Mike Cosper and the Pestering Demons Of Our Present Age

The predominant religion of Big Evangelicalism today is not Christianity but Neo-Socinianism, a patronizing cult of pseudo-intellectuals vying for respectability among those who do not respect Christ. Make no mistake about it, they are embarrassed by the Holy Bible and its timeless message of truth, and most importantly, they are embarrassed by you.

Pretending to be our providers, they are instead our persecutors, lecturers, and scolders. Whatever is the right side of the issue, they are on the left, pulling mightily upon the Overton Window with their spindly arms while declaring that they are – contrary to all powers of observation – in fact, more Gospel-centered than the rest of us.

Socinianism, the heresy named after Faustus Socinus, is not a belief system so much as it is a window for every malicious wolf in sheep’s clothing who wants to keep the silk vestments of the clergy but avoid the blood-stained robes of martyrdom.

Although associated with a specific branch of Unitarianism that began in Transylvania in the 16th Century, Socinianism—especially in its modern expressions—is far broader. It is the avenue, the entryway, the doorstep for every smarmy, pretentious, and self-righteous herald of a nicer but dumber, gutted gospel. It is the bandwagon for every softened creampuff scolder of evangelicals purporting to be smarter and kinder and wiser than the rest of us. But behind them, just as behind every heretical savant, is a demon.

No, really. Hear us out.

While “transgender” people are shooting up Christian schools, they’re trying to cover up their manifesto and paying for the funeral of the murderer but not the victims. While the Democrats pull a murder van into their convention parking lot, they’re telling us abortion and fiscal conservatism are moral equivalents. While our nation is being invaded by military-aged males from terrorist countries, they call us xenophobic. While homosexuals parade in the street, they tell us to soften our tone. While one political party is trying to assassinate the former president, criminalize speech, imprison their opponents, remove election safeguards, and promote candidates who couldn’t be bothered with winning a primary, they claim that we are the threat to democracy. When a government-funded virus ‘escaped’ a lab, they demanded you wear a government-approved pandemic burka and close down your church. When animalistic hordes burn down America’s cities, they lecture you about the Imago Dei.

And with each and every single important cultural issue, these modern-day Socinians in the Evangelical Industrial Complex inject a lecture to ordinary, church-going Americans and warn that you just don’t love Jesus enough, you just aren’t smart enough, or you just aren’t educated enough to be treated with the civility that they have for literally everyone but you.

Their hardest kicks are reserved for Christians, their lowest blows for the evangelicals that, for whatever God-forsaken reason, still pay their salaries, and their pointiest, most waggy fingers are reserved for who they see as the dumb country bumpkins with American flags in their sanctuaries and who can’t seem to find the gospel themes in whatever gay-drenched movie is currently premiering.

You are ignorant, inbred hillbillies who cling to your muskets and Broadman hymnals, drinking Folger’s Crystals on Sunday morning over your KJV like a bunch of Appalachian, banjo-plucking albinos. They literally loathe you, your children, and everything you hold dear. Race wars? That’s your fault. Gays hate you? That’s your fault. Abortion is rampant? That’s your fault. Climate change? That’s your fault and the fault of the bumpkin from Nazareth you worship, like some kind of Cletus-Jesus with a mullet. Their antipathy for you, dear evangelical, is harsher than anything you have experienced from someone who actually admits being on the left.

This is the point; these people cannot possibly be that wrong that much of the time without being demonic. It’s time that their spirits are exorcised from the church completely. The demons that control Big Evangelicalism™ are more fit for a herd of swine headed toward a cliff than in the bodies of professing Christians.

As non-Socinians, we legitimate evangelicals do not deny the supernatural, and we certainly don’t disregard the demonic. Just as sure as Christ rose from the grave, princely demons in high places still move and shake in this world (Ephesians 6:12), running our institutions and governments and, in some cases, churches and denominations. Just as sure as the Holy Spirit inhabits the body of believers, evil spirits can and do inhabit the body of unbelievers (Matthew 12:22-29), and they “plunder our house” the same way Jesus described. Those who worship falsely – as do the Socinians – do not worship Christ, but demons (1 Corinthians 10:19-22).

Knowing who these demons control is fairly simple. We’re instructed to test those spirits because they claim to be speaking for God, but are, in fact, saying what the demons want them to say (1 John 4:1-3) because many will be led astray “in the last days” by the teachings of demons (1 Timothy 4:1-2). Oh sure, they claim to believe in God, but so do their demons (James 2:19).

As a case in point, we bring to you Mike Cosper, an anti-fundamentalist, anti-everything-you-stand-for Director of Christianity Today media. Few express loathing contempt for church-going evangelicals like Cosper, and he recently did public relations for Francis Collins, who by all accounts should be repentant in sackcloth and ashes for his crimes against humanity.

