Jackie Hill Perry: ‘Heterosexual Fornication is JUST as PERVERTED as Homosexual Sex’

On a recent episode of The Basement with Transformation pastor Tim Ross, Jackie Hill Perry argued that gay sex is just as ‘perverted’ as heterosexual fornication, offering:

“Because let’s be clear, heterosexual fornication is just as perverted as homosexual sex, because that’s not according to God’s original design. You’re not created to give your body to all these different women that you’re not in covenant to. That’s just Genesis 1 and 2. And Ephesians 5.”

Perry has a long history of some saying some Very Bad Things. When you look at her inflammatory track record over the last few years, from reveling in her love of an R-rated, filthy TV show, saying that all white people are racists, that white people only care about black folk in the womb, suggesting that a lake of fire awaits white folk who preach against CRT, renouncing ‘anti-prosperity gospel’ film while embracing woo-woo theology, and saying that nowhere in the bible is it implied that God wants people to be straight, it’s clear she’s deeply compromised.

We ran a poll about this statement a few days ago, and most people agreed that what she was saying was incorrect and biblically untenable, pointing to God’s order and design as a differentiating factor in terms of its perversity and warped unnaturalness.

Farlow, offering a defense that many were making that “sin is sin” (which was not even the claim being made by Perry) would also note:

“All sin is the same in that all sin separates us from God and will send us to hell apart from repentance but the idea that some sins are worse than others both in consequence and in God’s eyes is found throughout scripture….Just look at Leviticus 20 and note the different penalties for different types of sexual sin, and the different penalties for different types of sins in general throughout Leviticus.”

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9 thoughts on “Jackie Hill Perry: ‘Heterosexual Fornication is JUST as PERVERTED as Homosexual Sex’

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  2. Just as perverted? No. But just as much a sin? Yes.

    That may have been what she was intending to say. It’s something I’ve been saying for a while. We don’t blink when couples cohabitate and fornicate, but if someone is gay we are up in arms. Both are an abomination.

  3. This woman continues to show she is morally and intellectually unfit to teach. God help her congregation…

  4. Just as perverted? Can be.

    Both are sin. Both the heterosexual fornicator and the homosexual are in sin and need of salvation.
    The Holy Spirit will sanctify the believer in such a way that both of these sins will be eliminated from the believers life.
    If either of these sins continues to be present in a believer’s life, it is up to the church to enact discipline as the church can no longer testify that this is a true believer.

    As with any sin, both if continued, will progress and move further and further from God. This means the heterosexual fornicator may find themselves in just as much perversion as the homosexual.

  5. The fact that she was on Tim ‘I’ve got bread in my pocket’ Ross’ podcast should alone be reason for alarm.

    And hee’s the same guy that used a stripper in a ‘lesson’ and compared that to Jesus.

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