Brent Leatherwood and ERLC Regurgitate Democrat Talking Points on Biden’s Exit

Reinforcing the ideological alignment between the ERLC and the blue-haired harpies running the Democrat’s war room, Brent Leatherwood, President of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Commission, has shared his thoughts on Joe Biden’s dropping out of the race, and they are perfectly on brand.

Commenting on the exit, Leatherwood insists “We should all express our appreciation that President Biden has put the needs of the nation above his personal ambition. Despite what some partisans will say, to walk away from power is a selfless act – the kind that has become all too rare in our culture.”

It’s an obscene, dishonest statement, both for how little it reflects anything resembling the truth of Biden’s predicament, as well as how little respect Leatherwood has for himself and his readers. (See Endnotes)

Rather than give the straight dope, Leatherwood is regurgitating frothy talking points fresh from the DNC’s stinkin’ gullet and telling you it’s a 5-course meal of truth and integrity. Put another way, he’s urinating on your head and telling you it’s raining.

Biden is dropping out because he made the miscalculation of revealing to the world how senile and decrepit he’s been for years. He bumbled through the debate in a manner that Democrats and their ally reporters weren’t able to hide, conceal, or cover-up, resulting in historically low favorability numbers within his own party and a surging increase in the fortunes of Donald Trump. Every poll put the exclamation point on the fact that if Biden goes up against the former President in November, his party will be crushed and decimated, much to the dismay of Leatherwood and the hangers-on at the ERLC.

It’s not selfless; it’s cynical and self-serving, and Leatherwood should know better.

Although, to be fair, there is a real possibility, nay near certainty, that Leatherwood and his crony ERLC organization have been so deeply embedded within Democrat spaces, so intrinsically linked and locked in with leftist personalities, so immersed in progressive echo chambers and so mind-melded with whatever familiars and spirits that have been going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it, that he likely genuinely believes Biden’s motives were genuinely unforced and purely altruistic.

After all, in another article about it, Leatherwood states that there have only been “weeks” of concern about Biden’s mental acumen, suggesting he’s responding to the faux shock of the mainstream media following revelations from the disastrous debate performance, despite Republicans have been saying this living corpse of a seasoned citizen has been barely sentient for years.

While Leatherwood having Wormwoodian conversations is a possibility, it’s more than likely true that this is simply a case of the ERLC president engaging in ‘magical thinking’ while asking “who you going to believe, us, or your own lying eyes?”

For more on Leatherwood and the ERLC

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Op-Ed: The Amicus Brief Filed by Abortion Abolitionists Shows the Failure of the One Filed by the ERLC
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Southern Baptist Convention ERLC Head Brent Leatherwood Lobbies Tennessee Court to Bury Transgender School Shooter’s Manifesto
Breaking! The ERLC Has Again Succeeded in Blocking Legislation To Abolish Abortion- This Time In Missouri
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4 thoughts on “Brent Leatherwood and ERLC Regurgitate Democrat Talking Points on Biden’s Exit

  1. For Biden’s act to be viewed as selfless, he would have had to step down two or three years ago, when his cognitive function first began to endanger the lives of Americans. Instead, Biden held on as long as he could, not only endangering relationships with other countries, but embarrassing himself and our nation in the eyes of the watching world. Everyone could see that our president was, and still is, unable to function in this office.

    He did not willingly let go of his power. He held onto it as long as he possibly could. When his close friends and family members intervened, he finally did what had to be done. Chillingly, he apparently still intends to run the free world for the next six months. (Or perhaps whoever has been doing so will simply continue in their role.)

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