Bethel Church Hosting Arch-Heretic Benny Hinn For ‘Holy Spirit’ Conference

As if anyone needed another reason why Bethel Church is a hive of scum and theological villainy, look no further than an upcoming conference they are putting on, where Benny Hinn will be a keynote speaker.
Bethel Church in Redding, California, the10,000-member monstrosity led by Bill Johnson, is an assortment of false teaching and bizarre charismatic shenanigans. From ‘Little God theology,’ using prophetic Uno cards, going on satanic treasure hunts, teaching that Adam created the animals in Eden, that Michael the Archangel wears tights, that angels sit around the throne of God having “farting contests,” and possessing and using the infamous ‘Honey Barrel,‘ it’s a hotbed of strange fire burning uncontrollably throughout Christendom. (see endnotes.)
The 2025 Holy Spirit Conference, which is taking place at their Cleveland location March 12-14, features:
- Benny Hinn.
- Michael Koulianos: Benny Hinn’s son-in-law and the founder of Jesus Image and Jesus Image Church.
- Jessica Koulianos: Hinn’s daughter and the director of Director of Jesus School.
- John Arnott: a false NAR apostle who was pastored Toronto Vineyard church at the time of the insane and unhinged ‘Toronto blessing,’ as well as the founder of Catch The Fire Network of Churches.
- Steve Witt: Senior Leader of Bethel Cleveland who is part of Harvest Apostolic network.

According to the promo material, attendees at the conference will be “gathering to encounter the sacred presence and holiness of Jesus in a powerful way” and where they will be “setting our hearts to be transformed by His holy love” while “press[ing] into the fullness of Acts 1:8”
Recall that it wasn’t that long ago that Bethel also invited Kenneth Copeland to give the message at their evening service, heaping praise upon the elderly devil.
We fully expect them to do the same here.
Bill Johnson: Students Cannot Graduate from BSSM Until They Give 3 FALSE Prophecies
Bethel Pastrix: ‘Jesus Laid in that Bed with Me and Started to Play with my Hair’
Bethel Chief Prophet says God made Adam ‘Male’ AND ‘Female’ + Adam ‘co-created Eve’
Bethel Church Has a ‘Lab’ Where they Apply Scientific Methods to The Prophetic + People. Only $2750!
Weird Alert! Bethel Pastor Invites Church to Perform ‘Prophetic Act’ and ‘Wallow’ Like A Pig
Bethel Church Offers Courses on Interpreting Dreams for $150
Religious clown show.
In your article’s total reliance on theological slander and innuendo, it ignores any meaningful treatment of the multiple biblical passages which support the views of Hinn-Johnson, et al, passages that expressly contradict your apparent cessationist views. Suggest you read up on Augustine’s ‘Retractions’ and ‘City of God’ before you respond. In his City of God, for example, Augustine documented over 70 contemporaneous miracles he attributed to God…so, unless you’re ready to call Augustine a liar, please provide an explanation for those miracles. Oh, and be careful to use the Bible, and not any fabricated, anti-biblical, extra-biblical traditions.
On the nose brother.
As a matter of fact church history has countless miracles and answers to prayer.
GOD will never revoke HIS gifts or promises.
GOD can not lie.
Wow. Propaganda much?
I’ve never heard of this “Benny Hinn” in my life. I’ve heard of Benny Hill, but not Benny Hinn. But the level of propaganda here is stunning.
“Bethel Church is a hive of scum”. They may be, I have no idea. But ad hominem attacks don’t make you look like a good reporter. At all.
If they do, indeed, give a perverse view of scripture, then giving them free advertising for their conference doesn’t seem like a good idea.
Want to know what DOES seem like a good idea? Call them in for an interview. Have your Bible in hand. Ask them to put forth their viewpoint. Then destroy it with scripture. And post that interview here.
It’s one thing to stand on a soap box and call people names. It’s another thing entirely to give them enough rope to hang themselves with their own words, while you tie the knots. One makes you sound like a raving nutcase. “THEY’RE EVIL INCARNATE! EVIL, I TELL YAH!” One makes you sound prepared and educated, and ready to defeat the devil, not call him names.
I never care for ANY “story” (that’s all they are) where 1 side espouses their viewpoint while the other side is oddly NEVER HEARD FROM. Notice how we’ve never heard nor seen one single video from one “Hamas” whoever telling anyone in the world that they’re doing anything at all for any reason?
Notice how everything “Hamas” does, the story COMES FROM “Israel” (note: NOT THE BIBLICAL ISRAEL), and NOT FROM HAMAS?
