Rare Video of Bethel Church’s Infamous ‘Honey Barrel’ Unearthed

The 10,000-member Bethel Church in Redding, California, is an assortment of false teaching and bizarre charismatic shenanigans. From ‘Little God theology,’ using prophetic Uno cards, going on satanic treasure hunts, teaching that Adam created the animals in Eden, that Michael the Archangel wears tights, and that angels sit around the throne of God having “farting contests,” it’s a hotbed of strange fire burning uncontrollably throughout Christendom. (see endnotes.)
Yet what many people may not know about Bethel church is that along with their more notorious claims of gold dust falling from “glory clouds in the ceiling” and gold teeth being spontaneously filled, they have a ‘Honey Barrel’ that they bust out on occasion when they really want to get things popping.
What is a “Honey Barrel?”
The “Honey Barrel” is a real barrel painted like the barrels in Winnie the Pooh, on account that the pastor who owns it really loved Winnie the Pooh and honey.

One day, someone suggested they bring the barrel to the church meeting because of the biblical references to honey; from the reference to the promised land flowing with milk and honey to Ezekiel eating the scroll from the Lord that tasted as sweet as honey, to Psalms 81 speaking of the Lord satisfying his people with honey, all which appealed to the Bethel ethos.
As a prophetic prop, primarily during worship, people either dunk their heads in the barrel and come out filled with the spirit/ overcome with the glory of God/ drunk in the spirit, or their friends would walk them over to it and “dip” their head in, which results in an instant burst of laughter and mad cackling, followed by a rolling around on the ground with eyes rolled to the back of the head.

Think of it as a spiritual mead that no other church on earth would likely dare to imbibe or bring about.
Reportedly, many visitors found it incredibly distracting. As a result, its appearance is now very, very rare, with a newly unearthed video of the “Honey Barrel” recently discovered deep in the heart of an Imgur folder. Possessing only 126 views, it is primed for primetime, showing the lengths Bethel Church will go to make up wholly unique spiritual practices for their own strange benefit.
In this instance, they are “splashing” and covering everyone in the room with the glory honey, so that they may be ever more “filled.”
For more on Bethel:
Bill Johnson: Students Cannot Graduate from BSSM Until They Give 3 FALSE Prophecies
Bethel Pastrix: ‘Jesus Laid in that Bed with Me and Started to Play with my Hair’
Bethel Chief Prophet says God made Adam ‘Male’ AND ‘Female’ + Adam ‘co-created Eve’
Bethel Church Has a ‘Lab’ Where they Apply Scientific Methods to The Prophetic + People. Only $2750!
Weird Alert! Bethel Pastor Invites Church to Perform ‘Prophetic Act’ and ‘Wallow’ Like A Pig
Bethel Church Offers Courses on Interpreting Dreams for $150
Wow, our church is so lacking…
And supposedly intelligent people will sit through and raise Jesus for this foolishness? One thing the Holy Spirit will never do is make a fool out of you.