Stacey Abrams Butchers Bible at Church Service, “As for Me and My House, I Plan to Vote”

Speaking at Atlanta’s Elizabeth Baptist Church, where Bishop Craig L. Oliver, Sr. introduced her by gushing: “God has raised her in the capacity of an Esther in today’s time. For such a time as this, God has exalted her.” Abrams goes on to explain why the right to abortion is so important, much to the uproarious cheering and clapping of the lost goats and goatlings in the crowd, then butchers the famous “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” by replacing it with her true God.
I come from a tradition of faith. And I believe that I have the right to control my body and control my future, and that that belongs to me alone. (Cheering and clapping from congregation) And I don’t want to make the choice for anybody else, but I don’t want some man who’s never met me in my doctor’s office with me. (More clapping and cheering)
In the tradition of Esther, and Deborah and Ruth, of Mary and Marth; it took men to break this place, it’s gonna take a woman to put it right.
She continues:
“I was recently reading the book of Lamentations. And it’s an interesting five books when you read the five chapters, it’s about being under siege. It’s about Judah being under siege and being told there isn’t enough for everyone so you are going to have to starve. Starve of food, starve of opportunity, starve of freedom.
But the book of Lamentations is about reminding us that even in siege, we have an opportunity to see the future. That we have the chance to rise up and have more. And voting is how we do that in a democracy. Over the next 23 days, we can decide who we intend to be. Do we want to serve each other, or do we want to serve those who would keep us subservient?
For me in my house, I plan to vote.”
h/t WokepreacherTV
This godless parade float is the poster child of the Democrat Party – congratulations on your hopefully imminent retirement.