If Hamas were the villains…wouldn’t “Israel” bring them to court and let them speak? Let their own words hang them? WHY DO WE NEVER HEAR THEIR SIDE? THE RULE OF LAW, WHICH YOU SHOULD SUPPORT, SAYS BOTH SIDES GET TO BE HEARD.
As soon as someone says “We don’t NEED to hear what they have to say, they’re terrorist scum!”, then chances are you’re hearing the REAL terrorist speak right now. And they want the INNOCENT MAN DEAD so they cannot speak.
The only time we don’t give the other “side” a forum to speak, is when we fear what they say. That’s why you call someone a “terrorist”. So you can murder them, not TRY them in a court of law. It can be pretty scary when the “defendant” starts talking about the things YOU do, can’t it?
Now. Instead of posting propaganda slanderous hit pieces which are actually secret advertising for such people, why don’t you get them into your studio or wherever and let them speak? If they’re truly the lechers you claim, they will most surely hang themselves with the rope you give them. Let us hear their answers to your questions, and let us hear your answers to theirs. It’s called…can I get a drum roll…”Journalism”.
BOY! I was with you right up until you blew it about Israel.
Take note: I am not a Jew, I have no Jewish friends, I have never been to Israel. I DO NOT think they are all wonderful people.
But I am a guy who believes in the GOD of the Bible and I believe HE means what HE says.
I have no idea where you are getting your info about “all the stories coming from Israel” but that is just almost insane it is so wrong.
How can you live outside an unsealed cave and NOT know that virtually 100% of the MSM hates Israel and lies about them daily?
How have you missed the long list of stories where hamas/hesbola/ etc spokesmen claimn Israel did this or that then the media outlet has to issue a correction because they find out Israel was telling the truth all along?
Look, I am 71 yrs old. I remember Arafat whining to the UN about wanting a homeland a wanting peace with Israel and then they caught him over and over giving speeches in Farsi or whatever where he said “kill all the Jews” over and over.
Even 40 yrs ago the main stream media lied ON BEHALF OF THE TERRORISTS – NEVER EVER for Israel.
That fake christian Carter did everything he could to destroy Israel. HE betrayed the USA too many times to count as well.
Ever heard the media tell you that?
GOD is very very clear in HIS Word about forgiving those who hurt and mistreat us is HE not?
Are we allowed ANY excuses to hold bitterness or unforgiveness? NOPE!
That will never change because GOD does not change.
HE tells us in HIS word that HIS gifts and HIS calling can NEVER be revoked.
It is ALWAYS the devil who works overtime to lie to us to try and convince us GOD didn’t really mean what HE said..isn’t that true.
Isn’t that how he hit Eve, “God didn’t really mean what HE said…?”
Thing is once GOD has said it HE means it forever. GOD is not worth following if HE is deceptive or inconsistent.
Well that same GOD told us that *IF* we want HIS blessing then we should bless and pray for Israel.
NOT because they are good or deserve it. But because GOD said it. GOD was very very unambiguous about thisd. Thsoe hwho curse Israel, those who hurt Israel will not be blessed as they could be.
So ask yourself:
If you were satan and wanted to cripple a lot of the church what is a great lie that
you could feed them to keep them from seeing GOD’s blessing s and power flowing to them?
GOD is above al things a just GOD and a righteous GOD.
If HE ignores what HE has said or promised then HE is not just and righteous.
HE knows how badly HIS chosen people have acted. BUT, that will never affect HIS faithfulness to them. It can not or HE would be a liar.
GOD can not lie. HE can not break HIS Word. And if you think about that for just one second you must come to this conclusion:
OH THANK GOD! HE is faithful. HE does love me even when I mess up.
When we judge Israel not only are really judging GOD. We are saying HE should not keep HIS word.
We do not get to decide who is or is not a Jew any more than we get to decide who is and is not a Christian. GOD is the only one who can do that. We can judge the born again from their fruit. But that isn’t foolproof is it.
Please stop allowing those who don’t fear GOD to lie to you about Israel. satan owns most of the media and he sues MUCH of it that claimes to be Christian because they have been seduced by satan in this topic. GOD still loves them but they will see little of HIS power and anointing if they do not repent.
REMEMBER: Every lie we accept – no matter how small – leads us away from the truth of GOD. GOD live in truth – all truth is, in a sense, GOD’s truth. All lies – about anything – are from satan He is the father of lies – all lies.
Have you ever know someone who became agorphobic. It always start with some little fear or behavior, come OCD thing, then as they submit to that little lie from satan that little fear, satan brings another and another until they are too scared to leave the house.
Head stories of mothers or dads killing their entire family to save them?
That was something satan built inside them for months or years slowing sucking them in.
