Transformation Church Pastor Justifies His Continual Cussing: ‘I have never felt a conviction of the Holy Spirit’

Church-growth guru and Transformation Church pastor Tim Ross has responded to criticism of him dropping multiple f-bombs and other language on his podcast over the last few months, saying that he’s never once felt convicted about his language and if he feels strong emotion about something, he ‘reserves the right’ to use strong language.
We last wrote about Ross after he said it shouldn’t be considered cheating for a married man to dance sexually, get twerked on, and slap the butt of a half-naked dancer. Then we featured him praising famed Modalist T.D. Jakes while saying a belief in the Trinity is a secondary, non-essential issue and that it’s crazy for Christians to divide over Trinitarian doctrine. He also compared Jesus to a naked stripper that ‘puts bread in my pocket’ and mocked people upset about his bad preaching.
Responding to the recent controversey he offered:
“I reserve the right, when I’m talking about something that I feel strongly about, to use strong language. In my mind it makes sense that when I’m feeling strong emotions, I should use strong language to go with those emotions.
…I have always used strong language in my life, both pre-salvation and post-salvation, and have never felt a conviction of the Holy Spirit. I know some of you are going to have some seizures just off me saying that.
Some of you all have sent me scriptures that you think is talking about strong language and profanity and you couldn’t be further from the truth. So you all can stop sending me Ephesians 4:29 (Ed. Note. Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.) because contextually I know what it means and Paul is not talking about when he says ‘filthy communication’ he is not talking about cuss words.”
Apparently, God’s Word clearly forbidding course language and numerous Scriptural references concerning offending others, teaching qualifications, and proper witness mean nothing to this showboating, narcissistic, worldly individual.
And how stupid and undiscerning are those sitting at this wolf’s feet? An unholy freak show.
This guy is following in the footsteps of Mark Driscoll aka ‘The Cussing Pastor’.
A fool is right in all his ways
Of course he’s never felt the Holy Spirit convict him. You have to have the Holy Spirit inside of you, first. If nothing is there, nothing can convict you.
I did not post the above comment. And it is incorrect. Jesus said the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement. (the world – i.e., unbelievers) He indwells believers, after conviction and after repentance. One does not have to be saved and indwelt by the Holy Spirit in order to be convicted of sin.
I’ve been honoring the agreement not to post as long as the troll quit trolling. I keep my word. No posts using any of my screen names, beyond responses to trolls, are from me.
What I have stated in the past is that lack of conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgement is a strong sign that one is not a born again, spirit filled Christian. And it is. As the scripture says, one who is born of God will not continue in sin. God’s grace is not a license to sin.
But that logic cannot be reversed. The Holy Spirit can and does convict nonbelievers.
Given the fact this site won’t deal with the troll lying and impersonating others… it makes me wonder if the troll is part of this site?
Prove me wrong by dealing with it!
We need some adults in the room.