#BigEva Elites Lament White Christians Voting For Trump in Iowa Caucus

The usual coterie of progressive exvangelicals and bedfellow #bigeva gatekeepers are tut-tutting their heads in disappointment today, lamenting the Iowa caucus results that saw 55% of white born-again Christians voting for Trump, compared to only 23% of support for DeSantis and 12% for Nikki Haley.

Their cackling and keening are hardly surprising, as even if the former president received a minority of votes, they would still clutch their pearls and breathlessly bemoan that “even after everything, a whole 20% of white Christians support this monster.”
Not only that, but they’re complaining about an election that they never even voted in. None of these folks are Republicans, so let’s not pretend they ‘did their part’ by driving down to the election booth and dropping a ballot for Trump’s opponents.
Furthermore, even if Trump were out of the race and not running for reelection, they would be leveling the same attacks on Ron DeSantis, accusing him of transphobia and racism and questioning the faith of any believer who would dare for him.
Of course, accusations of “they genuinely like him, they support his words and actions” only go one way, as even the most shameless versions of Russell Moore and David French would balk at the suggestion that by voting for Biden, they are supporting all his legislative and personal proclivities.
The Democrats are the party of open borders, supporting Hamas terrorists, transgendering the children, erasing gender differences, entrenching gay adoption, and making abortion a national pastime, so forgive evangelicals if they feel Donald Trump, who is beating Joe Biden in every available poll, is the best person and in the best position to defeat that machine.
The only way you can win with these people is to not play their game and to take away their own ball every chance you get.

These “Big Eva Elites” are right for all the wrong reasons.
All I’ll say is if Trump is the answer, it was a stupid question.