Police Threaten to Arrest Street Preachers Over ‘Hate Crime’ of Preaching Gospel

The UK continues to blossom into a hunting ground for tyrants, with law enforcement enforcing draconian laws designed to curtail free speech and, in some cases, freedom of thought.
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Last week, two street preachers were confronted by several Metropolitan Police officers after a member of the public called in and accused them of hate crimes in the form of racism and homophobia, which caused them alarm and distress. A 10 minute encounter was uploaded by Contagious Christian, but clipped by us below. According to PCN:
One of the Met officers can be heard telling the preacher: “Currently there’s allegations of a hate crime, a public order offence, Section 4a [and] allegations of homophobia….I’ve not heard anything, I’m not saying I’ve heard anything. Someone’s called us. It might be completely untrue or true.
The street preacher insisted he wasn’t saying anything hateful, and recounted what he’d been speaking about:
So we’ve been preaching about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible says in the book of John, chapter three, verse 16, that For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only begotten son, that whosoever, that is any person, doesn’t matter if they’re black, homosexual, drunken, liar, thief, prostitute, whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
“For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but he sent his son into the world that all can be saved. And that is the message of the gospel. That’s what I’ve been preaching”.
Officers informed the preacher that he needed his name for their report because otherwise, if they didn’t get it, they would have “failed a potential victim” in the event they wanted to press charges.
After being threatened with arrest if they didn’t identify themselves, they complied.
So the story is that no one was arrested? David Morrill must need more ad revenue for Propecia.