s use of “frociaggine” was a gaffe on the part of the pope, rather than a slur, given the pope’s “Who am I to judge?” attitude toward gay priests.”


Former SBC President Ed Young Resigns From Megachurch After 46 Years

Former Southern Baptist President and megachurch pastor Ed Young has announced he’s stepping down from his role as Senior Pastor of Houston’s Second Baptist Church, a position he’s held for more than 46 years. 

Young, 87, is one of the most prominent pastors in the SBC and in Christianity at large, growing his congregation from 280 people to over 78,000 spread across six campuses, making it one of the largest in the country. 

He told members during this past Sunday service that while he was stepping down from this particular role, he would not cease serving the church. He plans on continuing preaching at different campuses if and when asked, and would be joining his wife Lisa, who he married in 2020 after his first wife passed away in 2017, on any ministry endeavors they could do together.  

“I will be 88 years old this August. Two weeks ago, I thought I was in the red zone and maybe in the two-minute zone because I know I’m in the last quarter of my life. But Lisa and I have gone through all kinds of medical things, and amazingly. So I stand up here happy and reasonably healthy and ready to serve God.”

We’re not stepping down; we’re stepping up to use our primary spiritual gifts. I’m stepping up to maximize what God has given me and what God has given to my great wife, Lisa.”

Houston, who is the father of pastor Ed Young Jr. or Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas, said that his other son Ben Young, one of the pastors at Second Baptist, would be taking over the senior leadership role. 

Notably, Young has not mellowed out in age but rather has become increasingly outspoken about political issues that have gotten him in hot water with progressives, including calling President Biden “godless,” railing against the Democrats, decrying rampant and unrestrained immigration (and immigrants themselves, using particularly harsh invectives), and taking shots at the demonic transgender ideology.


Charismatic Prophetess Encourages Christians to Practice Their Exorcism Skills by Casting Demons Out Of Each Other

Like a younger version of Kat Kerr before she started smoking the electric lettuce or eating the devil’s jambalaya, Emma Stark is an up-and-coming heretic prophetess from Ireland. She founded the Glasgow Prophetic Center with her husband in 2019 and describes herself as “a prophet who hears from God’, ’a traveling lecturer in spirituality’ and ’a church pastor.‘ We’eve covered her a few times in our posts:

Prophetess Kidnapped By God to Heaven After…Sitting Down on the Toilet?
Prophetess Explains the Importance of Casting Demons Out of Yourself ‘You Just Blow Them Out’
Prophetess Claims She Battled ‘Underground’ Demons…LITERALLY ‘Under the Ground’
Prophetess: ‘Grooming Demons’ Will Capture You With ‘Lassos’ to Keep you from Financial Prosperity

Jumping on the “Deliverance Ministry” bandwagon, Stark is now offering a nine-week course on “demon busting,” where for only $49, she will “guide you in lessons on demonology, spiritual warfare, and deliverance.” After completing this course, you will be a “strategic demonbuster and deliverance warrior” and will “walk away understanding the wiles of your enemy, walking in your heavenly authority, and operating from a place of spiritual warfare sophistication.”

In a promo for her new ministry, Stark reveals that when you cast a demon out of someone, that “puts the kingdom back in” and offers that if Christians want to learn how to start in deliverance ministry, after buying her course:

I think you need to get a small group together and start practicing on each other it’s something that grows with experience.”

h/t to Revealing Truth on YouTube


Disgraced PCA Pastor Liam Goligher Officially Suspended by PA Presbytery For Refusing To Cooperate in Church Discipline Proceedings

Former ‘Tenth Presbyterian Church’ minister Liam Goligher has been officially suspended indefinitely by PCA’s Philadelphia Presbytery, months after it was revealed Goligher had been involved in an adulterous affair with deaconess Susan Elzey, being arrested and cited for sexual activity in a park many years ago, causing the well-respected minister to resign in disgrace and subject himself to church discipline. 

Only, it hasn’t happened. 

According to Anglican Watch, Goligher has been suspended indefinitely for contumacy, which the Presbyterian Church in America defines as refusing to cooperate in church disciplinary proceedings. According to a public Statement from the Philadelphia Presbytery:

In the name of the Presbyterian Church in America, the ad hoc Judicial Commission of the Philadelphia Presbytery in regards to TE Liam Goligher finds him contumacious:

BCO 32-6… b. When an accused person shall appear and refuse to plead, or otherwise refuse to cooperate with lawful proceedings, he shall be dealt with for his contumacy (cf. BCO 33-2; 34-4).

