
Catholic Priest Apologizes For Describing Lesbians as ‘Holy Spouse’ During Same-Sex Blessing

A Catholic Priest has apologized for describing a lesbian couple as “holy spouses” during his recent same-sex blessing of them, saying he regrets the language used and is “deeply sorry” for the confusion he caused. 

Its more poisonous fruit from Pope Francis’s decision to allow Roman Catholic priests to bless the unions of gay couples, which has done nothing but sow discord and confusion, such was the case with Fr. Joseph S. Williams, CM, the leader of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Chicago, Illinois.

In a video released two weeks ago, Williams officiated a blessing between Kellie Beard, a United Methodist pastrix, and Myah Knight, a therapist and self-described “QTBIPOC”. (Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous People of Color).

[Rev. Williams:] Kelli and Myah, do you freely recommit yourselves to love each other as holy spouses and to live in peace and harmony together forever?

[Beard:] We do. I do.

[Knight:] We do. I do.

[Rev. Williams:] Loving God, increase and consecrate the love which Kelli and Myah have for one another. The rings that they have exchanged are the sign of their fidelity and commitment. May they continue to prosper in your grace and blessing. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

[Beard:] Amen.

[Knight:] Amen.

[Rev. Williams:] May God’s blessing be yours: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

letter sent out by the communication manager for the Mission Western Province says that Williams “regrets the language of the blessing and the use of vestments and the church itself, which he now recognizes were a violation of the norms approved by the Church.”

“The shape that the blessing took as portrayed in the video came about due to my attempt to provide for them a meaningful moment of God’s grace. I wanted to do it well. A week or so after the fact, I viewed the video. I immediately realized that I had made a very poor decision in the words and visuals captured on the video…. I am deeply sorry for any confusion and/or anger that this has caused, particularly for the People of God.”


‘The After Party’ Takes a Hit After Founder David French Disinvited from PCA Panel

The controlled opposition at ‘The After Party’ is crying foul after founder David French had his panel discussion at the PCA’s upcoming General Conference canceled, following a public outcry from conservative Christians dismayed at his original invite. 

Last week, in a bewildering and blisteringly backward move, the Presbyterian Church of America announced that David French would be a featured panelist at the 2024 General Assembly, speaking on “How to Be Supportive of Your Pastor and Church Leaders in a Polarized Political Year.”

They could have selected few worse people, given French’s partisan pedigree and progressive politics, made evident by the fact that he’s pro-‘same-sex marriage, supports ‘gender-affirming’ care for children, condemned Texas University for banning drag shows, and got upset when Christians called chemical castration of children “abusive.”

Two days ago, the PCA heard the will of the people, with the permanent committee announcing that the assembly panel would be canceled, sharing:

The concerns that have been raised about the seminar and its topic have been so significant that it seems wisest for the peace and unity of the church not to proceed in this way. Instead, the seminar time will be allocated to a prayer convocation that humbly petitions our God for the good of his church in a polarized political year, utilizing the means of grace provided by our Lord for his people.  

The Administrative Committee shared that after making the initial announcement about his invitation, “the AC’s office has heard from a number of people voicing opposition to the panel as well as those wanting it to take place as planned” which a needlessly diplomatic way of saying the voices against French’s invite to those in favor were 100-1.

PCA Stated Clerk Bryan Chapell, who was the driving force behind the initial invite, apologized for his role in the matter, explaining “Had I known some of the ways that the panelist has expressed himself or been understood in past writings, I would have made a different choice for the purposes of this seminar.”

I apologize to the members and staff of the Administrative Committee for the controversy over the upcoming General Assembly seminar. Concerns about a panel participant have caused some brothers to be concerned for the witness of our church and other brothers to be concerned for how our church processes differing views while protecting reputations. I am thankful for both sets of brothers, and regret that my composition of panelists has put them at odds with each other. 

