‘Anointed’ Supplements Make Naked Appeal to Christians
A new product has emerged that has put the "Jesus is the light of the world" Jesus-shaped flashlight with extra...
A new product has emerged that has put the "Jesus is the light of the world" Jesus-shaped flashlight with extra...
Los Angeles County has issued Grace Community Church (GCC) a $1,000 fine for violating a COVID sign ordinance by having...
Disney has thanked the Chinese Government for allowing them to film in Xinjiang, the site of widespread human rights abuses...
A well-known critic of Ravi Zacharias has released a video alleging the famous, since-deceased Christian apologist and author engaged in...
"...I see violence and strife in the city. Day and night they go around it on its walls, and iniquity...
In today’s program, JD discusses an article from the Gospel Coalition shaming Christians for being involved in fighting against wickedness,...
The Gospel Coalition, fresh off the press of promoting The Porter's Gate "Songs of Lament," has likewise promoted the companion...
A Dallas-based megachurch pastor is temporarily stepping down from the 11,000 member church he's pastored for 20 years, taking a...
A Bethel Church worship leader went ahead with his massive worship concert in Seattle Monday night, drawing thousands to the...
The Gospel Coalition has continued their rapid devolution into full-woke beast mode by sharing and promoting a series of new...