Collins, the director of the National Institutes for Health, fancies himself an evangelical and has no shortage of idolaters worshipping his image, also claiming the same. Collins told evangelicals that it was their moral obligation to take an experimental vaccine because Jesus told us “the truth will set us free.”

For the gain of filthy lucre on the part of the pharmaceutical industry, he told us it was our religious duty to put toxins in our children, and for that, a millstone should be placed around his neck (Matthew 18:6). For this, he was praised by Tim Keller (a modern-day “Socinian in a Lab Coat” according to Phil Johnson) as a “modern-day prophet, Daniel” and heralded by the Who’s Who of Big Evangelicalism as a “faith healing minister.”

Collins teamed up with woke Veggie Tales creator and smarmy obfuscator Phil Vischer to teach our children that God didn’t create the world as the Bible says he did. When confronted by Megan Basham regarding his support for the pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ Collins, Russell Moore ran away from her at the airport like a vampire runs from a crucifix, as fast as his little, hairless legs would carry him.

Furthermore, this absolute monster of a human being blamed evangelicals for “killing thousands” by vaccine hesitancy. Collins, more akin to Legion’s host than a vessel of the Holy Spirit, advocates for research conducted on murdered babies (and says God does, too), ever much as wicked as any doctor in Hitler’s Nazi Party. In his spare time, when he’s not celebrating PRIDE, Collins dropped 8 million for an app designed for homosexual male children to report their sexscapades. The man embraces references to pregnant women as “pregnant people,” refusing to call such an unscientific term unscientific.

So what did Cosper do? He interviewed Collins glowingly, affirming him as a Christian brother, ignoring all of his actual crimes against the American people and humanity at large, and ran public relations interference.

One wonders what in the devil’s hell of a community includes both Francis Collins and the rest of us. We know nothing about this community except that it has nothing to do with Christ. It is, in fact, anti-Christian to its very core.

There was lots of outrage on that thread, and most of it was from Christians who seemed angered that Cosper could be so clueless. Did he not know that Collins blamed us for killing people because we were hesitant to take a drug that – does, in fact – kill people? Did he not know Collins is rabidly pro-abortion? Did he not know Collins is rabidly pro-queer? Did he not know that Collins funds the murder of infants and advocates for carving them up like science projects? Did he not know that Collins manipulated the Scripture to shame us, attack us, and blame us for crimes that he, himself, committed?

Of course, Cosper knows. And that man is possessed with a pestering demon.

We really need not overthink this. There is no lapse of judgment, no temporary insanity, and no consideration of alternative points of view. It is not complicated. Demons enjoy – for their own kicks and grins – pestering, bothering, and gas-lighting Christians. It makes us angry. It distracts us. It works us up into a frenzy, as you can see in the responses to that post.

Please rest assured your comments don’t bother Cosper. They elate him. Whatever demon possesses his body, whatever princes of the earth and powers of high places control Christianity Today, are tickled pink by the reactions of genuine Christians who are perplexed, confused, and angered. Creating division and fostering strife is what they do, and for men like Cosper, it brings orgasmic excitement. Demons don’t sleep, and so they aren’t losing any over our angry responses. They do, however, enjoy seeing us perplexed and pestered by such perversions of the truth.

The response to men like Cosper should be the same as any demoniac who dares try to afflict the House of God. He should be rebuked and exiled away from the church, pronounced as demon-possessed, and handed over completely to Satan. If his demon were to be exorcised, it would only come back seven-strong to a clean house (Matthew 12:43-45). Like a gnat or any other kind of flying pest, Cosper and the demoniacs like him – Russell Moore, David French, Phil Vischer, Brent Leatherwood, Francis Collins, et al. – should be swatted like the buzzing, biting insects that they are. And that swat should come by the power of Jesus’ name.

There are two options for considering men like Cosper. The first is that he is – by coincidence – wrong on almost every single issue, consistently accuses the brethren of the devil’s schemes, and gives support for genocidal maniacs like Collins. The other option is that he is, quite literally, demon-possessed or – at the very least – works for demons as his taskmaster.

As evangelicals, we do not find supernatural claims of demon possession or demonic influence to be fanciful; Socinians like Cosper do. Reality would dictate that someone so consistently doing the devil’s bidding has the devil abide in him.

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4 thoughts on “Mike Cosper and the Pestering Demons Of Our Present Age

  1. Yes, this is The War From Hell, with literal “doctrines of demons” (1 Tim 4:1-2). And a growing number of people have a completely inverted reality (Is 5:20), and who claim Christ, but have values and beliefs that are no different than the enemies of Christ (1 Jn 4:5-6; Jas 4:4).

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