The purpose of the seminar was to help our churches deal with political tensions and, instead, controversy has ensued. This is contrary to the intended purposes of the seminar and the purposes that AC members and staff have so conscientiously pursued with me over the last four years. We have worked together to advance the peace and unity of the church, trying to build trust and godly expression among those of differing viewpoints. 

Had I known some of the ways that the panelist has expressed himself or been understood in past writings, I would have made a different choice for the purposes of this seminar. Without seeking to debate or invalidate the merits of any brothers’ concerns, I acknowledge that I did not become aware of significant background issues before making this decision. This was my mistake, and I apologize to the PCA that I love.

This left Curtis Chang one of the co-founders of the duplicitous After Party (the other two being Russell Moore and David French) to begin his ‘REEEEEEEEE’-ing ritual, keening into the Twitter ethers:

It’s not cowardice but conviction- at least at those sounding the clarion call. It also represents a threat to the viability and influence of Chang, French, and Moore’s ten-horned and seven-headed organization, suffering a well-deserved beast-beating. 


‘The Stripper’s Guide to Looking Great Naked?’ Logos Bible Software Platforms Hundreds of Erotic Books Despite ‘Updated’ Screening Process

Logos Bible Software continues to sell hundreds of erotic and pornographic books on its platform despite promising that such titles would be “rare” and that their “filters as well as our manual processes” would “prevent illicit titles from being added to our platform.”

Earlier this year, we broke the story that the preeminent Bible software company was selling thousands of erotic and pornographic books, failing to act on complaints when it was first brought to them. 

After a volley of public outcry and pressure (where the company lied, distorted, and engaged in revisionist history), Vice President of Content Products Matt Bennett shared an update on page six of a private message board where a couple dozen people would read it, assuring users that they would take care of it because “we know our existing workflow failed at keeping illicit titles off the Logos platform, so we’re rebuilding our process to better vet and filter content.”

He provided an update a month later, sharing the great strides they have taken:

We have checked, tested, and verified our filters as well as our manual processes are working properly from now on to prevent illicit titles from being added to our platform. We have also completed automated and manual reviews of questionable content that’s currently available on the platform, removing all the inappropriate books we’ve found. From here on, we are confident that our processes will correctly identify and remove content that doesn’t adhere to our Distribution Philosophy

Thank you for your patience as we have worked to fix our content filtering and review processes. While we can’t guarantee another illicit title won’t end up on the Logos platform, we feel certain it will be rare.

Our team remains committed to regularly checking our filters and to reviewing and responding to each email that comes through Please keep sending us anything you come across.

Their confidence in their abilities is entirely misplaced, as we were able to identify hundreds of erotic and pornographic books on their platform in just a few short minutes, demonstrating their systems are still broken, that they are not taking this seriously enough, and that they have not learned their lesson from last time. A few of the titles we found within 5 minutes of searching:

While Logos has been reasonably quick to remove books once they are alerted and given a direct link to the offending sexual content, they have failed to go on the offense and proactively cull christ-hating content from their platform, despite insisting this type of content now being rare and having systems in place to stop it.

We reached out to Logos several times for comment but they have declined to respond.

Wayback machine links, showing timestamps of content at time of publication.


Exclusive: Logos Bible Software Still Selling Hundreds of Pornographic Books, Including ‘Naughty Spell Book’ ft. Satanic Sex Rituals

Earlier in the year, we brought you the exclusive multipart investigation of how Logos Bible Software was selling thousands of sexual and pornographic books through their platform, searchable through their multiple channels, and was dragging its feet to have them removed. 

While Logos and their various representatives have steadfastly refused to speak to us on or off the record since we first broke the story, Vice President of Content Product Matt Bennett ultimately apologized deep on the 6th page of a private forum post for allowing so much perverse content on their platforms, acknowledging that their “existing workflow failed at keeping illicit titles off the Logos platform,” while promising they are “rebuilding their process to better vet and filter content.”

