
Ally Henny, Woke VP of The Witness BBC, Publishes Book about Not Shutting Up

The LGBTQ-affirming, openly pro-choice Vice President of Jemar Tisby’s Black Christian Collective Organization has written a new book; I Won’t Shut Up: Finding Your Voice When the World Tries to Silence You.

Indeed, she won’t “shut up.” This is the same woman who advised black women not to enter into interracial relationships with white people; then, she said that she’s concerned about the number of black ‘coons’ running for political office because white people are ‘weaponizing’ them

She also said that white children are racist after observing THIS normal playground behavior and that white people enjoy the viral ‘It’s Corn!’ video because they’re racist. She recently accused a nine-year-old girl of engaging in problematic behavior” by wearing a “black hairstyle” and therefore being guilty of being white supremacy and “cultural appropriation.” From the Amazon book description:

Being Black in a society developed by white men to benefit white men means constantly pushing back against systems that were not constructed for your flourishing. White privilege. White cultural norms. White beauty standards. White noise. You’re made to feel that your life doesn’t matter, your opinions aren’t valid, and your entire existence is too loud. It can feel like the whole world is telling you to shut up.

To these forces, Ally Henny is here to say, “No. I am a loud Black woman, and I won’t shut up.” Ally knows what it’s like to navigate racism and racialized sexism, having spent most of her life in predominantly white spaces. She’s not taking it anymore, and she’s calling you to join her in resisting racism by speaking the truth–no matter the cost. In this compelling book, Ally tells her own story of finding her voice, pushing back against oppression, and embracing her unique perspective as a loud Black woman. And she invites you to find your voice in a world that tries to silence you.

And a few samples (click to enlarge)

Unsurprising, her book is endorsed by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes, a radical, a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ+ feminist who once wrote a devotional asking God to help her hate white people, and her boss Jemar Tisby, who says the book is about ‘amplifying your voice to create a more just and inclusive world.’

Given her constant race-baiting and racial invective, Henny’s voice is the last one that needs amplifying.


A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 47

The forty-seventh in this year’s series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click pictures to enlarge them.

Album #1Album #2 Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13 Album #14 Album #15 Album #16 Album #17 Album #18 Album #19 Album #20 Album #21 Album #22 Album #23 Album #24 Album #25 Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46


Joshua Harris’ Ex-Wife Releasing Memoir About Leaving the ‘Evangelical Cult’

Shannon Harris, the ex-wife of famed apostate Joshua Harris, has written a memoir about her time as a Christian wife, delving into her deconstruction and how she rescued herself from the cult of evangelicalism.

In 1997, at 21, Joshua Harris published his first book, “I Kissed Dating Goodbye.” The book became a bestseller and resonated with many young Christians who sought guidance in their romantic relationships. Harris advocated for a more intentional and biblical approach to dating, promoting the idea of courtship and abstinence before marriage.

The success of “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” propelled Harris into the national spotlight, and he became a sought-after speaker at conferences and events. He went on to publish several other books, including “Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship” and “Not Even a Hint: Guarding Your Heart Against Lust.” His writings emphasized the importance of sexual purity, emotional purity, and surrendering one’s desires to God’s will.

Harris would eventually take over the pastorate of Covenant Life Church from C.J. Mahaney but step down in 2015 to do a little deconstructing. By 2019 he had renounced his faith, divorced his wife, and became a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ atheist.

Shannon’s book, The Woman They Wanted: Shattering the Illusion of the Good Christian Wife, is about that journey by his side and her own deconstruction into a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ atheist. According to her website:

The Woman They Wanted recounts Shannon’s remarkable experience inside Big Church–where she was asked to live within a narrow definition of womanhood for almost two decades–and her subsequent journey out of that world and into a more authentic version of herself.

Entering conservative American Christianity was like being drawn out to sea, she writes, inexorable and all consuming. Slowly, her worldview was narrowed, her motivations questioned, her behavior examined, until she had been whittled down to an idealized version of femininity envisioned as an extension of her husband and the church. This decidedly patriarchal world, perpetuated even by the other women, began to feel like a slow death.

However, when Sovereign Grace Ministries fell apart due to leadership conflicts and Shannon found herself outside church circles for the first time in years, she heard her intuition calling to her again. As she began to shake off the fog of depression and confusion, that voice grew louder. In honoring it, she awakened to the realities in which she had been trapped and found her truest self.


SBC Pastor Says the SBC Views Women as Poorly as Racist 1850’s Segregationist Viewed Slaves

SBC Pastor Dwight McKissic, the CRT-embracing, pro-choice egalitarian who can frequently be found advocating for every weird and woke position within the denomination, and who keeps on threatening to leave the convention but never does, has likened the SBC’s sentiments and treatment of women in 2023 to the racist treatment and attitudes towards enslaved black folks in the Antebellum South.

