
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Hillsong Has Purged Brian Houston’s Preaching from Hillsong Website

Four days ago, Hillsong interim Global Senior Pastor Phil Dooley announced that Brian Houston, founder and former Global Senior Pastor of the 150,000-member, prosperity preaching, heresy-weaving multisite church committed several “indiscretions” with two women. Dooley previously led the South African campus and took over leadership duties from Houston in January so the founder could focus on his upcoming court case where he’s been accused of concealing the sexual abuse of a 7-year-old boy by his deceased father more than 30 years ago.

One of these involved sending a staff member flirtatious messages about a decade ago“It was along the line of, ‘If I was with you, I’d like to kiss and cuddle you,’ words of that nature.” The second one was more recent, and it involved a visibly intoxicated Houston spending almost an hour in a woman’s hotel room alone with her, after a Hillsong conference at Qudos Bank Arena in 2019, with Dooley explaining that Houston violated Hillsong Pastor’s Code of Conduct.

Prior to these revelations, it was thought that Houston would be stepping away until his trial was up and then would reclaim his role, having already resigned from 18 of 19 Hillsong-related boards in preparation. Now, however, the prevailing wisdom is that he was forced to do both by the board, who were grappling with the fallout from this new scandal, and after Houston refused to take steps in keeping with repentance.

In an exclusive, we can confirm that while Houston’s fate remains uncertain, it does look grim, after Hillsong pulled down nearly all Houston’s preaching and teaching from Hillsong Channel, completely purging the website of his videos.

All 10 seasons of Brian Houston’s preaching are gone, along with both seasons of his “Art of Leadership.” Despite Houston being gone, other Hillsong pastors and personalities are featured. It is not just his channels, however. The current site also features 10 years of “Best of Hillsong Conference,” all of which have purged Houston’s videos from them.

Below are 2019, 2018, and 2017 conferences, with Houston’s preaching nowhere to be seen. The rest of them, dating back to 2010, have likewise followed suit.

While no announcement has been forthcoming, this by itself is a bold move for Hillsong, which has been embroiled in scandals for years, on account of their wretched theology and the way it has manifested. A few of the highlights include:

Hillsong Christmas Features Shirtless Men Drumming to Worship Songs
Lavish Lifestyles of Former Hillsong Pastors Revealed
Brian Houston Shuts Down Hillsong Dallas Church Amid Controversy
Sex Offender Denied Bid to Work at Hillsong, Despite Endorsements from Members
Hillsong Church Does Satanic Buddhist Dance During Christmas Service
Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Engaged in 5-Month Long Affair with Muslim NYC Designer
Video: Hillsong Pastor Says he has the ‘Hillsong Starter Pack’: Fedora, Leather, Boots, Skinny Jeans, and Hot Wife
New Hillsong Church Professionally Partners/Consults with Facebook to Build Better Church + Pastor Signs NDA over Details

During their Sunday service, the first since the revelations came out, Dooley told the congregants:

“Let me remind you. Our church, as I said, is built on Jesus, not just on any one person. Beyond a board, beyond an eldership, we need these elements, they matter and we want to make sure they are done well. But our hope and our trust is in Jesus. We are guided by the word of God and the Holy Spirit of God, and we will continue to ask God for wisdom and guidance and strength in this season.”

We have reached out to Hillsong for comment but have not heard back from them at the time of publication.

cancel culture

Twitter Suspends the Christian Post Over You Know What

A day after the censorious social media giant Twitter continued to do their part in muddying up the social order by suspending The Babylon Bee, the #1 Christian satire site on the internet, over a post they made awarding Rachel Levine, the transgendered U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, man of the year, they have likewise pulled the trigger on one of the largest Christian news site, The Christian Post, after they likewise called Levine a man.

They explain on their website:

In an alert emailed to CP on Sunday, the social media giant notified the Christian news publication that the tweet violated its policy against what it deems as “hateful conduct” by stating a biological fact and has “temporarily limited some” features of the account, including the ability to post new articles.

Other limitations include being unable to like, follow or retweet posts. Twitter also told CP that the restrictions could be lifted 12 hours after deleting the tweet about Levine, the assistant secretary for health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

Whereas the Babylon Bee pledged to never delete their tweet, writing “We’re not deleting anything. Truth is not hate speech. If the cost of telling the truth is the loss of our Twitter account, then so be it” and “They could, of course, delete the tweet themselves. But they won’t. It’s not enough for them to just wipe it out. They want us to bend the knee and admit that we engaged in hateful conduct.” The Christian Post has appealed the community strike, but there is no word on whether or not they will delete their tweet, lest they be suspended indefinitely.


