Another “Prophecy” From Brandon Biggs Citing Major Attack On Trump Inaguration Doesn’t Come To Pass

A prominent charismatic prophet continues to embarrass himself and reveal himself to be thoroughly false and discredited after he prophesied a major attack on the US Capitol during Trump’s inauguration and then poorly explained it away when it didn’t come to pass.
Brandon Biggs has a YouTube channel where he spends much of his time recounting visions and prophetic dreams the Lord is giving him, sharing hundreds of prophecies that he believes he is being shown, most involving the destruction of the United States and upcoming doom and pestilence. (See endnotes) We last wrote about him after he claimed the Lord describes North Korea’s despotic dictator as ‘Pillsbury Doughboy.’
He gained notoriety this past summer after charismatics claimed he prophesied Trump’s assassination – a claim that made it into major news sources like Newsweek and The New York Post. The prophecy was easily debunked- we did it right here, but it still netted him hundreds of thousands of followers, allowing him to earn enough income from his channel to be a full-time prophet.
In a video posted on January 3rd, Biggs unveiled a new series of catastrophic prophecies and revelations set to befall President Donald Trump at his inauguration. The Tribune summarizes:
Biggs described his vision of a terror attack, stating he saw “massive dump trucks” filled with fertilizer-based explosives intended to cause a “major catastrophic event.” He compared this vision to the Oklahoma City bombing of April 19, 1995, when a domestic terrorist used a truck bomb to destroy the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.
Brandon Biggs suggested that the attacks would be “bigger than terrorists” and were a retaliation for the assassination of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani in January 2020. He claimed these individuals came through extensive underground tunnels often used for drug trafficking.
The pastor further stated that the operation would be a multimillion-dollar scheme that had been in progress since the previous administration. He also mentioned that he saw “darkness” looming in “ten major cities.” “Lord said this is not terrorist per se, this is a government of another country coming against America, making it looks like it’s terrorists.”
Brandon Biggs further maintained that the alleged attacks were designed to “bring fear upon the American citizens” and serve as “retaliation” against Donald Trump and his allies.
Of course, it never came to pass with Biggs, who frequently deletes old videos, so people cannot hold him accountable for past “prophecies.” Instead, he pulled out the old charismatic canard. He claimed that the major terror attack was thwarted by people praying against it, all the while contradicting himself with details of how and why this calamity was avoided. In this short video, Revealing Truth explains how it all went down:
Recent prophetic visions and prophecies Biggs has made include the Lord showing him an upcoming massive EMP attack on America from “Oriental people” using missiles from the “USSR” that take out half the midwest, that Italy will have an enormous volcano eruption that will cause significant devastation, that there will soon be another plague that will kill 350,000,000 people, and that there will be a major earthquake that results in helicopters having to fly in food for hundreds of cities across America because all the bridges will collapse across the country.
Maybe the real dump trucks full of fertilizer are the CNN talking heads we met along the way.
Another one bites the dust. Come on Charismatics, stop supporting these false prophets. As believers our common enemies are laughing at us.