Gavin Ortlund Denies Worldwide Flood, Young Earth Creation

Months after announcing that he was leaving the pastorate to become a full-time theology YouTuber, TGC contributor Gavin Ortlund has demonstrated why this endeavor is such a net loss for Christianity, recently arguing that the flood in Genesis was not worldwide, as the scripture says, but small and localized.

We last wrote about Ortlund after he argued that pro-LGBTQ Xtians and universalists are still in the faith, after he insisted that Jesus’s mother Mary is the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ and that the earth is billions of years old, denying young earth creationism. 

With a propensity to challenge Biblical teaching with false teaching in the form of whataboutism that redirects questions about Biblical interpretation to external sources, his content always veers to the left.

Smash Baals succinctly summarized the problems with Ortlund’s thesis, writing

Ortlund later responded to the immense pushback he received on X, writing; “Projecting bad motives or calling me a liberal without argumentation is unproductive. Even if true, nothing good comes from it. It advances the kingdom of God 0%.”

The good is that he gets exposed for his progressive pathologies, which is a worthy endeavor any day.

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5 thoughts on “Gavin Ortlund Denies Worldwide Flood, Young Earth Creation

  1. And… why take birds on the Ark if it’s a local flood? They would just fly out of the flood zone. The localized flood theory demonstrates a basic misunderstanding of the flood narrative.

  2. I am shocked…SHOCKED…that he is more liberal/Woke-ish than we are led to believe by undiscerning pastors and leaders. Shocked!

  3. “It advances the kingdom of God 0%”

    And spreading falsehoods about the Bible is advancing the Kingdom ?

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