We were initially optimistic, buoyed by a mass culling of content that removed nearly all offending titles. We noted that while it’s undeniable that Logos did not make purging pornography a priority, despite their dishonest continued insistence to the contrary, “Logos looks properly purged of the vast majority of sexually graphic books.”

It didn’t last long.

Despite their vaunted vetting efforts, Logos utterly failed to keep their platform free of pornographic content, with the new spate of sexually explicit content gracing their websites arguably even more disturbing than the last.

Here is a small sampling of some of their titles that are presently available, again demonstrating that Logos is not treating this breach of trust with the severity it is due. 

This “Naughty Spell book” is particularly odious, offering a host of satanic sex spells to attempt.

That is a small sampling, which you can see were timestamped and sellable at the time of publication .

There are hundreds, and we’re going to be sharing them over the course of the next few days. We could encourage our readers to kindly contact Logos at 1-888-563-0382 or to request they stop selling smut once and for all.


Episcopal Pastrix Rejoices After Receiving ‘Merch’ for Pride Eucharist

Jubilee Episocla Church is a “colorful, warm, multi-generational new congregation rooted” in North Austin. Led by The Rev. Lizzie McManus-Dail, she is a self-proclaimed “second-generation clergywoman and, specifically, a clergywoman mama” who “delights in talking about motherhood, pregnancy, and reproductive justice from this lens of faith and leadership in the church.”

We’ve mentioned her a few times, chiefly after she claimed she “loves the Feast of the Presentation in Luke 2 because it “centers the postpartum experience.”

The church recently announced their thirds annual ‘Pride Eucharist’ is upon them, requesting folks save the date.

Rev Lizzie recently shared her elation at receiving some merchandise for the event, gushing over the colors and messaging for the blasphemous endeavor.

Their merchandise can be purchased at their store, but why would you want to, given it’s basically the devil’s lounge wear.


PCA Invites David French, Supporter of Child Castration, ‘Gay Marriage’ and ‘Drag Queen Story Hour,’ To Speak at General Assembly

In a truly bewildering and blisteringly backward move, the powers that be in the Presbyterian Church of America, a conservative denomination that is typically the antithesis of the satanic PCUSA, have announced that David French will be a featured panelist at the 2024 General Assembly, speaking on “How to Be Supportive of Your Pastor and Church Leaders in a Polarized Political Year.”

They could have selected few worse people, given French’s partisan pedigree and progressive politics. French, who we like to unaffectionately call ‘The State’s Fool”, is a self-proclaimed “conservative” Christian commentator who can always be counted on to give the worst take possible on any situation, including the whim of whatever demon is whispering into his ear at any given moment. 

These include announcing he’s pro-‘same-sex marriage, supporting ‘gender-affirming’ care for children, condemning Texas University for banning drag shows, and getting upset when Christians call chemical castration of children “abusive.”

There is also the fact that French is not even part of the PCA, with him and his wife leaving the denomination for a woke church after his wife Nancy claimed that her church (and denomination) was “brimming with Neo-confederates.” 

Personality aside, he’s one of the worst people to speak on the topic at hand. French wants to speak on “How to Be Supportive of Your Pastor and Church Leaders in a Polarized Political Year,” yet he has engaged in unbridled Trump Derangement Syndrome, repeatedly calling the former President a threat to “our democracy,” urging voters to give Joe Biden a second term in office, castigating Republican loyalists intent on voting for him again, and launching “The After Party.” This is an organization whose goal is to take the “bullseye” off pastors by moving political teaching from the pulpit to small groups so that pastors can share their political beliefs without congregants getting mad at them for it, sneaking in anti-Trump sentiments without taking any of the blame.  Hard to believe that ideology wouldn’t bleed into any advice he gives.

French also

While French unquestionably would not have been out of place at the PCUSA’s events, his invite is inexcusable, and the PCA needs to shake their head. 


Disturbing New ‘Christian’ Conference Features Voddie Baucham, John Cooper (of Skillet) and…. Mormon Glenn Beck!!?

