Sex-Scandal Sees Neuma Church Pastors Get Slap on the Wrist, Two-Year Time-Out

Neuma Church pastor and prophetess Corey Turner and Stacey Hilliar have learned their fate after committing adultery and sleeping together: losing their ministry credentials for “a minimum of two years.”
Neuma is Australia’s newest multi-site, multi-country megachurch. With a dozen churches worldwide, it has positioned itself to take up the mantle from Hillsong in terms of influence and cultural impact. To a greater degree than Hillsong, it is a New Apostolic Reformation congregation whose goal is to take dominion over the seven mountains of influence.
Two months ago, Turner and Hilliar were exposed as having a months-long affair, resulting in their resignations.
The two-year ban is a gentle slap on the wrist and hair tussle by the Australian Christian Churches (ACC), the overseeing body led by Wayne Alcorn. The ACC is famously corrupt and avoids transparency at all costs, erring on covering up and hiding sins rather than exposing them publicly every time. The Framework, which acquired the documents, notes that even this message is not a public statement but was sent only to ACC pastors.
Alcorn explains that following an “extensive process,” following “serious breaches of the ACC Ministerial Code of Conduct,” the two should lose their ministry credentials for a minimum of a mere two years.

We expect to see Turner launching a new church exactly two years from the day.
Both have permanently disqualified themselves from ministry. Neither should ever stand behind a pulpit ever again. The woman was already pre-disqualified in any case …