Money Grubber Rod Parsley ‘Binds’ Austism, Aspergers and OCD’ in Favored Grift

Rod Parsley is the impastor of World Harvest Church and a noted Word/ Faith televangelist. A NAR heretic who never met a bible verse he couldn’t twist, he is known for his constant money-grubbing, constantly cajoling the masses by promising that anyone who sows a seed into his ministry will receive miracles and megabucks.
We last wrote about him in our posts: Rod Parsley’s NAR Network Will Ordain Anyone for $100 and ‘Ongoing Monthly Tithes,’ and Money Grubber Rod Parsley Claims Jesus Never Said’ My God Why Have You Forsaken Me’ On Cross.
In a recent message, he walked where many have gone before him, twisting Matthean verses on “binding and loosing” to seemingly ascribe demonic spirits to a raft of neurological disorders “bind(ing) every autism spectrum disorder” as well as ADD, Aspergers, “autism symptoms, conditions or behaviors,” OCD, Echolalia, etc, so they achieve “complete neuro normalcy” in the name of Jesus Christ.”
Make no mistake: Christ can heal and cure physical and maladies, but not through whatever binding and twisting he’s referring to, and He certainly does not use a con-man to do so.
Notably, Parsley has a son who was diagnosed with Aspergers and autism spectrum disorder at the age of three. He claims the doctor told him there was “no treatment, no cure, and no hope” and that he would never go to school, be in a relationship, never know his parents, probably never communicate, be non-verbal, and never play sports.
Parsley says after he heard the diagnoses, he and his wife sowed a massive financial seed offering, and as a result of their faithfulness (and though unsaid, years in therapy and special education), their son was eventually able to overcome most of those things, even though he still clearly is on the spectrum.
Because he is who is he, Parsley has used the healing of his son over the years as “seed-bait,” with the Pocono Record recounting a healing service Parsley had in 2001:
“Parsley then told (the audience) a story about his son, who he said couldn’t read and had trouble using the toilet in the past.
Parsley said that he then began to give his belongings away, including his alligator shoes, suit coat and belt. While in this phase of giving, Parsley said his son began “reading on a university level while in third grade” and “didn’t have to wear an adult diaper anymore.”
…”God wants us to give,” said Parsley. “Who needs an envelope?” he asked. “The only reason you don’t need an envelope is if you have a check.”
Parsley then polled the audience to see how much they would give.
“Stand up if you’ve given $100 or more,” he said. “Fifty dollars or more, stand up. I gotta know what kind of company I’m meeting with tonight.”
Thanks, Rod, I noticed my OCD suddenly disappeared the other day. I thought it was the tequila, but now realize it was your God-like power to talk stuff into and out of existence : )
They might make the process more streamlined if they had the attendees pre-screened for credit worthiness as they entered. They could then issue colored bracelets that are coded to their credit score.
They could then have separate lines for healing based upon your ability to sow. Maybe separate seating would be helpful too 😏
Years ago I despised these false teachers but as time goes by I realize these hucksters are just tickling ears. They wouldn’t do it if there was no market for this.