Openly Queer ‘Christian’ Artist Hits #1 Song on Christian iTunes Charts, Unseating Chris Tomlin

Openly gay ‘Christian’ artist Semler had her new single ‘Faith’ top the Christian iTunes charts on the last day of Pride month, beating out such mainstays as Chris Tomlin, Brandon Lake, Cece Winans, and Phil Wickham to take the number one spot.

Semler (Grace Baldridge) is a newcomer to the Christian music scene, a ‘married’ non-binary lesbian who has been gaining some publicity after her previous profanity-laced album briefly held the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts. Last year she toured with Relient K, the queer-affirming former Christian band, gaining prominence and visibility. She also recently wrote the “world’s gayest worship song” after channeling the hurt of someone who “broke my heart for Jesus.”
Ticking off all the boxes you’d expect to see from a woman with her haircut, last year she raged against the ruling to overrule Roe v Wade, tweeting out a link where people could give to nearly 90 pro-choice abortion funds, then pleaded to be considered for “Best New Artist” at the 53rd annual Dove Awards, an event she ultimately attended.
Though she briefly held the number #1 spot, her song has not gained airplay on Christian stations yet, but with the way things are going, it’s just a matter of time.

Sorry – not Christian. I don’t know what her ‘faith’ is, but she is definitely not Christian as she opposes pretty much everything about Jesus.
Exactly! She’s no more a Christian than a ring-eyed dog, and her rise to the top of the charts is a ruse by her alphabet peers that staged a buyout. Don’t be fooled, folks. Any liar can slap on a label. Look under her TShirt for a more accurate label. “Fruit of the Loon.”
I am making a great compensation from domestic 6580-7065 Dollars/week , which is astonishing beneath a year prior I was jobless in a unpleasant economy. I thank God each day I was favored with these informational and presently it’s my obligation to pay it forward and share it with Everybody,
Here is I started.…………>>
LGBTQ activists would not be above pouring money into making her song #1 just to stick it to Christians.
A tare among the wheat.
This lost person will find out on that day.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
Later the other virgins arrived and said, ‘Lord, lord, open the door for us!’ But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I do not know you.’ Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.…
Faith is knowing Jesus will do exactly what He said He will do.
Such as in Rev. 21 and 22. When He says that He will throw the unrepentant sexually immoral into the lake of fire, be assured He will do exactly what He said He will do.
That’s faith.
Romans 1.
I think she is exactly where she belongs. Contemporary Music is, and has always been, worldly. This ‘music’ was a bridge to the world, so the world came in and the ‘Christians’ loved it.
Surprised? I’m not. Fundamental pastors have been warning this would happen since the 70’s.
This tree has born its fruit.
The younger generation does not posses the discernment to see what is happening here. The lines have long been blurred between that which is holy and that which is profane. Sadly, this whole set up is mainly against our youth. 🙏