‘Prophet’ Shawn Bolz ‘Canceled’ By Charismatics For ‘Strangled Wife’ Prophecy+ Removed From TBN, Sid Roth

Prominent ‘prophet’ Shawn Bolz is being canceled from several charismatic organizations over allegations that he has been using secretly gathered social media information to make accurate ‘prophetic words’ over people, including one nearly led to the death of a young woman.
A month ago we wrote the article Shawn Bolz’s False Prophecy Leads Woman To Marry An Abusive Strangler? where we detailed accusations of using personal information derived from Facebook to put a woman in harm’s way by “prophesying” that she marry a man who later tried to kill her.
It’s not the first time we’ve brought him up. We’ve been ragging on him for over a decade, calling him a wolf and false prophet for years, with the rest of the world finally catching up.
Since our article, more people have picked up the story and begun to raise a ruckus, sharing their own interactions and experiences with Bolz and pointing to allegations going back years.

Now, his false prophecies have seemingly begun to have real consequences.
Bolz is no longer listed on Trinity Broadcasting Network’s website, whereas just a few weeks ago, he had his own splash page with multiple shows and streams listed.
Before on TBN


He’s also no longer listed in Sid Roth’s ‘It’s Supernatural,’ which is amazing given that Roth is as corrupt as they come, with a long history of platforming inveterate liars and crazy-as-rat-in-a-coffee-can weirdos, and has never let a bad lie get in the way of a good story.
Before on Sid Roth’s ‘It’s Supernatural’


For his part, Bolz has released a Statement of Prophetic Integrity on his website, rejecting the allegations and insisting “we would never condone and we would refute that we would ever find information online to prophesy over people.”
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