Pastor Asks Congregants To Bring Extra Underwear to Church So He Can Bless Their ‘Breasts’ and ‘Biscuits’

Paseka Motsoeneng, or Prophet Mboro, is the lead prophet/ pastor/ and televangelist of Incredible Happenings Ministries in Johannesburg, South Africa.

A prosperity gospel heretic and sexual pervert, Mboro claims that he can heal every ailment that can afflict the body, as well as cast out devils and evil spirits. During his services, he frequently has people testify to miracles they received after being prayed for, including crocodiles and fish coming out of their bodies. Some women had also insisted that they were giving birth to snails and snakes before he touched them, speaking to a level of deception and fraud that is endemic.

He’s also a multi-millionaire, frequently seen driving expensive sports cars and jewelry worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Several years ago, he came under fire after, in front of a thousand churchgoers, he stuck his fingers inside the vagina of a seventeen year-old girl, in order to heal her from an evil spell that was cast over her by a “sorcerer.”

In 2017, he was further lambasted after he “healed” a man from erectile dysfunction and then urged the couple to have sex on camera so they could film it to show their testimony, which they did. Mboro instructed the sex to place under the blankets and blurred out their private parts whenever they flashed the videographers.

In a recently unearthed clip from Reggie Yates’ Extreme South Africa: The Millionaire Preacher, a profile of this wild-eyed heretic features Mboro telling congregants to bring an extra set of underwear to church that they can wave around so that he can bless their “biscuits” (vaginas) and “vuvuzelas” (penises).

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