A highly disturbing new conference has emerged, featuring Jason Whitlock, John Rich, Voddie Baucham, Skillet’s John Cooper and Mormon Glenn Beck????!

According to the promo material, Fearless Army: Roll Call 2.0 is a “gathering, celebration, and encouragement of men to put on the full armor of God to take a stand against the evil forces destroying American culture.(Ephesians)” insisting that “it’s important that men not give up meeting together and encouraging one another toward love and good deeds. (Hebrews 10:24-25)”

The conference is being put on because “Jason Whitlock and John Rich “believe the best way to close the divides tearing America apart is to bring men together under the umbrella of worship, reverence, and song honoring our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” and the conference is “designed to inspire men to put aside superficial differences and serve our shared Creator.”

Hell no.

That might be possible if noted Mormon Glenn Beck wasn’t speaking and teaching. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? What does light have with polytheist cultists?

For a brief overview of the Mormon views on Jesus and other things, they believe, click that link

So long as Glenn Beck is speaking, we would implore John and Voddie to back out immediately, as no one should be going to this conference. In fact, even if Beck backs out, the fact that conference organizers invited him in the first place demonstrates they don’t understand the gospel, and we would not trust them to convey any spiritual truth worth knowing. 

For more on Beck, see here:

Glenn Beck Pronounces Himself Saved at Ed Young’s Church, Crowd Riotously Applauds
Billy Graham Said Glenn Beck – a Mormon – Was a Fellow Christian
The Beck Lies: Mormon Leads Prayer to False God at Ted Cruz Campaign Office
Charismania Embraces Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck’s Mormonized Rant Against Christianity

Editor’s Note. We made an error in regards to our assertion about specific aspects of Mormon theology and have issued a public retraction. Which is not to say that they aren’t scripture-denying cultists, which they are, but they have enough bad theological beliefs that they don’t need us passing on new ones.


Pro-Choice Presbyterian Pastor Complains that Nurses in Some States Try to Save Breathing Babies from Botched Abortions

Rebecca Todd Peters is a professor, author, and Presbyterian Church (USA) ‘Pastor.’ She has been “active denominationally and ecumenically for over twenty-five years.” She represents the PCUSA as a member of the Faith and Order Standing Commission of the World Council of Churches.

A lover of all things baby-killing, she also serves on the Clergy Advocacy Board of Planned Parenthood and was recently elected Vice President of the Society of Christian Ethics. 

It’s unsurprising then that she’s celebrated and tolerated within her denomination. The PCUSA has denigrated to one massive pen for goats, run by spiritual criminals and hirelings, with barely a sheep to be found anywhere. From Church Fasting from ‘Whiteness’ During Lent to Church Releases ‘Transgendered’ Remix of ‘Be Thou My Vision,’ to Pro-Abortion Pastrix Says Stories of Jonah and Zacchaeus are Proof We Should Subsidize Birth-Control, this pro-LGBTQIA&$#@!, pro-abortion cauldron of wokeness and deviant perversion runs neck in neck with the ELCA in a contest to see which denomination hates Jesus more, and they usually come on top.

During a message given to the North Carolina Council of Churches, Peters spends an hour on why abortion is good and why Christians need to embrace the message that it’s a blessing, before complaining about how nurses in some states try to save breathing babies from botched abortions, against the wishes of the parents. (Last video)


Vintage Discernment: Billy Graham Was Pro-Choice

It’s no secret that Billy Graham was a horrifically bad bible teacher who openly taught heresy. He denied the exclusivity of Christ and taught a form of Universalism. Those videos have made their way around the Internet for years. (See below)

What may not be known, however, is that he was functionally pro-choice, despite having a fairly wide body of work that speaks of the evils of abortion and the sanctity of life. One of many examples is his 2010 book Storm Warning, which is also quoted in the Billy Graham Library, where he says:

The Bible makes it clear that God seed the unborn infant not as a piece of superfluous biological tissue, but as a person created by Him for life. The psalmist said, “For you created me in my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb…

When Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus, visited her cousin Elizabeth who was pregnant with John the Baptist, we are told that Elizabeth declared to Mary, “As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in the my womb leaped for joy” (Luke 1:44). This is a clear indication that that infant was a person, not just a piece of tissue.

