‘The Stripper’s Guide to Looking Great Naked?’ Logos Bible Software Platforms Hundreds of Erotic Books Despite ‘Updated’ Screening Process

Logos Bible Software continues to sell hundreds of erotic and pornographic books on its platform despite promising that such titles would be “rare” and that their “filters as well as our manual processes” would “prevent illicit titles from being added to our platform.”

Earlier this year, we broke the story that the preeminent Bible software company was selling thousands of erotic and pornographic books, failing to act on complaints when it was first brought to them. 

After a volley of public outcry and pressure (where the company lied, distorted, and engaged in revisionist history), Vice President of Content Products Matt Bennett shared an update on page six of a private message board where a couple dozen people would read it, assuring users that they would take care of it because “we know our existing workflow failed at keeping illicit titles off the Logos platform, so we’re rebuilding our process to better vet and filter content.”

He provided an update a month later, sharing the great strides they have taken:

We have checked, tested, and verified our filters as well as our manual processes are working properly from now on to prevent illicit titles from being added to our platform. We have also completed automated and manual reviews of questionable content that’s currently available on the platform, removing all the inappropriate books we’ve found. From here on, we are confident that our processes will correctly identify and remove content that doesn’t adhere to our Distribution Philosophy

Thank you for your patience as we have worked to fix our content filtering and review processes. While we can’t guarantee another illicit title won’t end up on the Logos platform, we feel certain it will be rare.

Our team remains committed to regularly checking our filters and to reviewing and responding to each email that comes through titlereview@logos.com. Please keep sending us anything you come across.

Their confidence in their abilities is entirely misplaced, as we were able to identify hundreds of erotic and pornographic books on their platform in just a few short minutes, demonstrating their systems are still broken, that they are not taking this seriously enough, and that they have not learned their lesson from last time. A few of the titles we found within 5 minutes of searching:

While Logos has been reasonably quick to remove books once they are alerted and given a direct link to the offending sexual content, they have failed to go on the offense and proactively cull christ-hating content from their platform, despite insisting this type of content now being rare and having systems in place to stop it.

We reached out to Logos several times for comment but they have declined to respond.

Wayback machine links, showing timestamps of content at time of publication.







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5 thoughts on “‘The Stripper’s Guide to Looking Great Naked?’ Logos Bible Software Platforms Hundreds of Erotic Books Despite ‘Updated’ Screening Process

  1. Right, at this point they don’t have an excuse. They’re a software company. They have the skills.

    And that’s probably part of the problem. Programmers can get prideful, have a habit of always looking for an automated software solution, relying on it too much, etc. In school, we had this drilled into our brains time and again, with stories of the Therac 25, failed missions to Mars because some Fortran programmer put a colon where a semi-colon was supposed to go, the failed baggage handling boondoggle at the Chicago airport, on and on.

    What they need is a manual approval process, with software support. And it would be a good idea to follow the Biblical mandate for 2 or 3 witnesses. Require three people to manually approve each and every publisher, author, individual title, and anything else applicable, such that there are multiple levels. Add full text search tools, with words and phrases to flag. Include an activity log, recording the users who made the approvals or disapprovals, when they did so, why, and other pertinent information. Then use that information to periodically do further management. In the case of an author, one strike is enough to disallow that author. In the case of a publisher, establish a three-strike rule or something.

    There’s a ton of stuff they could do. Reading through their Distribution Philosophy, I see some problems with that policy also.

    It’s difficult to say they’re being dishonest, or are up to no good, when they are quick to remove the titles. You wonder whether or not they’re just doing it because they got caught, as they’ve had plenty of time since the problem was first discovered, to properly and completely address it.

    Checking the titles in the article here, it appears all have been removed except the “Naughty Cakes” book, which means they probably did it earlier this morning.

    I’ve posted these thoughts in case anyone might’ve misunderstood my post on the previous article. I’m in agreement with Protestia on this. There’s no other conclusion at this point. They are out of excuses.

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  2. Protestia, thanks for staying on top of this story. I think the only remaining question is if these listings are a feature or a bug.

  3. Since I started weighing in on this, and since they still haven’t removed the “Naughty Cakes” title, I’m going to add a couple of more thoughts. I’d say the fact that they deleted all but that one, in response to Protestia calling it out, pretty much exposes the problem. It’s not a systems problem. It’s a people problem. And the problem is that they are not spiritually equipped for the job. They do not have enough knowledge of scripture.

    Here’s two serious and obvious problems with it …

    A) it’s the sin of sensuality

    B) use of the word “naughty” can only mean one of two things. Either it’s advocating for sexual immorality, or it is saying that there is something naughty or wrong about sexual relations between husband and wife, according to God’s design. Which makes it sinful in either case.

    They’ve had time to remove that title. They’ve been made aware of it. They deleted all but that one. And that tells me they made a deliberate, conscious decision to not remove it.

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