Episcopal Bishop Who Rebuked Trump Gets 20,000 Letters of Support

Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, has revealed that she received around 20,000 letters of support for rebuking Donald Trump during an inauguration day sermon he attended.

In a reel post to Facebook, Budde shares, “I’ve stepped out of social media for a time, but I wanted to step back in to say thank you. I cannot tell you how much it has meant to me to receive the letters, phone calls notes, gifts, and expressions of gratitude, support, and encouragement. And I am persuaded that there is a spirit of love and goodness in this land that flows to all of us and that now is a time for us to stand together, take courage from one another, and learn together how to be a better person…”

A spokesperson for the Diocese of Washington shared that nearly all of the 20,000 pieces of mail Budde received in the past month were positive, though we can’t help but imagine the scales aren’t tipped so favorably. 

Two months ago, Trump was confronted from the pulpit by the pastrix during a service at the National Cathedral. Here, she took him to task for his plans to fulfill upcoming election promises, including lawfully removing illegal immigrants, and begged him to “have mercy” on illegal immigrants and transgender children who are fearing for their lives as a result of his decisive election victory.

Notably, Budde previously raked Trump over the coals in 2020 for his infamous photo op with a bible outside of St. John’s Episcopal Church, which had been set on fire by protesters the evening before.

The rebuke-couched-as-a-plea earned her the praise of progressives and the scorn of biblical Christians, who fully know what she stands for. Unsurprisingly, as the overseer of a denomination that allows its clergy to support polygamy, abortion, unmarried couples shacking up, pre-marital sex, and even rejecting the divinity of Christ, Budde is about as radical as they come.

This recent Easter sermon explaining what the phrase ‘Jesus died for your sins’ means and how she thinks about it demonstrates what an apostate heretic she is.

With a median congregational age of 69 and a commitment to dolling out poisoned heresy caramels, the Episcopal Church is dying, both figuratively and literally. 

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1 thought on “Episcopal Bishop Who Rebuked Trump Gets 20,000 Letters of Support

  1. The rebuke that this person will hear at the Judgement will make all those letters of support seem like wood, hay & stubble. Pity her soul – not necessarily for rebuking Trump but for perverting the pulpit with heretical teaching.

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