Chicago Priest Officiates Pseudo-Lesbian Wedding, With Vows and Blessings

Pope Francis’s decision to allow Roman Catholic priests to bless the unions of gay couples continues to sow discord and confusion, with a prime example being the recent actions by Fr. Joseph S. Williams, CM, the leader of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Chicago, Illinois.
While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, asking pagans to send him ‘good vibes,’ appointing a notorious pro-LGBTQ priest to a major post, and releasing an outrageously blasphemous statement.
In the video, Kellie Beard, a United methodist pastrix, and Myah Knight, a therapist and self-described “QTBIPOC”. (Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous People of Color) can be seen receiving the blessing, with Beard explaining:
“Myah always wanted to get married at the chapel of her Alma mater, so I surprised her with a blessing of our marriage! 🏳️🌈 💗 🏳️🌈 Thanks, Fr. Joe for your open heart and willing spirit! 🙏🏻 #catholicblessings #gaychristians #gaychristianstories #samesexwedding #samesexmarriage #loveislove 🌈 #lovealwayswins“
[Rev. Williams:] Kelli and Myah, do you freely recommit yourselves to love each other as holy spouses and to live in peace and harmony together forever?
[Beard:] We do. I do.
[Knight:] We do. I do.
[Rev. Williams:] Loving God, increase and consecrate the love which Kelli and Myah have for one another. The rings that they have exchanged are the sign of their fidelity and commitment. May they continue to prosper in your grace and blessing. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
[Beard:] Amen.
[Knight:] Amen.
[Rev. Williams:] May God’s blessing be yours: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Novus Ordo Watch, who broke the story, rightly frames how outrageous this is:
What we have here is a (putative) Catholic priest officiating an exchange of vows aimed at validating and celebrating unnatural affection and the depraved sexual practices that are associated with it. The phrase “holy spouses” implies that there exists between the two women a marital bond, which obviously is false and deeply offensive to God. The presbyter then dares to ask God to “increase and consecrate” that which in Divine Revelation is condemned in no uncertain terms as an abomination. Further, the Irreverend celebrates as “fidelity and commitment” the two lesbians’ firm attachment to mortal sin that cries to heaven for vengeance, and then he implies that this is a matter of “grace and blessing” in which he prays they will “continue to prosper”! Lastly, the pastor tops it all off by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus to grant this abominable petition!
h/t to Novus Order Watch
Good. Love is love.