On this episode of Protestia Tonight for May 16th, 2023, we talk about why premillennialism is not “loser theology” despite what is being claimed by social media theologians. In the PT VIP portion, we talk about how to witness to those who believe they are saved but are not.
Sorry, dispensationalist futurism is a relatively recent (turn of the century) fantasy based on seriously flawed exegesis.
That being said, it doesn’t really matter – God’s plan will unfold as He wishes : )
Record Baptists aren’t pre-trib… premillennial and pre-trib are not mutually b exclusive might help if you knew your eschatology before you put your foot in your mouth.
I would never refer to premillennialism (or dispensationalism) as ‘loser theology.’
“Junk theology,” yes : )
People who hold to loser theology always whine like losers when the obvious is pointed out. 😉
Being raptured to heaven while everyone else suffers and dies is “loser theology”? Sounds more like winner theology to me.
Sorry, dispensationalist futurism is a relatively recent (turn of the century) fantasy based on seriously flawed exegesis.
That being said, it doesn’t really matter – God’s plan will unfold as He wishes : )
Dispensationalism is like pre-trib, both are very new and do not make actual sense.
Hard to call yourselves ‘winners’ when you get hoovered out just when things start to get really bad 🤔
Record Baptists aren’t pre-trib… premillennial and pre-trib are not mutually b exclusive might help if you knew your eschatology before you put your foot in your mouth.