From these and other passages I cannot escape the conclusion that the unborn child is worthy of our concern and protection just as much as a newborn infant or an adult. The unfettered practice of abortion on demand is yet another grim sign of the thundering hoof beats of the rider on the pale horse in our time.

Yet While Graham was very much against abortion as birth control, or abortion on demand for the sake of convenience, he believed that as bad as it was, there should be exceptions in cases of rape and incest- in other words pro-choice. He reveals:

But, for example, I was asked the other night about abortion. And I said, Well, I think that if you’re going to have abortion, free abortion as some are advocating, that why don’t you wait till the baby’s born and then kill it, rather than have the mother’s health impaired by the abortion?

Well, this was a different thought to see. And, of course, I do believe in abortion for those who’ve been raped. For those who may be diseased to the point that the child will be affected, I think there are certain areas that we need some of our laws brought up to date.

He also said:

“I am opposed to abortion, except possibly in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother”s life is at stake. I oppose the casual approach to abortion that is so common today, and I believe it is one of the most serious sins of the modern world in the eyes of God.” (Winnipeg Free Press Archives, Aug 18, 1978, p. 39)

Were Graham alive today, he would be undoubtedly strenuously opposed by many now singing his praises.


The Trinity Forum and the National Association Of Evangelicals (NAE) Platforms PRIDE-Celebrating ‘Pastor’

Adam Russell Taylor, the president of Sojourners and a pastor ordained in the American Baptist Church + the Progressive National Baptist Convention, will be joining National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) president Walter Kim for a presentation on “civic discipleship,” teaching Christians how to “participate in public life” i.e. politics. The event is being sponsored by The Trinity Forum, a Christian organization founded by Os Guinness.

Sojourners describes itself as “an ecumenical Christian media and advocacy organization that works towards social and racial justice.”

In 2022, Taylor wrote an op-ed for the publication about bans on what he labels “gender-affirming care” for “trans kids.” He declared: “these bills and efforts represent an assault on imago dei and contradict the Great Commandment [to love one’s neighbor] (Matthew 22:36-40).”

Last year during Pride Month, Sojourners ran a series of articles titled “The Joy of Being Queer and Christian.” The headlines in the series:

“Asexual and Aromantic People Are Often Forgotten, But God Sees Us”

“The Trinity Delights In My Unique Trans, Nonbinary Identity”

“Black, Butch, Queer — and Baptized Into God’s Scandalous Love”

“Mary, Mother of God, Help Me Find Queer Joy”

“Led Out in Joy, with Rainbow Cookies and Fresca”

“God Created Me To Be a Transgender Man”

“How the Pride Flag Speaks to the Promises of God”

That same month, Taylor shared a photo of himself and other Sojourner staffers on their office balcony having a “Popsicles For Pride” event, with several of his subordinates waving “Progress Pride” flags.

This is not the kind of mealy-mouthed, “I hold to biblical sexual ethics but cannot abide homophobia” fence-riding you see throughout the evangelical publishing industry. This is full-blown “queerness of the Trinity” liberalism.

There is very little chance that the NAE’s Walter Kim and The Trinity Forum, led by Cherie Harder, are not aware of Taylor’s activism on this issue. We’re reached out to both organizations and will update this article if any comment is forthcoming.

These organizations are presenting Taylor, who cannot even co-sign bans on transing kids, as an expert on Christian political witness.

2 John 10-11 warns Christians regarding false teachers: “Do not take them into your house or welcome them. Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.”

This article was written by Woke Preacher TV on his FB page and has been (mildy) adapted and posted with permission.