Gross Man-Worship! Guest Preacher at The Potters House says T.D. Jakes is the ‘Gate Called Beautiful’ in Acts 3

Like a pot-bellied pig chortling with glee, T.D. Jakes was having the time of his life after a guest preacher at The Potter’s house praised him in god-like terms, eating it all up.
We’ve recently written about Jakes when we noted how he disgraces his wife with his twerking comments, joined Joel Osteen for a conference where tickets cost $1000.00, and is known to wear insanely expensive designer shoes, clothes and watches that cost more than many of his congregants make in a year. He puzzled us recently after preaching his weirdest sermon, featuring self-hugs and affirmations, after he said Holy Spirit is the ‘semen’ and ‘sperm’ of God
Jakes, who has continued to be platformed and lauded by those at the Christian Post and Charisma News, along with the usual suspects like Steven Furtick, Priscilla Shirer, Tim Ross, Judah Smith, has gone on record saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. Even now, his church website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
In fact, he denied the Trinity in a sermon just a few months ago.
In a recent sermon, Dr. Joel Tudman preached on Acts 3, where Peter healed the lame beggar who was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful. Rather than making it about the beggar’s faith and being healed in the name of Jesus, Tudman takes a different approach, comparing himself to the beggar and the gate called Beautiful to T.D Jakes, whom he heaps with idolatrous esteem and god-like deference.
Rather than see this for the pathetic narcigesis it is, the audience ate it up as much as Jakes did, unable to discern a loaf of bread from a lump of bovine scat.

To quote Phil Johnson, “Jakes is..”
“A self-styled “bishop”—notorious for his love of money, who teaches a false prosperity gospel, who freely shills for every aberration on TBN, who was ordained in a Sabellian denomination, who has been confronted repeatedly about his anti-trinitarianism, who refuses to renounce modalism, who declines to embrace any standard expression of Trinitarian conviction, and who (on top of all that) is unclear on practically every doctrine germane to the gospel—such a figure should not be warmly welcomed into evangelical circles and given the platform at an evangelical conference as if we’re confident that he is a solid brother with good intentions.”
This is what happens when people worship man and not God. Plus, why focus on the gate in that passage? The passage has nothing to do with the gate, but everything to do with the miracle that he received.
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