Every lie we accept takes us further from peace, joy, wisdom, health, kindness, and all that is GOD-like.
The devil started sowing lies division and corruption from the Garden. He has completely convinced millions they need a pope, or to pray to Mary…HOW crazy is that? But surely you don’t think those are his only deceptions – do you?
No, he has an infinite list of lies.
But the ones he likes best are the ones that cause the followers of CHRIST to be robbed, blinded, and deceived.
The Body of CHRIST has been misled by esoteric blather from over-educated “scholars’ who tried to make the simplicity of HIS word “deep”.
It is deep enough without all of the nonsense some of them added.
When GOD said to forgive HE meant it as simply as it can be taken. FORGIVE anyone for anything even 470 times in a single day…and every day if you must. simple.
Just decide to say I forgive you and ask GOD to help you as you pray for your enemies.
And isn’t that exactly what HE wants, you to ask for and receive HIS help.
But if you obey and CHOOSE to forgive and ask for HIS help and CHOOSE to believe HE will help you then HE does -every single time.
“You have not because you ask not.”
GOD bless you.
Please ask GOD with humility if the Nation of Israel and the inhabitants thereof are to be prayed for and blessed by you.
If you ask humbly and are willing to hear the truth HE will always answer.
GOD bless you
If you never heard of Benny Hinn before then you’re only 12 so nobody cares about youe opinion. He’s been on TBN doing fake miracle crusades since the 80s. All you did here is show you are a little kid.
White people took the gospel to the world and therefore should not listen to the black and brown newcomers who have added their voodo rituals to it under the name of “charismaticism” and created a vilw heresy. Just say no, and tell them to take their Satanic, Demonic, Hindu and African witchdoxtor rituals back to their toilet paper lacking homelands and stay there. They don’t want to be real Christians, ok, fine, but then they can go back and stay in their sanitation deprived feces hole countries. My religion ia mot your Halloween costume, Pajeeti Hinn; go back to India.
For those who will WRONGLY say this is racist, its not. When a non-White like Pajeeti Hinn is blessed by the the White race and our God with hearing the gospel, its racist of Pajeeti Hinn to then not stay in India and share that gospel with his own people but rather invent a new FALSE gospel and try to corrupt White people the world over with it.
Can you spell out for us precisely what he teaches that is not in the Word of GOD?
Could you give us sources from tapes of him or his books (not from third parties)?
I have heard accusations like this about a long list of teachers over the last 50 yrs and NEVER ONCE has anyone had any proof OTHER THAN lies from third parties. Well, there have been a couple of quotes out of context that when heard in context fell apart for the accusers of the brethren.
*IF* you actually care about GOD, HIS Word, HIS church etc, I suggest you read my long post above.
Christianity is and always was a white racial movement, not a religion.
There is a reason up until 100 years ago there was nothing BUT white people in church.
It was never FOR anyone else.
That may be the looniest thing I have seen this year!
I suggest you get a good book on the history of the church. The church had every race in it within it’s first few years. and withing a few decades it was all over the world. Listen. Just as real as GOD is SO TO real is GOD’s enemy satan. that liar has people making up nonsense all of the time. CHRIST warned of this. If you are going to believe things just because some idiot wrote them or said them you will be ignorant and confused all of your life.
Take a minute and read. If you hate GOD, the Bible , or Christianity then I 100% promise you that it is based upon lies you have been suckered into believing. Literally everything about Christianity is about freeing people from slavery of every kind.
But remember this: GOD can not stop liars and scum from using HIS name to hurt -con-enslave-cheat – steal etc etc.
We can not judge GOD and HIS word based on what evil men say and do – that is like me judging you on what your worst enemy says about you!
And know this too> Literally anyone can say they are a Christian. But unlike most other religions they are not a Christian just because they say so. GOD says we must be BORN AGAIN to be real Christians. And yeah, people lie about that too.
So here is the deal: We do not trust in men we go straight to GOD.
GOD will open our eyes and set us free as we CHOOSE to believe in HIM and HIS word.
It is fine if you don’t want GOD or HIS Word but man up about it.
Stop basing your fear of seeking HIM on silly stories that are proved lies by all of history.
I pray you will have the courage and intellectual integrity to seek GOD because HE will come if you do.
HE will show you HIS great love for you. HE will give you peace and joy you can not imagine.
GOD bless you.
So this site claims to be run by Christians – correct? And you claim to believe GOD and HIS Word?
Does GOD love us? Do you agree HE would never lie to us? Is HE all-powerful?
