Mika Edmondson Says Jesus Turning Water into Wine is a ‘Justice Situation’ + Mary, Not Joseph, Was His Primary Bible Teacher Growing Up

Mika Edmondson is a frequent Gospel Coalition contributor and the lead pastor of the Koinonia campus of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, which is part of the conservative PCA. He is the husband of Christina Edmonson, who is the “scholar in residence” at his church and who is also part of the Truth’s Table podcast- a ‘Christian” talk show which for years she co-hosted with pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ pastrix known for her sermon about the queerness of the Trinity.
We last wrote about Edmondson after he suggested that Jesus’s sermon on the mount was primarily inspired by, if not directly taught by, his mother, Mary.
Now, appearing on a recent episode of the Truth’s Table podcast, he describes Jesus’ turning the water into wine at Cana as a ‘justice situation’ while making the baseless claim that Mary, not Joseph, was Jesus’ primary bible teacher.
Jesus frees men from the ideological bondage of chauvinism and misogyny. And that is actually good news to men. And certainly that is good news to women, absolutely that’s good news to women, but it’s also good news to men, right? For us to be free from the devil’s bondage that would cause us to believe that we are superior to women, right? Because that robs us of wisdom, right?
Because there’s wisdom that God has given women that we as men need to learn. And Jesus exemplifies this, right? His primary Bible teacher growing up was actually his mother. And you see that because Mary’s Magnificat comes out in themes on the Sermon of the Mount.
And when Jesus is going to actually show the very first sign of his public ministry, he does it really in many ways in collaboration with his mother who noticed a situation going on, a justice situation happening of a person, a couple that was without, and a couple that needed some resources.
And Jesus here, he is stepping in in collaboration with his mother. And so Jesus really exemplifies throughout his life our calling as men to submit to the wisdom of wise women.
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What a bunch of tripe. These people are so full of themselves that they have lost all reason with regard to the Scripture. ANYTHING but the Gospel and sound doctrine. Yikes!
People saw with their own eyes Jesus asking his mother for advice about his upcoming Sermon on the Mount in the Chosen series. They have video evidence.
Yes, well, something similar happened in the Chosen 😲🤔
My most recent pay test was for a 12-hour-per-week internet job for 9,500 dollars. For months, my sister’s friend has been making an average of 15,000, and she puts in about 20 hours every week. As soon as I gave it a try, I was shocked at how simple it was
Do this instead———————————>>> https://paycash710.blogspot.com/
Is this your new schtick Rev? Baloney this, baloney that? We already know you’ll sign off on anything unbiblical…it’s a given now.
Well, there it is, the church is extremely blessed to have Mr. Edmondson fix our misunderstanding of the scriptures after, what? 2000 years!
Even the cult leaders of times past wouldn’t have been so blatantly contradicted the Bible. Smh
Where do these hucksters (yeah, I said it) get their idiotic ‘teachings’? Obviously not from the Bible. The American church is getting increasingly sicker.
The two key things here are: he is a part of TGC … AND…he will not receive any pushback or correction from his cohorts.
This clown’s understanding and interpretation of Scripture is through a purely CRT/ BLM lens. He is only capable of creatively misinterpreting the Scriptural accounts of Jesus’ life as if they are nothing more than historical records of interactions to be analyzed and interpreted in light of his false worldview. He is neither mentally, nor spiritually, capable of anything else.
He’s just trying to be hip and trending, huckster indeed. The best thing his congregation could do, besides leave, is to fall asleep during his butchering of the holy scriptures.
So running out of wine is a ‘Justice situation’ ? And his mom had to help out ?
He might be more at home in the RCC than at a Protestant ‘church’
This is what you get from pretending that “diversity” is one of the most important principles of the kingdom of God.