In a post on Twitter, McKissic says that he believes the following statement with his whole heart:

In 50-100 years our theologically conservative descendants will look back upon us theological conservatives now and lament just how poorly we viewed women much like we look back on our pro slavery and segregationist forefathers for their racist views.

Of course, our pro-slavery and segregationist forefathers believed black folks weren’t even human but were little more than property. Many believed they were dumb beasts fit to be abused, molested, tortured, and killed at the discretion of the plantation owner.

In contrast, conservative Southern Baptists don’t think women should be pastors of churches but can and should fill nearly every other role within the body for the local church’s life, health, and joy- and that there is neither slave nor free, male or female, but all are one in Jesus Christ.

Basically the same.

More about McKissic
Prominent SBC Pastor Suggests ‘Abortion is Not Murder’ in Cases of Rape and Incest
Prominent SBC Pastor Advocates For Abortion in Cases of Rape and Incest
SBC Pastor Says Gospel Unity Demands Female Pastrixes


Yet Another North Point Pastor Joins Andy Stanley’s LGBTQ-Affirming Conference

With the news that North Point Community Church is still committed to hosting the controversial Unconventional Conference, where Andy Stanley will be a keynote speaker, two more speakers have been added to the list.  

The conference is being put on by Embracing the Journey, a radical gay-affirming ministry that partners with North Point that offers to counsel parents of struggling LGBTQ+ children. 

Notably, nearly all the speakers are gay-affirming and pro-homosexuality, some radically so, including at least one in a ‘gay marriage.’ While some have suggested the conference would be canceled after the revelation of who the speakers are coming to light, new announcements show it’s right on schedule and has garnered “unprecedented” interest.

For more on North Point Community Church’s and Andy Stanley LGBTQ affirming stance, see below.

Gay Man with a ‘Husband’ Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
Video: Gay-Affirming North Point Church Leader Cheers As She’s Given Lap Dance by Drag Queen
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counselling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman

Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

North Point Hosting Conference With Founder of World’s Largest LGBTQ Christian Advocacy Org
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal

Because a distinct portion the leadership at North Point is gay-affirming, the speaker list refects this, with almost all of them being pro-homosexuality in one way or another. 

  • Greg and Lynn Mcdonald are both affirming. Their organization recommends all pro-queer resources and endorses books about why the bible celebrates homosexuality, rather than condemns it.
  • Andy Stanley is affirming, according to testimony by three pastors, and a famed apologist, as well as the ministries he allows to flourish in his church.
  • Debbie Causey is an affirming, pro-gay pastrix at North Point who celebrates affirming ministries and is a board member of the pro-LGBTQ advocacy group Renovus.
  • Justin Lee is the founder of the world’s biggest pro-LGBTQ advocacy group, and regularly promotes homosexuality as an excellent and normative orientation. 
  • Rev. Dr. David P. Gushee is a pro-LGBTQ affirming author who wrote a book about it Changing Our Mind: Definitive 3rd Edition of the Landmark Call for Inclusion of LGBTQ Christians with Response to Critics
  • Dr Michael Sytsma sits on the board of Directors of Pro-LGBTQ organization Embracing the Journey and has appeared with North Point staffer Ryan Gray on the church’s Care Network several times as a teacher
  • Brian Nietzel is a gay man married to his ‘husband’ and is the founder of the pro-LBGTQ advocacy group Renovus, where several members of North Point Church sit on the board.
  • Al Causey is Debbie’s husband and the Adult Ministries & Ministry Services Director at Gwinnett Church, one of North Point’s satellite churches. 
  • David Quinones – a parent of a gay son and a frequent speaker at Embracing the Journey, he builds bridges that foster healing and reconciliation between the church, LGBTQ+ individuals, and their families. He recently created a Family Care Group for family members of gay kids. 

Now, the conference has added two more speakers to the mix. One is Pastor Chris Kim, Director of Adult Ministry Environments at Woodstock City Church, which is one of North Point’s multisite churches. He’s doing a presentation on “Your Core Beliefs and Why They’re Important:
Understanding How Differences Don’t Have to Separate Us.” The second is S. LaShay Dowley, a Christian sex therapist and owner of Owner of Enduring Connections Counseling Group. She’s a ‘BDSM and kink sensitive provider’ and her clients include LGBTQ couples. She is doing a talk on “The Walking Wounded Caring for You and Your Child’s Mental Health.”


Holy Ghost Bender? Brian Simmons Claims 60 Children Knocked Out After Coming Into His Presence

NAR ‘Apostle’ and heretic extraordinaire Dr. Brian Simmons continues to up the ante on how bizarre he can be and how tall a tale he can tell, claiming during a conversation with Sid Roth that one time he was so full of the Holy Spirit that God “literally” melted a wall in his house. He further claimed that following this incident, he went shopping where anyone who came within 12 feet of him fell to the ground.

