‘A Man of God’- Transformation Church Pastor Praises Faith of Bible-Denying, Hell-Denying, Trinity-Denying, Universalist, Unitarian Bishop Carlton Pearson at ‘Celebration of Life’ Service

Transformation Church in Tulsa, OK, hosted a celebration of life for the pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, hell-denying, Trinity-denying,Universality, Unitarian Bishop Carlton Pearson on Friday, with lead pastor Michael Todd praising him as a “man of God” who faithfully lived out the gospel message.
The event drew thousands, with several dignitaries and preachers honoring Pearson for his great faith and love for the Lord, interwoven with music and praise breaks. Todd introduced the event by explaining:
This is a celebration of life. We are going to celebrate the life of Carlton D’Metrius Pearson… (this) man of God that we are celebrating today held a high responsibility on this earth. He was a Bishop.
…What’s happening right now is the Bishop is having the pall put over his casket, which symbolizes he’s been buried with Christ and rising again with him. And today I want to let you know that this man lived this message out…He loved everybody and wanted everybody to love Jesus.
This is about legacy today. If you have been blessed by the legacy of Carlton Pearson, will you give God a shout of praise in this place? His spirit is in the room right now. If he was here, he’d say, ‘I have a feeling that everything is going to be alright.’
Today, we’re going to do our best to honor Bishop in a way that would make him smile from heaven.
Later, after multiple pastors and bishops praised the man, Todd shared his own recollections of being a long-time friend of Pearson whose church he used to attend. Todd revealed that his church wouldn’t have existed without Pearson’s Higher Dimensions church because “we are the offspring of a great man of God.” Todd insists that “as long as we live, his legacy never dies ” and that “it is now on us to pass this on” because “there’s a little of him in every one of us.” He concluded:
“Today, Bishop, I honor you. My children will honor you. This church will always honor you. I know what THEY (his critics) say, but we will always say that you were a great man of God, and we would not be here today if it was not for the life, the legacy, and the faith of Bishop Carlton D’Metrius Pearson. If you love him, will you make some noise in the room right now?
Given his effusive praise of Bishop Pearson, we can longer consider Michael Todd to be a believer, or to have any confidence that he understands the gospel of Jesus Christ or even who Jesus Christ IS.
If Todd can look at a man who denies the exclusivity of Christ, being a universalist who believes everyone will be saved, who denies the Trinity, being a long-time Unitarian minister, who denies the existence of hell, calling it a “monstrous vulgarity,” and who says the bible is not infallible, but rather contains multiple errors, fallacies and false teachings, and still call him a “man of God” who is in heaven, then Todd is utterly and completely lost, because he doesn’t know God at all.
Transformation Church is led by pastor Michael Todd, the fashion-obsessed leader known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service, preaching some good old-fashioned Modalism, and giving the world perhaps the grossest illustration in church after he snorted and then hocked a loogie full of spit and snot into his hand and rubbed it in another man’s face.
He recently had a service where ballet dancers with bare butts danced around the stage and, in a recent sermon, offered a muddled, confused, contradictory, and seeming apology for what God’s word says about homosexuality. Further, one of their pastors justifies his continual cussing by confessing : ‘I have never felt a conviction of the Holy Spirit’, argued on his podcast that belief in the Trinity is a non-essential issue, and that it should NOT be considered cheating if a married man is caught dancing and twerking with another woman.
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