BCO 34-4. a. When a minister accused of an offense is found contumacious (cf. 32-6), he shall be immediately suspended from the sacraments and his office for his contumacy. Record shall be made of the fact and of the charges under which he was arraigned, and the censure shall be made public. The censure shall in no case be removed until the offender has not only repented of his contumacy, but has also given satisfaction in relation to the charges against him.

The accused objectively hindered the proceedings of this court, and acted against the peace, unity and purity of the Church, and the honor and majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the King and Head thereof.

Because of TE Goligher’s refusal to comply with the lawful proceedings of this court in defiance of BCO 32-6b, these proceedings are hindered and continuing without due repentance from TE Goligher for his contumacy poses a serious risk to the well being of witnesses and victims named in these proceedings.

In accord with BCO 34-4, TE Liam Goligher is:

  • “Immediately suspended from the sacraments and his office for his contumacy.”

This censure:

  • “Shall be made public.”
  • “Shall in no case be removed until the offender has not only repented of his contumacy, but has also given satisfaction in relation to the charges against him.”

Almighty God, we humbly ask that you would follow this act of discipline with your blessing.

Executed this day, May 20, 2024

If Goligher doesn’t begin cooperating soon, he can expect to be formally excommunicated.


‘Fearless Army’ Host Jason Whitlock Affirms Mormon Glenn Beck as Christian Brother in Unearthed Videos

As the Fearless Army: Roll Call 2.0 event draws closer we become more and more bothered by it and the message it is sending to both Christians and Latter Day Saints, with recently unearthed messages from event organizer Jason Whitlock doing little to assuage our concerns.

The conference exists because “Jason Whitlock and John Rich “believe the best way to close the divides tearing America apart is to bring men together under the umbrella of worship, reverence, and song honoring our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” and the conference is “designed to inspire men to put aside superficial differences and serve our shared Creator.”

According to the promo material, Fearless Army: Roll Call 2.0 is a “gathering, celebration, and encouragement of men to put on the full armor of God to take a stand against the evil forces destroying American culture.(Ephesians)” insisting that “it’s important that men not give up meeting together and encouraging one another toward love and good deeds. (Hebrews 10:24-25)”

The event features Jason Whitlock, John Rich, Voddie Baucham, Skillet’s John Cooper, E.W Jackson, and notably The Blaze founder Glenn Beck, a Mormon whose very presence muddies the waters. Beck is not a Christian, not as long as he refuses to repudiate the false beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Mormons deny multiple primary, foundational Christian beliefs about God, Jesus, and the scriptures, and the blasphemies emanating from their ‘prophet’ Joseph Smith are dark, grotesque, and have led millions to hell.

It’s one thing to invite Beck to speak at a generic non-religious men’s event or political rally, but another when it is being framed as a Christian event with spiritual themes, where preachers will “preach from the bible” and musicians will “sing songs that glorify Jesus Christ.” This all the while allowing Beck to assimilate and get portrayed as a like-minded believer, reinforcing in his own mind that people he loves and respects believe he’s saved, when by all indication he’s not.

Whitlock, however, doesn’t seem to see there is anything problematic about Beck’s Mormon religious beliefs, at least not enough to consider the impact and message having him at his event will have, having previously praised him for his faith while insisting he’s a Christian believer:

Beck: (in my Heydey at Fox News) And it was a very short, compressed time period. But Jason, it was a time that I believe I was truly led by God. I know when God has a hand on my throat and either shuts me down or puts things in that are not in my mind. And that time period was very prophetic with me. He used me a lot to warn of things. And we’re seeing them all now. And it’s wild for me to watch I’ve started going back through my old diaries of that time and looking at it going, oh my gosh. He, I’m convinced at this point, He (God) told me COVID was coming.

…You know, when you look at little things like Christmas, and I shouldn’t say a little thing, but it’s so all encompassing now. There’s gonna be a revival. There will be a revival. It’s coming. We just have to get to the bottom.

Whitlock: I certainly believe there’ll be a revival and I’ve been very honest about one of the reasons why I wanted to partner with The Blaze and partner with you is because I believe we’re gonna be part of that revival and that I needed to be partnered with like-minded people in faith and in belief. But also I needed to, because of where we’re at in this country, black and white people have to work together in faith and shared belief.

