‘Evangelical For Harris’ Lisa Sharon Harper Exposed as Pro-Trans Liberal Theologian

Shortly after Vice President Kamala Harris replaced President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, a slew of special-interest groups popped up in support of her: White Women For Harris, Black Women For Harris, South Asian Women For Harris, Muslim Women For Harris (that one has since disbanded), Black Gay And Queer Men For Harris, and many more.
What raised eyebrows for many believers, though, were two groups that quickly materialized: “Christians For Kamala” and “Evangelicals For Harris.” First off, how could a Christian support such a far-left, pro-abort, pro-trans politician? But also, why two separate organizations? Wouldn’t “evangelicals” feel at home among the “Christians”?
Well, watch the inaugural “Christians For Kamala” Zoom conference and you’ll see why. The entire stream is a rogue’s gallery of “progressive Christian” celebrities, the dregs of mainline and Emergent liberal activists: Brandan Robertson, Doug Pagitt, Jacqui Lewis, Jim Wallis, Diana Butler Bass, and Danté Stewart all spoke, with arch-lolcow John Pavlovitz serving as moderator. There were even several transgender featured speakers, such as Charlotte Clymer and Paula Stone Williams, who devoted much of his message to how the country must keep transing children.
Even the squishiest, soy latte-sipping Keller/Platt/Chandler fanboy would realize this crowd is more Unitarian Universalist than Christian and would quickly check out.
Hence “Evangelicals For Harris”: the name is more formal, more respectable, and so is the roster, as well. For instance, Dwight McKissick is all but fully egalitarian but is in good standing with the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention. To see any red flags on Claude Alexander, the chairman of Christianity Today, you have to dig deep into the archives of my YouTube channel.
Most of the Evangelicals For Harris have not come out as queer-affirming, the antinomian position that same-sex romance is not actually a sin if it is monogamous, nor is transvestism. Some, like Jemar Tisby and Ekemini Uwan, are closely associated with queer-affirming apostates. Others, I have my suspicions but can’t find any public evidence to corroborate it. But there is one clear example of an EFH influencer who has openly embraced all forms of sexual rebellion.
Meet Lisa Sharon Harper, an aspiring playwright turned activist and author. In the inaugural “Evangelicals For Harris” Zoom call, she summarized her faith journey this way:
I was baptized in a stream on the side of a mountain at the Creation music festival while I was in high school. I was raised up in the faith by my local church and discipled in Young Life high school ministry, Cru [Campus Crusade For Christ] undergrad ministry, and InterVarsity’s graduate ministry and eventually went on staff with InterVarsity for about ten years. I am an Evangelical.
However, according to her LinkedIn profile, that only takes us up to 2005, nearly 20 years ago. Since then, her employers have almost exclusively been far-left, social justice nonprofits.
Six years at Sojourners. Four years at the now-defunct NY Faith And Justice. Five years at the Jubilee USA Network. Currently, she serves on the boards of Shane Claiborne’s Red Letter Christians and Justice Revival (a think tank pushing hard to soften Christian resistance to the so-called “Equal Rights Amendment”), as well as an advisory board for the globalist Council On Foreign Relations.
Predictably, Harper is all in on “antiracism,” Black Lives Matter, and black liberation theology (after his passing, she eulogized the bigoted liberal James Cone as a “brilliant mind” who bettered the world, sharing a photo they took together).

She is also an advocate for race-based reparations, with no end in sight for payments to aggrieved black Americans.
If you suspect, then, that Harper’s views on economics, race, and crime might also align with the pagan left in areas like baby sacrifice and gender chaos, you’d be right. Her personal podcast, Freedom Road, shows her explicit embrace of abortion, which she frames as “reproductive justice,”
And over multiple episodes, Harper advocates for queer-affirming theology, including one titled “Transgender Lives Matter.” In this brief montage I created last week, her display of “evangelical” bona fides during the EFH call and her actual beliefs come off as deliberately two-faced:
The next step you can go beyond antinomian ethics is, of course, pagan deities, and Harper is at least flirting with it. In the “Transgender Lives Matter” episode, she co-signs a transgender “minister” from the Human Rights Campaign declaring that the Holy Spirit has a “feminine essence.”
Isn’t it interesting that, you know, we talk about having family values, we talk about loving our whole family, and yet the family of God, as in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we’ve actually, we’ve cut women, even, out of the family of God.
That the Spirit of God, even the word “spirit” is a feminine word, and ruach is a feminine word. And yet we have de-genderized God when, actually, in that iteration, the Holy Spirit, when in the text itself, the text tells us in black and white in actual language, God is both male and female.
And in another episode, she has the ex-Christian Christena Cleveland on as a guest to discuss the “divine feminine” and her book God Is A Black Woman:
CLEVELAND: I was learning about sacred feminine spirituality and theologies, and the sacred feminine way is an entirely different way, with your body in community. It’s non-hierarchical.
Everyone, everyone has their own personal connection to the divine source. You don’t need priests. There’s no interlocutors or anyone that’s an intermediary between you and the divine. It’s just a very different way of thinking.
HARPER: Like, is this Christian? Are we talking about…
CLEVELAND: Yes. Oh, some of, yeah. A lot of them are. Yeah. I mean, it just depends. I mean, it’s interesting because you can see common themes in all the patriarchal religions, and you can see common themes in all of the divine feminine religions. So like if you look at like divine feminine interpretations of the Trinity or something like that, then you’ll still see a lot more embodiment and a lot more of an emphasis on mutuality and a deeper connection between life and death and realizing they’re the same thing.
If all that is not enough to set off alarm bells, we can at the very least demonstrate that Harper was not honest with her mini-bio presented to the EFH Zoom call. While she describes her upbringing with Cru fondly there, she spat on the organization in a Religion News Service interview, claiming it instilled “internalized white supremacy” that she had to work out of herself later.
“Campus Crusade for Christ, very, very conservative and not only racist or white supremacist, but also patriarchy,” she lamented. “You really had hard white patriarchy at work in that organization.” She then says InterVarsity, which she also played up for EFH, was “slightly more progressive than Cru, but not where I am today.”
So if her association with Cru and InterVarsity are what proves she’s an evangelical, but Cru and Intervarsity are evil and/or “not where I am today,” she’s not an evangelical. She lied.
She lied to soothe the consciences of actual evangelicals weighing whether to support a presidential ticket that will federalize abortion protections, jail pro-life protesters, and appoint judges inclined to side with transgender activists taking children from “non-affirming” Christian parents. She lied to get past the defenses of anyone discerning enough to avoid “Christians For Kamala.”
She fulfills the warning of Paul to Timothy: “Evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.”
This startling revelation comes only from examining one promoter of Evangelicals For Harris. I’m certain that if we looked past the smooth words and smiling faces of others, we would see just as much theological rot. We’d see more deception and lies, all in service of the larger lie that conservative theology and left-wing politics can peacefully coexist, that the former won’t inevitably succumb to the latter.
Woke Preacher Clips is an independent researcher. Follow him at @wokepreachertv or @wokepreacherclips, depending on your preferred social media platform.
“Evangelicals for Harris” is like saying, “The Affordable Health Care Act” or “Planned Parenthood.”