Motion To Abolish the Excretable ERLC Fails at SBC Annual Convention

A motion to abolish the ERLC at the 2024 Southern Baptist Convention has failed.
During the convention, Tom Ascol, President of Founders Ministries and senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, FL, brought forth the motion arguing that the truly awful, useless and reprehensible ERLC, formerly led by Russel Moore and now by the excretable Brent Leatherwood, should be defunded and written off, noting that “The last eight years, the ERLC has become increasingly distant from the values and concerns of the churches that finance it.”
Highlighting their financial mismanagement, wokeness, and opposition to true abortion abolition bills, such as when Leatherwood and the ERLC had a direct hand in killing the abortion ban in Louisiana, Ascol stated, “Many of us have plead with the ERLC to work for legislation that grants pre-born children equal protection under the law, but they refused to do so” and that “it’s time for us to call the ERLC to become accountable to the churches that pay for it.”
Sadly, it was not to be.
For more on Leatherwood and the ERLC
Brent Leatherwood Elected ERLC President, Hates Abortion Abolition as Much as the Last Guy
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Excretable is the perfect word to describe Brent and his ilk