Rather than seeing this as a terrifying event- people are dropping like flies around him- Simmons takes it all in stride and has no reaction to it- as if watching grown adults collapsing en masse in public is the most normal thing in the world. Those knocked out include 60 children who he says “they’re not going to make this up or just mimic somebody else.”

Simmons is the author of The Passion Translation, a single-author “translation” of the scriptures by Simmons of Stairway Ministries, who wrote it after he claimed that Jesus appeared to him and gave him “secrets” of the Hebrew language. Lest you be confused about the “Dr.” in front of his name, it wasn’t due to his scholarly prowess.

Rather, he received it from Wagner Leadership Institute – an NAR organization founded by C. Peter Wagner that offers courses in subjects like dream interpretation and miracle-working, and where you can get a “Masters of Spiritual Healing, Deliverance, and Warfare” or a “Masters of Apostolic Leadership and Applied Ministry.”

We previously covered him:

‘The Passion’ Bible Creator Claims the Holy Spirit is a Woman: ‘I don’t know why we don’t talk to Her.’
‘The Passion Translation’ Creator Brian Simmons Says YOU are the Antichrist+ Bizarre Bible Twist
NAR Bible ‘Translation’ Dropped By Bible Gateway, Author Claims ‘Cancel Culture’


Openly Queer ‘Christian’ Artist Hits #1 Song on Christian iTunes Charts, Unseating Chris Tomlin

Openly gay ‘Christian’ artist Semler had her new single ‘Faith’ top the Christian iTunes charts on the last day of Pride month, beating out such mainstays as Chris Tomlin, Brandon Lake, Cece Winans, and Phil Wickham to take the number one spot.

Semler (Grace Baldridge) is a newcomer to the Christian music scene, a ‘married’ non-binary lesbian who has been gaining some publicity after her previous profanity-laced album briefly held the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts. Last year she toured with Relient K, the queer-affirming former Christian band, gaining prominence and visibility. She also recently wrote the “world’s gayest worship song” after channeling the hurt of someone who “broke my heart for Jesus.”

Ticking off all the boxes you’d expect to see from a woman with her haircut, last year she raged against the ruling to overrule Roe v Wade, tweeting out a link where people could give to nearly 90 pro-choice abortion funds, then pleaded to be considered for “Best New Artist” at the 53rd annual Dove Awards, an event she ultimately attended.

Though she briefly held the number #1 spot, her song has not gained airplay on Christian stations yet, but with the way things are going, it’s just a matter of time.


Steven Furtick’s Church Withdraws from the SBC Over Women Ordination+ Here’s 6 of His Pastrixes

Elevation Church, the 20-location, 25,000-member multisite church led by Steven Furtick, has withdrawn from the Southern Baptist Convention over the issue of women’s ordination, making it the second most prominent church to part ways with the embattled denomination. 

In a message sent to the Credentials Committee, Elevation Church CFO Chunks Corbett explained that “Elevation Church is withdrawing its affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention effective immediately,” and “our Statement of Beliefs on our website is very much in line with the Baptist Faith and Message – we have no intention of changing those core beliefs.” 

While they did not give an official reason for leaving, noting that “We have no plans to make a public announcement on this decision,” sources have told Protestia that their departure was a direct result of the SBC forcing the issue with Rick Warren and Saddleback. 

And why wouldn’t they? The church is teeming with women ‘pastors’ and should have been expelled a long time ago. The fact that they weren’t is an indictment against the cowardly Credentials Committee who have refused to do their jobs for years.

While Elevation Church keeps staff names hidden from public view, a perusal of LinkedIn and social media finds lady pastors are about as abundant as we thought. To offer a few, apart from Furtick’s well-known pastor wife Holly:

And lastly Shannon Eichorn, who was ordained in 2022.

Bonus content.

Steven Furtick is known for having the term “narcegesis” (narcissistic exegesis) named after him based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn’t make every story revolve around him, as well as his penchant to wear outfits that cost more than most mortgages and buddying up to Trinity-Denier T.D Jakes.

Here are some of his best/ worst hits:

Never Forget: The Steven Furtick Coloring Book+ All the Pages We Have Uncovered
Uncovered! 2013 ‘Boot Camp Book’ from Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church. Feat. ‘THE CODE’
Steven Furtick Engages in Rank Heresy: ‘What God is; You Are’
Would you Pay $2480.30 For Tickets to a Steven Furtick/ Elevation Worship Concert?
Steven Furtick’s Son’s New Rap Song Ft. Guns, Sex and Designer Clothes+ Mother Endorses
Steven Furtick Says God Doesn’t Make You into a New Creation
$1090 Sweater? $1990 Handbag? $2720 Coat? Round-Up of Preachers N Sneakers
Steven Furtick Goes on a Wild, Wild, Willllldd Rant about Betas and Blessings
‘Twerking for the Lord?’ Steven Furtick Laughs as TD Jakes Disgraces his Wife
Steven Furtick Screams ‘I Am God Almighty!’ In Wild Sermon
Steven Furtick Promotes Trinity Denier’s Book + Says His Kids Think his Words are Scripture
TNB drops Millionaire Heretic Kenneth Copeland after 40 years, Picks up Millionaire Heretic Steven Furtick


