Mormon Radio Show Torches Protestia For Criticizing Jason Whitlock, LDS Glenn Beck + ‘Religious bigotry is alive and well’

A Mormon Radio show is hot under the collar after we criticized Jason Whitlock for inviting Glenn Beck to his recent Christian-themed and Christian-advertised conference, insisting that we are unsaved religious bigots for denying Mormons “Christian” status.

Ward Radio (formerly Midnight Mormon) is a “variety talk show that covers all things tangential to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Hosted by Cardon Ellis and his wife Brittany, along with Kwaku El and Brad Witbeck, it “covers all aspects of the Church, including culture, doctrine, and yes… debunking the latest anti-Mormon attacks against the church with lots of fun facts and humor.”

Some recent episodes include “Did Joseph Smith REALLY practice Polygamy,” “How the LDS Church is combating the Plague of Soy-Bois, and one caught our attention We’ve Allowed Religious Bigotry from Christians Long Enough… (Glenn Beck vs. Protestia)

In the episode, Ellis and his co-host rake us over the coals for our stand against Christians and Mormons joining hands for these types of events. Going on the offensive, they suggest we’re the ones who aren’t Christians for this position and praise Whitlock for standing with Beck. 

Religious bigotry is alive and well in the United States of America and the way mainline Protestant Christians speak about Mormons is an absolute evidence of this…

I really think there just needs to be a protocol in which we engage with this type of so-called “Christian” where we no longer just tuck our tails between our legs and walk away and say “oh they won’t invite us to the party,” but we challenge the Christians and say “No! you are not a Christian. And the reason why you’re not a Christian right now is because you are not doctrinally omitting us for any good reason from the body of Christ, you’re not defending any Scripture, you’re not defending Jesus Christ himself, and your arguments have nothing to do with Jesus but all with the man-made creeds.”

More examples of why Beck should not be invited.

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6 thoughts on “Mormon Radio Show Torches Protestia For Criticizing Jason Whitlock, LDS Glenn Beck + ‘Religious bigotry is alive and well’

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  3. Congratulations Protestia, you got what you wanted. Someone finally acknowledged that you exist and gave you a few moments of relevance. When was the last time that happened? Wasn’t it when your founder exposed himself as a psychotic narcissistic drug addict who choked his wife and child? Anyways, good job! At this rate you might one day get more exposure than David Morrill’s atrocious music on Spotify. Maybe.

  4. “We’ve Allowed Religious Bigotry from Christians Long Enough…”

    Remember the good ol’ days (about 20+ years ago) when, for almost 200 years, Mormons openly believed and declared that all Christian churches and doctrine were “an abomination” to God? And why did they believe this? Because that is their founder/Prophet taught (and that he was told this by God and/or Moroni).

    But NOW they play the victim card, all while demanding that we are all Christians? What, exactly, changed? Can any Mormon explain this?

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