Megachurch Performs The Weeknd – Blinding Lights For Palm Sunday Service

Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, led by David Hughes, is the embodiment of instituting worldly entertainment in the pathetic hope of catching the attention of wayward goatlings and luring them into staying.
Known for their extravagant attempts to keep their members entertained, in the past few months alone, they played a cover of Run D.M.C’s sleazy and sexual song Walk this Way in church, performed Kendrick Lamar’s N95, only cleaned up and sanitized for church audiences, removing the curse words and racial epitaphs for a sermon illustration, put on a Willy Wonka Christmas worship service’ put on crazy ‘Baby Shark’ mashup during service, replete with smoke and canons! and put on an Addams family themed service.
During their Palm Sunday service, the “hyper creative church” put on a performance of The Weeknd’s Blinding Lights song, tying it in to Matthew 5:14 where Jesus said the church should be “the light of the world.”
Yeah, nothing screams reverence for Almighty God like a bloated, loud, and poorly performed takeoff of a secular pop song…
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