*IF* you answered “YES” to all of those then it is time for you to submit to GOD and HIS Word on a few points:
What is the worst class of sin? A: ‘Abominations’. In Proverbs 6: 16-19 GOD lists 6 sins HE hates – 7 that are abominations”.
May I reprove you as a brother to go and study out all of the meaning of the 7 things GOD lists? BECAUSE in that list HE equates spreading strife in the Body, lying about others, gossiping, etc, as the SAME LEVEL OF SIN AS OFFERING BABIES TO MOLOCH.
I was raised atheist. When I got saved I was still not sure so I spent two years trying to find a flaw, contradiction, error in the Word. I read the books that claimed there were errors BUT (being an honest seeker) I read the books by Bible experts that explained those false errors. and THEN I studied the Heb and Greek to make sure the Bible scholars were not lying.
As I learned and grew I was VERY careful about doctrine and Bible revelations. I read books on both sides of every issue.
When I was told healing was still going on today I did not believe *BUT* because I wanted the truth and was not so arrogant I would limit GOD I dei as I always did.
When I heard Kathryn Kuhlman was coming to St Louis I prepared. I read two books accusing her of all manner of deceit. I read two of her books. I then went to the choir tryouts so I could be onstage and see any fakery.
I was onstage watching people of all types crying and sobbing as they told what was healed on or in their bodies. I dismissed everyone. How could I know if they were lying? Maybe they were paid?
Then a very tall and fairly heavy young woman came up and said she had 4 vertebrae fused in her back and GOD healed her. KK said”Well if you are healed then touch your toes>’ The big girl did. I dismissed it I could see no scar.
About 5 minutes later I was quite surprised as a very well-dressed man came onto the stage. He was weeping like a baby and very very humble. KK asked him what happened to him.
He told her he had come to ridicule her. He was a surgeon and when he saw the large young woman come onstage he almost passed out when she touched her toes.
He said I know GOD healed her. I was the surgeon who fused her spine.
NORMALLY, I would have dismissed that…problem was I knew the surgeon. I knew he was an unbeliever, and I knew he would not be acting as he was if he was not profoundly broken. He professed CHRIST and he explained how all the metal must be gone from her back because she could not possibly have bent over under any circumstances.
RIGHT THEN, I repented of my unbelief. (note the phrase there_ I CHOSE to believe what GOD and HIS Word says about HIS miracles. Faith is CHOOSING to believe. The instant I did I began to sob and I knew that every single person I had seen was telling the truth.
That was about 50 yrs ago now. Since then GOD has done more miracles in my life, the life of my kids and this ministry than I could count.
GOD said that HIS gifts and callings can never be revoked. How is it you think they can be?
Why are well over 90% of the souls entering the kingdom coming through the HOLY SPIRIT filled churches all over the world?
Is satan real? Why are virtually all attacks trying to scare people away from ministries aimed at the most powerful ministries?
GOD’s Word, the entire recorded history of the Christian church and all of the evidence of GOD’s power say this:
HIS Word is still all true and for now until HE returns.
50 yrs ago the Copenhagen school (also know as the Higher Critics) claimed that King David was a myth and countless other lies that have blown up in their faces. Science and archeology have ripped apart evolution and most of the lies told about the Word. It has gotten so bad that the book “Is Atheism Dead” by Metaxas was a huge seller as it spelled out the facts on how all of the key arguments of atheists have crumbled beneath their feet.
You and your ilk keep trying to tell us GOD isn’t all HE says HE is. The HE really does not still do all HE says HE does. That everyone who believes HE is all-powerful and active is deceived. It’s quite sad really.
You have let the enemy convince you that HUNDREDS of HIS promises are not for you.
The enemy KNOWS the Word better than us. That liar knows that ‘without faith (choosing to believe) it is impossible to please GOD.”
OH, I am not saying you are not born again. But you have let the enemy lie you into bitterness and defeat.
My Bible tells me the way out and boy is it simple:
In Prov we are told that GODLY wisdom and GODLY knowledge are given to…..the humble.
All anyone has to do is what I did in the choir, up on the stage with KK .
I told GOD I was sorry and asked HIM to open my eyes.
GOD loves you. HE is the best FATHER there has ever been. HE has gifts for you beyond your imagination.
Either HE has all these things HE said HE has -or- HE was lying…you choose what to believe.
But HE asks you to seek HIM believing. Not “FEELING” like you believe – just choosing to believe.
Emotions are what satan uses, they are manipulations. GOD doesn’t do that to us.
And if you need more faith ask HIM and HE will help.
I will NOT debate as it never does any good in my experience.
But if you want answers and direction on what to read and listen to and how to move into a victorious anointed life reach out to me on Facebook mitch.graves1