A Brief Roundup of Pastors and Pastrixes Headed to Hell

Welcome to our bi-monthly roundup of the worst of the worst so-called pastors and pastrixes from TikTok and other social media hubs. These are a collation of lost souls fast on their way to receiving the greater judgment if they don’t repent of their sins and put their faith in Christ.

Each one is between 15 and 30 seconds, used to demonstrate the sheer insanity that is out there, but also where some of these conservative denominations are headed if they don’t take an uncompromising, bombastically hard line against even a hint of LGBTQ influence in the church

h/t to Christcuck for the vids


‘Christian’ Rapper Dropped by Label ‘Apologizes’ for Sexting

A month after Reach Records dropped producer and Christian artist GAWVI (real name Gabriel Alberto Azucena) after it was revealed that he’s been sending unsolicited nude pictures of himself to women for years, removing him from the label and booting him from the upcoming ‘We are Unashamed Tour’, he has broken his silenced and apologized for his actions, writing on Instagram:

Dear everyone, I have been spending time reflecting on these past couple of months and the years before, having meaningful conversations with God, my counselors, family, friends, and myself, about the mistakes I’ve made and the man I want to be on this earth

A few years ago, my marriage began to fall apart. Instead of leaning on God and facing the situation, I acted outside of the boundaries of my marriage. I began communicating and exchanging inappropriate photos with several women on social media… Even though I never met any of these women in person, it was inexcusable and wrong. I regret these mistakes, I take full accountability, and I apologize to everyone I’ve hurt by my actions.”

Now as I continue to reflect and wrestle with the choices I’ve made, I accept that God may continue to use this period of my life to show me things that I have needed to learn, so I can become the man he has called me to be.

While that sounds nice, his ex-wife Brianna Azucenam, with whom he has two children, disputes the sincerity of his apology, blasting him for his lack of honesty and accountability. She alleges it wasn’t just sexting with women he’d never met, but that he’d had a full-blown sexual affair which contributed to the marriage breaking down- something he neglected to mention, as well as the ways he gaslighted her through emotional abuse.

Gawvi full apology text:


Hillsong Updates on Brian Houston. Is He Getting Fired over the ‘Indiscretions’…..?

The Hillsong leadership board has released a more in-depth statement to the public on former Global Senior Pastor Brian Houston, after they shared with over 800 leaders on a private zoom call that he was accused of two breaches of code of conduct involving two women, one a decade ago, one in 2019.

They explain:

As you are aware, Pastor Brian recently stepped aside from his ministry duties. When he stepped down in January this year, the reasons he gave were genuine. The situation with his father over many years had taken a personal toll that was greater than he had realized, and he needed to focus on his upcoming legal issues.

At the time of his announcement, the Hillsong Church board did not make a public statement because we were still working through a number of issues privately with Pastor Brian. 

These private issues come in the form of some bad behavior towards two women:

The first issue was approximately a decade ago and involved inappropriate text messages from Pastor Brian to a member of staff, which subsequently resulted in the staff member resigning. At the time, Pastor Brian was under the influence of sleeping tablets, upon which he had developed a dependence. He immediately apologized to the person. We also worked closely with Pastor Brian to ensure he received professional help to eliminate his dependency on this medication, and this was achieved successfully.

and the main one:

The second issue involved a complaint received in 2019. Following an in-depth investigation, it was found that Pastor Brian became disoriented after a session at the Hillsong Conference, following the consumption of anti-anxiety medication beyond the prescribed dose, mixed with alcohol. This resulted in him knocking on the door of a hotel room that was not his, entering this room and spending time with the female occupant.

The investigation by the integrity unit appointed by the global board found that although all parts of the complaint were unable to be sustained, important elements of the complaint were sustained and the conduct was of serious concern. Ultimately, the board found that Brian had breached the Hillsong Pastor’s Code of Conduct.

Both Houston and the woman in question denied that sexual activity took placed. At this point, Hillsong saying what it is. However, even if the whole thing with his father wasn’t going down, what he did in

Following that investigation, Pastor Brian agreed to take specific action including stepping down from leadership for a period. However unfortunately he failed to take all of the agreed steps which resulted in further action being taken by the board in late 2021. Pastor Brian remains on a period of leave.

Here is where the timeline gets fuzzy for us.

He took a bunch of pills and booze and went into the hotel room in 2019. An investigation of indeterminable length occurred, and then Houston said he would step down from leadership, which never happened. He also did not take other steps. And so the rest of 2019 passed, then all of 2020, and then all of 2021, and then only stepped down a month ago. They do not say what further actions were taken by the board in 2021, with our guess would be forcing Brian Houston to steps down from 18 of 19 Hillsong Entities he oversaw. At the time this was framed as his decision, in order to concentrate on his court case, but perhaps this was instigated by the board, who has done a wretched job of holding him accountable for the actions of 2019, if it’s taken then years to actually do something about it.

