Benny Hinn Is Up to His Old Tricks Again, Knocking Down Whole Crowds in 2024 Crusade

Benny Hinn, the arch-heretic who supposedly ‘repented’ years ago of engaging in money-grubbing machinations and performance theater, was up to his old tricks a mere week ago, knocking down mass swaths of crowds while tottering around the stage like a glitching Roomba, slapping down anyone within his reach.
We last wrote about this Dr. Michael Brown-endorsed prosperity-gospel heretic after he offered invitations to his birthday party for $5000 a person, released a ‘major prophecy’ two weeks before Hama’s attack on Israel where he claimed God told that Israel would soon make peace with Saudi Arabia and then Palestine, and then cajoled a conference crowd with some of the most blatant and dishonest manipulations we’ve ever seen.
Speaking at a March 17, 2024, crusade in Kenya, Hinn concluded the event with his rigamarole made famous decades ago. He spent at least half an hour unsuccessfully getting the band to cooperate with the right music tempo, encouraging his audience to hold hands so they’ll all fall together, and engaging in the charismatic darks most unconvincingly.
In particular, he targeted hundreds of people behind him, priming them up so they’d all fall, giving his ego the demonic boost it needed.
Kundalini spirit in action. Who can forget Hinn claiming at one point that he was often frightened by the power that emanated from him during these mass ‘healings?’ Scary stuff.
I prefer Benny Hill to Benny Hinn.
You are a man of uncommon taste 😏