Anna Duggar’s Dad Preaches Insanely Stupid Sermon About Slavery

Arkansas-based minister Mike Keller, who is associated with the Duggar family, is currently in the hot seat. This follows the emergence of clips on the internet showing him delivering a wild, wild sermon that is illogical and ignorant at best and steeped in racism at worst.

Keller is the father of Anna Duggar and the father-in-law of convicted pedophile Josh Duggar, who is currently serving a 12.5-year sentence for possessing CSAM. Showing his poor judgment, Keller previously penned a letter to the judge, pleading for leniency towards Duggar. He described him as “very gentle, kind and polite to everyone” and cited an instance where Duggar covered half the cost of a transmission repair for a customer at his dealership as a testament to his peaceful nature.

For a quarter of a century, Keller has volunteered in the prison system and occasionally performed guest sermons. During one such sermon at Fairpark Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, Keller recounted how he was advised by a pastor friend not to attend the January 6 rally at the Capitol building, citing it as a “trap.”

Heeding this advice, Keller says that he decided not to attend and then draws a wonky parallel between the wisdom of Republicans not protesting at the rally, to enslaved black folks in the 19th century not protesting either.

“Folks, I want to tell you; it is really simple. I’ll show you how to change America.”

A hundred-fifty years ago, or 200 years ago when the blacks were slaves. Did they ever go to Washington D .C. and have a rally 200 years ago to protest against slavery? Did they? No. What did they do? Well, a lot of good people in the plantations would say, ‘hey, it’s wintertime. Let’s let us help build a church for you, dear folk.’ And they loved them and taught them how to read so they could read the Bible. And here’s what the blacks did about 150 years ago.

They humbled themselves. They prayed. They sought God’s face and they turned from their wicked ways. And God made slavery illegal through several white Presidents, right? It worked, didn’t it? They didn’t protest.

Maybe there’s a place for protest. I don’t know. But that was a wise pastor that warned his flock (not to attend the rally)”

There’s nothing to love there any everything to hate. Keller spins a revisionist tale where “good people on the plantations,” presumably slave owners, benevolently built churches for the enslaved Black community and taught them to read – specifically, the Bible. This narrative conveniently overlooks the well-documented reality that enslaved Black people were usually forbidden to learn to read, were generally denied their preferred religious practices, often had to construct their own living spaces, many that were in shambles, and were to the man terrorized and abused by their ‘Masters.’

Futher, his comments about how slaves didn’t protest but rather were rescued by Presidents afte rthey ‘turned from their wicked ways’ ignored the influential Black abolitionists who used their words and actions to fight for change, the courageous efforts of Black Underground Railroad conductors who risked their lives to help others escape to freedom, and the countless individuals who participated in slave rebellions across the U.S.

Perhaps most ignorantly, Keller also glossed over the fact that evil and abominable slave owners typically denied their human property the basic right of free movement and to travel at will- and were not so keen to let their slaves travel off to Washington to rally and protest their own captivity.

h/t to itsrowsdower on Tiktok for the original video.


‘The Passion’ Bible Creator Brian Simmons Claims the Holy Spirit is a Woman: ‘I don’t know why we don’t talk to Her.’

NAR ‘Apostle’ and heretic extraordinaire Brian Simmons continues saying weird and wonky things, claiming that the Holy Spirit is feminine in a newly unearthed video and lamenting, ‘I don’t know why we don’t talk to Her.’

It’s a strange claim, given that The Passion Translation of the bible refers to the Holy Spirit as a ‘he,’ countering his own claims. (Simmons is the author and creator of TPT. He claims that during a trip to heaven, Jesus appeared to him and gave him “secrets” of the Hebrew language, which is the basis of the book_

In a message preached at a Passion for LA event, put on in conjuction with Bethel’s Schools of Supernatural Ministry, Simmons makes the following claim:

Isaiah 4 verse 3 ‘it’s the spirit of fire that cleanses the daughters of Jerusalem’ which is a picture, the women of Zion is a picture of churches, local churches are feminine. Jesus is not coming back for a husband, and the bride is his (favorite?) We are feminine in his eyes, we are feminine.

By the way, did you know the Holy Spirit in both Greek and Hebrew is always feminine? But nobody would want to talk to Her that way. I don’t know why we don’t talk to Her. I think we got an issue or two but that’s alright.”

h/t to Revealing Truth for the video and the thumbnail, which I stole from his video.