For Houston, so far he has not been terminated, but will likely will remain on a leave of absence to deal with his court case, where it is all but certain, supposing he is not imprisoned for concealing his father’s sexual abuse of a minor, that he will retake the helm once more.


Christian Band ‘Rend Collective’ Says NOT using Trans Pronouns is Hate Speech

Chris Llewellyn, frontman and lead singer of the well-known Christian Rock/ Worship Band The Rend Collective has shown himself to be thoroughly compromised on the question of whether or not we should bow to our culture’s confusion on transgendered pronouns, telling Kris Valloton on Instagram:

“However you feel about the implications for sports (a wider conversation for sure) Calling a trans woman a man is hateful. Unkind. Don’t participate in this kind of hate speech. History won’t be kind to you.”

Hate speech? To women, maybe.

In an article being released tomorrow, it’ll become evident that this is not the first time Llewellyn has made comments like this, which is the rotten fruit of the reconstruction he’s been doing of his faith for the last decade.

In fact, a month ago he attacked Skillet’s John Cooper for his war on deconstruction, with Chris saying that he supports anyone who wants to deconstruct their faith, having done it himself, describing the process as something that can “illuminating, rich and necessary


Podcast: SBC Prez Candidate Slick Willie Deleting Anti-Trump Post, Julie Roys, Witches, and is Zelensky the AntiChrist?

On this episode of Polemics Report for March 15th, 2022, JD and David discuss Willy Rice’s recently removed article targeting Trump-voting Christians, and add some new information to the saga of Julie Roys attacking John MacArthur. In the patron portion, we answer sincere questions involving elder qualifications, Christians versus witches, secretly recording conversations, and whether Zelensky could be the Antichrist.


PSA: Some Awful Churches Are Just Now Returning to In-person Church

For over two years we have chronicled the church’s response to the pandemic, at a time when nearly all churches in the nation shut down back in March of 2020, to now, where the vast majority of them have reopened. We chronicled it all, through drive-in churches, outdoor churches, police coming to arrest any vehicles who dared gather in a parking lot with windows rolled, up, hearing the sermon through the FM station, jailing pastors, jailing congregants, fines, police states, lockdowns, vaccine passports to enter the church- you name it.

Despite this, faithful churches have been opened in some manner the whole time, and faithless churches shut down for months and years, with Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church being just one of the thousands of churches formerly still closed.

They announced that yesterday was their first service in over two years, having done virtual services up to this point. But even with the announcement that they were open, it doesn’t mean you could just walk in.

Pre-registration, masks, and social distancing are required, and anyone unwilling will be turned away.

Thankfully, attendance was quite grim, and we hope the congregants went elsewhere permanently, to sit under some good teaching from a pastor who didn’t hose them for the last 104 weeks.

The best thing a church like this can do is close down and donate their building to a congregation that is faithful and obedient to the scriptures, as this church is clearly not.



A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 34

The thirty-fourth album in our series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

As thousands of churches remained closed for the ‘pandemic’ and others just opening- but with mask mandates and vaccine passports- these are the churches that are open and gathering on the Lord’s day.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click to enlarge.

For previous albums Album #1Album #2, Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13 Album #14 Album #15 Album #16 Album #17 Album #18 Album #19 Album #20 Album #21 Album #22 Album #23 Album #24 Album #25 Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33

For our multi-volume series showing the progression of the Church worldwide experiencing the lockdown and pandemic, from March 2020- July 2021, click here.


Babylon Bee Suspended from Twitter Indefinitely

The censorious social media giant Twitter continues to do their part in muddying up the social order by suspending The Babylon Bee, the #1 Christian satire site on the internet, over a post they made awarding Rachel Levine, the transgendered U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, man of the year. The post was shared 132,000 times on Facebook and 30,700 times on Twitter before they got the community strike for being in violation of Twitter’s guidelines against hate speech, which forbids users from calling a man a woman, and vice versa.

The threat from Twitter comes just one month after Facebook removed another Babylon Bee post, declaring that the article violated their community standards on hate speech and that further account restrictions could result in them being deplatformed.

Twitter says that the Bee will be allowed to post again only if they delete the post, which CEO of the Babylon Bee says is not going to happen, explaining:

We’re told our account will be restored in 12 hours, but the countdown won’t begin until we delete the tweet that violates the Twitter Rules. We’re not deleting anything. Truth is not hate speech. If the cost of telling the truth is the loss of our Twitter account, then so be it.

This is the Babylon Bee we like to see, defiant and steely eyed, not botching gospel presentations to Elon Musk. We hope they hold the line.