And later, speaking specifically to people black that were raised in the church:

Glenn Beck and other conservatives and people with Christian values are smeared every day as racist, as evil… We’re being blinded by race and can’t see what God-filled people are trying to do in this society. We’ve turned the conservative Christian into our enemy! And I’m looking at evidence, at Glenn Beck, worth millions of dollars, willing to risk his life and money to save other Christians. And I know he would do it for me, you, and any other Christian here in America. 

But we want to call these people the racist threat that are our mortal enemies? You think a man that would get on a plane and fly to the Middle East in this time this week to save Afghan Christians, you think he’s the problem?

We have to snap out of this. The left is blinding us to our natural allies: it’s Christians. I’m not sitting here on a pedestal; I keep it real with y’all every day. I am not perfect. I am a flawed sinner. I’m not coming to you from above, I’m not ridiculing your sin, because I’m a sinner. Damn it, we got to cut this out. We can’t keep destroying our natural allies because the left has told “oh they’re Trump supporters.” 
That same Trump supporter might be the person that saves your life because of their Christian beliefs.

…you can look at a man with that kind of wealth and money, his own family to be concerned about, he will get on a plane to go save Christians in the Middle East and you think that’s your enemy? I’m sorry and and I brought my Bible and I’m about to curse and I’m trying not to but you’re a f****** idiot.

We believe Whitlock is a brother who is trying to do a good work through this event, but this was a mistake, and it wasn’t too late to ask Beck not to attend two weeks ago when we raised the issue, and it’s not to late to cancel his appearance now.

Whitlock says that the event is designed to shine a light so bright that people will become attracted to it and come to know the Lord, but it’s hard to cast that light on Beck when he’s accepted and viewed as part of the group who is doing the shining.


Who Was Pastor Jude Montis, The Third Martyr Killed By Gangs in Haiti?

Amid the tragic news that young missionary couple Davy Lloyd, 23, and Natalie Lloyd, 21, were killed in Haiti while doing missionary work, another man was killed who isn’t mentioned as much: Pastor Jude Montis.

Jude Montis was the 45-year-old Haitian native who served alongside Lloyds as the Director of Missions in Haiti, the group’s ministry organization. Along with the House of Compassion, the orphanage operated by Missions that housed 36 children, the organization also operated a school, bakery, and church, serving more than 240 people.

Montis, along with the Lloyds, was ambushed by several gang members. Davy Lloyd, who grew up and spent his whole life in Haiti, was captured, tied up, and beaten by gang members while others stole the church’s truck and other supplies. At that point, another armed group arrived, and a gun battle ensued, where the Lloyds and Montis were killed. A video of the scene later showed two of the victims were severely burned and appeared to have been set on fire.

Haiti has long been considered one of the most dangerous countries in the world, with armed gangs controlling some cities, resulting in unprecedented levels of violence, instability, and humane crisis. 

The U.S. State Department has long advised American Citizens to leave the country, but Natalie’s father explained, “They decided to remain even when it got worse because they felt like if they left, then those kids would have nowhere to go.”

Along with being the Director of the Mission, where he served for 20 years, Montis was a husband and father to two young children, aged 2 and 6. It is unclear if he had social media, and at this point little else is known about him, but amid the reports of the deaths of Lloyd’s, we wanted to ensure that his tragic passing was not just an afterthought.


Mormon Radio Show Torches Protestia For Criticizing Jason Whitlock, LDS Glenn Beck + ‘Religious bigotry is alive and well’

A Mormon Radio show is hot under the collar after we criticized Jason Whitlock for inviting Glenn Beck to his recent Christian-themed and Christian-advertised conference, insisting that we are unsaved religious bigots for denying Mormons “Christian” status.

Ward Radio (formerly Midnight Mormon) is a “variety talk show that covers all things tangential to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Hosted by Cardon Ellis and his wife Brittany, along with Kwaku El and Brad Witbeck, it “covers all aspects of the Church, including culture, doctrine, and yes… debunking the latest anti-Mormon attacks against the church with lots of fun facts and humor.”

Some recent episodes include “Did Joseph Smith REALLY practice Polygamy,” “How the LDS Church is combating the Plague of Soy-Bois, and one caught our attention We’ve Allowed Religious Bigotry from Christians Long Enough… (Glenn Beck vs. Protestia)

In the episode, Ellis and his co-host rake us over the coals for our stand against Christians and Mormons joining hands for these types of events. Going on the offensive, they suggest we’re the ones who aren’t Christians for this position and praise Whitlock for standing with Beck. 

