Jory Micah Says She No Longer Believes The ‘Official Holocaust Story’+ Still REALLY Hates ‘Zionists’

Poland. Children who has lived to be liberated by the Red Army from the Auschwitz concentration camp on January 27, 1945. The camp was located 60 km to the west of the city of Oswiecim, hence the second [Polish] name. Operated by the Third Reich in 1940-1945. it is considered the largest and the longest-serving Nazi death camp where more than 1,000,000 people were killed during the Second World War. TASS (Photo by TASS via Getty Images)
Jory Micah is continuing her devolution into total anarchy and insanity, giving the world a living, breathing emblem of what it means to be wholly without the mind of Christ, despite her frequently-touted Master of Arts in Christian Doctrine and History.
When she’s not claiming white folk adopt black babies so they can ‘enslave’ & ‘abuse’ them, claiming she’s part of Antifa while spewing vitriol for police, or getting charged with aggravated assault for biting a police officer’s hand during her many public intoxication arrests, or reinventing herself as a Hamas-defending, Israel-hating conspiracy theorist, she’s denying the Holocaust, or at least, the “official Holocaust story.”

After being community noted on a post seen 2.5 million times, Micah apologized for seeming like she was denying it altogether, all the while insisting that she’s right to question the “official narrative”

And lest there be any doubt, she still regurgitating Hamas talking points

what’s your message here? because you didn’t state one. is your message that she.s crazy for questioning official narratives?
or is your message that we should always believe the party line, in spite of the evidence?
should christians speak truth and facts?
or be afraid of certain groups and be afraid to question inconsistenties?
Not asking you to declare specifics publicly. asking for a general answer.
It doesn’t matter if Christians should speak truth and facts because according to Genesis 12:3, they should bless Israel period.
If you want blessing the secret is not sending Kenneth Copeland “seed money”, it’s not mustering up “faith” so you can “name it and claim it”. The TRUE source of Christian blessing is in blessing the modern nation state of Israel. Every single nation that has risen up against Israel has fallen, every other nation in the Bible has gone by the wayside. Look around, do you see any Canaanites? do you see any Egyptians? do you see any Greeks? NO! because only Israel is blessed by God.
Christ and His church will be facing a great deal of persecution because of people like George Soros, Klaus Schwab pushing their radical leftist Marxist agenda which lets Muslims, yes MUSLIMS into our countries, THEY are the REAL enemies of the freedom and Christians. Regardless of the mounting persecution, we Christians should take great comfort in the fact that God has not abandoned Israel and will fulfill His promises to give them the land He promised to Abraham and his (physical) descendants.
a sadly deluded retort. shame.
The fact this miserably clueless individual dares to wrap herself in Christianity is beyond repugnant. Her own words condemn her as a child of Satan. The fact she hates the victims of this bloodbath and supports the godless homicidal maniacs that perpetrated it is sickening.
repent or perish says:
“she’s a child of satan.”
“she hates the victims.”
K. Feel free to explain how Jory saying “they lied to us about WWII” equals your claims. Go ahead. You dont make her wrong by going completely, unbiblically, over the top. If you dont reply with calm evidence, you’re a troll or a bot.