Lutheran Denomination Sponsors ‘Beauty of Drag’ Event to Explore ‘Pre-existing Connections Between Church and Drag’

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is a simmering cauldron of blasphemy and mephistophelean angst, where sitting through an entire church service at one of their pagan temples is a foretaste of the hell that awaits them if they don’t repent. Some of the denomination’s greatest hits include:
Woke Church Newsletter Invites Congregants To Help Pay for Abortions and Abortion Pills
Pastrix Says Jesus Called Syrophoenician Woman a ‘B*****’ + “Jesus Screwed Up, She Redeems Him”
Lutheran Pastor Promotes Hookups, Polyamory, and Premarital Sex
Queer ELCA Pastrix Ordained With Drag Queen Nuns While Jennifer Knapp Serenades
The denomination is hosting a month-long series through ‘Abide,’ the ultra-woke small group ministry hosted by ELCA Young Adults and the official outreach arm of the ELCA. Designed for those between the ages of 18 and 35, they are forever cooking up demonic schemes they can deploy in the name of their father the devil. In this case, a session titled Drag and Church between January 5 and 26, 2024.

“Garments, make-up, and glitter — oh my! The multi-faceted art of drag is receiving a lot of attention these days. How does drag relate to church? Might drag experiences be engaged in Christian community? We will explore the beauty of drag, its potential and actualized spiritual power, pre-existing connections between church and drag, and new ways to connect the bible and theology to the art of drag.”
The event is being led by Aaron Musser, a queer seminarian at LSTC, currently on internship in the Chicago suburbs. We featured him about two years ago, after he preached a sermon in drag and made worldwide news.

Sadly, this sort of thing no longer surprises us, as we await what the newest blasphemy coming out of the ELCA will be.
Wretched Pied Pipers of Satan, gleefully leading the spiritually naive/biblically ignorant/wantonly perverse to Hell. Surely these are the last days…
Wretched false teachers and wolves will be abundant in the last days. Like those who abuse prescription drugs, physically assault their wives and children, and embezzle money from their congregation.