Religious bigotry is alive and well in the United States of America and the way mainline Protestant Christians speak about Mormons is an absolute evidence of this…

I really think there just needs to be a protocol in which we engage with this type of so-called “Christian” where we no longer just tuck our tails between our legs and walk away and say “oh they won’t invite us to the party,” but we challenge the Christians and say “No! you are not a Christian. And the reason why you’re not a Christian right now is because you are not doctrinally omitting us for any good reason from the body of Christ, you’re not defending any Scripture, you’re not defending Jesus Christ himself, and your arguments have nothing to do with Jesus but all with the man-made creeds.”

More examples of why Beck should not be invited.


Hate Crime Charges Dropped Against ‘Satan Statue Destroyer’ Michael Cassidy+ Avoids Jail Time

Hate crime charges have been dropped against Michael Cassidy, the Christian nationalist hero, after he agreed to plead guilty to beheading and destroying a Baphomet statue set up by the Satanic Temple at the Iowa Capitol last December. Under this agreement, Cassidy will receive a $855 fine, two years of probation, and undisclosed determination costs. 

If he had been convicted of the hate crime, he was facing up to two years in prison and a $8,540 fine. According to the Republic Sentinel:

Davis Younts, an attorney who represents Cassidy, said in remarks to The Sentinel that prosecutors “finally agreed to drop the hate crimes enhancement after months-long legal battles over every aspect of this case,” crediting the Americans who supported Cassidy and enabled him to hire multiple attorneys who successfully pressured the state to dismiss the charges.

“It is because of the people that came to his aid and an outstanding legal team that we were able to back the prosecutors into a corner and get this resolution,” Younts said. “Instead of a felony hate crime and jail time, Cassidy received deferred judgment for damage to property and the conviction will be expunged once the court process is complete. Forcing the prosecutors to drop the hate crime is a huge victory for Cassidy and for religious freedom.”

Last year, the Satanic Temple of Iowa, under the guidelines of the Iowa legislature, allowed Satanists to place an idol of Baphomet, a winged, goat-headed, trans-human figure, on display in the vicinity of nativity displays on the first floor of the Iowa Capitol.

The display drew the ire of many Christians, who lamented the blasphemy of placing an idol in the capitol as a sign of the impending judgment of God upon the nation. Some conservative Republicans, while lamenting the statue as blasphemous, defended the existence of the display on the grounds of constitutional freedom of religious expression.

On December 14, Cassidy walked into the Iowa capital building and smashed the Baphomet, decapitating the idol before stuffing its head into a nearby trashcan.

While Cassidy promptly turned himself into capitol police and was initially charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief, raising over $80,000 through crowdfunding for his defense, those charges were elevated to a more severe nature after Polk County prosecutors charged him with felony third-degree criminal mischief with a hate crime enhancement.


Florida Priest Bites Woman Who Tried to Take The Communion ‘Cookie’ from Him

A Florida woman has accused a priest of biting her arm at a church service last week, during a dispute over whether she was allowed to partake in the communion, According to NBC News:

The woman attended a 10 a.m. service at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in St. Cloud on Sunday and tried to take Communion, the Diocese of Orlando said.

She had a brief discussion with the Rev. Fidel Rodriguez, who told her she hadn’t taken the proper steps to secure Communion and sent her away with a blessing, the diocese said in a statement.

The woman returned for a service two hours later and again tried to take Communion, and when Rodriguez asked her whether she had performed the prerequisite of Confession required by the Catholic Church to receive the Eucharist, she told him “it was not his business,” according to the diocese.

They further claim “At that point, the woman forcefully placed her hand in the vessel and grabbed some sacred Communion hosts, crushing them.” After she refused to let go, following a tussle, the priest “bit her hand so she would let go of the hosts she grabbed.”

Roman Catholics believe in transubstantiation, which is the belief the blood and wine literally turn into the actual, no-difference, flesh and blood of Jesus, and therefore would view this assault on the host as no different than grabbing and crushing the literal person of Jesus. 

The woman in question disputes this account, saying that after the priest refused to give the communion “cookie” to her, she challenged him on why, and he “forcefully” stuffed the wafer into her mouth and then bit her.